Tomin in The Alien World



0The Directly Subordinate Army soldiers in front of the city gate were so frightened that they continuously dodged to the left and right, retreating far away. Zhan Hu did not care about anyone else, and continued to swing his sledgehammer, and smashed it onto the city gate three more times.    


On top of the city gate, Mao An's body shivered, he almost sat on the ground and asked anxiously: "What's going on below? Who is smashing the city gates? " He clearly did not see the Tianyuan Army having any large siege weapons, so how could there be the sound of Thunderbolt Car colliding with the city gates?    


A soldier anxiously ran over from the city gate and arrived in front of Mao An. He anxiously said: "Master, there is a big fellow outside the city gate smashing the city gate.    


"What?" Mao An could not believe his ears when he heard it. A big fellow smashing the city gate was able to make such a loud noise, was he that powerful? If he could even bend the several hundred jin of gate bolts, how much strength would this person have? Was it a human or a monster?    


He pondered for a moment and said, "Use the wooden stake to block the gate and the stone soil to block the gate. No matter what, even if the gate is completely sealed off, we must not let them break through the gate and come in!"    


"Yes!" "My Lord!" "Yes!" The soldier replied and quickly ran down the wall.    


Mao An was very clear in his heart, that their side could only withstand the enemy with the help of the strong defense of the city through the Ji City. Once the enemy entered the city, with their twenty thousand people, how could they withstand a group of a hundred thousand Tianyuan Army?    


Following Mao An's orders, the guards inside the Ji City found more than twenty mother tree stumps and blocked the two city gates completely. Then, they organized the citizens of the entire city to transport stones and soil over, starting from the inside of the city gates and firmly blocking the city gates. Even if the enemy knocked down the city gates, they still could not come close.    


Under Mao An's instructions, the Peng Army's people reacted quickly and immediately reacted, blocking the city gate. Zhan Hu had swung his hammer a hundred times outside the city gate, the bronze gate was filled with big and small dents, but the city gate had still not been forced open. In the end, Zhan Hu, who had such a strong body, became completely exhausted, and he gasped for breath heavily.    


The fierce attack of ninety thousand Tianyuan Army and it continued from noon until the afternoon. During this period, there were several attempts to attack the city walls, but they were all pushed down by the defending troops. At this time, Qiu Zhen started to secretly shake his head, he then said to Tang Yin in a low voice: "Master, we cannot attack anymore, our army does not have any large siege equipment, and is only using our manpower to attack. The losses are too big, why not temporarily withdraw our troops, and wait for the transport of supplies before attacking!"    


"This ?" Tang Yin remained silent.    


Originally, he thought that this small Ji City was nothing to worry about. Their own army of one hundred thousand would be stomped flat once they left, but he did not expect the defense of the Ji City to be so strong, and the defending army to be so tenacious, causing their own attack to be greatly thwarted. He pondered for a while, then nodded and faintly said, "Trembling, withdraw your troops!"    


"My lord is wise!" Qiu Zhen agreed, as though he was afraid that Tang Yin would go back on his words, he immediately gave the order to ring the golden gong, telling all the soldiers who were attacking the city to retreat.    


In this battle, the battle of Directly Subordinate Army went from morning to afternoon, without any progress, and instead had several thousand casualties. Of course, the losses of Ji City were not small, and similarly, there were two to three thousand casualties, from both sides, who did not gain an advantage, it was just that Tang Yin's commander, Directly Subordinate Army, was stopped in his tracks, and the morale of the entire army, which was originally massive, had dropped greatly because of the disadvantage of the attack.    


Directly Subordinate Army had given up on attacking the city, but they did not retreat. Over a hundred thousand troops surrounded Ji City and set up camp, turning it into a lonely city. This was all within Mao An's expectations. Right now, he was only waiting for Geng Qiang to command the county army to come and reinforce him.    


In the evening, Tang Yin sat in the big tent, his brows knitted together into a knot. He had just received news from the rear, that the logistics unit with siege equipment would have to wait for another two days before they could reach Ji City, which meant that they would have to wait outside the city for a full two days, which would greatly slow down their offense, and at the same time, allow the enemy more time to prepare for battle.    


Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Gu Yue, Wu Guang, Zhan Hu and the rest were all in the big tent, Tang Yin's face was gloomy, everyone was also silent, no one dared to speak carelessly. At this time, Cheng Jin's eyes turned, he took two steps forward and said softly: "Master, I think ? It would be better for me to lead my Dark Arrow Brothers and sneak into the city during the night, killing the enemy while they were caught unprepared, then open the city gate during the chaos to welcome my great army into the city! "    


"Oh?" Hearing that, Tang Yin's eyes lit up, this was indeed a good idea. He knocked his forehead, then looked at Qiu Zhen and asked: "Master Qiu, what do you think?"    


Qiu Zhen thought about it, nodded his head, and said: "I can try this plan, but Mao An is smart and cautious, I am afraid, he had already expected our army to use Night Assault, and had made arrangements in the city!"    


"Ha ha!" Cheng Jin laughed proudly, and said: "Mao An is not even an immortal, how would he expect our army to sneak attack at night? So what if he could predict it? Even if I, Dark Arrow, am unable to succeed, I will still be able to retreat safely. There will be no losses! "    


That's true! Qiu Zhen thought about it, and felt that what Cheng Jin said made sense.    


Seeing that Qiu Zhen did not stop him, Tang Yin did not hesitate anymore. He nodded to Cheng Jin and said: "Cheng Jin, I will follow your plan.    


"Yes sir!" Cheng Jin cupped his hands and received the order.    


Surprisingly, the enemy's nightly defenses were relaxed, and not only were there few guards on the watchtower, but even the experienced generals at the top of the city would be alarmed if they saw this scene. However, Cheng Jin was too inexperienced, so he thought that the enemy was really unprepared. However, just as they entered the city, they heard the sounds of war drums beating and shouts of slaughter. Before Cheng Jin and the rest could react, buckets of fire oil flew into the sky.    


When they flew to the sky, they had already released all of the Pyretic Oil s, covering the sky and the earth, and there was not even a place to hide. Cheng Jin and the rest were not prepared well, and before they even had time to use their Shadow Shift, they were sprinkled all over their face and body, it was only at this time that Cheng Jin realized the situation was not good and anxiously ordered his people to retreat.    


But it was too late to retreat now. The surrounding streets and rooftops were filled with Peng Army soldiers, with the same color of rockets in their hands, they aimed at Cheng Jin and his party and released them. Hidden Arrow Crew could dodge arrows flying over, but once the rocket landed, it immediately lit up the Pyretic Oil s that were on the ground. The fire serpents were swift and fierce, scurrying in all directions and burning their way through the bottom of Hidden Arrow Crew 'feet to the rest of their bodies.    


Cheng Jin howled: Retreat! "Quickly retreat!" While he was speaking, he did not have enough time to throw away the flames on his body, and with the Shadow Shift, he teleported to the edge of the city, and then jumped out of the city. He did not dare delay any further with the rest of his Hidden Arrow Crew, and immediately followed Cheng Jin out of the city.    


Just as they stepped outside, a few of the Hidden Arrow Crew s could not stand the fire and anxiously scattered the spirit armor on them. Following the departure of the Spirit Armored Materialization, the flames attached to it disappeared, but who would have thought, that above the city walls, there would suddenly be arrows raining down like rain, causing the Hidden Arrow Crew s that destroyed the spirit armor to not be able to see what was going on, they were struck dead by the Arrow Rain, their bodies were filled with Eagle Feather Arrow s, and they died instantly.    


Seeing several of his brothers miserably die under the arrows of their enemies, Cheng Jin's courage burst out as he grabbed the two corpses and shouted out: "Don't scatter the spirit armor! "Retreat, retreat, retreat, quickly retreat!"    


Hidden Arrow Crew carried the corpses of his comrades, and his entire body was still ignited in flames.    


In this night's attack, Hidden Arrow Crew was burnt through alive without even seeing the appearance of the enemy, and five people were even killed by random arrows. It could be said to be a terrible defeat. Dark Arrow Team only had 30 people altogether, and all of them were the elites of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark. Tang Yin was normally very precious, losing 5 people in just one battle.    


At this time, Cheng Jin, who had returned from his defeat, also withered. He lowered his head and remained silent. Because he had the spirit armor protecting him, he was not burned, but his eyes were red and swollen like two big red peaches. Seeing him like that, Tang Yin could not bear to scold him, and immediately told the general to attack the city overnight to avenge his brothers who had died in battle.    


Hearing that, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and the rest of the strategists came out to stop them, the night was not good for attacking the city, the enemies were already fully prepared, and Cheng Jin had even said that there were stone throwing machines inside the city. If they attacked the city now, it would be difficult to take advantage of them.    


Under Qiu Zhen and the others' persuasion, Tang Yin gradually calmed down, and the sneak attack of his Hidden Arrow Crew couldn't be said to be completely useless. At the very least, he knew that there were large scale weapons like catapults hidden within the Ji City, but during the day, when they attacked the city, the other party had yet to use them.    


If the enemy used the move against the Dark Arrow when they were attacking the city, who knew how many soldiers would be burned to death. Thinking about it more carefully, Tang Yin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.    


"Mao An is extremely hateful, when I capture him, I will skin him alive!" Tang Yin was so angry that he paced back and forth in the tent, but there was nothing he could do right now.    


His mouth muttered something, and only after muttering for a good while did he calm down. He said to Cheng Jin: "Cheng Jin, go back and rest first, remember to go to the military doctor to get your medicine, and treat your eyes first!"    


Cheng Jin was ashamed and ashamed, his face and ears flushed red, he said softly: "Master, your subordinate's night attack was unlucky, please punish me!"    


Tang Yin waved his hands and sighed, then said slowly: "It's not your fault, but in terms of guilt, I am older than you, so I will have to punish myself first!"    


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