Tomin in The Alien World



0Jiang Lou might not be good at advice, but his eloquence was incredible, and he was speechless for a long time.    


Before Zi Ying could reply, at this time, a group of people walked in from outside.    


These people were all Zi Ying's subordinates and strategists. After coming here, they first glanced at Jiang Lou, and then looked at Zi Ying. They all spoke at the same time: "General." Everyone looked troubled, but they hesitated to speak.    


Jiang Lou claimed to be Zi Ying's old friend, but if anyone with brains heard this they would definitely know. After the generals heard the news, they all went to the outskirts of the Central Army Tent to eavesdrop on the conversation between Jiang Lou and Zi Ying. Just then, everyone could no longer hold themselves back and entered the tent. They looked at Zi Ying and waited for him to make his decision.    


Zi Ying raised his head, looked around at the crowd, and asked: "Does everyone think that I should surrender now?"    


No one was unafraid of death. When a path of life and a path of death were in front of them to choose from, not many people would choose a path of no return. Although everyone had the intention to surrender to the Tianyuan Army, Zi Ying's attitude was unclear, so they could not say what was in their hearts. After a pause, everyone cupped their hands in salute and said, "We have followed the general for a long time. Regardless of whether he is fighting or not, we vow to advance or retreat with him, to live or die together!"    


The crowd's words moved Zi Ying, but it also made him more troubled. If everyone were to advise him to surrender, and be afraid of death, then once Zi Ying got angry, he might just directly send Jiang Lou away. His subordinates were worthy of respect and admiration. Could it be that in order to repay Zhong Tian's kindness, he would have to sacrifice the lives of his subordinates too? It was just as Jiang Lou had said, these soldiers were just ordinary citizens who were dressed in armor and holding weapons. They did not join the army voluntarily, so even if he did not care about his life, what should he do with them? You want to die with me?    


Aiya! Zi Ying's expression kept changing, his emotions fluctuated, and he was in a dilemma.    


As Jiang Lou watched, he immediately understood that Zi Ying was moved by his own words and was considering the pros and cons. At this time, he would not relax and sternly said, "General, don't hesitate anymore! Zhong Tian's demise is right in front of me. As his henchmen and dog, not only will Zhong Tian leave behind his infamy, he will also die because of it. Relying on my Tianyuan Army, not only will he leave behind his good name, he will also become the leader of Windy's team.    


Zi Ying frowned so much that blood almost dripped out. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms without even realizing it. Now, he was truly in a difficult position.    


"General!" The surrounding generals shouted in unison once again. Although the people did not express their attitudes, they could understand his intentions through his hurried tone.    


"This ?" After pondering for an unknown period of time, Zi Ying steeled his heart and suddenly raised his head.    


When Jiang Lou and the other generals saw that, they were all shocked. Zi Ying's facial features were twisted, both of his eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was sinister like that of a demon. Jiang Lou's heart trembled, he thought to himself, This is bad, my life is over! Who knew that Zi Ying did not give the order to kill him, but asked each word clearly: "If I were to surrender, would Tang Yin treat our soldiers well?"    


"Huh?" Jiang Lou saw Zi Ying's expression and thought that he was going to die. After hearing what Zi Ying said, he did not know how to react and was stunned. After a while, he nodded continuously with a blank look on his face as he stammered, "I ? Our army has never killed any prisoners, so rest assured, General! "    


"Whatever!" Zi Ying stood up straight, his gaze swept across the faces of his subordinates, and landed on Jiang Lou's body in the end. He took a deep breath, raised his arms, and cupped his hands in a salute, saying: "Mister, you can recover after returning to the Your Army, please speak ? Just say that I, Zi Ying, am willing to submit to everyone! "    


Aiyo! After hearing that, Jiang Lou was so excited that he almost jumped up, he took the risk to come over and persuade Zi Ying, and did not have much hope, he only felt that this was his first chance, and was worth the risk. He never thought that he would be able to convince Zi Ying to surrender, and just how great of a contribution did he have to contribute?    


"The general is wise!" Jiang Lou anxiously straightened his clothes, bowed to Zi Ying, and fell to the ground. His voice trembled from excitement as he said with a trembling voice: "General has chosen the other Wise King, it is the fortune of two armies, the blessing of the wind, and the blessings of the citizens, I thank General on behalf of the citizens!" As he spoke, Jiang Lou's tears fell as he knelt down and kowtowed to him in gratitude.    


Seeing this, all the generals kneeled to the ground.    


Zi Ying's body trembled, he anxiously went forward and supported Jiang Lou up, and asked: "Sir, what are you doing?! "I am only a defeated soldier ?"    


"The general hasn't lost, he's saving my life, Windy!" Jiang Lou choked up.    


After Zi Ying heard this, his eyes turned red. He was a righteous man, and wanted him to betray Zhong Tian and vote for Tang Yin. This was even more painful than asking him to live, furthermore, his family were all in Yan City, so if he were to surrender with his men, his family would definitely lose their lives. If he were to make the decision to turn the tables, how much determination would he have to do so?    


All the generals knew the reason behind Zi Ying's predicament. If he was willing to surrender, it was equivalent to exchanging his own family's life for the lives of all the soldiers in the army. Everyone kneeled on the ground, raised their heads and looked at Zi Ying. There were no tears on their faces, many of them had already cried loudly, "General ?"    


Zi Ying sighed lightly, and did not say a word.    


Jiang Lou did not dare to tarry within the Central Army Tent, as he was afraid that Zi Ying would go back on his word. He stood up, wiped the tears off his face and cupped his hands to Zi Ying: "General, I will return to camp now to report to Master!"    


"Sigh!" "Sorry for the trouble, mister!"    


"General is too polite!"    


Jiang Lou said a few more polite words, bade farewell to Zi Ying, exited his Central Army Tent, and quickly flew down the mountain. Before he even left the Peng Army Camp, suddenly, there was a wave of chaos behind him, and someone repeatedly shouted: "That traitor of Tianyuan Army in front, stop right there for this general!"    


Could it be calling him? Jiang Lou subconsciously stood still and looked back. He saw a large group of sword wielding Peng Army rush out from the camp, led by two young General of Peng Country in general armour. The two of them moved as though they were flying and rushed towards Jiang Lou.    


Jiang Lou was a scholar, he had never been on the battlefield before, so he had never seen such a scene before.    


The Peng Army of the camp did not stop him, but his speed was still far inferior to the speed of the Peng Soldier General of Peng Country s behind him.    


After running a few steps back, the two General of Peng Country s caught up to him. One of them was fast going, grabbing him by the collar, she raised him and threw him onto the ground with all her strength, shouting: "Let me see where you can run to!"    


With that fall, all the bones in Jiang Lou's body had almost scattered. He laid on the ground, dizzy and his head was buzzing loudly.    


Another General of Peng Country walked up and trampled on Jiang Lou's chest, and said ferociously: "You traitor, you have so much guts, to actually dare to go up the mountain and mislead the masses, you are ruining my morale, your father will kill you first!" Saying that, the General of Peng Country took out his sword and raised it above his head, ready to chop off Jiang Lou's head.    


At that moment, someone behind him suddenly shouted, "Stop!" Following the voice, another group of soldiers rushed out from the Peng Battalion, the leader of which Jiang Lou had seen before, being one of the deputy generals under Zi Ying's command just now.    


"General Wang, General Zhou, what are you two doing?" Why did you kill the general's guest? " The deputy general led a large group of Peng Soldier s and quickly rushed over.    


"Guest?" "Haha ?"    


The two young generals laughed heartily at the same time and coldly said to the deputy general's gaze, "Don't think that we don't know what you're doing. This Zi Ying who is afraid of death, actually wants to surrender to the rebel army, it is truly the shame of my Peng Country.    


Hearing that, the deputy general's heart was moved, he frowned, and revealed a serious expression, and said: "General surrendered to Tianyuan Army? You must have misunderstood, that was only the plan of the general! "    


"What?" Hearing that, the two General of Peng Country s frowned. They looked at each other and then looked at the deputy general in confusion.    


The deputy general was about to speak, but he immediately shut his mouth and looked at Jiang Lou worriedly. Then, he called out to the two generals mysteriously, "Come here!"    


Upon seeing this, the second general immediately understood that the matter was not simple and went over to the deputy general. The deputy general whispered in their ears, "The general's meaning is ? I'll let you two die! "    


Before the two General of Peng Country could react, two daggers had appeared in the deputy general's hands as well, and she fiercely stabbed them towards the two generals' stomachs.    




The two General of Peng Country s did not even have the time to dodge and were pierced by the blade of the deputy general. Both of them screamed miserably and staggered backwards, then they lowered their heads and looked at the dagger that was stuck in their stomachs, revealing only the hilt of the blade. They reached out their hands and shakily pointed at the deputy general and said, "You ? You... "So vicious ?"    


Before he could finish his words, both of them fell to the ground, dead.    


The deputy general snorted, he took out his blade and walked over to the two corpses of the General of Peng Country, and with a raise of her hand, he cut off their heads, bent down to pick them up, and handed them over to Jiang Lou, then laughed and politely said: "I gave Mister a fright just now, and these two heads are proof of my General's sincerity, it's a gift to Master Tang, so I'll have to trouble Sir to bring them back to the camp!"    


At this time, let alone Jiang Lou, even the surrounding Peng Soldier s were dumbfounded, especially the many Peng Soldier s brought out by the two General of Peng Country s. They stood in place with faces full of bewilderment and shock, completely unable to comprehend what was going on.    


This deputy general was sent by Zi Ying.    


Zi Ying was very clear that these deputy generals and advisers had followed him for a long time and were his trusted aides. However, the regiment leaders were all Zhong Tian's men, if he was willing to surrender, would they be willing to surrender too? Not necessarily.    


For safety's sake, after Jiang Lou left, he sent another deputy general to protect Jiang Lou's safety. Who would have thought that Zi Ying was right, there were actually two regiment leaders who rushed over with the news, wanting to intercept and kill Jiang Lou, this deputy general took the opportunity to kill them, and took their lives.    


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