Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing that Shao Fang only sat down and chatted nonchalantly, without much focus, Dong Sheng went straight to the point, laughing and asking: "Your Highness, you have suddenly come to visit, is there anything you need?"    


"Ha ha!" Shao Fang was waiting for Dong Sheng to take the initiative and ask. He laughed leisurely, and asked: "Prime Minister Dong, my King Father is old, yet we haven't been able to set up a crown prince. What do you think the meaning of this?"    


Dong Sheng was startled, then immediately cupped his hands and said: "As an official, it is inconvenient for me to express my opinion regarding the royal family's storage."    


"Huh?" Shao Fang waved his hand and said: "We are just privately speaking, there is no harm in that."    


Dong Sheng looked at the Shao Fang who was pretending to be casual, and laughed in his heart. As a dignified Right Prime Minister of the Mo Country, even if he were to pull out a single strand of hair, it would be empty. Shao Fang, who was usually cold to him, suddenly paid him a visit. He pondered for a moment before waving his hands to the left and right, sending out all the servants and followers in the hall. Then, he softly said, "Perhaps, His Majesty has doubts in his heart!"    


Shao Fang pursed his lips and asked straightforwardly: "Then in Prime Minister Dong's opinion, who will be the crown prince in the end?" As he spoke, he leaned forward and looked at Dong Sheng without blinking.    


Dong Sheng did not think too much into it, and said: "Third Prince, His Highness Shao Bo, is a kindhearted and benevolent person, he was even recognized and recognized by everyone in the Ning Country. I think that in the future, Your Majesty will consider His Highness Shao Bo as the crown prince."    


Hearing that, Shao Fang's face changed, but he quickly regained his composure, forced a smile, and after a light 'oh', he did not reply.    


As intelligent as Dong Sheng was, how could he not see through Shao Fang's dejection? The corner of his mouth moved, he wanted to speak, but he stopped himself. The old man frowned, picked up his tea cup and took a sip. He praised, "First it's bitter and then it's fragrant. It's actually high quality!"    


Shao Fang was not in the mood to discuss about tea with Dong Sheng. Dong Sheng was the most dependable Minister of the King Father, and he understood the thoughts of the King Father the most. Even he thought that the King Father would make Shao Bo the crown prince, so he had no hope of winning. He could not help but let out a long sigh, stood up straight and nodded at Dong Sheng, then said: "I am sorry to have suddenly come to visit, I will ?" He was about to leave, but before he could finish saying his goodbyes, Zong Yuan, who was standing behind him, quickly extended his hand out and quietly grabbed his clothes. Shao Fang was startled, and turned to look at Zong Yuan with a puzzled expression. The latter looked at him and shook her head slightly, indicating for Shao Fang to sit down first, and not leave in a hurry.    


Dong Sheng was talking about tea just now, but to Zong Yuan, it sounded more like he was talking about Shao Fang. Wasn't Shao Fang in a very difficult situation? If he left hastily before he completely understood Dong Sheng's intentions, he might miss out on a good opportunity.    


Receiving Zong Yuan's hint, Shao Fang's eyes turned, he pondered for a moment, then sat back down on the collapsed ground.    


Just then, Dong Sheng asked curiously: "Does Your Highness want to leave?"    


"NO!" I'm just getting up and stretching my muscles and bones! " Shao Fang said with a smile.    


"Oh!" Dong Sheng responded as he raised his gaze to look at Zong Yuan who was behind Shao Fang. This man was not simple, why had he never seen this man before? Thinking this, he smiled and asked, "Your Highness, may I ask who mister is ?"    


Without waiting for Shao Fang's reply, Zong Yuan cupped his hands and bowed, then said: "I am Zong Yi, greetings Prime Minister Dong!"    


Zong Yi? Dong Sheng secretly shook his head as he had never heard of this name before.    


Zong Yuan laughed and asked: "I have something I don't understand, but I'm afraid that Prime Minister Dong will blame me if I ask. I don't know if Prime Minister Dong ?"    


Dong Sheng laughed, and waved his hand: "Please speak, Mister Zong Yi!"    


Zong Yuan retracted his smile, and said sternly: "I wonder, how does Prime Minister Dong feel about His Highness Shao Bo becoming the crown prince?"    


Oh? Dong Sheng took a deep breath, he never expected Zong Yuan to ask him this. His gaze stayed on Zong Yuan's face for a long time, then slowly landed on the table in front of him.    


Shao Fang was also a clever man, upon seeing this, his heart was moved. If Dong Sheng supported Shao Bo to be the crown prince, he would not hesitate to state his stance after hearing Zong Yuan's words. However, he was hesitating at the moment, could it be, he was opposed to Shao Bo being the crown prince?    


Thinking about it, Shao Fang's eyes lit up, and turned to look at Zong Yuan gratefully. Luckily Zong Yuan pulled him back in time.    


He silently watched Dong Sheng, waiting for his reply.    


After a long while, Dong Sheng raised his head and did not answer Zong Yuan's question. Instead, he asked Shao Fang: "Your Highness, what do you think of the current Peng Country?"    


"Peng Country?" Shao Fang's face revealed a blank look, and he couldn't react for a moment.    


"It's the previous Feng Country." Dong Sheng added.    


"Oh!" Shao Fang shook his head and said: "Zhong Tian killed a king and established himself as a king, all thanks to the support of Ning Country. Even though he is called a king, he is in truth still an official.    


Upon hearing that, Dong Sheng was moved, he could not help but secretly praise him in his heart, and faintly sigh: "Just now, Mister Zong Yi asked me what I think of opposing Your Highness Shao Bo as Crown Prince, if Prince, or King Mo, I am afraid, today's Peng Country, will be our Mo Country's tomorrow!"    


Shao Fang was initially holding onto a teacup, pretending to drink the tea, but after hearing Dong Sheng's words, his body trembled, the teacup in his hand failed to hold onto properly, and directly dropped onto the table, the tea spilled all over his body.    


Seeing that, the armored guards on both sides all rushed forward, wanting to help him wipe his wounds. Shao Fang waved his hand, pushing aside the armored guards, then looked at Dong Sheng, silently standing up and walking up to him. He tidied up his clothes, cupped his hands, and bowed deeply, then said with a trembling voice: "Prime Minister Dong's words are truly insightful, they are truly a pillar of the Imperial Court, a pillar of the Big Mo!"    


Regardless of whether Shao Fang was doing it out of genuine love or just acting, as a prince, it was too rare for him to bow to an official so respectfully.    


Seeing that, Dong Sheng's body leaned backwards, and almost fell to the ground. The old man anxiously stood up, walked around the table and extended his hands to help Shao Fang up, and said with a trembling voice: "Your Highness, what are you doing? This... This is killing me! "    


Shao Fang's eyes became red, and he choked on his sobs: "The ambitions of Ning Country, is obvious, and their goal is definitely not this place called Feng Country, but the ministers of the entire empire all follow it, fawning on it, wagging their tails, begging for mercy, only Prime Minister Dong has a profound vision, seeing through everything, this is truly like an immortal my Mo Country!"    


Shao Fang being able to say such a thing caused Dong Sheng to be extremely surprised, and he repeatedly sighed in his heart. It seems that he had underestimated this Second Highness; Dong Sheng immediately bowed and said: "Your Highness is too serious. At least in terms of Imperial Court, Your Highness and this old subject have the same thoughts."    


All this while, Dong Sheng had always kept a low profile when it came to keeping things to others. It was not because he coveted the favors of the princes, but because he felt that as his subject, he should not interfere with the monarch's decision to keep things under control. This was a family matter for the royalty, and all his subjects were outsiders.    


The first prince was born blind. No matter how much talent and ability he possessed, he couldn't even read the imperial reports. How could he become the ruler of an entire country? The third prince, Shao Bo, although he was a benevolent person, he was just like the current emperor. He was indecisive in matters, lacked a master, and was easily controlled by others, it was fine if he was a king, if he had a good subject by his side, it would be fine if he was a good subject, if he was a treacherous one, his Mo Country would definitely be destroyed, and more importantly, if Shao Bo was too trusting of his Ning Country, if Shao Bo was the ruler of the imperial court, his Mo Country would definitely be affected in the future. As for the other princes, they all had their own flaws as well. Each prince was weaker than the last, and in Dong Sheng's heart, no one was really the best candidate to be the Crown Prince.    


How could Shao Fang not have a whole new level of respect for him when he said those words?    


Of course, Shao Fang had never thought that Ning Country could threaten his Mo Country before, but Tang Yin had instigated this all in him. Last night, not only had Tang Yin mentioned this once, if Feng Country was completely destroyed by Ning, then Ning Country would definitely be the next target of his Ning Country. Shao Fang learned how to use it on the spot and casually mentioned it, which coincidentally hit deep into Dong Sheng's heart.    


Now, without taking the initiative to request for him, Dong Sheng instead took the initiative to say: "Your Highness is extremely talented, your Mo Country is extremely fortunate, and everyone is extremely fortunate, this old subject is willing to assist Your Highness, Ascendant!"    


These words caused Shao Fang to almost jump up in excitement; he even suspected that he was dreaming.    


Obtaining Dong Sheng's support didn't just mean that he was supported by a single Right Prime Minister, but by a large group of important officials. In terms of Imperial Court, Dong Sheng's influence was not small, and there were many ministers following him from the front. To be able to obtain the support of such a faction, why should he not be able to become a Crown Prince himself?    


Shao Fang once again bowed to the ground, and said anxiously: "With Prime Minister Dong here to help me, I can accomplish great things!" After saying that, he suppressed his surging emotions and spoke with worry: "It's just that King Father has chosen Third Brother as the candidate for the crown prince, I ?"    


Dong Sheng laughed and said: "Although it has already been decided, without the edict, there is still a variable. Even if the edict is released, the Crown Prince will not be unshakable."    


"Oh?" Shao Fang's spirit was lifted, and he immediately asked: "Does Prime Minister Dong have a way to change King Father's decision?"    


Dong Sheng nodded, but he immediately shook his head and laughed: "Your Highness, do not be hasty, this matter still needs to be considered carefully, take it slowly."    


Seeing that Dong Sheng was confident, Shao Fang relaxed and did not question anymore. He said: "If Prime Minister Dong is willing to help me, in the future, if I become the Sovereign King, I will definitely bestow the title of Prime Minister Dong. I will bestow the bestowal of land and make the Dong Clan an aristocrat of power for generations to come!"    


His promise was heavy enough, but Dong Sheng did not care about it at all. He smiled lightly and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, for thinking so highly of this old subject. This old official does not care about wealth or prosperity, I just do not want to be like Peng Chen and become my subordinate! " Zhong Tian was a vassal to the Ning Country, even the monarch was a vassal, then what about the officials below?    


Shao Fang did not feel anything, but Tang Yin and Zong Yuan could feel it. At this time, Tang Yin suddenly said: "If Prime Minister Dong wants to let our Mo Country not be threatened by Ning Country, we should work together to resist the pressure!"    


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