Tranxending Vision

C2617 Final Truth

C2617 Final Truth

0Without waiting for Xia Lei's fist to land.    


Boom ? ?    


The sarcophagus suddenly released a terrifying energy which pushed Xia Lei far away. In that moment, the Princess Dexin disappeared, as did the repaired parietal bones.    


Ka ka ka ?    


A strange sound came out from the sarcophagus. Xia Lei looked over and saw a bronze coloured skeleton standing up from the sarcophagus. Its head was impressively completely restored, and two balls of faint blue energy jumped about in its eye sockets. It was like a soul's eye, able to see through everything.    


The mechanism returning to normal meant that the skeleton was standing straight. This sudden event made Xia Lei extremely nervous, his voice trembling, "Who are you?"    


The bronze skull did not reply him. At this time, flesh and blood appeared from its body. The energy of all the 'leaders' converged towards it like a tidal wave, along with a large amount of basic energy. Flesh and blood appeared on its bones, quickly regenerating one by one. At the same time, the space was rapidly collapsing. It was as if all the energy that had been used to construct the space was being used to reconstruct its flesh and blood body.    


This process seemed complicated, but from beginning to end, it only took a few seconds. Without waiting for Xia Lei to do anything, a body of flesh and blood appeared right in front of him.    


It was actually a human.    


In fact, even if Xia Lei had the chance to attack, he would not be able to do so, because the person standing in front of him was him. The same face, the same body, the same energy attribute, even the same bones! The only difference between him and Fang Xingjian was that he had clothes on him, while Fang Xingjian did not have any clothes on him.    


What was going on?    


Xia Lei didn't know at all that his mind was completely blank.    


The two of them looked at each other. No one spoke a word.    


The Origin City in the earthquake disappeared, but the Pagoda still existed. However, it was no longer a Princess Dexin but a modified version of the Hua Xia Tower. At one point, it had lost contact, but it did not expect to be here. It now seems to have been an indispensable and important part of the Mechanism.    


The sarcophagus also existed, and it was a real World's Stone sarcophagus. It was still old and weathered.    


Right now, even Xia Lei himself was unable to determine whether he had really gone to the Ancient God Star and entered the cave to bring back the sarcophagus, or whether it was the Hua Xia Tower who had lost contact with him and went to the Ancient God Star to bring back the sarcophagus and the corpses within it, before joining the absolute domain.    


True or false, wasn't this also the life of every human?    


As in a dream.    


"You've been looking for answers, but you're the answer yourself." He broke the silence, and the voice was similar to Xia Lei's own, "The mechanism is your own creation, and the World's Box is also your creation. The one who controls everything that you think controls you is actually the one who controls them, because even they are nurtured by mechanisms. "    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No, no, this isn't true ?"    


He said, "You think they created you? No, you are creating yourself. You are a prehistoric human, and you and your people rule the newly born universe. The civilization you created was more advanced than that of the Elves, and it led to the destruction of the laws of the universe. So, you created the World's Box, created the mechanism, and prepared for destruction. The mechanism duplicates the human race, and you were born at the right time to start a new life. "    


Xia Lei's mind was still blank, hearing these words, he felt that it was not real.    


"You don't believe me?"    


"I don't believe it!"    


He laughed, "Then why do you think you are the only one that is not affected by the World's Box? It stores the energy you have collected from the ancient universe and affects your evolution all the time. You drink milk and evolve, that's your plan too. You have arranged everything, including your jump at the beginning of the universe and the finish line. Otherwise, do you think you're that lucky? Other people would need tens of thousands or even tens of millions of years to reach this level of evolution. This is because you are the strongest existence in the universe, you have surpassed the laws of the universe and are in control of everything. You have no opponent, because no one is qualified to be your opponent, other than the laws of the universe, it is also your only opponent. "    


These words made Xia Lei not so sure that all of it was fake.    


Yes, it had been so smooth and he had evolved so quickly that it felt like he was taking money out of an ATM machine. His genetic card was the card to withdraw money, and the card was money he had deposited long ago. Isn't it? He was not even thirty years old by the standards of the human world. If he was not the strongest existence in his previous life, he would have long prepared for everything. Would he be able to evolve to his current level in such a short period of time?    


"Now that you have surpassed the laws of the universe, you are once again facing its destruction. Your body has already started to turn into sand, right?" "No," he said.    


Xia Lei subconsciously nodded.    


"Just like me, I am you. You will soon be faced with the same situation." As he spoke, the newly rebuilt flesh began to quickly melt, and in the blink of an eye, all that was left of him were bronze bones.    


Xia Lei looked at the bronze skeleton in shock. He suddenly understood that it was using this method to tell him the terrifying thing he was about to face. The laws of the universe did not allow him to exist. His flesh and blood would melt faster and faster, eventually becoming the same as this skeleton. Although he could rebuild his entire body in a few seconds, it would only last a few minutes!    


The bronze skull quickly reconstructed its flesh, and after a few seconds, it returned to its original state. It still had the same face as Xia Lei, the same height, and all the same details.    


"What I said to you was actually what you left for yourself." He said, "Now you face the final step, which is to take away your own bones and awaken the memories of your previous life."    


Xia Lei said: "Then, take the World's Box and enter the beginning of the universe s, restart this universe?"    


"This is your problem. I am only part of the mechanism you created. You can also consider me as a memo you left for yourself." "No," he said.    


It was hard to describe the gratitude of a living memo standing in front of him.    


Xia Lei was silent for a while, before saying: "If what you said is true, tell me, how long do I have before I become like you?"    


He said, "If you can recover your bones and awaken the memories of your past life, you will have very little time left. You will be destroyed again, and then you will be destroyed again. If you don't do anything, you probably have a few thousand years, or ten thousand Earth years. "    


"Hahaha ?" Xia Lei suddenly laughed out loud, his laughter was filled with sorrow and ridicule.    


Before now, he had never thought that this was the truth. He himself was the devil that wanted to destroy this universe!    


He suddenly felt like Don Quixote, fighting all the way against the enemy he had created. He had defeated the enemies one by one, but he had never thought that the final enemy would be himself.    


Isn't that funny?    


He vowed to defend the human world, the World of Hope, and even the Dark Death World to the death against all the enemies that wanted to destroy the universe. However, the one who truly wanted to destroy the universe was himself!    


He now faced the most difficult choice.    


He could either take back the bones from his previous life and bring the World's Box to the end of the universe to restart the universe.    


Or do nothing, live with his beloved women for thousands or ten thousand years.    


In short, either he killed the current universe, or the laws of the universe killed him. To the universe, Earth's tens of thousands of years were insignificant, and his end was an immediate execution.    


Just as Xia Lei was thinking about this most difficult problem in his life, the flesh and blood that had just been reconstructed disintegrated, and in the blink of an eye, only a bronze coloured skeleton remained.    


This time, it did not rebuild itself. Instead, it fell with a clang into the coffin. It was the bone of Xia Lei's previous life, and also a part of the mechanism. It had completed its mission. Now, it was waiting for Xia Lei to make a decision. Either take it away to awaken his memories from his previous life, or let the laws of the universe kill him.    


The triangular space around the Hua Xia Tower completely quieted down, it was quieter than a grave.    


Xia Lei stood in front of the sarcophagus as he looked at the bones of his previous life lying within it. Right now, he only needed to stretch his hand out to retrieve the bones from his previous life to recall his memories. He could bring the World's Box into the beginning of the universe and restart this universe, and then dominate the new universe. The new universe will proceed according to his will, he is the law, he controls everything, he will become an eternal god!    



Who wouldn't want to become a Deity who was the overseer of all things?    


For a time, Xia Lei's hand slowly reached towards the bronze skeleton in the sarcophagus, excitement, and greed brimming in his eyes. "Destroy me? Then I will destroy you! I want my bones back from my previous life, I want to become a supreme existence that controls the Laws of the universe, no one can kill me! "    


He didn't notice at all that at this moment, he was like the guru in 'Lord of the Rings', completely controlled by the inner demon.    


As the hand got closer and closer to the bones of his previous life, the magnetic field appeared again. That feeling did not change, as if the north and south met the magnetic field.    


Just as Xia Lei's hand was about to touch the parietal bones, his hand suddenly stopped. A woman's figure surfaced in his mind: Princess Dexin.    


The woman in the dream had used her womb to repair the skull of his past life, to make the bones whole. This was the last step in the operation of the mechanism, and the rest was his own decision. Once he retrieved the bones from his previous life, he would have very little time left. He had to bring the World's Box to enter the beginning of the universe and restart the universe, but, did they really have to do that?    


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