Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin did not know how deep the cave was, but he remembered that he had climbed for almost an hour, and his feet had not even touched the ground, so the cave did not seem to have any bottom that could allow him to go straight into hell.    


At this time, when he looked up, he could no longer see the entrance. He could no longer see the bottom of the hole, and his entire body seemed to be suspended in midair, unable to move up or down. Now he was also hesitating whether he should go back or go down, but then he thought that it wasn't his personality to give up halfway. Since he had already reached this step, he might as well just go on.    


Thinking about it, Tang Yin removed the Spirit Armor on his chest, took out the remaining two Ginseng leaves behind, and stuffed them into his mouth to replenish his strength, then covered himself with the Spirit Armor again and continued to climb.    


After an unknown period of time, he felt that his feet had finally touched something. Phew, Tang Yin could not help but heave a long sigh of relief.    


Before he could relax, he suddenly felt something beneath his feet tremble.    


Tang Yin's heart tensed up, and quickly looked down.    


There was not even a speck of light in the depths of the cave. Even with Tang Yin's identity as a Spirit Cultivator of Dark, he could only barely see within three meters of the cave. When he lowered his head and looked closely, he saw a face.    


It had the features of a human, but its skin was pale white, so white that it didn't have the slightest hint of blood. Its two eyes had already degenerated into two slits, and it had no nose, only two black holes under its eyes.    


It had the physique and features of a human being, but it was not a human being. Or rather, its ancestors might have been humans, but after living in the dark and without light for thousands of years, it had evolved into another species.    


"What the hell is this?!" Tang Yin was startled by the sudden appearance of the pale white face beneath his feet, and blurted out in shock.    


The moment he shouted, the humanoid monster suddenly howled and scuttled off the ground, pouncing onto his body. It opened its mouth wide enough to cover its ears, and bit onto Tang Yin's neck.    


Plop! The monster's strength was astonishing, as it pounced at Tang Yin's body, causing Tang Yin who was covered in spirit armour to be unable to stand, and crashed head first onto the stone wall.    


Spirit Armor was tough, although the monster's teeth were sharp, they were unable to pierce through the armor. Because it did not bite into the armor, the monster's cries became even more shrill, as though it was crazy as it continued to bite on Tang Yin's body.    


At this time, Tang Yin finally realised that the thing in front of him was not a ghost, it was a monster with a physical body. He felt the monster's bite on his body, and the thick saliva dripped all over his body. He coldly snorted, and with a sudden raise of his arm, the Scimitar s in his hands pierced into the monster's abdomen.    


"Ao ? ?" The monster let out a heart-wrenching scream, wanting to jump off Tang Yin's body. However, the latter caught him first, and the Scimitar in its other hand pierced deeper and deeper.    


The monster cried out in pain, it struggled intensely, Tang Yin opened his mouth wide, imitating the monster's actions and rushed forward to roar, following that, the Fire of Darkness on the blade body gave birth to the beast and the monster's cries suddenly stopped, its body instantly transforming into mist.    


Tang Yin picked up his other Scimitar and absorbed the spirit energy. He still had some lingering fear in his heart as he said fiercely: "You want to scare me? Your skin isn't tough enough yet!"    


As he was muttering, he suddenly realised that the atmosphere was not right, he squinted his eyes, extended his head out and looked around, only then did he realise, that at some point in time, he was surrounded by these human-like monsters, all of them listening to Tang Yin's movements.    


F * ck me! Even though he had the ability to protect himself, he could not help but curse inwardly when he was surrounded by a group of mysterious and terrifying monsters deep inside the cave.    


He stood where he was, motionless, and the monsters did not move, but listened intently.    


Tang Yin slowly crouched down and slowly crawled forward until he arrived in front of a monster. His face was practically sticking close to the monster's face, and just like that, man and monster squatted down face to face, while the monster didn't react at all. Tang Yin once again slowly extended his Scimitar and shook it lightly with no reaction.    


Humph! With a sneer in his heart, Tang Yin grew braver. These monsters wanted to make their uninvited guest their food, and there was no guarantee as to who would get their food!    


Both of his hands held onto the blade, and he suddenly swung his hands, both blades clashing, and releasing a clear sound, which was exceptionally ear-piercing in this extremely quiet cave, Tang Yin at the same time shouted loudly: "I'm here, all of you come over here!"    


Following his shout, all the monsters that were squatting at the same place stood up as if they had been injected with hormones, and pounced towards Tang Yin at the same time.    


Tang Yin brought his two blades together and turned them into scythes. As he waved them, the Black Fire s covered the blade body.    


These monsters only had strong strength, strong bodies and swift movements, but they were not a threat to Tang Yin.    


A group of monsters pounced on them, causing his Fire of Darkness to burn a few of them, but the monsters had no eyesight, so they could not see how terrifying the Fire of Darkness was. They continued to pounce on Tang Yin who was still shouting loudly.    


This was a meat bun beating dog, and it couldn't be returned. The terrifying monster that lived underground had now become Tang Yin's beautiful meal.    


The monsters should be considered humans in this underground world, spirits of all things. The spirit energy that the Fire of Darkness melted into was purer and more refined than the black beetles on top of it. The more Tang Yin absorbed, the more excited he became.    


After an unknown amount of time, an even more oppressive howl came out from the depths of the cave. Hearing this howl, the monsters stopped their attacks on Tang Yin, and then, they started to flee in all directions, disappearing in the blink of an eye.    


Just by absorbing the spirit energy, Tang Yin already felt his own cultivation levelled up by a large amount. He was currently in high spirits, seeing that the monsters had escaped, how could he be willing to stop, he immediately chased after them.    


The bottom of the cave was not large, it was circular with a diameter of only around ten meters. When Tang Yin reached the end of the cave, he realized that there were many caves on the stone wall, some big and some small, which were not dug out by human but naturally formed.    


He found a large cave that was as tall as two people. He stuck his head out and looked inside, and then he jumped in.    


But before he ran far, he heard a loud rumbling sound from within the cave. The sound was hurried, as if something heavy was repeatedly smashing the ground.    


Tang Yin was startled, but instinctively slowed down. He squinted his eyes, using all his strength to look ahead, and carefully and slowly walked forward.    


The rumbling sound was getting closer and closer. Before Tang Yin could even confirm what was going on, he only saw a black shadow flash in front of him, and then, an incomparably huge monster pounced towards him.    


Because his speed was too fast and the cave was too dark, Tang Yin did not even have the time to see clearly before his body was struck squarely in the middle.    


He had walked into the cave, but when he came out, he was sent flying.    




With such a terrifying impact force, even with the protection of his spirit armor, Tang Yin was still unable to withstand the impact. As he fell to the ground, he crawled and felt the blood and energy in his body smashing into each other, he could not help but have a sweet taste in his throat, and could not help but open his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.    


After spitting out the blood, Tang Yin felt a little better. When he looked up, there was already a huge black beast in front of him.    


This monster was two meters tall, but it was seven to eight meters long. Its body was covered in thick scales, and it looked like a lizard that had been magnified hundreds to thousands of times.    


Seeing this monster clearly, a single word immediately flashed past Tang Yin's mind: dragon.    


Regardless of whether it was a dragon in the western or eastern sense, the monster was very similar to a dragon. It had a slender body, four thick claws, a long tail, and two green eyes that shone with a ghostly light. It glared at Tang Yin on the ground as thick liquid dripped from the corner of its mouth.    


At this moment, he understood that the human-like monsters did not run away because of his fear, but because they heard the monster's cry. Tang Yin supported himself with his sickle and slowly stood up. He then brandished the sickle in his hand and pointed it at the monster and shouted: "Come!"    


The monster was obedient, and following his orders, it pounced towards Tang Yin.    


Although it was huge in size, its speed was astonishing. In an instant, it arrived in front of Tang Yin with its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to swallow him whole.    


Tang Yin didn't want to compete with the monster in speed, so he immediately used Shadow Shift and jumped onto the monster's back. Then, he swung the blade with both of his hands and used all his strength to ruthlessly slash at the monster's back.    


Weng! *    


With Tang Yin's cultivation at the Spirit Origin Stage, the aura produced from the heavy sword that was channeling all the spirit energy was astonishing. The whizzing sound of the scythe breaking through the wind was no longer as sharp as the whistling of the wind.    


Ka-cha! *    



However, Tang Yin never thought that the scale armor on the monster's body would be this much tougher than he imagined. This blade seemed to have struck a piece of iron, and not only did the scale armor not even show the slightest bit of damage, it had even directly knocked Tang Yin off the monster's back.    


The moment his body fell onto the ground, the monster suddenly turned its head around and bit his waist. Then, it picked him up entirely.    


The monster's power was astonishing, and the power of its bite was even more powerful. When Tang Yin was grabbed in its mouth, he felt like he had entered a compressor, the spirit armor on his body creaking sounds.    


Tang Yin gritted his teeth as he endured the pain.    


There were no scales protecting this place, so Tang Yin attached the Fire of Darkness to the sickle. He thought that he could injure the monster, but the fact was the opposite, when the Fire of Darkness burned the monster's lips, it only produced a green smoke. The monster was not injured at all, but felt the pain, and bit Tang Yin even tighter.    


When he felt that his entire body was about to be pressed down, Tang Yin spat out another mouthful of blood. In times of danger, his reaction was also fast, as he fiercely swung out a Spirit Wave to grab the monster's right eye. He did not believe that this monster's skin was so thick that it could fit the eye.    


As expected, Tang Yin's Spirit Wave struck right into the monster's right eye, the sharp Spirit Wave immediately ripping apart the monster's eye, and when the monster screamed in pain, Tang Yin immediately used Shadow Shift, escaping from the monster's mouth, escaping far away.    


If one were to look at the monster now, they would be unable to open their right eye, but they could see that it was even more berserk. It ran towards Tang Yin without a care, and in the blink of an eye, its four limbs had completely shattered the rock on the ground.    


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