Tranxending Vision

C2614 Bronze skeleton

C2614 Bronze skeleton

0Entering the door of light, what met them was a dense horde of Energetic Rune that looked like flying ants. It was bronze in color, and it was ancient and mysterious. This was the characteristic of "Leader", Xia Lei had it, but also here. Stepping through the energy gate, he had a strange feeling. It was as if he had been here before, or perhaps he had once lived here.    


This feeling surprised and confused Xia Lei, but he didn't know why.    


After being stunned for a moment, Xia Lei shifted his gaze towards the depths of the tomb. It was simple, ancient, mysterious, and full of traces of weathering. World's Stone was one of the core materials used to construct the universe and was the highest grade energy stone. Even it had been eroded, so one could imagine how long it had existed for.    


The energy that carried the characteristics of a 'leader' was released from the sarcophagus. All the bronze colored Energetic Rune was also released from the sarcophagus. Other than the World's Stone sarcophagus, there was nothing else in the tomb.    


Xia Lei awakened his ability to see through, his gaze went inside the sarcophagus, but his vision was absorbed and he could not see anything. He then released a thread of Source energy that penetrated the sarcophagus, but this thread of Source energy was like a drop of water that was dropped into a basin of water. He was unable to even find the Source energy that he released, let alone receive any feedback.    


Let nature take its course, this keywords once again appeared in Xia Lei's heart. He silently said in his heart: "When I'm in the opponent's absolute domain, he established a rule, and that is to let nature take its course. My current identity is God of war Tituafiz., not Xia Lei. If I want to open this sarcophagus, I cannot use my Source energy. I have to use my hands to push it away. "    


Thinking about it this way, Xia Lei finally understood. He walked to the side of the sarcophagus, placed his hands on top of the sarcophagus' lid, and pushed the lid away from him.    


Ka ka ka ?    


The sarcophagus that could not be seen through, and even the Source energy could not detect, had actually moved under normal physical strength. The lid of the sarcophagus slowly opened.    


Inside the sarcophagus lay a bronze skeleton. It was made from the same material as his bones and the six pelvis that formed the "mechanism." It was all related to the "leader." It had a head, neck, chest, arms, and legs, except for the material and color of a human skeleton, or a human skeleton.    


However, it was not complete. The skull was missing its cap, but there were no signs of an attack or operation on the skull. The incision that had lost the skull was naturally smooth, as if the skull had never been covered by the skull.    


After observing carefully for a while, Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face immediately changed, "Could the skull he lost be ? "Mechanism?"    


The mechanism was made up of six pelvis, and the existence inside the sarcophagus lacked a skull. How could this be a coincidence?    


On the surface, it seemed like they were manipulating the mechanism. But after coming here and experiencing this series of events as the God of war Tituafiz., only then did he know that he had entered the Stone Town and entered this tomb on the fifth day. On the fifth day, the person lying in the sarcophagus had lost his head, which meant that this mechanism was the existence of the Six Creators!    


It was not that the creator had created the mechanism, but the mechanism had created the Six Creators!    


In truth, the Tomb Pyramid was also a piece of evidence. It was built by the Ancient Spirit Race, and it was built by the Princess Dexin, not by the Six Creators.    


These thoughts and guesses made Xia Lei's back turn cold. If his guess was right, then Six Creators was also a ? pawn!    


Xia Lei stared at the bronze skeleton in the sarcophagus, and muttered to himself after a long while, "Is that you? Is it all because of you? "    


The bronze skeleton didn't respond at all. It was just a skeleton without a skull.    


"What are you trying to do?" "You used your skull to create the mechanism, and perhaps you even created the World's Box. Tell me, what are you trying to do?"    


The bronze skeleton still didn't respond. It didn't know how long it had lain in this sarcophagus. It might have been 10 billion years, it might have been 20 billion years, it might have been the last universe era.    


"Tell me!" Xia Lei suddenly extended his hand towards the bronze coloured skeleton.    


An energy fluctuation suddenly appeared within the sarcophagus. It was as if a magnet had met with the north and south.    


In that moment, Xia Lei suddenly realised something. He quickly retracted his hand and retreated. The energy that seemed to have met with the south and north of the magnet disappeared, and everything returned to normal. However, his heart could not calm down. He thought of the 'mechanism'.    


When he came to the Origin City, the Origin City was rebuilt because of him. He saw the flesh clone on the fifth day, and then he destroyed the mechanism. However, he crushed one of the pelvis and the other five exploded themselves. The six pelvis turned into bone dust and fused into his bones. Even though he still didn't feel any unwell reactions, but this matter still made him nervous and worried. If this bronze corpse inside the sarcophagus exploded like the six pelvis, turning into bone powder and merging into his body, wouldn't that be swapping for his bones? And if the bone was the source of the blood, then wouldn't that mean that his blood was exchanged? If even his blood and bones didn't belong to him, then would he still be the same as before?    


Was this a trap?    


Xia Lei was not sure, but cold sweat continued to pour down his back. He kept reminding himself to let it happen, to let it happen, and to get the answer he wanted. However, what would the result be if he allowed things to go according to plan?    


All these, he had no way of knowing.    


The bronze skeleton knew the answer, but it was dead.    


Looking at the bronze skeleton quietly lying inside the sarcophagus, Xia Lei suddenly blurted out a sentence, "Oh right, you're already dead, then who created this absolute domain? If it was a powerful absolute domain, it would be impossible for you to have created it, right? "    


The bronze skeleton was silent as always. It was dead.    


"Hahaha ?" Xia Lei laughed crazily. His voice shook this ancient and mysterious space as well as the cave space outside the Stone Town.    


This laughter was filled with sadness and helplessness. He was laughing, but he actually wanted to cry.    


Darkness Master Miyas was dead, the five Creator were dead, there was only five days left. He thought that after killing the five days, everything would end. But now, he realized that even the fifth day was just a mere chess piece. What he was facing was an ultimate existence that could trap him within her absolute domain. It was that ultimate existence that created the mechanism, the World's Box. If he were to face that ultimate existence now, he didn't have any confidence in defeating her opponent!    


The ultimate existence controlled everything, the Darkness Master Miyas, him, the Six Creators, and the billions of lives in the universe were all being toyed with. If there really was a divine being in this universe, and he was also one of them, then that ultimate existence would be the Celestial King!    


"Tituafiz, what's wrong with you?" A woman's voice suddenly sounded.    


Xia Lei's laughter and his thoughts were immediately interrupted. He shifted his gaze over and saw the Princess Dexin and the little guy on the fifth day. He might have sensed their arrival, but he had ignored them. Coming here and seeing the so-called "source", his mind and emotions received an extremely strong impact. He was currently in a very terrible situation, how could he care about Princess Dexin and a little brat for the fifth day?    


Princess Dexin quickly walked towards Xia Lei. The energy door of the tomb chamber and the bronze colored Energetic Rune had no effect on her. His face was full of worry and tension. "Darling, I heard your laughter, it wasn't a happy laugh, I was very worried about you, and the buzzing sound had disappeared, so I came over to see you. What happened, what happened?"    


Looking at the Princess Dexin and the brat s fifth day, a thought couldn't help but arise in Xia Lei's heart, "Is this also part of the development of an event? Should I let nature take its course, or should I break it? "    


"Darling?" Xia Lei did not respond. Princess Dexin was even more nervous and worried, she grabbed onto Xia Lei's hand and said, "Don't scare me, speak?"    


Xia Lei then retracted his train of thought, or should he say regained his senses, and said: "I'm fine, do not worry about me." He pointed at the sarcophagus that he had opened, "Take a look at it."    


Princess Dexin walked in front of the sarcophagus and was stunned for a moment. "What a magical corpse, who is he?"    


Xia Lei originally wanted to let this matter "go according to plan" to get the answer, but he didn't expect the Princess Dexin to turn around and ask him. He shook his head. "I don't know."    


Xiao Wu said, "Great God of war Tituafiz., can I take a look?"    


Xia Lei's heart stirred. He reached out and picked up Little Fifth Sun, so that she could see the bronze skeleton in the sarcophagus.    


"Wah!" the fifth day youngster exclaimed before saying, "What a magical bone, but why is its skull missing? Who took its skull? "    


Xia Lei observed her reaction.    


"I think the old grandpas in the Academy must know who he is," said the fifth day.    


Princess Dexin looked at Xia Lei, "My dear, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Then, take it back, there's no use putting it here."    


He had no choice but to "let nature take its course".    



The Princess Dexin said, "Perhaps the energy it releases can suppress the spread of the copper rust virus, so we can bring it back. You come to the Pagoda tonight, I want you to accompany me, okay? "    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then nodded his head.    


Let nature take its course.    


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