Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C50 Mysterious Couple

C50 Mysterious Couple

0After Qiu Tong left, I glanced at my travel bag, which was lying untouched in the corner of the ward.    


Unable to suppress my concern and concern for the clouds, I carefully got out of bed and slowly supported myself out of the ward with my hands against the wall. I moved to the door of the next room, my heart pounding, and looked in through the window.    


On the bed was a patient whose head was wrapped in white gauze, revealing only his eyes, nostrils, and mouth.    


This was undoubtedly a cloud.    


Zhang Xiaotian was sitting there half-asleep and taking a nap with a frown on his face.    


Even though I had thought about the appearance of the clouds countless times before, at this moment, I was still shocked. Infinite grief gushed out from my heart. How did my little clouds become like this? How would the clouds live? How sad her parents would be if they knew what the clouds were like.    


I suddenly couldn't hold back my tears anymore and didn't dare look at the clouds anymore. I hurriedly lowered my head and returned to the sickroom. I lay on the sickbed and covered my head with a blanket.    


After a long time, I dried my eyes and showed my face under the covers. I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling.    


Qiu Tong wasn't by my side, Yun Yun was unconscious next door, and Dong Xue was still nowhere to be seen. I also didn't see anyone using Floating Dream because I couldn't get online.    


I fell into a deep melancholy.    


Time is a good thing. No matter what pain I've suffered before, it will be smoothed out in the palm of time. Perhaps, after a few years, many people, many things, I can't remember them all, nor can I forget them all.    


In this fragile age, I could only choose to hide myself, choose to be silent, to swim along the ambiguous line, not too close, not too far away, and to bless their happiness in the barely visible turmoil.    


Just as I was feeling depressed, I heard a faint sound of conversation coming from the door, and then the door was pushed open. A doctor in a white coat came in, and I recognized him; it was the head of the department, followed by two men and a woman. One of them, a man in his forties with glasses, was smiling.    


The other man was in his fifties, and he looked very handsome. His face was kind and kind, and his slightly plump body told me that he was a man who lived like a prince. The woman also appeared to be in her 50s, and she had been well maintained. Her short hair was neatly combed and she wore luxurious clothing. Her elegant bearing revealed confidence and reservation between her brows.    


Who are they? What kind of work? I sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard, looking at them suspiciously.    


The dean spoke to the bespectacled man, "Principal, this is Yi Ke. This young man has a good physique and is recovering very quickly."    


F * ck, so this is the hospital's president personally coming to see me.    


The dean nodded and said to the dean, "Go and busy yourself first."    


The head of the department nodded to the man and woman in their 50s and went out.    


The dean smiled at the couple and said, "Leaders, this is Yi Ke, the one you want to see."    


The man and woman looked at me. The man and woman smiled. The woman nodded. The corner of her mouth revealed an unnoticeable smile. She stroked her hair and nodded to the dean. "Dean, thank you. You can go back to your work."    


They don't seem to want outsiders around.    


The dean tactfully nodded and left, closing the door behind him.    


Looking at the dean's attitude, this old geezer's background is not small. Why are they looking for me? I stared at them blankly, still sitting on the bed.    


At this moment, the man revealed a friendly smile and walked in front of my bed. He took the initiative to extend his hand to me, "Comrade Yi Ke, hello. We are Qiu Tong's in-laws. We came here specifically to visit you today …"    


It dawned on me that these two were Qiu Tong's legendary couple, her future father-in-law and Lee Shun's parents.    


I looked at Lee and felt that there was something in his brow that I had once seen before, but I couldn't say what it was.    


Just as I was about to get off the bed to shake hands with Lee, Lee stopped me: "Young man, don't move. Sit properly on the bed and don't look out of the window."    


I won't, this is inappropriate, impolite, insist on getting off the bed to shake hands with Lee, then to the couple: "Hello, uncle and aunt! Sorry to alarm you two elders to come and visit. "    


A smile appeared on Mrs Lee's face and she nodded slightly, "Mmm …" "Comrade Yi, a few days ago, we went to Europe together with an investigation team organized by the provincial government. When we just got back, we heard about it. Today, we specially made time to come visit you and thank you for saving Qiu Tong's life."    


F * * k, awesome. The couple left together after the investigation. It was still a public expense, so it was quite comfortable. What nonsense is this inspection? It's just a tour.    


I hastily replied, "Auntie is too courteous. It's just a small matter and not worth mentioning."    


I invited them to sit on the sofa and I sat on the edge of the bed.    


Lee asked about my injury with concern. I said that most of them were almost recovered and would be discharged in a few days.    


Lee said that it wouldn't be too late to leave the hospital after completely recovering. He had already informed the hospital that he would take good care of her.    


I thank Lee again.    


Madame Li looked me up and down for a long time, then suddenly asked about my family's situation. I said that my hometown was in the south, that my parents were middle school teachers, that I was an only child, and that it was exactly as the Yunduo Family said. Then, I took the initiative to tell her that I was a worker, and that I had come out to work after graduating from high school.    


Lady Li nodded and asked casually, "Yi, what was the situation back then? It was so late at night, why were you two together so coincidentally?"    


When I heard this, I felt a pang in my heart. Mrs Lee obviously had some hidden meaning behind her words. This was not something to be trifled with. So he said: "I won't hide it from you two, I previously worked at Boss Qiu's company and resigned that morning. After quitting, I went to the train station that night to take a ride, passing by the Hsinghai Bay Plaza, and came down to take a final look at the sea. Coincidentally, I met Boss Qiu walking there, and after just saying a few words, I met that group of thugs. "    


Then I told him what had happened.    


Lee and Mrs Lee listened intently, nodding. When I finished speaking, Mrs Lee took out a tissue and daintily wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. "Yi, you're amazing. Fighting five thugs by yourself, you have courage and courage. These days, there are not many young men who are as courageous as you."    


"Yes, rare, rare." Lee agreed. "Comrade Yi, you are a good young man. Thank you to your parents for educating such a good child. Our family's daughter has lost to you. Otherwise, it would have been unimaginable. "    


I was busy being modest for a while.    


Then Lee asked me: "Comrade Yi, you have resigned, then where are you going?"    


"I haven't thought about it yet. I'm still working anyways, so what's the point of walking to where I can find her?"    


Lee nodded: "Young man, coming out to work, seeing the world, long experience, it's not without benefits. Unfortunately, with your low education, it's not so easy to find a good job. "    


I smiled and said nothing.    


Mrs Lee said: "Yi, we came here today to visit you and wish you a speedy recovery; secondly, we wanted to thank you and help you repay Qiu Tong for saving your life. If you are willing to develop your Hsinghai, or do things in other cities in the province, we can all help. We want to know what you want us to do, what we need us to do. "    


Mrs Lee looked at me confidently, as if she was waiting for me to show a look of surprise and tears.    


I shook my head. "Thank you Auntie and Uncle, saving people is something I should do. This is my duty as a person. I didn't save Boss Qiu to get repayment. I don't need anything. "    


Lee and his wife looked surprised. Mrs Lee hesitated for a moment. "Yi, you have to think this through. I can't promise you anything else, I can arrange a job for you that's very profitable, but don't miss out on it. "    



I nodded. "I've thought it through. Once again, thank you for your kind intentions, uncle and auntie. I really don't need it. I still want to find a job myself."    


"You have guts, young man!" Lee looked at me admiringly.    


Mrs Lee glanced at Lee, then back at me, puzzled, then shook her head slightly, as if thinking.    


That's how I first started my relationship with Qiu Tong's high-ranking patrician and her benefactor. At this point, although I don't know what their positions are, they all look pretty good.    


It was already noon when they sent off Senior Officer Li and her wife. Qiu Tong hadn't come back yet.    


At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian pushed open the door with his food in hand.    


This is the first time I've had direct contact with Zhang Xiaotian since the accident.    


At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian's eyes were dull, his hair was messy, and his beard hadn't been shaved for many days. He looked quite messy.    


For some reason, when I saw Zhang Xiaotian, I felt guilty and hurriedly greeted him: "Brother Zhang, come — —"    


Zhang Xiaotian first asked about my injuries and then apologized, "Yi Ke, I'm sorry. I was busy taking care of Cloud. I didn't come to see you. I really couldn't get away from there."    


"Brother Zhang, you don't have to be a stranger. I know what's going on over there. What are you doing here?"    


Zhang Xiaotian raised the food box in his hand and said, "Boss Qiu called me and asked me to buy lunch for you. She had something to do at noon and won't be able to come back."    


I felt warm inside, hurriedly thanked Zhang Xiaotian, and then asked about the cloud injury. Zhang Xiaotian's face was covered in dark clouds as he sighed: "Ai …" The doctor said it was most likely a vegetable. Her parents don't know yet, and I never dared to tell them. Of course, I don't have any contact information for her family. I want to save him for a while longer. "    


I nodded. "We should continue the treatment first. When Yun Yun wakes up, I can ask for her home contact information. It won't be too late to notify her later." If her parents were to see it now, they would not be able to bear the blow. It's too cruel! "    


"I've already spent a lot of money," Zhang Xiaotian said. "The doctor said that if this goes on, I'll have to spend a lot more, which is equivalent to burning money." My savings are almost gone too, I'm afraid this is a bottomless pit. "    


My heart sank. What does Zhang Xiaotian mean by this? I didn't dare think about it.    


I thought about it for a moment, then asked Zhang Xiaotian: "Did you drink in the car that day? You were drunk, weren't you? "    


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