Tomin in The Alien World



0What a tyrannical car dash! Tang Yin used all his strength and roared, he twisted his waist and following a loud boom, the car that was hundreds of kilograms heavy fell to the ground with his sickle, the stones inside rolled on the ground.    


The surrounding Directly Subordinate Army soldiers were all dumbstruck. How much strength did Tang Yin have to be able to hold on to when he rushed down the mountain and flipped it over?    


Before anyone could react, the second and third cars arrived. This time, Zhan Hu rushed forward first. When a car arrived in front of him, he suddenly raised his hammer and swept it across the car.    


Another earth-shattering sound rang out. The surrounding soldiers felt a buzzing sound in their ears. Then, they could no longer hear anything. Zhan Hu's hammer landed on the side of the car, the huge car rolled for a few meters and fell to the ground, the wheels still spinning, the body of the car had caved in a big part.    


Zhan Hu knocked down one of the cars, and without stopping for a moment, he started to hammer the car again. Dong! Another car, which had just got off, was hit in the face by him and flew four or five meters away, scattering its frame.    


None of them rushed to the foot of the mountain. The surrounding Directly Subordinate Army soldiers were all shocked and dumbstruck by what they saw.    


They couldn't see what was happening on the mountain, and they could only hear the sound of violent collisions from time to time. If there were ten cars colliding with each other, then it meant that none of the cars had hit empty air, so the number of enemies must be quite a lot. Zi Ying did not hesitate anymore, and immediately got his men to throw the cars and rocks down the mountain.    


With a loud dull rumbling sound, countless of cars and giant slabs of rock shot down from the top of the mountain. Tang Yin saw everything clearly, seeing that the enemy had used their true strength, he did not dare delay any further, and pulled Zhan Hu who was still standing at his original spot, and continued to block the tip of the stone, saying: "Get out of the way!"    


While speaking, he pulled Zhan Hu and dodged to the side. Just as they got out of the way, the car and the rocks arrived along with them. They carried an ear-piercing wind that whistled past the two of them. Tang Yin turned around and shouted at Gu Yue: "Release the arrows!"    


Before he finished speaking, Gu Yue, who was already prepared, let go of the bow. Following a sharp creaking sound, the arrow shot into the air.    


At the foot of the mountain, when Xiao Muqing heard the warning from above, he immediately gave the order to give up attacking the enemy's camp, and the entire army retreated immediately. The speed of Pingyuan Army training was fast. Under the order of the main marshal, the fifty thousand Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army s moved in unison and like a tide, retreated from the surroundings of the Peng Army camp, retreating backwards.    


Seeing that the Tianyuan Army had suddenly retreated, all of the Peng Army in the camp were all overjoyed, thinking that they could take advantage of this opportunity, they all climbed up the walls of the camp to launch a barrage of arrows at the retreating Pingyuan Army. The arrows they shot out didn't have much difference in strength and it might have posed a certain threat to the retreating Pingyuan Army, but its lethality wasn't too great.    


Just as many soldiers from the Peng Army were standing on the wall and shouting loudly towards the retreating Pingyuan Army, they suddenly heard thunderous roars coming from above the mountain, they did not know what had happened, and all of them turned their heads to look, but it was too dark, and they could not really see the sky, and could only vaguely see countless black figures rushing down from the mountain.    


Just as people's faces were still hung with confusion, the black shadow that rushed down was already like lightning and rolled in front of the camp. Only then did people truly see what was charging over, but after seeing it clearly, their faces couldn't help but greatly change. It was a rock! Our car and slate ? "    


Before he could finish shouting, the leading car had already crashed into the wall of the stronghold. The large camp at the foot of the mountain of Peng Army was indeed very sturdy, such a heavy car was coming down smoothly from the top of the mountain, its inertia was huge, it was more than a thousand kilograms, but after hitting the wall, it flipped, and the wall only shook a little but was not damaged.    


Even so, the Peng Army above could not take it. Many people could not stand, and fell on the walls, while others fell directly from the walls of the stronghold. The soldiers who had been knocked senseless had just gotten up from the ground when the car full of knives and boulders weighing over a thousand pounds came crashing towards them.    




The blood-curdling screeches just sounded out before abruptly stopping. If people were crushed by the stone pillar, their bodies would have been smashed into smithereens. How could the screams possibly exist? The walls of the Peng Army camp could withstand the collisions of one or ten cars, but they could not withstand the collisions of over a hundred cars. They were huge boulders that had too much impact, and many boulders pushed through the crumbling walls of the camp and directly rolled into the main camp.    


The Roc Battalion was immediately in an uproar, as everyone in the camp was shouting and shouting, screaming and screaming non-stop. The panicking soldiers, in order to avoid the rocks and the car, all ran for their lives, fleeing in panic. The huge encampment was in complete chaos.    


On the mountain, when Zi Ying heard the large camp at the foot of the mountain, the shouts were continuous. After thinking about it carefully, his body suddenly trembled. The enemy must have lured him to drop a large number of car and rock barrage, then hid away so that their own car and rock barrage into the base camp.    


When he thought of this, he shivered and immediately ordered his car to stop and stop dropping the rocks. However, it was already too late. Seeing that there were no longer any cars or rocks rolling down the mountain, the Directly Subordinate Army warriors who were hiding on the two sides of the mountain slope charged out under Tang Yin's orders. They did not charge up the mountain, but instead went back on their path and charged towards the Enemy's Camp below the mountain.    


Pingyuan Army who had originally retreated from the battlefield had now stopped retreating.    


If it was said that Pingyuan Army was just a feint and was not at full power, then at this time, Pingyuan Army was using all of its strength. The soldiers who were full of fighting spirit stared at the bloodshot eyes and rushed forward crazily. Many of them felt that the armor on their bodies was a hindrance and directly tore it off and charged forward bare-chested.    


With fifty thousand Pingyuan Army, he instantly became fifty thousand tigers who would kill without blinking an eye, slaying all the enemies in their line of sight, and the twenty thousand Directly Subordinate Army that was commanded by Tang Yin was even more direct. After rushing down from the middle of the mountain, he charged through the wall of the camp that had been smashed apart by the car and rock barrage without any obstruction and rushed into the camp.    


When the Pingyuan Army broke through the outer perimeter into the main camp, the attack on the Peng Army was even more severe. Flames ignited all over the main camp, and countless red armored soldiers were stopped by the Tianyuan Army in the process of fleeing, their bodies being cut into pieces. In the end, their heads were hung on the waists of the Tianyuan Army soldiers.    


Originally, this had been a difficult battle. However, after the Peng Camp's defensive wall had been smashed apart by their car and rock, this battle had turned into a one-sided massacre. The battle ended very quickly, and it only took more than an hour to withdraw from the Peng Army camp. At this moment, looking back at the camp, it was already impossible to find anyone alive, only the corpses on the ground and the flames shooting to the sky were left. From afar, the camp at the foot of the mountain had already fallen into a sea of fire.    


When Zi Ying who was at the top of the mountain saw this, his entire body became like a deflated balloon. He could not even stand stably, and his body swayed a little, after which he sat down on the ground and stared at the camp at the bottom of the mountain without being able to say a single word.    


"Will... General! The camp at the foot of the mountain seems to be... We can't hold on any longer, we ? Should we go down and rescue them? " The deputy generals beside Zi Ying asked with trembling voice.    


After being silent for a long time, Zi Ying finally regained his senses. He slowly shook his head and said weakly: "Without my General, whoever dares to go down the mountain on their own will be cut down with military law!"    


The generals looked at each other, and all of them shrunk their necks in fear. They did not dare to go down the mountain to help again.    


Zi Ying never thought that the Tianyuan Army would use such a strategy, causing his side's large camp at the foot of the mountain to fall in an instant, and be set on fire, burned by the Tianyuan Army. However, his mind was still relatively clear, and he did not lose his mind. He was very clear that if he went down the mountain to rescue them, it would be equivalent to seeking death.    


The battle did not last long, but with great success from the Tianyuan Army battle, the thirty thousand Peng Army s which they had taken care of at the foot of the Tiger-tooth Mountain mountain were completely annihilated just by a small loss. Not only did it avenge the loss of the Chifeng Army here, it also greatly increased the morale of their side.    


That night, the Tianyuan Army did not attack the Peng Army camp at the top of the mountain again.    


Returning to the Central Army Tent, Tang Yin only bandaged the wound on his hand a little before continuing to discuss tactics with the generals and strategists under his command.    


Peng Haochu said: "It is General Xiao's best strategy to use feint to exhaust the enemy's rushing cars and striking stones. Our army can follow this plan and in a few days, I believe we will be able to reach the top of the mountain and destroy the enemy!"    


Tang Yin nodded, he felt that Peng Haochu's words were reasonable, the Tiger-tooth Mountain's slope was steeper, and there was only one side that was broken, if he attacked forcefully, it would be extremely difficult to win, and his loss would be too big.    


At this time, Zhang Zhe took a step forward and cupped his hands: "Master, it is best to not fight, and Zi Ying is a rare talent, Master can send someone to the mountain to see if he can persuade him. If he can surrender to our army and avoid the war, that would be for the best!"    


If he really could persuade Zi Ying to surrender, that would be for the best. Tang Yin did not have much hope for this, but Zhang Zhe's suggestion was not wrong, and he agreed: "Alright, tomorrow morning, I will send people to the mountain to meet Zi Ying."    


"Master, is that necessary? Even if this person is truly willing to surrender, who knows if he has some ulterior motive? " Li Wei frowned: "In this subordinate's opinion, this person cannot be left alive, all of the Peng Army under his command must be killed to eliminate any future troubles."    


Li Wei was not an open-minded person, he had suffered once at Zi Ying's hands, and he hated him to the bone.    


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