Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C158 Concern

C158 Concern

0Thinking about this, I couldn't help but worry about how Qiu Tong would solve this difficult problem.    


I stared at Qiu Tong, my mind racing.    


"Yi Ke, what are you staring at? Boss Qiu is talking to you! " At this time, Su Dingguo touched my arm and I quickly came back to my senses. I looked at Qiu Tong and said, "Oh …" Boss Qiu, what do you want to talk about? "    


Qiu Tong said to me, "Yi Ke, as for the implementation of this plan, under the leadership of CEO Su, you will be the one to implement it. If there are any problems in the implementation process, you can report it directly to Director Su. Are you having any difficulties?"    


"No!" I said crisply.    


"You said no, I think not!" Qiu Tong smiled and said, "For example, traffic problems. Would that affect the efficiency of your work? This is a cold day, you can't just use a bus to travel, can you? "    


Qiu Tong thought it through very carefully. Actually, I also thought of this question, but I'm too embarrassed to bring it up. I'm a temporary worker, how would I dare to ask for a company car!    


"Boss Qiu is really considerate. Leave this matter to me. I will arrange for the office to give Yi Ke a special car for the next few days!" Su Dingguo said.    


"Then thank you, CEO Su!" "No," I said.    


"Hey — you're a frontline fighter. Fighting on the frontline is very tiring, so I naturally have to do some logistics work for you!" Su Dingguo said.    


Qiu Tong smiled and nodded. She then looked at me and said, "Yi Ke, I'll give you six days. Is that enough?"    


I understand why Qiu Tong gave me six days. Zhao Dajian and Cao Teng had a meeting for four days and came and went for two days, exactly six days.    


Qiu Tong wanted me to implement the plan fully before Zhao Dajian and Cao Teng came back.    


Of course, Qiu Tong would also give the plan to Cao Lee on the sixth day.    


I did some quick calculations in my mind. Just by myself, I had six days to complete the recruitment training of the team, the layout of more than 600 fixed sales locations in the city, the number of signed newspapers at the station, the airport, the port, and the procedure for the settlement and transfer of the returns for all of these projects, as well as the full implementation of the plan for the purchase of prizes, scrapers and prizes, and the operation of the concrete procedures. Time was rather tight.    


According to my original budget, I would need at least half a month to complete all of these in one go.    


But now, my beautiful boss only gave me six days.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's expectant expression, I knew that there were only six days left for her. If she couldn't complete it within those six days, when Zhao Dajian and Cao Teng return, all her previous efforts would be for naught.    


Qiu Tong definitely knows that this time is difficult for me, but right now, she has no other choice. 6 days, this is the maximum time limit she can give me.    


Since Qiu Tong has no other choice, then I, naturally, have no other choice.    


I gritted my teeth and nodded. I slowly said, "I guarantee that I will be able to complete it within 6 days!"    


"A monarch's word —" Qiu Tong stared me in the eye.    


"A whip attack!" I also looked into Qiu Tong's eyes, which were full of resolute confidence.    


"Good — —" Qiu Tong slammed the table, looked at Su Dingguo, and said decisively: "CEO Su, from today on, all the requests from Yi Ke regarding work must be unconditionally satisfied. If you can't do it, just come to me!"    


"Alright, I guarantee it!" Su Dingguo immediately said. At the same time, he looked at me skeptically for a while.    


After the meeting, I immediately put myself into this new year's drama, which was directed by Qiu Tong, with me as the male lead.    


This is a battle between me and Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong will be the commander while I will be the vanguard!    


I was very excited and proud. To be Qiu Tong's lackey and to be able to serve Boss Qiu, I was willing to do so without feeling flattered.    


I didn't hesitate to enter the role in this celebration film, which crosses reality and illusion to travel through love and the world of work.    


The show had already begun, and was going on.    


I began the same day.    


In fact, while I was working on the plan, those things had begun to come alive in my mind, and I had thought about it many times before. However, the time I had set aside for myself at that time was half a month. Since Qiu Tong had only given me six days, then all the procedures and procedures would have to be reduced by at least half.    


The most important thing is to recruit people to form a team. Since there's no one here, just me and myself alone would be useless. According to Qiu Tong's arrangements, the recruitment could not be advertised in the newspapers. Not only could the recruitment not be made public, after recruiting, they could not even start training in Issuing Company before they officially went on duty, and could only secretly work.    


I directly went to the Hsinghai Labour Market. There were quite a few people looking for work there, so I set up a stall. In an afternoon, there were over 60 people registering to fill out the forms.    


I didn't have time to wait until the next day to confirm, so I chose 30 people. The chosen 30 people, most of whom were between 25 and 35 years of age, were not well-educated. They were all migrant workers who had found jobs in the city after the rural years.    


In the afternoon of the same day, I gathered them together at the nearby Zhongshan Plaza. After conducting their first training, I first explained the content of the work that they were doing and the basic methods to test the rewards. Of course, this also included the prospects for the future as well as the basic overview of Issuing Company s.    


Then, I set them to gather here at 8 am every day for the next few days to train before leaving.    


That night, I bought a map of the Hsinghai city. According to the density of the population, the distribution of the communities, and other basic elements, I divided them into 30 floating sales and reporting areas.    


These 30 people, in addition to taking on the task of floating sales, also took on the task of developing a fixed sales location in their respective regions. Each person had to develop at least 20 fixed sales locations. Every time a fixed selling location is developed, there will be a certain amount of reward, which is measured by the monthly sales score of the fixed selling location.    


The development of a fixed sales location, by the existing retail distribution personnel for newspaper distribution. They'll develop small supermarket chains and small shops in the community, and I'll have to do the big ones myself.    


The next day, in addition to training the newsletter team every morning, in the afternoon, the team members would develop a fixed sales location to familiarize themselves with their respective areas. The next morning, they would summarize the situation from the previous day.    


As for me, I started to run to airports, train stations, long distance passenger stations, ports to contact newspapers to board planes, board ships, get on cars, negotiate from house to house, determine the score, fix the rate, determine the personnel, determine the mode of delivery and the method of payment, and when all these matters were agreed upon, one family signed a contract.    


At the same time, I also had the same cumbersome negotiations with Tesco, Carrefour, Wal-Mart, McKelley, and Dafa.    


These foreign-invested Taiwanese enterprises are much more difficult to negotiate than those state-owned enterprises in the airport port of the station.    


Fortunately, I have had previous experience dealing with foreign companies. I know that although negotiating with them is rather difficult, once the contract is signed, they will be very well-behaved in terms of execution of the contract. Now that we have discussed it in detail, we will avoid a lot of trouble in the future.    


While I was doing all this, I continued to carry out the lottery buying and reporting activities without stopping. On the second day, the scraper came up with a copy, which I showed to Su Dingguo and Qiu Tong after checking and checking. After everyone agreed to it, they started to print it, ensuring that they could produce 200 thousand copies within five days.    


Out of the 200 thousand bags of shampoo, I directly brought a car over and sneaked into Issuing Company's storage area as we were about to get off work.    


These few days have been the most stressful months for me in the past few months. I would wander around during the day, summarize the events of the day in the dormitory at night, plan the matters of the next day, ponder over the details of the contract, ponder over the flaws in my training, and comb the fixed sales notice for the new developments … He would often be busy until midnight before he could sleep, and then fight early the next morning.    


Every morning when I conduct training for the Publisher, he will personally attend. As for the contract I signed, I will first hand it to him, then he will hand it over to Qiu Tong, after Qiu Tong has finished her review, he will sign it under his seal.    


Qiu Tong hasn't been going anywhere for a few days. She has been staying at the company and watching every move within and outside the company. I think her busy and nervous state is no less than mine.    


Everything was going on in an orderly and tense manner.    



On the 15th of the first month, everything was ready. In the afternoon, Su Dingguo and I were in Qiu Tong's office and I had a comprehensive report.    


"Boss Qiu, exactly six days, all the content of the plan has been completed and can be put into operation tomorrow. The number of retailers can be reported to the Statistical Office this afternoon and the fixed sales center, the airport, the station, the port, as well as all the major cities can be reported to the public tomorrow!" "No," I said.    


"Yi Ke, you really have a lot of work to do. You sure are efficient! "Tomorrow, our retail sales volume will suddenly grow by a huge amount, and I think many people will be surprised!" Su Dingguo said happily.    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up. She pursed her lips and thought for a moment, then looked at me: "Yi Ke, how much can the total number of shares in the retail trade reach tomorrow?"    


I opened the book in my hands and looked at it. "According to the fixed selling rate of 5% and the current selling rate of 0%, the total number of retail sales can reach 60,000 tomorrow!" Previously, Issuing Company's fixed retail sales refund rate was always at 10%, so I lowered it a little.    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up again as she looked at me. "Make sure?"    


"This is the lowest number for tomorrow. After a few days of operation, this number will change, but it will only increase and not decrease!" "No," I said firmly.    


"Why are you so sure?" Qiu Tong stared at me.    


"Based on rigorous market research!" I replied quickly.    


Qiu Tong nodded. "Alright! Tomorrow, our retail sales will be three times as large as we are right now. This is a huge breakthrough, and the development of Hsinghai Newspaper has reached a milestone in the history of our market. Our Issuing Company is going to place a satellite in the Hsinghai Newspaper world, and the one who produced this satellite, Yi Ke! "    


Listening to Qiu Tong's words, I felt very happy in my heart.    


Then Qiu Tong took out a document and weighed it in her hand. I took a look and saw that it was the retail plan.    


It looked like Qiu Tong was going to send a plan to Cao Lee.    


At this time, Qiu Tong looked at Su Dingguo and said: "Chief Su, report the number of Statistical Office to us, at the same time, report it to the selection room and the distribution team. Also, according to Yi Ke's arrangement, those who are selling on the streets all go to nearby Publishing Station s to collect their newspapers, you can also greet the various Publishing Station leaders."    


Su Dingguo nodded. Suddenly, he had a difficult expression, "Boss Qiu, each Publishing Station belongs to Boss Zhao as a branch. I will directly greet you. That's not good. It seems to be overstepping one's authority."    


Qiu Tong laughed. "What's so bad about that?" Boss Zhao is on a business trip. You took the lead and I arranged it. Do you think there's anything wrong with it? This is not overstepping one's authority, this is within our rights, it is necessary. "    


Su Dingguo nodded: "Alright, with Boss Qiu's words, I won't worry anymore!"    


After he finished speaking, Su Dingguo took the detailed list in my hands and directly went to Statistical Office.    


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