Tomin in The Alien World



0The next day, Dong Sheng disguised himself and came to the Young Master Mansion to have a private talk with Shao Fang.    


At the end of the discussion, Dong Sheng once again asked for's request for Ba Pass. Seeing that Shao Fang had become disinterested after hearing what he said, Dong Sheng became serious and said: "I think that Tang Yin is definitely not someone who can accomplish anything in the future, to our Mo Country, he might be even more of a threat than our Ning Country, if we do not take this chance to obtain Ba Pass today, I'm afraid that we won't be able to regret it in the future! Your Highness! "    


After hearing that, Shao Fang frowned, and said faintly: "Tang Yin has already sworn an alliance with me, and has helped me a lot, how can I possibly ask for Ba Pass from him?"    


"Huh?" Dong Sheng waved his hand and said, "Your Highness, this is a kind heart. In the negotiations between nations, first of all, one has to place importance on one's own country, and one's personal feelings can only be put at a secondary level. "    


Shao Fang muttered to himself for a moment, then nodded his head and laughed: "Prime Minister Dong's words are reasonable, I know what to do now."    


Dong Sheng smiled in relief, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that his decision to support Shao Fang in his decision was right.    


On the other side, Tang Yin was also discussing with Zong Yuan, about whether or not they should give up their Ba Pass.    


Zong Yuan analyzed: "Right now, there is no war between us and Mo Country, and Ba Pass seem to be insignificant. However, once there is a conflict in the future, or even a war, Ba Pass is extremely important, no matter which side we and Mo Country can occupy the key point of Ba Pass, all of us can advance, attack, retreat, defend, and have the slightest of advantages over our opponents. So, as long as there is a sliver of hope, Lord will not give up, and fight them to the end."    


Tang Yin sighed, the importance of Ba Pass was secondary, he was unable to accept the fact that he was being asked to join an alliance. He squinted his eyes and said: "Dong Sheng is very troublesome, I am afraid he will not give up on this easily!"    


Zong Yuan's eyes turned, and said: "Master can drag it out!"    


Tang Yin was startled, and asked: "What do you mean?"    


Zong Yuan laughed and said: "Right now, Sir is still not Feng King, and has no right to decide who to give the Ba Pass to. Besides, if Sir decides it on her own, it might cause dissatisfaction for Member, so after we return, he will have to discuss this matter with the Member in detail, and in short, Sir will try her best to find excuses to move the situation in the country backwards, and when the situation in the country has completely stabilized, the initiative will be transferred to us, whether or not we want to give up the Ba Pass, we can decide based on the situation at that time."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head, what Zong Yuan said was also a way, the longer he delayed, the more it would benefit their side.    


Zong Yuan continued: "Right now, my Lord has more or less completed his mission, it's time to return to the country."    


Tang Yin thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's not clear yet, whether Shao Fang will become the crown prince or not, I have to wait for the right news, if not, if things change, then wouldn't our trip to Mo Country be a wasted trip?"    


Zong Yuan sighed. Right now, he was in Mo Country, staying longer meant that he would be in more danger, so it would be best for him to leave as soon as possible. However, Tang Yin's words made sense. He replied, "Yes! I agree with sire! "    


That night, Shao Fang sent someone to find Tang Yin, naturally for the matter of Ba Pass. When Tang Yin entered Shao Fang's study and saw that Dong Sheng was still sitting beside him, he roughly guessed why Shao Fang was looking for him. He walked forward and asked with a smile, "Did Your Highness find me for something?"    


"Ha ha!" Shao Fang laughed dryly and stood up with Dong Sheng to welcome him. They waved their hands and said: "Brother Tang, please have a seat."    


Tang Yin was not polite and sat on the collapsed chair. Shao Fang did not speak directly, and instead asked directly: "Are you used to living in my residence?"    


"It's very comfortable, it's all thanks to Your Highness' care." Tang Yin said politely.    


Shao Fang laughed: "There are many differences between Mo Country and customs. If Brother Tang feels that there's anything he isn't used to, you can just mention it."    


Tang Yin nodded: "Thank you, Your Highness."    


After a moment of idle chatter, Dong Sheng finally cut to the chase and continued, "Yesterday, Prime Minister Dong brought up the matter of the Ba Pass to Brother Tang, I wonder if Brother Tang has made any decisions?"    


Tang Yin was already prepared. He deliberately sighed lightly and said: "I have also carefully considered this matter, but the matter is extremely serious and it is difficult for me to make a decision on my own. I will need to discuss it with my subordinates after I return."    


He thought to himself that Tang Yin was obviously delaying. Dong Sheng laughed and said: "Master Tang is too modest, right? Master Tang is the commander of the Tianyuan Army. Your decision is naturally the decision of the entire army.    


Humph! Tang Yin laughed coldly on the inside, but he did not reveal it on his face. If I were to make such a decision now, the entire country would definitely have some complaints about me. You have to know that right now, what I care about the most is my reputation, so once my reputation has been tarnished, if I can become the Feng King after defeating Zhong Tian, it will be full of variables. Your Highness, Prime Minister Dong, the two of you have to understand my difficult situation! "    


"This ?" Dong Sheng was at a loss for words, he shook his head and thought: What a good talker Tang Yin!    


Although Shao Fang was temperamental, he was not as cold as Dong Sheng. After hearing Tang Yin's words, he nodded his head in understanding and muttered, "Brother Tang's words are not unreasonable."    


Seeing that Dong Sheng was about to speak again, Tang Yin spoke up first: "Once the overall situation of the nation is settled, I will smoothly sit at the position of the Feng King. At that time, forget about a mere Ba Pass, even giving over three towns to the Your Country would not be a problem."    


Tang Yin was just speaking nonsense, but when Shao Fang heard this, he was extremely happy. He raised his head and laughed, then waved his hand and said, "Brother Tang is too foreign, I am helping not because I want the land of Feng Country, but because I hope that my Feng Country And Mo Country can get along with them and form an alliance with them, no matter which side is the enemy, the other side will definitely help out!"    


"Of course!" Tang Yin said in a serious tone: "We are brothers that have sworn blood to become allies, if one side is in trouble, the other side will of course support us fully!"    


Shao Fang nodded his head.    


Dong Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the side. Although Shao Fang was smart, he was still lacking in experience and knowledge, so he trusted others too easily. What Tang Yin said was good now, but when he becomes a Feng King in the future, it was not certain if he would be able to keep his promise.    


Tang Yin was afraid that Dong Sheng would not let this matter go, so he changed the topic and asked: "Prime Minister Dong proposes to let an accident happen to Your Highness, and shift the blame to Shao Bo, so we can distance ourselves from the relationship between King Mo and Shao Bo. I wonder, how is this accident arranged?"    


When he mentioned this, Shao Fang immediately became spirited. His eyes lit up, and he said faintly: "Arrange for an assassin to stab me in the dead of the night, and I will be injured!"    


Tang Yin rolled his eyes, and said: "This plan is feasible, but, Your Highness did not think, for the assassin to sneakily enter Your Highness's room, he must be someone with a profound cultivation. If Your Highness's injuries are too light, I am afraid it would arouse the suspicion of others!"    


Oh? This was something that Shao Fang and Dong Sheng did not expect. The two of them looked at each other, with their heads lowered, they remained silent. It was very simple to arrange for an assassin to go out to assassinate Shao Fang, but to what extent would be a problem. If his injuries were too severe, his life would be in danger. If his injuries were too light, it would arouse suspicion. This ? It was really hard to do.    


Seeing that the two of them were deep in thought, Tang Yin laughed, and said: "I think, it's better if I disguise myself as the assassin!"    


Hearing this, Shao Fang and Dong Sheng were both shocked, and looked at Tang Yin together.    


Tang Yin leaned forward, suddenly he pointed to Shao Fang's chest, and said: "There is a gap between the aorta and the pulmonary artery of the heart, it is just enough to allow the sword to pierce through. If the wound is here, not only would it not kill you, but it would also make people think that it is a fatal wound, which would be enough to confuse everyone, the fact that Your Highness was able to survive, everyone will only think that it is Your Highness' luck, that your life should not end, and they would not think that there is a trick to it!"    


Shao Fang and Dong Sheng did not understand at all what he said about the aorta and pulmonary arteries, but the two of them could hear that Tang Yin wanted to pierce through Shao Fang's heart.    


Without waiting for Shao Fang to speak, Dong Sheng's head shook like a rattle drum, and said repeatedly: "No, no! It's too dangerous, this is too dangerous, what if you fail? What if His Highness had a... "What should we do?"    


Tang Yin smiled but did not say a word, and only turned to look at Shao Fang.    


Shao Fang's face kept changing, after thinking for a long time, he raised his head, met Tang Yin's gaze, and asked: "Brother Tang, can piercing through the heart really prevent death?"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin said: "To be exact, it is just passing by the heart, it is not really piercing, but from the outside, it does look like it is piercing through the heart."    


After Shao Fang heard this, he fell into deep thought again.    


Seeing that, Dong Sheng broke out in a cold sweat, and anxiously said to Shao Fang: "Your Highness, you cannot! Your Highness, you absolutely cannot! "    


Shao Fang ignored him, and asked Tang Yin with uncertainty: "Are you confident that you can hit me with a sword?"    


Tang Yin said confidently: "If I do not have a 100% assurance, I will not let Your Highness face the danger!"    


With regards to this point, he did not spout nonsense. There was indeed a gap between the aorta in his heart, and Tang Yin was confident that he could hit it with one blow. If Shao Fang really died a misfortune, the biggest loss would not be other people, but Tang Yin himself.    


Seeing that Shao Fang was in a dilemma and it was difficult for him to make a decision, while Dong Sheng had an extremely worried look, Tang Yin chuckled and said: "If Your Highness does not believe me, I can ask someone to come and try, and see if what I said is true."    



These words caused Shao Fang's spirit to rise, he looked around and asked: "What weapon does Brother Tang want to use?"    


"Anything." Tang Yin stood up, he walked to the wall and took down a treasure sword that was hung on top of it, holding onto the reed, he pulled outwards, following the sound of sand, the sword's body was half pulled out, a cold light flashed, it pierced everyone's eyes, Tang Yin kept the sword, holding it back, he returned it back to the collapse, and said: "Use this sword!"    


In Shao Fang's and Dong Sheng's eyes, this was a matter of life and death. However, in Tang Yin's eyes, this was just a simple attack, he could do anything he wanted with any weapon.    


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