Tomin in The Alien World



0Shao Fang's Young Master Mansion was large and luxurious, and was heavily guarded. There were guards at every ten steps, guards at every five steps, and teams of guards patrolling from time to time.    


Tang Yin and Zhao Ju were led by the guards through the outer court straight to the main hall.    


Before entering the main hall, one had to go up a flight of tall stairs, which were made from marble. The steps were meticulously crafted, and the patterns were different, so it was not difficult to see the luxury level of the people with authority in the Mo Country from just this small detail. On both sides of the stairs were guards in golden armor, all of the same height. Their helmets were bright, and their expressions were cold. Naturally, they exuded a solemn aura.    


Without waiting for Tang Yin and the rest to go up the stairs, a high-ranking officer walked over and stopped them. The leader's gaze was like lightning, sweeping over them slowly, and then extended his hand out and said: "Hand over your weapons!"    


Brother Shangguan frowned, he was about to speak when Tang Yin turned and looked at the two of them, then pulled out his two blades and handed them over to the big sized man.    


The big sized man took his two blades, as he had never seen this kind of Scimitar before, he could not help but take a few more glances, then curled his lips and sneered: "What broken blades?!" While speaking, he looked towards Brother Shangguan, Zong Yuan and Zhao Ju, and said: "Hand over your weapons!"    


Tang Yin handed over his own blade. Brother Shangguan had no choice but to remove his sword and give it to the big sized man. Zong Yuan and Zhao Ju, one was a strategist while the other was a businessman, both of them did not have a spirit weapon, and they did not have any weapons on them. Zhao Ju opened his arms wide and said respectfully to the big sized man: "General, I do not have any weapons on me!"    


That man didn't hold back and walked up to him. After carefully inspecting his body and confirming that there were no weapons on him, he shook his head and said, "Go in!" After he finished speaking, he checked the bodies of Tang Yin, Zong Yuan and the Brother Shangguan one by one. After confirming that there were no problems, he let them in.    


As he walked up the stairs, Shangguan Yuanbiao coldly laughed and said: "This Shao Fang sure has a big demeanor!"    


Tang Yin frowned, he rolled his eyes at Shangguan Yuanbiao, indicating for him to stop speaking nonsense. This was, after all, the capital of the Mo Country, and it was also Young Master Mansion. Seeing the dissatisfaction on his face, Shangguan Yuanbiao shrank his neck to hide his mouth, not daring to say another word.    


Everyone thought that the physical examination had ended, but if not, when they reached the top of the stairs and approached the main entrance of the hall, the guards at the entrance once again stopped them. They searched them one by one, carefully inspecting them. After this test, everyone was finally able to enter the main hall.    


He looked inside and saw a long, wide table at the far end of the hall. On the table were fine wine jugs, wine glasses, and several plates of fruits, and behind the table sat a man in his early thirties. He had a golden crown on his head and was wearing a long black robe, and his face was as white as jade.    


Looking at the surrounding area, there were many guards, all of whom had gold helmets and armor, wearing blood-red cloaks. If one used the Arts of Clairvoyance, he would see that these guards were all Spiritual Martial Expert with profound cultivations.    


Zhao Ju was a businessman, and he had seen a lot of powerful movements, but at this time in the Young Master Mansion Palace, he felt as if the air was frozen, it was difficult to breathe, his entire body was weak, and the tendons in his leg were twisting.    




As soon as he entered the hall, Zhao Ju's legs went weak, and he immediately knelt down, not daring to raise his head, his eyes not daring to squint, as he kowtowed and said with a trembling voice: "Scoundrel, Zhao Ju, kowtow to Your Highness!"    


Tang Yin, Zong Yuan, and Brother Shangguan were much calmer than him, and even when they were in the capital of Mo Country and were facing the prince of Mo Country, their expressions were still calm and collected. The four did not kowtow, but bowed in unison and said, "Greetings, Your Highness!"    


When the young man on the mat heard the voice, his attention finally shifted from the lady beside him to Tang Yin and the others. He turned his body to the side and leaned on the girl to his left, tilted his head, and slowly sized up Tang Yin, Zhao Ju, Zong Yuan, Brother Shangguan.    


The five of them came at the same time. One of them kowtowed in respect, while the other four merely bowed and cupped their hands in greeting. This made the young man very interested. He raised the corner of his mouth and slowly said: "Who is Zhao Ju?"    


The young man looked very feminine. His voice was sharp, and his voice was slow. It made people feel like he was a woman.    


Zhao Ju didn't even raise his head as he laid his forehead on the ground and replied respectfully: "I am Zhao Ju."    


"I heard that you're here to recommend two talents for me?" The young man asked in a strange tone.    


"Yes!" Your Highness! "    


"Where is the talent?"    


"Then... It's the two of them! " At this time, Zhao Ju finally lifted his head and turned around. Seeing that Tang Yin and the other three were standing straight behind him, his expression changed from fright as he secretly waved his hand, signalling Tang Yin and the others to kneel down like him. Tang Yin saw his signal, but pretended not to see it, and turned his gaze to another direction. Like him, Zong Yuan, Brother Shangguan and the other two would not kneel down.    


Zhao Ju grinned, but there was nothing he could do about it. He stretched out his hand, pointed at Brother Shangguan and said: "Your Highness, it's these two!"    




The young man followed his finger and looked at Brother Shangguan, after looking at them carefully, he nodded, just from their appearances, the two of them were really different, just that he did not know the cultivation and spirit warriors of the two of them. Thinking of this, his gaze shifted to the armored guard closest to him.    


The armored guard hastily walked up to the young man, bent down, and whispered in his ear, "These two people have already reached the Spirit Origin realm."    


At that time, people who had surpassed the Spirit Transformation realm could be considered experts, and there were not many Spirit Cultivator that were able to reach the Spirit Origin Stage. When the young man heard this, his eyes lit up. If he could have two Spirit Origin Stage cultivators under his command, it would be a good thing. He was about to say something when he saw the armored guard hesitating. He smiled and asked, "What else do you want?"    


The armored guard turned his head to the side to look at Tang Yin, and said in a low voice, "Among the other two people, one of them didn't have Spiritual Martial Cultivation, and the other one was... It's the Spirit Cultivator of Dark, your cultivation has already reached the Spirit Heaven Stage! "    


After the calm Second Prince of the Mo Country heard these words, his complexion also changed. Firstly, because there were too few Spirit Cultivator of Dark s, and he couldn't even find one. Secondly, Spirit Cultivator s with the strength of the Spirit Heaven Stage were extremely rare, even rarer than the Spirit Cultivator of Dark s.    


He was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and asked, "What's your name?"    


The two Shangguan brothers thought they were asking about the two of them, and said at the same time: "I am Yuanwu (Yuanbiao)!" What they said was the real name, but they hid Shangguan's surname.    


The young man smiled, shook his head, and said, "I'm not talking about you two, but him!" While speaking, he raised his hand and pointed at Tang Yin.    




In an instant, everyone in the hall looked towards Tang Yin at the same time.    


Tang Yin met the youth's gaze, his eyes curved into a smile, and said gently: "I can only tell Your Highness my name!" The underlying meaning of his words was to have the other party send out everyone around them.    


The youth was startled. He laughed and said, "Speak your mind."    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, suddenly, the Black Fog s around him soared, before the young man could see what was happening, Tang Yin, who was originally standing at the entrance, suddenly appeared in front of him. This sudden turn of events gave the guards on both sides a fright. At the same time, the guards on both sides released their Spirit Pressure, first tying Tang Yin up, then, swarming over and protecting the young man.    


The weakest of these armored guards had already reached the Spirit Transformation realm. With more than twenty of them releasing Spirit Pressure at the same time, one could imagine just how powerful they were.    


In that moment, Tang Yin felt as if the air around him had frozen into a mountain, pressing down on his body, about to crush and crush his body. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. His body was like a nail as he stood there without moving at all. His expression was the same as before, neither nervous nor in pain. He faintly said, "Everyone, don't worry, I just want to have a few words with His Highness in private!"    


When Tang Yin said this, he looked relaxed and casual, but in reality, he was using all of his strength.    


To Tang Yin, it was as if a century had passed. The youth suddenly grinned and shook his head, saying, "Your Excellency, you have a good cultivation, you have the guts to do so!" After pausing for a moment, he leaned against the lady and sat up straight. He leaned forward and approached Tang Yin, asking: "Who exactly are you?"    


Tang Yin locked eyes with him and remained silent while smiling.    


The young man understood what he meant and said leisurely: "You don't have to worry, the people here are my trusted aides. Without my order, they would not tell anyone even if there are huge secrets!"    


Tang Yin was also in a difficult position, considering whether or not he should reveal his identity in front of the crowd. After pondering for a moment, he steeled his heart, and said slowly: "I am Tang Yin!"    


"Tang Yin?" The youth looked confused. He raised his head, rubbed his chin, and muttered, "This name sounds quite familiar."    


He did not know who Tang Yin was exactly, but the guards on both sides of him had a change in expression at the same time. The armored guard who spoke earlier exclaimed in shock, "You are the commander of Feng Country, Tang Yin?"    


After listening to his subordinate's words, the young man's face revealed a look of enlightenment. He looked at Tang Yin in shock and said: "It's actually you?!"    


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