Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C352 Do You Understand What I Mean?

C352 Do You Understand What I Mean?

0"Of course not, I do my best for myself. I just want to make money, make a lot of money, and then be the boss myself. Actually, I know that Boss Qiu is reusing me because I'm able to give her face sticker, not because I'm able to use her, not because I'm able to give her political achievements. If I don't have any achievements, she would promise not to reuse me, and might have already kicked me aside. "    


"Yi Ke, you're quite bold with your words. You dare to speak behind your back to your direct superior like this? Aren't you afraid that I'll pass your words on to Qiu Tong?" Sun Dongkai said happily.    


"I believe that my eyes did not misjudge him. I believe that Boss Sun would not be such a person!" I said, "Speaking of which, I'm an outsider. I don't have any connections or social background in Hsinghai, so in the company, I have to properly curry favor with Boss Qiu and listen to what Boss Qiu says. I have no choice but to do this, but, luckily, Boss Qiu is a very righteous person, he cares very much about the people who work for us, takes care of us, and is very fair."    


"Well, since you've opened your heart and spoken to me, of course I won't spread your word." Sun Dongkai smiled and said, "Oh Yi, you can see the problem very clearly. Not bad, it's because you can do it that Qiu Tong values you highly. To be honest, as the director, I have always had a high opinion of Qiu Tong.    


Ignoring the fact that she was beautiful, her tenacity in doing the work, and her diligence in working hard all the time were all appreciated by me. She was considerate towards her subordinates, cared about her employees, and possessed great prestige in the Issuing Company. Of course, Qiu Tong was still stubborn, so there was no need to talk about this. "I can feel that you're very protective of Qiu Tong and very loyal to her."    


I said, "Boss Sun is under the impression that there is nothing that can be done to protect or be loyal to him. I only do things for money, and Boss Qiu is the biggest tree that I can catch in the group. If I don't get close to her, she can decide my job with a single word, and if Boss Qiu doesn't work, I will do the same thing to him. For the sake of survival, I will not talk about the dignity of a human being. It's not easy for me to get this position in the group. I have to cherish it. "    


Sun Dongkai nodded, as if my answer made him more satisfied: "Yi, your words are too frank and direct, it's satisfying. Men, I really appreciate your straightforward reply. So, let me ask you, do you want to find a bigger backer in the group, get along better, climb higher, and earn more money? "    


Without thinking, I said, "Want to —"    


Sun Dongkai laughed.    


I added, "It's a waste of time."    


Sun Dongkai was even happier now. He shook his head: "I'll tell you, I won't think for nothing. As long as you want to, it's going to be easy."    


"What should I do?"    


Sun Dongkai smiled, "Yi, like I said, I really admire your personality and your talent. You are a gallant, so you need a Bole. In terms of Issuing Company, Qiu Tong cannot be called your playboy. At most, according to what you said just now, she was only using you as a tool to achieve her own political achievements. The position and performance that you have displayed in Issuing Company right now is far from being at the realm where you as a Thousand-Li Horse should be even higher than that of yours. Actually, as long as there is a position, you will naturally have the money. "    


I looked at Sun Dongkai in a daze, pretending to be stupid.    


Sun Dongkai took a drag from his cigarette. "Yi, do you understand the meaning behind my words just now?"    


I pretended to be confused: "I don't really understand. I understand a bit, but I don't seem to understand at all. Please enlighten me, Boss Sun."    


Sun Dongkai slowly let out a mouthful of smoke and then said: "Explain? Do you still need me to explain? You can't figure it out by yourself? "    


I frowned as I thought about it. Suddenly, I patted my head. "I understand. I understand."    


Sun Dongkai smiled happily: "It's good that you understand!"    


I acted as if I was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor: "Thank you, Boss Sun, for appreciating me. It is my honor to have Boss Sun's support and attention. I will definitely do my best and will not disappoint Boss Sun's expectations."    


Sun Dongkai smiled with satisfaction: "Yi, I want to cultivate you to be my horse. I want you to have both fame and fortune, you can not only earn money, but also have a certain social status. As long as you listen to me carefully and work hard, I will pay more attention to you. The Group is very big, don't limit your focus to just one Issuing Company, you have to broaden your horizons, you have to look at the entire Group, according to your current abilities, you still have a lot of room for improvement and development, don't just think about earning the little amount of money you have right now, you have to have greater ambitions. "As I said, since I have a place, money will naturally come."    


I made my eyes light up and expressed my gratitude to Sun Dongkai again: "I understand, thank you Boss Sun for your advice."    


Sun Dongkai smiled in satisfaction.    


Then, I seriously said: "Boss Sun, I have another characteristic, and that is that if you want to earn money, you have to earn it fair and square, and this is not fair money, so you definitely cannot take it. My way of doing things is also like this, acting according to a person's conscience, and not doing anything that scams others. "Of course, any type of leader would be the type. You are Boss Qiu's leader, Boss Qiu is such a person, and naturally, you are also such a righteous person. I believe I am absolutely right about this point."    


I purposely said this to let Sun Dongkai know my bottom line. At the same time, I also wanted Sun Dongkai to believe that I was willing to use him as my backer and believe that I genuinely wanted to rely on him.    


I know, according to Sun Dongkai's logic, it is also the logic of the majority of the government. With a higher backer, everyone is willing to give up their current backer and choose the bigger one. This is the law of the government's development and survival, it is very reasonable.    


Sun Dongkai, as a CEO of the corporation, extended an olive branch to me today. Adding my previous performance, I felt that he had no reason to believe that I would refuse to rely on him or pretend to do so. He would feel that I was sincere to rely on him.    


He knows, I know, everyone knows, there are a lot of people in the group who want to rely on him, it's just that he's not interested in any of them.    


Sun Dongkai nodded: "You are right, of course I won't let you do something so wicked. You are still young and I have to take responsibility for you. Not only do I have to teach you how to do things, I also have to teach you how to conduct yourself. "From now on, if you have any problems, you can report them directly to me, including any difficulties or ostracism you encounter in the company, as well as anything you feel you need to report to me."    


I nodded: "Alright, thank you again Boss Sun!"    


Sun Dongkai looked at me meaningfully. "Yi, I believe you won't let me down!"    


I looked at Sun Dongkai with sincere eyes: "Boss Sun, don't worry, I won't let you down!"    


Sun Dongkai's expression suddenly became very serious: "Yi, let no one else know about my conversation with you today! I'm talking about anything! "    


I also became serious: "Boss Sun, I guarantee that you won't tell anyone about the content of your private conversation with me today. What I said was also anything!"    


Sun Dongkai's expression relaxed, he stood up with a smile, walked to the back of the boss's desk and sat down. He opened the drawer, and in a while, he took out a shiny yellow thing and placed it on the table, and pushed it in my direction: "Yi, today is the first time you and I have spoken to each other from the bottom of our hearts. It can be considered the beginning of our true relationship. "You have to think carefully, I'll give it to you as a gift. It can be considered as a gift from old friend to little brother."    


Holy shit, it's a gold bar.    


In order to make me his trusted aide, Sun Dongkai seems to want to invest some capital! It was clear how much he valued me.    


I quickly waved my hands and refused: "Boss Sun, I can't, I can't!"    


Sun Dongkai laughed, "How can I not? I think we should use it. Take it!"    


"This is too precious, I can't take it. What's more, you're the leader, so I should give you something. How can you turn the tables?" I continued to decline.    


Sun Dongkai was annoyed. He looked at me and said coldly, "Yi Ke, if you really want to follow me, if you want me to believe that what you just said is true, then don't be so long-winded!"    


I saw that Sun Dongkai was serious, and felt that the play was done, so I took the gold bar and put it in my pocket.    


Of course, I understand that Sun Dongkai didn't give away his gold bar for free. Eating someone's mouth is short, but taking someone's hand is short. Sun Dongkai should be a type of investment.    


Only, I feel that this guy invested in the wrong place. I'm in a bottomless pit, so no matter how much he invested, he wouldn't be able to see anything.    


After leaving the group office, he walked along the sidewalk towards the business district, while thinking about his conversation with Sun Dongkai today.    


Sun Dongkai had always wanted to pull me as his man, but today he has finally realized it.    


He didn't pull me against anyone, nor did he specifically want to tear Qiu Tong down. After all, the person he was in charge of was also someone who had done a good job.    


He and Cao Lee probably thought differently about this. Cao Lee wholeheartedly wanted to pull Qiu Tong off her horse. Although Qiu Tong never let Sun Dongkai succeed in his selfish desire, Qiu Tong's work still gave him a lot of face.    


As an ambitious politician, Sun Dongkai knows what is big and what is small, and what is light and what is heavy.    


I feel that he should be able to rope me in, or nurturing me as a living force. Who knows when it might be a miraculous move that will bring about an unexpected effect for him.    


This was also to nurture the reserve troops and the second tier!    



Of course, he was full of guts. If Sun Dongkai was really driven by his affluence or was flustered, he could use his work as a convenience to attack Qiu Tong and frame her, and that would be something he had to be wary of.    


And today, through this series of conversations and gifts, it is still unknown whether Sun Dongkai really believes me completely in his heart.    


After all, what I was thinking was too simple. What I was facing wasn't a simple-minded person, but an experienced government official, a scheming politician.    


While I was lost in my thoughts, an old man with a white beard, disheveled hair, and dirty clothes suddenly blocked my way. He stretched out a hand covered in filth and said with a trembling voice, "Have mercy on this eighty year old man."    


Looking at this old beggar who looked to be in his eighties, I couldn't help but think of my grandfather who had passed away. He also had this kind of white beard, and this kind of old age.    


My nose suddenly feels sore. I reach into my pocket to take out the gold bar Sun Dongkai just gave me. I place it in the old man's hand and quickly leave.    


After returning to the company, I went straight to Qiu Tong's office. Qiu Tong was standing by the window with her arms crossed, deep in thought. When she saw me enter, she smiled. "Did it go well?"    


"Great!" I replied as I had planned. I didn't want to tell her the middle story.    




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