Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C383 Cry out of Heartache

C383 Cry out of Heartache

0That's right, ever since Yun Li and I became sworn siblings, the relationship between us isn't clear anymore. If everyone really succeeds in the future, then what is Haifeng and I becoming brother-in-law to each other, and Yun and Hai Zhu sister-in-law to each other?    


I feel dizzy just thinking about it.    


His parents were confused when they heard Hai Zhu's words. They looked at her and said, "Hai Zhu, your words are incomprehensible to Uncle and Auntie."    


Hai Zhu said, "Uncle, Auntie, you don't know yet, but Brother Ke still hasn't told you. This cloud is not only my adopted sister, but also my girlfriend. Heehee … In the future, if the clouds really do become friends with me, what do you think I should call the clouds? "    


When his parents heard this, they were overjoyed. They ignored what Hai Zhu called him and grabbed onto Haifeng, not letting go of him at all. His mother held onto Yun Xiao's hand, "My daughter, really, mother was just about to ask about your life just now. So you and Haifeng are talking about friends. "Brother Ke and I have been good friends since we were young, good is the same mother. If you and Haifeng have friends and mother supports you, then I would have a huge advantage. Hai Zhu is my daughter-in-law, Wu Tie is my son-in-law, and these two good kids are both family members."    


Cloud smiled, bowed his head in silence, neither admitted nor denied.    


I seem to understand Yun Yun's feelings. Before her relationship with Haifeng is clear, it's naturally not good for her to say anything. What Hai Zhu had said could be interpreted as true, but it could also be understood as a joke.    


At this time, his father said, "Hey — why isn't Haifeng here today?"    


I said, "He's busy!"    


Hai Zhu continued: "Brother Hai Feng is also working at Hsinghai right now, he's with us!"    


His father nodded. "Oh, good. It's good to be together. The more people there are, the stronger they are. It's better to have more people. We can help each other out if there's anything."    


Mom was sitting next to me. She looked at me with a loving gaze, which made me a bit embarrassed. "Mom, what are you doing? "Why are you always looking at me?"    


Mom reached out and squeezed my ear and said, "What's wrong? I can't look at my own son? "It's been so long since I've seen him, shouldn't I take a good look? Don't move, son, let mom take a good look and see if he has lost weight?"    


When my mother pinched my ear, I dared not move. I just sat there obediently.    


Hai Zhuyun looked at Mom and me and smiled.    


Looking at Hai Zhu's and Yun Yun's smiling face, I suddenly had a thought. At this moment, if Qiu Tong was here, what kind of mood and expression would she have?    


Mom looked at it for a long time, then let go of me and said, "Hey, Ke, after all these years I've been out doing business by myself. I've suffered a lot. Mom and dad only have you as their only son in their life. Mom and Dad don't want anything else from you, just want you to grow up safe and sound and start a family.    


You earn money out there all day long. Although you tell your parents from time to time how smooth it is for you to do business and always earn money, your mom isn't very happy. "We're just ordinary people, we don't need much money to support our families. I just want to see my son being a proper person, doing things properly and having a happy family. Your father and I will be satisfied."    


Father also nodded his head: "Yes, Ke, your mom's words are my words. Daddy knows that you have always been smooth sailing in your business and have never encountered any failures or setbacks, which is to say, you have never suffered any hardships. This is a good thing, but it is not always a good thing. Dad wants you to grow up in the midst of the storm of your life and career. "    


Hai Zhu and Yun looked at me at the same time, and from their eyes, I understood what they meant. They knew that I had never told my parents about the great suffering and suffering that followed the bankruptcy of my business, and that my parents had never known that I was wandering alone on a lonely journey across the world.    


Hai Zhu and Yun tightly pursed their lips together as they looked at me. Their four big black eyes were simultaneously filled with sparkling things.    


I knew that their eyes were full of tears because they were thinking from my parents' conversations about my wanderings over the past year, and about my struggles and struggles.    


They were crying for me. They were crying for me.    


His mother suddenly looked at Hai Zhu and Yun Li in surprise. "Huh? What's going on with these two children? Why are they crying?"    


As her mother said this, Hai Zhu and Yun Yun couldn't help but burst into tears.    


"Why, children, what is it? What's wrong, why are you crying so much! " His mother panicked a little and quickly went over to hug Hai Zhu and Yun. Hai Zhu and Yun Li grabbed onto their mother's arms one by one and continued to sob …    


I tried to smooth things over. "Mom, it's fine. The two of them were too excited today, too happy. These are the tears of excitement, caused by too much excitement."    


"Oh …" Mom and Dad seemed to believe my explanation. Smiling, they said, "We are all children after all, so emotions are fragile. Hur Hur, alright. Good kids, you guys stay here for a while. I'll go cook for you."    


Mom was going to cook. When Cloud and Hai Zhu heard this, they stopped crying and wiped their tears away. They stood up smiling from their tears and followed Mom to the kitchen.    


At this time, my dad looked at me: "Ke, these two children were crying very suddenly, very strange, is it really because they were happy? "No matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem like it."    


I said, "I really cried because I was happy. You don't know, these two were so excited that they cried several times when they heard they were coming to our house. They didn't sleep last night, and they even cried together excitedly at the airport this morning."    


"Really?" His father smiled and shook his head. "These two children are so exaggerated …"    


"Yes, it's exaggerated." I agreed, a faint ache in my heart.    


In the afternoon, I took Hai Zhu and Yun to play in the mountains behind where we lived. Behind my home, there were many mountains, and on the mountains, there were dense bamboo forests. From afar, we could see a sea of bamboo, which could be called a sea of bamboo.    


Between the bamboo groves there was a clear brook, which, in this season of abundant water and abundant water, ran down the mountain stream and caused a reverberation in the valley.    


Hai Zhuyun and I spent the afternoon playing among the streams in the bamboo valley before returning home for dinner in the evening.    


After dinner, my mother had already cleaned up two rooms. One was the room I lived in at home, which I already had, and the other was a separate room, no doubt for the clouds.    


After dinner, everyone sat together under the grape arbor to chat and drink tea until around 10pm. His parents said that they needed to rest, so they let everyone rest early and went back to their rooms.    


Yun Yang stood up and said, "Brother, Sister Hai Zhu, I'll go back and rest as well."    


After speaking, Cloud went straight to her room.    


Hai Zhu said to me, "Brother, let's go to your room to sleep as well."    


I looked at the lights in the cloud room and said, "Hai Zhu, go sleep in the cloud room! You sleep with her! "    


"What's wrong?" Hai Zhu looked at me in surprise.    


"Firstly, it is the first time Yun Yun has come to my house by himself. It is inevitable that she will feel lonely. Secondly, do you feel at ease by saying that we are living together in front of her parents without a marriage engagement? "Is it suitable?" I looked at Hai Zhu. "I don't know what you're thinking, but I always feel like there's something wrong with your mind."    


In fact, this is my superficial words, I am not speaking my mind, I am not only because of the psychological obstacles in front of my parents, I am also feeling that there are psychological obstacles in front of the clouds.    


Cloud's room and I only separated by a wall. Hai Zhu and I lived together, and thinking about the clouds next door made me feel a little uncomfortable. I was afraid that if I did that thing with Hai Zhu, it would stimulate the clouds.    


Hai Zhu stared at me blankly for a long time without saying anything. Then she nodded.    


I nodded.    


Hai Zhu walked two steps and stopped. She turned around and looked at me. "Brother, what you said just now was the truth?"    


I nodded. "Yeah."    


"I don't think so …" Hai Zhu said, "You were just making excuses. You didn't want my intimacy with you to excite the clouds. You were protecting her from harm, right?"    



I said, "You can think of it that way!"    


Hai Zhu went silent for a long time before saying, "I don't understand why you have so many thoughts in your heart. I don't understand how complicated your heart really is. Or is it because of your personality? "    


After saying that, without waiting for my reply, Hai Zhu went straight to the cloud room.    


I stood where I was, motionless, until I saw the lights go out in my parents and Cloud's room. Then I turned and sat down in the rattan chair under the grape arbor, half lying down, looking up at the stars that glittered in the deep night sky, at the occasional meteor that skittered across the distant horizon, and took a deep breath.    


In the dead of night, the surroundings were completely silent. Only the cries of unknown bugs could be heard from the bushes.    


I lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and silently savored the taste of nicotine, watching the lonely, silent stars in the night sky.    


I suddenly thought of her. I thought of her thousands of miles away, in the far north.    


What was she doing now? Was she waiting for Guest in the air? He knew that countless times waiting was futile, but he still waited there with despair and anticipation.    


Suddenly, I thought, she wasn't actually waiting for Guest. She was tormenting her own sad, scarred, and sad heart, which was so helpless and empty and so tamed by reality.    


I closed my eyes and let my mind go blank and numb.    


My heart in the lonely silence of the night, repeatedly tangled and lingering, until the night, I returned to my room, sleep.    


The next day, after breakfast, Yun Yun is home to accompany my parents to chat, I bring Hai Zhu to Ningzhou city, to Hai Zhu's parents' house.    


I packed my things and was about to go out on a bus when I found the black Passat from yesterday parked in front of my house. It was still driven by the same driver, and the reason was still yesterday's reason: I was asked to take their money to take me downtown.    


I didn't say anything. I just pulled Hai Zhu into the car and drove straight into the city.    


Hai Zhu and I sat in the back seat. I looked closely at the driver's expression in the rearview mirror, trying to find something in it. I looked at it for a long time, but nothing came out.    


Hai Zhu wanted to talk to me, but when she saw me frowning and lost in thought, she didn't say anything.    


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