Tomin in The Alien World



0The next day, Tianyuan Army and Bessa Army were full of food, and then arranged in a phalanx in the camp.    


Following the release of the Barracks Gate, squads of neat squadrons of foot soldiers came out of the Tianyuan Army camp, and walked in the very front, where flags were like forests, and other than the word 'Wind', there was also the name 'Plains'. This was the Pingyuan Army, and after the Pingyuan Army was the Sanshui Army, which was followed by the Directly Subordinate Army which was followed by the Directly Subordinate Army which was followed by the Directly Subordinate Army which was maintained by Tang Yin.    


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers formed a huge camp in front of the two armies. Looking ahead, there was a sea of people with no borders, and with every step the entire army took, the ground would tremble. Its power was so great that it was like it could swallow the world.    


As for the other side, when Ning Jun's army heard that the Tianyuan Army was going to fight, they didn't dally either. Nearly four hundred thousand Ning soldiers rushed out of the Ning Army Camp altogether and stopped at the foot of the formation.    


At this moment, the combined forces of both armies exceeded eight hundred thousand. Both sides occupied the same area on the plains, and wherever their eyes looked, there were armored soldiers lying on the ground like an enormous carpet.    


With Tang Yin in the back, other than Shauna, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zong Yuan and the other advisers.    


It was the first time Tang Yin had seen and experienced an eight hundred thousand person battlefield, and it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. Although his heart was already in his throat, he didn't show it on his smiling face, and he still looked calm and self-satisfied. As the main general, his performance before the two armies would directly affect the mentality of his troops. If the main general could remain calm, then the morale of the troops would naturally stabilize as well.    


Many of the Generals s in Tianyuan Army came from Pingyuan County, so they had experienced many wars. However, like Tang Yin, this was the first time they had encountered such a large-scale army battle. Everyone tensed up and subconsciously looked in Tang Yin's direction. Seeing Tang Yin calmly sitting on his horse, without a trace of panic on their faces, the nervous mood of the generals gradually eased up. One by one, they cheered themselves up and commanded their own troops to prepare for battle.    


"Kill!" Kill! "Kill ?"    


At the same time, Ning Soldier started to beat the shield with the long spear in her hand in a rhythmic fashion. The four hundred thousand people struck the shield together, and the sound of steel colliding with steel was earthshaking, deafening. It was as if a huge hammer had smashed into the hearts of every single one of the soldiers in the Tianyuan Army.    


Before the battle had even begun, the imposing manner of the Ning army rapidly rose.    


As the princess of a Bessa, Shauna was experienced and knowledgeable. Even she was a little frightened by Ning Jun's aura. Sitting on the horse and raising his eyes to look, it was almost impossible to see the Ning Soldier in his gaze. All he could see was a gigantic steel mirror laid on the ground, which was the reflection of the steel armor on Ning Jun's body.    


With such a huge steel army, what kind of combat power would be needed to defeat it? She rode towards Tang Yin on her horse subconsciously.    


If Shauna was like this, then the others could only imagine. In this kind of battlefield, no matter how powerful the individual's Spiritual Force was, or how high their cultivation was, they were insignificant.    


Tang Yin could feel her nervousness, and then, the other people around his, along with Qiu Zhen, all revealed expressions of shock, their faces turning ugly. Many of the soldiers below revealed looks of fear.    


This won't do. Before the battle even started, the morale of their side had been reduced by a level! Tang Yin took a deep breath, spurred his horse forward two steps, then straightened himself and suddenly shouted: "Disciples of the Feng Army, listen up, who is the one who caused the death of our Sovereign King?"    


His voice was loud and reverberated through the vast plains for a long time.    


Most of the warriors in Tianyuan Army heard it, and clenched their fists, replying in unison, "It's you, Ning!"    


"Who is it that stepped into my territory and slaughtered my people?"    


"It's Ning!"    


"Who has brought so much humiliation to our Feng Country for the past thousands of years?"    


"It's Ning!"    


"After this battle, can I let the Ning people continue to stand on my windy ground?"    


"No way!"    


"Then what are you waiting for? Take up your weapons, kill all the normal people, and use their blood to wash off my Feng Country! Kill! "    


"Kill ?"    


During the conversation between Tang Yin and the, the hatred in the depths of the soldiers' hearts was thoroughly ignited. In this world, there was nothing that could make people crazier than hatred, nor was there anything that could cause others to forget everything, including their fear.    


Immediately afterwards, the great army of three hundred thousand Chifeng Army, three hundred thousand Chifeng Army, and three hundred thousand Chifeng Army began to move forward.    


"Wind!" Wind! "Wind ?"    


"Kill! Kill! Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" The Tianyuan Army shouted wind. Both sides simultaneously began to move towards each other, and the great battle between the two armies began.    


The whole camp of the two armies was closing in on them, and the horses of the heralds were moving back and forth between the ranks of the legions, occasionally passing on their commander to the captains of the legions.    


"Prepare to shoot ?" "Prepare to shoot ?"    


The commanders of the Ning Army and their thousand-man commanders rode their war horses as they ran back and forth in front of their own legions, giving the order to release arrows. As orders were passed down one by one, the Ning army archers drew their bows, pointing their arrows into the air.    


On the other side, Tianyuan Army also knew that Ning Jun's arrow formation was about to arrive.    


"Release the arrows!"    


"Release the arrows!"    


Almost at the same time, both sides received the order to shoot. With a buzzing sound from the battlefield, the bowstring and the arrows broke through the sound of wind, causing two black clouds to rise up from the two sides of the battlefield, flying out in a long parabolic line, rapidly falling down towards the top of the enemy camp's head.    




For a moment, screams rang out from both sides. No matter how solid the shield was, there were still gaps during the journey. With so many arrows shooting down, death or injury was inevitable. As the Eagle Feather Arrow whizzed past, the originally orderly formation on both sides became full of holes, with thousands of archers falling to the ground.    


Even the regiment commanders and thousand-man commanders with spirit armor covering them weren't able to escape. Their spirit armor was instantly shattered by the arrows that blotted out the sky and covered their bodies with flying arrows. They fell off their warhorses like hedgehogs. At this moment, anyone's life was like a spark that could disappear at any moment. This was war.    


When the distance between the two sides was no more than fifty meters, a change occurred on the battlefield, and the Pingyuan Army camp suddenly split apart to the left and right. Immediately afterwards, a set of Cavalry wrapped in steel armor rushed out from the people who had come from the horse, straight towards the front of the Ning army.    


This troop of cavalry had arrived suddenly, much to the surprise of the Ning Army. However, the Ning Army was not afraid. Although the cavalry was powerful, they were still afraid of bows and arrows. The commanders of the Ning Army calmly responded to the battle with an order. They commanded their soldiers to aim at the enemy cavalry and launch a volley of arrows.    


Tens of thousands of Eagle Feather Arrow arrows, thick as rain droplets, fell into the cavalry phalanx like locusts. There was a series of crisp clanging sounds in the air, and when the array of arrows went over to take a look, the thirty thousand Cavalry s were not damaged at all. However, broken arrows were scattered all over the ground.    


"Huh?" Seeing this scene, not to mention the Ning Soldiers, even the Regiment Commanders and Captains were shocked speechless. Ever since they joined the army, they had participated in quite a few battles, but they had never seen such a fearless cavalry army. Could it be that their opponent was a Divine Weapon that had descended to the mortal world?    


The regiment commander ordered once again, all arrows had to be fired, no matter what, they had to hold off the enemy's cavalry.    


This time, Ning Jun's arrows were even more powerful and ferocious. Countless arrows covered the sun in the sky, and the whistling sounds of thousands of arrows merged into one, like the wailing of gods and the howling of ghosts, causing the people far away to tremble in fear.    


This round of arrows had worked. Due to the close distance, the impact of the arrows was too great. Many knights were knocked off their war horses by the arrows, but even so, they only fell to the ground, the armor on their bodies were not damaged at all.    


Although there were many knights shot down by the arrows, there were still many who rushed forward to attack.    


The commanders of the Ning Army could only give their orders to their own troops. The soldiers in the front row raised their shields, while the soldiers behind them raised their halberds and spears, blocking the collisions of the enemy cavalry.    







The Heavy Armored Cavalry ignored the dense mass of halberds and spears that the other party was supporting as if they were nothing, and forcefully struck out with widened eyes.    


The impact of the galloping war horses was not something that a human could withstand. Behind the first row of Ning Soldier, there was their own force pressing down on the front, but in front of them, they used their shields to withstand the impact, this sudden and powerful force directly squashed their opponents flat. The moment their Ning Army Camp and the cavalry touched each other, a burst of blood mist rose from the front row of the Ning army, all of it being blood sprayed out by the soldiers who were supporting the shield.    


Following the heaven shaking sound of the impact, a large portion of the frontlines of the Ning Army Camp were knocked over. Some people were directly killed, and some people only fell because of the impact from the impact due to the impact of the impact, but before they could stand up again, the dense amount of cavalrymen had already started to step over them.    


In just an instant, the entire army was filled with screams and wails. Countless people were trampled into mincemeat or broken bones and tendons. Blood and flesh were strewn all over the ground.    


The chaos in front of the enemies made the commander of the Pingyuan Army, Xiao Muqing, immediately realize that the opportunity had come. He immediately gave the order, the entire army fell behind their shields and charged at full speed.    


As the order was passed down, all the Pingyuan Army Soldiers put down the shields they were holding above their heads, and rushed towards the Ning Army Camp with loud roars.    


The moment Pingyuan Army was activated, the Sanshui Army on the two wings simultaneously moved. The two legions, like a giant trap, charged towards the Ning Army's camp together with the Pingyuan Army. At the same time,'s Shadow Clone and Shangguan Yuan had already led ten thousand light cavalry soldiers to quietly appear on both sides of the battlefield, waiting for the right time to launch a surprise attack on the Ning Army.    


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