Tranxending Vision

C94 Unlock Once

C94 Unlock Once

0According to human input habits, the first number of a password is usually the one that is pressed the most heavily, and then it decreases in turn. The last number is often the lightest number, because by the time you press the last number, your brain is almost ready to enter the password. So, the heaviest number must have the most obvious marks on the keys, and the lightest one the least and least.    


Using this method, Xia Lei very quickly sorted out the password's starting number "1" and the password's ending number "2". There were only four numbers left, "9, 7, 3, 5".    


How would these four numbers be combined?    


In Xia Lei's mind, he recalled a piece of information he had seen in the Northern Arch District's police station's archives. The date of Huang Yihu's birth was written on that piece of information, on December 9, 1973.    


Huang Yihu was born with numbers "9", "7" and "3" that matched the traces on the keyboard, but they did not match at all. Xia Lei thought in his heart: "Could it be that he didn't use his birthday number? What kind of secret will Huang Yihu use? "    


In Xia Lei's mind, the date of birth of Huang Yihu's son, Huang Xu, appeared on May 1st, 2000. There were three numbers in the set, "2", "5" and "1". A string of numbers combined together in his mind. His left eye also compared and combed through the keyboard. After about 2 minutes, a coded number string appeared in his mind. It was 973251. This password was the birthday combination between Huang Yihu and his son Huang Xu.    


By eliminating the first and last in this way, there was only the order of the four numbers left.    


Xia Lei reached out his hand and typed 973251 into the keyboard. A light click sounded out from the electronic lock.    


"How do you know the password?" Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei in shock, not daring to believe what he had just witnessed.    


Xia Lei did not explain as he reached out to grab the rotary knob to lock the lock.    


However, at this moment, footsteps and voices could be heard coming from the corridor outside the door.    


Early in the morning, you still want us to come to the company to see if that brat called Xia Lei is really that strong? It actually made Big Bro nervous as well. " A man's voice.    


"Xia Lei is not a simple person, did you forget? He actually used one million to take down the land that Big Bro wholeheartedly wanted to take down. You should know that even for our Big Bro, it would cost at least eighty million yuan to take down a plot of land. " Another voice.    


"He has someone protecting him. Say, do you think that he would come here to steal something at this time?"    


"I don't think so. He probably doesn't even know this place."    


The sound of their footsteps and conversation was heading towards Huang Yihu's office.    


Xia Lei and Qin Xiang looked at each other and thought, Xia Lei was still alright, but Qin Xiang's expression became nervous.    


Qin Xiang pulled out a blade.    


Xia Lei held down Qin Xiang's hand and pointed to the resting room.    


Qin Xiang nodded, and followed Xia Lei into the resting room. When he left the desk, Xia Lei did not forget to shut the door. He had undone the electronic lock on the safe, but it was impossible to tell.    


Just as the two of them hid under the bed, the office door opened. Someone turned on the light, looked at it, and then walked back to the lounge.    


"Like I said, if there's no situation, your big brother will not listen." A man complained, "We've wasted our time here."    


"It's better to be careful. That bitch Qin Xiang betrayed Big Bro, he's a flying thief, and is good at stealing things. Big Bro's guard against that brat Qin Xiang joining hands to steal things. Have you forgotten that big brother has something on that brat in his hands? " another man said.    


"Worthy of the boy's hair salon being burnt. It's a pity that it didn't burn him to death."    


"Sooner or later, against our big brother, who will have a good ending? Qin Xiang won't live, and that Xia brat won't escape either."    


The two of them chatted at the entrance of the lounge, while their gazes also searched around. However, they did not lie down to look at the bottom of the bed. After all, the office and lounge looked very normal.    


Xia Lei and Qin Xiang were lying under the bed. Qin Xiang looked very nervous, as if he was worried that Huang Yihu's men would suddenly walk to the bedside and lie down, then aim their black guns at him. Xia Lei's feeling was much better, because even though they were separated by a bed, he could still see the situation of Huang Yihu's two subordinates. He could control the situation of Huang Yihu's two subordinates at any time and was able to strike first, so he was not very worried.    


His left eye could see through the wooden boards, mattress and blankets. Xia Lei instantly recognized the two underlings of Huang Yihu who were standing at the entrance of the resting room. They were two of Huang Yihu's four bodyguards and they carried guns. In the early hours of the morning, Huang Yihu had his two bodyguards come to his office to guard the safe. Just by this alone, it was not hard to tell how important the things in the safe were.    


"It's safe here. Nothing's going on." A bodyguard said, "Why don't we have a drink? Big Bro's wine is top-notch. Normally, he wouldn't let us into his resting room. Today is his chance."    


"Hehe, you're thinking the same thing as me. I've been wanting to have a drink with big brother Lafite for a long time now." Another bodyguard said with a smile.    


The two bodyguards walked to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of expensive Lafite and a bottle of Moutai, then took a glass to drink.    


"Damn, I actually drank it. If they don't get out of here, I'll have to find a chance to knock them out. " Xia Lei thought like this in his heart. Even if he alarmed even more people, he still planned to take the risk.    


The two bodyguards began drinking on the sofa, first the red wine and then the white wine. Chinese people drink red wine just to join in the fun, driving a fashionable, really addictive is still liquor.    


Xia Lei leaned under the bed and waited quietly.    


A bodyguard turned on the TV and set up the video. The discs were Shimamatsu discs, love action films, a room full of seductive cries, intermittent Japanese and some strange sounds. Since Xia Lei could understand Japanese, and his brother was a little softer, along with the androgynous Qin Xiang who was lying beside him, he felt extremely terrible.    


However, this situation didn't last long. People would always be greedy for wine. The two bodyguards first took out a bottle of Lafite Red, then another bottle of Flying Moutai. With a mixture of white wine and red wine, it was even more intoxicating. After half an hour, the two bodyguards fell asleep on the sofa.    


Xia Lei carefully crawled out from under the bed.    


Qin Xiang could not see the situation outside the bed, and was a little worried. He hesitated for a moment, and only crawled out when Xia Lei crawled out of the bed and did not see any movement.    


Huang Yihu's two bodyguards were lying on the sofa sleeping soundly. On the tea table, they had emptied the bottles of Lafite Red and Soaring Ark. Their snores were also very loud, showing no signs of waking up.    


Xia Lei gestured towards Qin Xiang, then quietly left the resting room.    


After exiting the resting area, Xia Lei went straight to Huang Yihu's desk.    


"What are you doing?" Qin Xiang nervously held onto Xia Lei's hand and whispered, "You can still make out the password for the electronic lock, but you can't make out the password for the turntable lock. If you're wrong, it will ring the alarm, and the two fellows in the lounge will definitely have guns with them!"    


Xia Lei said: "Don't you want to get rid of Huang Yihu's control? If we miss this opportunity, I'm afraid we won't have another chance to steal what we want. "    


Qin Xiang released his hand. Of course he wanted to steal the video proof that Huang Yihu used to threaten him, but he knew the capabilities of this kind of safe that was imported from Germany. The password for the turntable lock was the key to opening the whole safe. And once the password of the turntable lock is wrong, the safe will automatically ring the alarm! This was the reason why he stopped Xia Lei from trying, but Xia Lei's determination and confidence confused him. Could it be that Xia Lei could actually open the safe?    


Xia Lei squatted down, opened the desk's wooden cabinet's door, and then grabbed the rotary knob for the lock. At this moment, his left eye slightly jumped, and his vision was like a chisel that drilled into the alloy drill. There was a lock on the drill button. It slowly rotated under his hand and quickly came into a groove to bite onto it. Then, he turned the knob and went to the next groove, biting into it. Just like that, after three operations, a click came from the safe and it was unlocked!    


Qin Xiang stared wide-eyed and tongue-tied at Xia Lei, as if he was looking at a monster!    


You know, not even his most revered master could open a Dotling safe like this one imported from Germany. But Xia Lei just casually opened it, not even using a stethoscope!    


However, Xia Lei did not notice Qin Xiang's surprised reaction. He stretched out his hand and pulled open the safe's door. When the things inside the safe were presented in front of him, he took out the leather notebook, mobile hard disk, and some paper documents inside, leaving behind only the foreign currency, gold bars, and Huang Yihu's certificate that had not been taken away.    


Xia Lei put all of these things into his backpack and then closed the door of the safe. Then he got up and walked over to the window.    


Qin Xiang regained his senses and chased Xia Lei to the window.    


They went back the way they had come, climbed over the wall, and left New Moon.    



After getting on the carriage, Qin Xiang could no longer hold back the surprise and curiosity in his heart. He spoke out: "Lei, what was that just now? How can you open the Dotling safe at once? "    


Xia Lei replied, "I'll tell you later." He lit the fire and drove the Great Wall slowly out of the alley.    


"No, you must tell me."    


Xia Lei replied, "I'll tell you later."    


Qin Xiang rolled his eyes at Xia Lei in dissatisfaction, "Even if you didn't say it, I already know that you are actually a great thief that hides your strength, right?"    


Xia Lei had not even planned to explain to him what happened just now, but Qin Xiang took the initiative to think about it. He was too lazy to think about the story anymore, so he nodded his head, "Alright, since you can see through it, then there's no need for me to hide it from you. However, you have to keep this a secret for me. "    


"I knew it!" Qin Xiang punched Xia Lei, "You hid your strength very well!"    


However, Xia Lei laughed bitterly in his heart. As the car pulled out of the alley, he hit the gas pedal and the car sped down the main road.    


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