Tomin in The Alien World



0With the previous lesson, Tang Yin did not dare to fight it head-on, either dodging it with his nimble movements or dodging it with Shadow Shift.    


Using movement skills and Shadow Shift also required stamina and spirit energy, but the monster did not seem to be exhausted. It kept attacking continuously, wave after wave, and after a while, Tang Yin also could not take it anymore. Now he had two choices. He could either enter the cave and run away, or he could stay and kill the monster.    


Escaping was not Tang Yin's personality, and he was not willing to let it go, such a big monster, it was most likely the legendary ancient beast, if he could absorb it, how much would his cultivation increase? But how to suck it out? The skin of the monster was thick and tough. It was not afraid of his Spirit Weapon and Fire of Darkness.    


Seeing the monster rushing towards him tirelessly once again, Tang Yin steeled his heart, and thought to himself that this was just a battle of life and death, and that there was no way he could avoid it. He stood there, pretending to fight against the monster head on. How could the monster be afraid of him? Seeing that he wasn't dodging, the monster charged forward even more ferociously. At the same time, it opened its mouth wide.    




The monster rushed to Tang Yin's side and bit him in the mouth, then it started to chew with all its might. The friction between the teeth did not shatter Tang Yin's body, but pushed his sickle out of his hand, and cried out inwardly. Tang Yin was about to grab him, but the monster suddenly spurted out with a pounce, and sprayed the sickle out.    




The scythe struck the stone wall and fell onto the ground. After losing the support of the owner's spirit energy, the scythe recovered its original form and became two ordinary Scimitar s.    


But for Tang Yin, being unarmed was fatal. He was trying his best to escape from the monster's mouth, but at this moment, the monster raised its head, and swallowed Tang Yin whole into its stomach.    


F * ck! Tang Yin rolled into the stomach of the monster as he cursed in his heart.    


However, there was no oxygen in the monster's stomach, so there was no time for him to curse. Tang Yin's body was pressed tightly against the wall of meat that was covered with the digestive juices, and the moment the juices touched the spirit armor, hissing sounds would come out, it would quickly corrode. If Tang Yin was not able to escape, even if he did not suffocate to death, he would be melted alive by the monster's digestive juices.    


Initially, he thought that since the monster's skin was thick, it would not be afraid of the Fire of Darkness's incineration, but its internal organs would definitely not be able to endure it. Who knew that this time, he would be wrong, when the Fire of Darkness touched the monster's digestive juices, it was as if fire had seen water and was instantly extinguished.    


When he realised that his Fire of Darkness s were still ineffective, Tang Yin's head buzzed. He was really afraid this time, even his Fire of Darkness could not injure the monster's internal organs, so how could he escape? Am I really going to die in this monster's stomach?    


Tang Yin once again used his Spirit Qi to give the spirit armor on his fingers a sharp gleam, and then crazily tore at the surrounding meat walls. However, the toughness of the meat walls was beyond his imagination, and even the claws made from Spirit Armored Materialization could not tear it apart.    


The oxygen in his body was getting less and less, and Tang Yin's physical strength was getting weaker and weaker. Worse of all, his spirit armor had been corroded severely, layer after layer had been dissolved, almost to the point of corroding his flesh.    


Right now, Tang Yin only had one choice, and that was to immediately use the Soul Combustion among the Fire of Darkness s. Only the Soul Combustion could cause damage to monsters, and if he couldn't, he would die in the monster's stomach.    


Life or death was just a thin line between life and death. The desire to live stimulated Tang Yin's will, and made his nerves, muscles, and even his cells tighten.    


With his last bit of strength, he opened his palm and let out a loud roar. Black flames started burning on his palm, and as he continued to roar, the flames started to crack.    


The flame was black, but the heart of the fire was blue. The blue light grew brighter and brighter, blinding and strange.    


Tang Yin did not know what level the Fire of Darkness he released had reached, but this was his last strike at this moment of life or death.    


All the spirit energy in his body was concentrated in the Fire of Darkness on his palm, and then, he fiercely smacked the monster's intestines.    


Hiss ? ? The digestive juice that came in contact with the Fire of Darkness's blue heart instantly evaporated.    




The monster suddenly let out a miserable scream, and the red skin around Tang Yin immediately dimmed, the digestive juices on it disappearing as well.    


In that moment, Tang Yin felt as if he had merged with a monster. He could clearly feel the monster's thoughts, he could even feel the monster's joy, anger and sadness, as well as sense of what the monster had experienced.    


This was the Soul Combustion of the Fire of Darkness.    


He would absorb 100% of the living creature's spirit energy and absorb its soul, bringing it into his body for his own use.    




The gigantic body of the monster shook a few times, then it fell to the ground with a thud. Instantly, the cave descended into silence, as if time had stopped, leaving only the monster's stomach moving up and down.    


It was unknown how much time had passed, or how many minutes or hours had passed. At this moment, the human-like monsters that had previously been fleeing began to emerge from the caves one after another, communicating with each other with strange hissing sounds. Afterwards, they slowly approached the fallen monsters.    


They walked carefully, as if the monsters might rise from the ground at any moment and swallow them in one gulp. Quickly, a humanoid monster walked to the side of the gigantic beast and prodded at its body. Seeing that it was unmoved, the beast grew bolder and stabbed it a few times, but the creature still didn't respond and continued to howl in excitement.    


Under its influence, the other humanoid monsters also moved closer, tearing and beating at the gigantic corpse.    


But right at that moment, the monster's stomach started expanding rapidly, like a balloon that was being blown, the humanoid monsters standing on top of it all screamed and fell, before they could figure out what happened, a loud bang came out, and the corpse's stomach suddenly exploded, following that, Tang Yin who was covered in his Spirit Armor walked out step by step.    


At this moment, the spirit armor on his body had already changed. Layers of lines appeared on its surface, making it look like a pair of scales. The spirit armor on his fingers and toes extended outwards as if it were claws that had grown spikes.    


His eyes could not see anything, so the humanoid monsters did not know what was happening. However, they also sensed that danger was approaching, and without anyone attacking Tang Yin, they all scattered and hid far away, quietly listening to Tang Yin's movements.    


The gigantic and pure spirit energy had caused his cultivation to undergo another qualitative change, from the Spirit Origin Realm directly flying to the Spirit Heaven Stage. After fusing with the spirit beast's spirit, his spirit armor also quietly changed, adding on a layer of scales formed from spirit energy, it became even more tenacious, and at the same time, he possessed the Night-vision Eye of a monster. Even in such a pitch black cave, he could clearly see every corner of the cave as if it was day.    


This was the use of Fire of Darkness s.    


"Hehe ?" "Hahaha ?"    


Tang Yin looked around, and then, he stretched out his hand. In his mind, a black flame and a blue flame in the heart of the fire jumped about in his palm. He first laughed softly, then laughed loudly towards the sky.    


The nearby monsters that were hiding around him were so shocked by his laughter that their eardrums hurt. Before he could do anything, the monsters had already entered the small cave on the stone wall.    


With his cultivation at the Spirit Heaven Stage, Tang Yin wanted to test if he was any different from before. Lowering his body, he picked up his two blades, and combined them together, they became a sickle.    


The underground cave was extremely complex and connected in all directions. It could also lead to many large and open underground caves. It was like a huge underground maze. If one wanted to investigate carefully, it would take one or two months. Even the monster that lived underground had not made it all the way to the cave.    


Tang Yin chased for a while, then used the Soul Combustion to absorb the monsters before retreating.    


It was unknown whether it was due to the increase in cultivation or the fact that he had devoured the humanoid monster, but his hearing and sense of smell had also become much sharper than before.    


He returned to the round hole he had made earlier and looked at the monster's corpse. It felt very strange. After all, he had just absorbed the monster's soul.    


Leaving behind its corpse, would probably only end up as a meal for other monsters. Tang Yin released the Fire of Darkness's death flame and melted it away.    


The monster's essence had already been squeezed dry by the Soul Combustion, and only its shell remained. After the burning of death, that huge body did not have a single trace of spirit energy left.    


After taking care of the monster's corpse, Tang Yin took a deep breath and walked back to the gigantic cave from which the monster had crawled out from back then.    


Because he had absorbed the monster's soul, Tang Yin obtained all of its memories, so after entering the cave, he seemed to be extremely familiar with it. Without taking any detours between the paths, he twisted and turned, and arrived at a wide open space.    


He did not know if these crystal stones could be considered jewelry, but taking them back and letting Fan Min take a look at the samples would show how valuable they were.    


Tang Yin no longer stayed in the cave. He followed the long and vertical tunnel and quickly climbed up.    



When he descended, he did not know what was happening below, so he climbed carefully and his speed was slow, but when he came out, he was complacent and his speed was extremely fast. He used the Scimitar s to insert into the stone wall, and with a single leap, he jumped two or three meters up, then used the Scimitar s to insert into the stone wall to continue his climb.    


When Tang Yin came out, the sky was already dark. The valley was even more dark, and from time to time, weird chirps came out from the surroundings.    


Now that he no longer cared about those black beetles, he was even lazier in searching. He briefly identified the direction, and then headed straight for the place where he came from.    


The Classic of Tendon Changing Technique had reached 150 thousand yesterday. Book number: 131187! "When a youth hidden in the depths of a mountain to practice Qi Refining, what kind of waves would he cause when he deciphered the ancient Qi Refining technique and entered the city?    


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