Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C35 Jedi Counterattack

C35 Jedi Counterattack

0At this time, Zhao Dajian came in and shouted, "Hey, Manager Yun, what's going on? You finally managed to come up with these 2 plans. Why did you eat someone's leftovers? Who copied who?    


"What you guys are doing makes Boss Qiu very passive. I just came back from the group and Boss Qiu is being reprimanded by the group leader."    


Zhao Dajian sounded worried for Qiu Tong, but he couldn't conceal his happiness.    


Cloud looked at Zhao Dajian and didn't say anything. I turned around and also didn't say anything.    


At that moment, Qiu Tong returned and came straight to our office.    


Qiu Tong's expression was calm and collected, as if nothing had happened.    


Zhao Dajian saw Qiu Tong come in and lowered his head to go out. Qiu Tong called out to him, "Boss Zhao, don't leave yet. You're here too. Let's discuss this together. If something happens, it will fall under your jurisdiction."    


So Zhao Dajian stayed. Qiu Tong gestured for everyone to take a seat and gave a brief summary of the situation.    


Sure enough, Qiu Tong was heavily reprimanded by the group leader.    


The chairman of the group learned of the matter first, but how he found out was unknown. He didn't know that Issuing Company had these two plans, he only called Boss Yan, and praised that Metropolitan News's planning was novel, and very brilliant.    


Boss Yan was stupefied when he heard this. He just signed and approved the event yesterday, then he called Qiu Tong over and indiscriminately went on a rampage, berating her for having no new intentions in Issuing Company. He ate her leftovers and was taken away by his competitors, thus losing the face of the corporation.    


Qiu Tong did not explain anything in front of Boss Yan. She knew it was useless to say anything in front of the truth. Qiu Tong finally replied to Boss Yan that she would take care of this matter properly and then came back.    


After Qiu Tong finished speaking, she stroked her hair and looked at everyone. Everyone was silent. Zhao Dajian took a deep breath and said: "Boss Qiu, looks like our two plans are going to be scrapped. Sigh …" It's a pity that you've put in a lot of effort. I feel very pained. "    


Qiu Tong continued to look at Cloud and me, then said, "What do you two think?"    


Cloud looked up and suddenly said: "Boss Qiu, they stole our plan, I suspect there's a spy."    


Zhao Dajian's eyelids twitched when he said that, then he looked at the ceiling as if nothing had happened.    


I didn't say anything. I just stared at the ground, dumbfounded.    


Qiu Tong's face hardened as she said, "Yun, don't speak carelessly without evidence. Now is not the time to discuss this issue and you don't need to worry about it. What I want to ask is, what's the next step?"    


Yun Yun looked at Qiu Tong with wide eyes: "Boss Qiu …" Next... What should we do next? "Could it be that we are giving up?"    


At this time, Zhao Dajian helplessly nodded his head: "Ai …" Looks like this is the only way. "    


"No--never give up!" Qiu Tong's expression turned stubborn and unyielding. "I, Qiu Tong, have never had the habit of abandoning something when it comes to doing it …" As I said, if there are difficulties, we must have solutions to them. We must have solutions to overcome them.     


Everyone was looking at Qiu Tong. I saw Qiu Tong's tightly pursed lips and saw her iron will.    


"Boss Qiu, what do you think we should do?" Zhao Dajian casually said.    


Qiu Tong glanced at Zhao Dajian, and just as she was about to say something, she stopped, rolled her eyes, looked at the clouds, and said, "Manager Yun, I think, I'll leave this mission to you. I'll give you one day's time, tomorrow, you have to come up with a solution to my problem.    


After saying that, Qiu Tong announced the end of the meeting and left with Zhao Dajian, leaving me in a daze with a frown on my face.    


For some reason, when Qiu Tong wanted to say something, she stopped me and rolled her eyes, which made me immediately make a judgment. I felt that Qiu Tong already had a plan in her mind, but she didn't say it on purpose.    


That night, I saw Floating Dream on QQ. She told me what had happened, but didn't mention the names of both sides' media. She asked me: "Keke, let me ask you, if you encounter something like this, what should you do?"    


I said, "Firstly, I'm sure that there must have been a spy within you, who intentionally leaked your plan to your competitors. As for what this spy is, I don't know, but the purpose of the leak is only two. Firstly, it is for financial gain, and secondly, it is to disrupt your work, or rather, it is to take care of you …"    


Floating Dream said: "En, I know about this matter, but I cannot tell others. I will slowly analyze and judge, then, what about the second?"    


I said, "Second, these two solutions are your original creations. No matter how perfect the opponent's plagiarism is, they can only copy it. They will definitely lack spirituality and initiative. This is their weak point …" A shopping mall was like a battlefield. Opportunities were fleeting. Competition was cruel and merciless. The marketers often said, "People have nothing but themselves. People have their own strengths. People have their own weaknesses …"    


"In this situation, you all are already very passive. So, how do you change from passive to active?" I think that if I were to do this, I would let a portion of the issue fee out while keeping the cost of the sale... "We're in a society that is driven by interests, and we're not stupid to do the same thing with less money.    


"Hehe …" "Cute Keke, you're thinking the same thing as me. You're really smart, as smart as me, hee hee …" Floating Dream sent a thumbs up emoticon: "You are right, I am the unscrupulous one. I want to directly push the price down to the point where the opponent has no way out, and resolutely take it down …    


"However, I didn't tell the people below today that I would ask the manager of the major client development department to give me a solution tomorrow to see if she had the spirit and mindset to do so …" Because the cost of a major client development department is only a lump sum, and deducting the cost of a release, it means that their major client department is earning less money and endangering their personal interests. "    


I said, "Hur hur, you're so crafty. For your work, I'll exploit your subordinates …"    


Floating Dream said: "Hehe, of course not, I will definitely not mistreat my subordinates. I will naturally help them make up for this matter in other ways, however, for now, let's not talk about it."    


I couldn't help but admire Qiu Tong's intelligence and magnanimity.    


The next day at work, Yun asked me: "Hey, Brother Yi Ke, what do you have in mind? I've been thinking for a whole day and night and still haven't been able to come up with a good idea. Boss Qiu told me to report to him today! "    


So I told my thoughts to Cloud, and Cloud, after hearing it, his eyes lit up, and he nodded his head vigorously: "Hmm, looks like that's the only way, we can only take care of everyone at home, ha-ha, the first transaction we did as big as the customer department didn't have any surplus. Not only did we not get any commission, we also don't have any income … However, for the benefit of the company as a whole, it is worth the sacrifice of our department and individual! "Your method is very good, I'll go find Boss Qiu now."    


Just as Yun Yang was about to leave, Qiu Tong came in smiling. "My Manager Yun, have you thought of a good idea?"    


So Yun told her what I told her. Qiu Tong's eyes lit up when she heard it and nodded, looking at Yun Che, "Um … Your train of thought is very good, very good... "Little Yun, your little brain is still very useful. Hur Hur, is this a solution that you came up with on your own?"    


Yun Xiao glanced at me and was about to speak when I shot a stern look at him. Yun Yun didn't dare to say anything, but slightly nodded at Qiu Tong with a reddened face.    


Qiu Tong seemed not to have noticed it as she continued, "Yun, since you are willing to sacrifice your own interests and interests, I can't be petty about it. Haha, don't worry, in the future, I will make up for the losses in this business of yours, without violating the company's rules."    


Yun Yun was very happy to hear that: "Thank you, Boss Qiu!"    


Qiu Tong glanced at me and frowned, then said to Yun Yang, "Let's start immediately. We have to keep this a secret for now, and only the three of us will know about it. Do it as soon as possible!"    


"I have to order —" Clouds snickered in agreement.    


Qiu Tong looked at the lively cloud, smiled lovingly, then turned and walked out.    


Just then, Yun Xiao looked at me and said, "Big brother, you really have a way. Nothing will trouble you! It's just that I don't understand. "    


Of course I understood what was going on behind the clouds, so I interrupted her, "There are a lot of things in this world that you don't understand, so please don't be so curious, okay? "Hurry up and do it."    


Cloud gave me a puzzled look and said nothing more.    


Following that, under Qiu Tong's personal command, Cloud and I quickly began to fight back. With mobile companies, we directly reduced the price of newspapers from 180 yuan per copy to 130 yuan, as did the small press corps, which is equivalent to almost 35% of the issuance rate.    


With such a large amount of preferential treatment, coupled with Hsinghai Evening News's position in Hsinghai City's top living media and the temptation of more than 600 people changing mobile phones at the same time, the mobile companies would naturally choose us and directly eliminate the Metropolitan News that was currently being negotiated.    



At the same time, the next day, as soon as Hsinghai Evening News's press corps' recruitment advertisement was released, it immediately received warm responses from the parents of all the primary school students in the city. The parents and primary school students who came to apply were extremely popular, as if they were about to break the threshold of Issuing Company.    


I specially made a trip to Hsinghai Issuing Company entrance and saw very few people going to register.    


This time, the counterattack from the Jedi was very beautiful and could be said to be perfect.    


As for how Qiu Tong would report to the group leader about it from now on, or whether she would even mention that we were original, or how the group leader reacted to it, I don't know. Anyway, I didn't hear any more news about the group leader criticizing Issuing Company. After all, results were the most convincing.    


This sudden disturbance had finally passed. It was a shock, but it was not dangerous at all. By chance, in the office window, I saw Zhao Dajian's depressed face walking through the yard, Cao Lee's angry expression, and her mouth that was almost crooked from anger.    




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