Tomin in The Alien World



0This little bit of money, Zhong Sang did not care about it, but Deng Mingyang's actions made his guard down.    


He revealed a proud look on his face, and after taking the silver bag, without even looking at it, he immediately threw it to his servants and said proudly: "Chiliarch Deng, I'll be frank with you, I might look like I'm just a Regiment Commander now, but this is only temporary. When the situation stabilizes, I can at least assume the position of Regiment Chief. As long as you follow me, there will definitely be benefits for you. "    


"Yes, yes, yes!" This lowly one will be loyal to the general in the future! " Deng Mingyang was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor as he cupped his hands repeatedly.    


"Yes!" Zhong Sang replied with his nose. Seeing that Madam Zhong had not come out, he became a little impatient and said: "Don't let sister-in-law be busy in the kitchen. Hurry up and go to the bar!"    


"Alright!" Deng Mingyang promised with a smile. He asked the servant to call the mistress over and also brought the prepared food over.    


Not long after, Madam Deng walked in leisurely, carrying a tray with a wine jug and wine cup on it.    


It was now night, and the candles in the room were lit. Looking at Madam Deng now, she looked even more beautiful than a flower.    


"General, please drink!" Madam Deng poured a cup of wine each for Zhong Sang and Deng Mingyang, giving it to him at the very tip.    


At the same time Zhong Sang received the wine cup, he even intentionally touched the back of Madam Deng's hand with his fingers, and laughed: "Sister-in-law is too courteous!"    


This action was extremely rude. If she hadn't received her husband's warning beforehand, Madam Deng might have turned hostile by now.    


She quickly retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted, lowering her head, her shy and timid look became even more tempting in Zhong Sang's eyes.    


Before long, the two of them had already drunk a total of five bottles of wine. Of course, a large portion of it had been forced into Deng Mingyang's stomach. The latter was drunk all over. She sat on the mat and repeatedly shook her head. Her eyelids could not be lifted.    


His tongue straightened as he stammered, "General Zhong, I ?" It was so strong that it could not be drunk. Drink ? "I can't drink anymore ?"    


"Huh?" Zhong Sang pretended to be unsatisfied and said: "Who doesn't know that you, Chiliarch Deng, have a thousand goblets? Could it be that you're still pretending with me? "    


"No, no, no. I'll drink, I'll drink ?" Looking at Deng Mingyang's expression, it was clear that he was already unconscious. When he lifted up his wine cup, he could not even find his mouth. Zhong Sang grabbed his wrist, and poured the wine in the cup into his mouth. After Deng Mingyang finished drinking, he lowered his head and leaned heavily on the table.    


"Chiliarch Deng? Chiliarch Deng? " Zhong Sang called out to his a few times. Seeing that Deng Mingyang did not react, he pretended to be pitiful and shrugged, then muttered: "Why did you get drunk so quickly?" As he was speaking, he beckoned to the servants of the Deng Mansion at the side and said, "Quick, bring your master to his room to rest."    


"Yes sir!" The servant responded as he struggled to support the unconscious Deng Mingyang and walked out.    


At this time, Madam Deng was about to stand up, but Zhong Sang reached out his hand and stopped her. He laughed without humor, his eyes rolling around as he glanced at Madam Deng, and taking advantage of his drunkenness, he said smilingly: "Sister-in-law, don't be anxious. If you were to leave too, wouldn't it be rude to me, the esteemed guest?"    


Mrs. Deng had no choice but to sit down at the table again.    


Seeing that the servant had already helped Deng Mingyang out of the room, Zhong Sang turned his head and glanced at the guards on his left and right. These people were all his trusted aides, and he knew his habits very well. He knew that this young master had taken a fancy to his wife, so he had evil thoughts. One by one, he tactfully left the room, closing the door behind him.    


"They ?" Madam Deng did not know why the guards suddenly left. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Zhong Sang, who had been patient for a long time, could not hold back any longer, and grabbed onto Madam Deng's wrist, pulling her into his embrace. He chuckled: "Since Chiliarch Deng cannot accompany this general, then, let my sister-in-law accompany me." As he spoke, his hand went down Lady Deng's collar.    


Madam Deng, who did not know the detailed plans of his husband and Tang Yin, was greatly shocked by Zhong Sang's disrespect. After being stunned for a moment, she finally reacted, and without even thinking, he slapped Zhong Sang in the face and scolded him angrily: "General, please behave yourself!"    


Zhong Sang touched his cheek as a sinister look appeared on his face. He pushed Madam Deng down to the ground and before she could stand up, he had already pressed down against her body. There was still more to come! Your husband has already given you to me, why are you still pretending to be a virgin?! "    


Madam Deng was a woman, so how could her strength compare to Zhong Sang's? Very quickly, both of her hands were grabbed by Zhong Sang's single palm and even her clothes became messed up.    


Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind him, "So the Zhong Family not only knows how to stab people in the back, they also know how to show off their might to women!"    


This sentence scared Zhong Sang to death, and made Zhong Sang jump up from Madam Deng's body as if he had his tail stepped on. He asked in surprise while turning his head: "Who is it?"    


Behind him, stood a young man dressed in black. Looking at him, he looked to be about twenty-five to twenty-six years of age, with a face as white as jade, sharp eyebrows and fierce eyes. He was born with a smile, and the corner of his mouth raised up.    


The young man met Zhong Sang's gaze and said with a smile: "Tang Yin!"    


"You ? "Who are you?" Zhong Sang could not believe his own ears.    


"Tang Yin!"    


Zhong Sang was startled for a moment, then without saying a word, he turned and ran to the window of the house, planning to escape through it.    


He did not need to do anything, since Tang Yin had appeared here, then it was clear that all of this was an elaborate trap. If he were to continue entangling himself with Tang Yin, and still think of defeating him, or even create some bullshit miracle, he would be the number one idiot in the world.    


However, it was already too late for him to run.    


Just as he got close to the window and was about to jump out, suddenly, a long blade pierced in from outside, it was fast and unexpected, Zhong Sang cried out, and instinctively reacted and quickly lowered his head, just then, a black faced young man holding a triple-edged two-edged blade jumped in front of the window, raised the blade horizontally, and sneered: "Sorry, this road is not open!"    




Zhong Sang subconsciously took two steps back. Just as he was about to shield himself with the spirit armor, he suddenly felt a tightening sensation at the back of his neck, causing him to be silently grabbed. His eyes widened in shock. Without thinking, he immediately covered his spirit armor and turned around at the same time, using his wrinkled arm to hit the person behind him in the face.    


Behind him, was none other than Tang Yin.    


His backhand attack had not even arrived yet, but Tang Yin's palm had already released a blue light, following that, the Black Fire was born, with a * hu * sound, the spirit armor around Zhong Sang's body was instantly melted, dense spirit mist emitted from his entire body, it was as if his life was taken away. His eyes were wide opened, but there was no more light in them, only death and ashes.    




Tang Yin released his hand and threw the corpse onto the ground. Then, he raised his head and took a deep breath.    


He closed his eyes and paused for a full ten seconds before he slowly let out a breath of impure air.    


In the end, it turned into a solid body made of gas. First, it slowly took shape on his face, then his body, and then his four limbs. In an instant, a living person appeared beside Tang Yin, no matter if it was his appearance or his clothes, they were all the same as Tang Yin, as if they had been carved out from the same mold.    


His two legs were shortened, his arms were long, and he squatted on the ground, looking extremely terrifying. At this time, not to mention the shocked Madam Deng, who had yet to recover from her shock, almost fainted on the spot, even the experienced Shangguan Yuan was shocked.    


"F * ck!"    


Tang Yin cursed in a low voice and closed his eyes once again. At this time, the beast beside him also changed, its body had already started to twist and turn in a way that was beyond common sense, and its facial features had also started to become blurry. After a while, it turned into someone who was exactly the same as Zhong Sang.    


This was simply another Zhong Sang.    


If they hadn't seen Zhong Sang being killed by Tang Yin with their own eyes, no one would have believed that this Zhong Sang before their eyes was actually fake.    


Aiya! After a long while, Shangguan Yuan finally snapped out of his shock, and couldn't help but take a deep breath. The Shadow Clone was already considered strange, but Tang Yin was actually able to change the shape and appearance of the Shadow Clone. He shook his head in disbelief, looked at Tang Yin's real body and asked: "Master, how did you do that?"    


Tang Yin laughed but did not say a word. Instead, he laughed and became Zhong Sang's clone: "This is the wondrous use of the Soul Combustion!" As he spoke, he stretched out his palm, and a mass of black flame jumped about within it. The flame was black, but the heart of the flame was blue. It looked especially ghostly.    




Just at that moment, the door opened, and a group of people rushed in from outside, the person leading them was none other than Cheng Jin, followed by the hidden archers, they were all holding shiny steel blades in their hands, which were stained with fresh blood. Recently, Cheng Jin said: "Master, we have taken care of the Zhong Sang servants outside ?."    



Before he finished, he coincidentally saw Zhong Sang standing beside Tang Yin. He was frightened and asked immediately: "Why did Master not kill him?"    


"Zhong Sang is dead." The avatar that had turned into Zhong Sang laughed and walked to the body on the ground, with one leg, it kicked towards Cheng Jin.    


Cheng Jin looked down, it was not so, who else could it be but Zhong Sang? Then who was this Zhong Sang in front of him? Surprised, he asked, "Then you ?"    




The doppelganger answered straightforwardly.    


Could the Shadow Clone still change one's appearance? Even Cheng Jin did not know about this, and he could not do it either.    


He scratched his head, looked up and down at Zhong Sang, then walked forward to pinch his face, then pulled his clothes. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, he still did not understand the whole situation, but he did not ask anymore.    


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