Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C370 A Smile Obliterates Grudges

C370 A Smile Obliterates Grudges

0After finishing the wine, the Emperor greeted everyone, "Come, everyone eat. Don't be polite. Today, Boss Wu is inviting everyone to have a leisurely meal together."    


At this moment, Cao Lee became excited. She raised her glass and looked at Wu De, "Boss Wu, come. I'll have a drink with you today. Long time no see. I'll show you my intentions first."    


At this moment, as I was dealing with the toast the Emperor gave me, I was thinking in my heart, looks like today's winery really is a leisurely gathering without any purpose, like what Wu De said. Dong Xue's appearance might really have been a coincidence, or Bai Laosan intentionally pulled Dong Xue over to meet my eyes.    


However, the moment I met Dong Xue, everyone acted normally. Dong Xue's expression seemed to indicate that she realized something and didn't show any abnormality on the surface. This should be what disappointed Bai Laosan.    


However, to me, it was a gain to know Dong Xue's current location. Even though this made the anxiety and worry in my heart worsen, it made me unhappy.    


But today, I knew, my displeasure and other emotions could only be buried in my heart. I couldn't show it on my face.    


After drinking with the Emperor, I followed suit. After Cao Lee and Wu De finished drinking, I said to Wu De, "Come, Boss Wu, let me toast you with a glass of wine!"    


"You don't dare to accept my toast. I should toast you, Manager Yi!" Wu De smiled as he raised his cup, "You are Boss Sun's man, Boss Sun is my good friend, naturally, you are also my good friend, I admire you very much, just like Boss Sun does. My brother has received Boss Sun's high recognition, it is worth celebrating, cherish it well."    


"Honestly speaking, I'm really jealous of Boss Sun in my heart. With a loyal general like you under your command, if you don't use Boss Sun, I will open the door to your brother at any time. Of course, whether you are willing to come or not and look down on me is a completely different matter."    


Sun Dongkai laughed.    


I also smiled: "Thank you very much for Boss Wu's appreciation. My current thoughts is to follow Boss Sun wholeheartedly and not do anything else. On Boss Wu's side, the threshold is too high. I don't even dare to think about it. "Of course, little brother has always admired Boss Wu, how could I dare to look down on him?"    


After saying that, I drank a cup of wine. Wu De also drank his cup.    


Putting down the wine cup, Wu De turned to Sun Dongkai and said, "Look, Boss Sun, what a good young man. If a subject does not serve a second master, then you are truly a source of envy to me."    


Sun Dongkai smiled proudly. I don't know if he was really proud or if he did it intentionally for everyone to see.    


I knew in my heart that what Wu De said was true. He wanted to get me to help him.    


He always thought I should belong in the world of martial arts, not the office or semi-office and semi-office.    


Of course, he knows that even though I'm doing it with Hsinghai, there's still an unfathomable relationship between me and Lee Shun. Even if he really wants to get me over to his side, ignoring Sun Dongkai, he still has to take care of Lee Shun. After all, Lee Shun was brought over by him, and he's the godfather level figure in Lee Shun's heart.    


I continued to drink with Bai Laosan and raised my glass. Looking at Bai Laosan, I smiled and said, "Boss Bai, it's my pleasure to meet you again today. How about a toast?"    


Bai Laosan looked at me and smiled meaningfully. He raised his wine cup and said, "Good, Manager Yi, Mr. Yi, Brother Yi. Long time no see. "Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I've always been thinking about you in my heart. I've never forgotten about you."    


I put on a fake smile: "It's rare to see Boss Bai thinking about it. For a small figure like me to be able to make Boss Bai think about it, it's also my honor. I'm extremely honored."    


Bai Laosan glanced at Dong Xue, "Bro, I guess I'm loyal enough. Are you satisfied with the place I arranged for Dong Xue?"    


At this moment, I suddenly became alert, Bai Laosan was obviously trying to probe something from me.    


Is he trying to test if my relationship with Dong Xue is really over? Or do you want to use this opportunity to see if Dong Xue's real purpose in going to his place is pure, is it really just to make money or to infiltrate into his inner circle as my informant? Did he suspect that I was using a beauty trap?    


Thinking about this, I glanced at Dong Xue. Dong Xue's expression seemed to be a little nervous.    


Even though I didn't realize anything from her expression, I still deliberately let myself glance at Dong Xue to make myself look at her with a bit of contempt. I then looked at Bai Laosan, "Boss Bai, your disloyalty to justice has nothing to do with me, my relationship with Dong Xue has already ended. However, even if we can't be husband and wife, normal friends would still do the same thing, just like how I and Zhang Xiaotian, although we are not on the same side of things, but we are still friends, aren't we? As for how you are going to arrange Lady Dong Xue, it has nothing to do with me. Everyone has their own aspirations, and some people just like to live a life of wealth with high and new privileges.    


After saying that, I secretly glanced at Dong Xue. Dong Xue seemed to be relieved, but there were traces of sadness and dejection in her eyes.    


Bai Laosan grinned, "Oh, haha, I was overthinking it. Sorry. I did not see, Brother Yi is a person who can put down, broke up, said to put down, without the heart of nostalgia. However, you're right, we are all friends. Hehe, Dong Xue, Zhang Xiaotian, and I have always treated you as a friend and have always missed you. Of course, Dong Xue is a capable person, she doesn't have to rely on a man to support her. She is currently one of the most wealthy people in my family, so she has more than enough money to support herself. "Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Come on, bro, let's have a toast!    


After drinking with Bai Laosan, I raised my glass again and looked at Zhang Xiaotian, trying my best to smile, "Hey — Director Zhang, everyone here, we're old acquaintances. Come, let's toast, let's drink to wipe out this grudge, okay?"    


Zhang Xiaotian didn't seem to dare to look straight at me. After listening to my words, he raised his wine cup and drained it without saying a word. Then, he wiped his lips and picked up his chopsticks to start eating.    


After drinking with Zhang Xiaotian, I raised my cup and looked at Dong Xue. At that moment, my heart felt complicated. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Dong Xue, I didn't know what to feel. I tried my best to make my expression natural as I said lightly, "Out of courtesy at the wine table, let me toast you. I wish you happiness and happiness."    


One side of my words were from the bottom of my heart, but the other side was a subconscious attempt to cover her. As for what I wanted to cover her with, I didn't know.    


Then, she raised her wine cup and looked at me. She smiled as if she was socializing with me: "Since Manager Yi thinks so highly of me, then I can't be rude. Thank you, Manager Yi, for your blessings, I will remember, but I don't have a good memory. Maybe after drinking this cup of wine, I will forget about it."    


Dong Xue and I clink glasses, in the moment of clinking glasses, I looked at Dong Xue.    


This time, my heart suddenly shook. In Dong Xue's senseless eyes, I saw a trace of her deep sadness and pain, as well as sadness and concern.    


Of course, other than me, no one could see Dong Xue's expression, because Dong Xue's head was turned away from them.    


I didn't dare to look at her too much, nor did I want to look at her too much. My heart was struck by a heavy blow. I didn't know what Dong Xue's gaze meant. I couldn't accept the way she was looking at me. If there was such a look in her eyes, why did she insist on leaving me? Why do you insist on not taking my advice, stubbornly going along with Zhang Xiaotian of Bai Laosan, and even going to work at Bai Laosan?    


However, my heart also has a deep pain and pain, this is a woman I was once very familiar with, we were once under the moon, once pledged to each other, once looked forward to a beautiful future, had worked together for the ideal and life.    


But now, all of this was like flowing water flowing east. It was no longer there, it was a pain that could only be deeply felt in the depths of one's heart, only in the middle of the night.    


I gulped down the bitter wine, the bitter wine I had brewed myself.    


After they were done, Dong Xue turned around and the look in her eyes immediately disappeared. It became indifferent, as if it wasn't painful at all, then she tapped her lips on the glass and put it down. Then she started to chat and laugh with Cao Lee, as if I existed today.    


I couldn't help but get up and go out to the bathroom.    


After entering the bathroom, I found a place to break into. Closing the door, inserting the latch, I stood there and let out a huge sigh of relief …    


I lit a cigarette and calmed myself down as I smoked. Then, I went through the situation from the beginning to confirm that there was nothing wrong with me. Then, I took out my phone and sent a message to Fourth Brother.    


After sending the text message, I stood still for a long time. I felt that my thoughts were a bit messy and my mind was a bit dizzy. Of course, I didn't drink too much.    


He pressed the flush button, then opened the door and came out. He went to the tap, turned on the tap, and forcefully washed his face with cold water.    


The cold water seemed to clear my mind, and I put my head down to cover my face, not moving for a long time.    


After a long while, I raised my head, still with my eyes closed. I took a few deep breaths and once again filtered through my previous plan with Fourth Brother. Then, I slowly opened my eyes …    


The moment I opened my eyes, I saw a person standing behind me in the mirror above the tap. The person was looking at me with a faint smile.    


I don't know when this person sneaked up behind me. I was washing my face with cold water, so I didn't notice him at all.    


I didn't turn around. I just stood there, looking at myself in the mirror, and at him on the other side of me.    


He is the Emperor.    



The Emperor seemed to be the most adept at underground movements, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.    


I wiped my face with my hand. Then I took out a tissue and wiped my face.    


The Emperor seemed to be very patient. Standing behind me, he didn't make a sound, but the faint smile on his face seemed to deepen.    


I took out a cigarette, lit it silently in front of the mirror, took two puffs, then blew smoke into the mirror and took a deep breath.    


"How long have you been here?" I finally spoke, still with my back to the Emperor.    


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