Tomin in The Alien World



0More than fifty Spiritual Martial Student s attacked from all sides at the weakest spot of the defensive Feng Army. These fifty odd people charged up to the top of the city walls like a pack of wolves jumping at their prey.    


It was a mess here, Tang Yin saw it too, and rushed over with his sickle in hand. Just as he got close, two Spiritual Martial Student s holding onto spirit swords, were distracted and thrusted at Tang Yin. Seeing Ning Jun who was rushing towards them, Tang Yin was startled. Suddenly, he saw more than fifty Spirit Warrior with spirit armor and similar spirit weapons.    


Fortunately, Tang Yin had Ning Bing's memories, and only after a short moment, he understood that these people were all students of Ning Country. After all, more than half of these students were the sons and daughters of nobles and had illustrious backgrounds. If there were any mishaps on the battlefield, the two commanders of the Ning army, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wushuang would not be able to bear the consequences.    


Looks like Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi were forced into a corner by their own side, or else they wouldn't have used their Spiritual Martial Academy. As he thought about that, Tang Yin's body did not stop for a moment. He shook his body slightly, and like a willow tree, he easily avoided the two incoming swords, following that, the sickle in his hand swept out, chopping off the two people's waists.    


The two Spiritual Martial Student s did not expect him to be so nimble, and did not expect him to retaliate so quickly. The two of them cried out in fear, and retreated backwards at the same time. They were fast, but Tang Yin's blade was even faster. The two of them were a little slower, and the sickle slashed past the two of them.    




With a scraping sound, the spirit armor on their stomachs were sliced open as well. In just an instant, the spirit armor on their stomachs were melted by the Fire of Darkness s on the sickles. Fortunately, the scythe's edge didn't cut into their bodies, otherwise, these two wouldn't even know how they died. Even so, the two Spiritual Martial Student s were still shocked, and couldn't help but retreat, retreating a full three meters before stopping. Lowering their heads, they saw that the Spirit Armored Materialization in their lower abdomen was gone, leaving behind two large holes.    


"Yes ?" It's the Fire of Darkness! "    


"He is the Spirit Cultivator of Dark!"    


The two Spiritual Martial Student s said at the same time. No matter how poor their combat experience was, they had indeed learned a lot. They were able to identify Tang Yin's Dark Spirit Cultivator with a single exchange of moves. The two students looked at each other in shock. Then, their eyes flashed with excitement as they shouted to their comrades: "It's Tang Yin! Tang Yin is here, Tang Yin is here ? "    


Hearing their shouts, the other Spiritual Martial Student s who were chasing after the Feng Army stopped their attacks, their eyes shining brightly as they quickly rushed towards them. They all knew that Tang Yin was the leader of the Tianyuan Army, so if they could kill Tang Yin, it would be equivalent to half of their victory in this battle.    


The purpose of these Spiritual Martial Student participating in the expedition was to gain merits. Now that they heard that Tang Yin had come, who would be willing to tangle with the ordinary Feng Army? Not long after, over fifty Spiritual Martial Student s quickly surrounded Tang Yin. Although they could not see the expressions on their faces, it was not difficult to feel the excitement and excitement in their hearts through their exposed eyes.    


This was the so-called newborn calf not afraid of a tiger! Tang Yin sneered in his heart. He had long drooled at the Spiritual Martial Student s, but now, they had come to his doorstep of their own accord. This was a 'delicious meal' that the heavens had given him. He licked his lips, pointed his blade forward, and used the tip of his blade to point at the two Spiritual Martial Student s that attacked him first. While talking, a layer of Black Fog appeared around his body. Then, he disappeared among the Black Fog, and when he reappeared, he was in the middle of the crowd of Spiritual Martial Student, standing behind the two students he had just pointed to.    


Before the Spiritual Martial Student could react, Tang Yin raised his hand. The Black Fire that was burning a blue light in the palm of his hand, suddenly thrust forward, and with a pu sound, the fingernail made out of Spirit Armored Materialization was as sharp as a blade, easily piercing through the opponent's spirit armor. It stabbed deeply into the body, and even the Spiritual Martial Student's heart was caught in his palm.    


The Spiritual Martial Student didn't even have time to cry out, the essence of her body and her life had already been turned into mist by the Fire of Darkness's Soul Combustion. When Tang Yin retracted his hand, a heart that had lost its essence appeared in his palm.    


He tilted his head and looked at it. He squeezed his fingers and broke his heart. Dark red blood flowed out through the gaps between his fingers.    


Seeing that, the surrounding Spiritual Martial Student s all turned pale from fright. Most probably, they had never seen such a bloody scene in their entire lives, nor had they ever seen someone as cold-blooded and cruel as Tang Yin. Before the students could attack him, Tang Yin's sickle had already struck towards another Spiritual Martial Student.    


His companion's death was still fresh in his mind. The student was both angry and sad, roaring in anger, the Steel Sword in his hand swung towards Tang Yin's sickle, his other hand clenching into a fist as he punched straight at Tang Yin. With his Spirit Heaven Stage, as long as the other party did not use spirit weapons, it was impossible for him to be harmed in the slightest.    


Boom! * The student's fist solidly hit Tang Yin's face, making a loud sound. Tang Yin's body did not even tremble as he continued to swing his sickle. Clang! The student's spirit sword collided with the sickle, and the latter didn't feel anything. The former had already cried out miserably, and the powerful force from the sickle caused its body to be sent flying straight out of the city, jumping over the arrowhead and falling straight out of the city.    


Without waiting for the others to react, Tang Yin also laughed: "You want to run? It's not that easy! " Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared. Using the Shadow Shift, he directly flashed towards the student's falling body.    


The pitiful student didn't even have time to see where Tang Yin was before his body was slashed into two by the sickle. His essence turned into spirit mist as his corpse and blood splattered everywhere.    


From the time Tang Yin appeared to him waving his blade, a series of movements were completed in midair, without waiting for his body to land on the ground, he immediately teleported back to the top of the city walls with the Shadow Shift, the time he took to return was not even two seconds, if anyone with a slower expression saw him, they would probably think that he had never left his original spot.    


In the blink of an eye, Tang Yin had killed two people. Everyone looked at Tang Yin as they panted heavily. From the beginning till now, they had never made a move against Tang Yin, but every single one of them looked as if they had just fought a fierce battle.    


Tang Yin stood in the middle of the crowd, looked at the people around him, raised his sickle with one hand and pointed it at them, then said softly: "What are you waiting for? Your companions have already left, do you have the heart to let them leave alone? "    


The ridicule and disdain in his words made all the students turn red in the face. They were of illustrious background and they were also students of Spiritual Martial Academy. Usually, they would be pampered by the people like national treasures. Anger and annoyance caused the fear in his heart to be suppressed. It was unknown who shouted first, but following that, all the students started to attack together, besieging Tang Yin.    


If they were in a spacious place, their encirclement might still be powerful, but in the narrow city walls, they could not unleash their attack. With all of them huddled together, unable to unleash their mixed martial arts skills, they could only use the spirit swords in their hands to compete with Tang Yin in speed and skills.    


He would occasionally dodge, and occasionally use his blade to counterattack. He was calm and collected, his reaction freely, but instead, it was the Spiritual Martial Student who suffered from his occasional counterattack. They were all flustered and shrieking at the same time.    


After fighting for a while, Tang Yin suddenly felt that it was getting impatient, both of his hands were holding onto the Spiritual Knife, he activated his Spirit Qi fully, he waved several blades, causing several Spirit Wave s to shoot out, causing the Spiritual Martial Student s that were hit by him to dodge continuously. Seizing the chance when the enemy was in a mess, Tang Yin used the Shadow Shift to dodge into the crowd, using both of his hands and feet techniques to dodge the scythe.    


Several students of the Spiritual Martial Force squeezed together could not dodge in time and were hit by the scythe's edge. Then, it was just a slight wound, and as long as the scythe's blade touched his flesh, the fire of darkness would spread throughout his body, wreaking havoc, burning, and devouring his life. Several students of the Spiritual Martial Force who were hit by the scythe were killed by the burning of their souls. A few others were kicked by Tang Yin, and their bodies bounced off the wall like cannonballs. "For a moment, the dozens of students were thrown into chaos by Tang Yin.    


At this moment, Shangguan Yuan appeared out of nowhere and joined the battle.    


His arrival was an even greater disaster for the Spiritual Martial Student. Shangguan Yuan was not afraid of the Spiritual Martial Student, who were afraid of hurting their own people yet did not dare to use their own spiritual martial skills. There was only Tang Yin, and Tang Yin was a Spirit Cultivator of Dark, so he was not afraid of being affected by the spiritual martial skills.    


The two of them had joined forces to fight against Spiritual Martial Student, how could the latter withstand it?    


Some of the Spiritual Martial Student s had died among the Fire of Darkness, some had died or been injured by Shangguan Yuanyang's triple-edged, two-edged saber, while some others had been scared to death. They did not care about their comrades' life or death, and jumped down from the city walls while crying and fleeing.    


Looking at Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan giving way in front of them, then looking at the corpses and corpses scattered across the ground at their feet, the students felt fear from the depths of their hearts, finally experiencing the cruelty of war. The battlefield was not an exercise ground and the enemy was not a teacher of the academy. The enemy's killing move would not give you a second chance and once you were defeated, you would immediately lose your life.    


"No ?" He couldn't fight anymore! I... "Let's run as well ?" A student said to his companions with a trembling voice.    


This voice was something Tang Yin was familiar with. Hearing it, his eyes lit up, and without any warning, his body disappeared from in front of the students, then reappeared behind the student who spoke. Without using a sickle, he raised his fist and punched him ruthlessly in the back.    


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