Tranxending Vision

C83 You are my little apple

C83 You are my little apple

0You are my little apple    


"Master, please have some tea." In the training hall, Xia Lei knelt on the ground and raised a cup of black tea high above his head.    


Liang Zhengchun received the tea and took a small sip. Although his expression was solemn and he had a very serious expression, he couldn't help but reveal a happy expression. To a martial artist like him, a disciple like Xia Lei was something that only happened once in a hundred years.    


Applause sounded out in the training hall. The new and old students were all happy for Liang Zhengchun.    


Lu Sheng also clapped his hands, but his smile looked forced.    


Liang Siyao carried a plate, on it were many red packets, sending red packets to every student. There wasn't much money in the red packet, only a hundred yuan. However, this was the custom of the Foshan people, they only wanted lucky opportunities, so they didn't care about having more money or less.    


Liang Siyao also sent a red packet to Lu Sheng, and whispered: "Monk, I know that you are a little unhappy, but there are some things that you can't force yourself to do.    


Lu Sheng said: "I'm fine, Xia Lei is stronger than me. He has learnt the Arts of Incantation for a few days and I have learned the Arts for a few years, but I am unable to beat him. He is the most suitable person to inherit Master Lei's legacy. I rarely submit to anyone, Xia Lei is one. "    


"Mm, it's good that you can think of it that way." Liang Siyao revealed a smile.    


Xia Lei kowtowed three times to Liang Zhengchun, then shouted again, "Master."    


Liang Zhengchun put down the teacup and helped Xia Lei up. Finally, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Master has a word for you, be a good person, and work hard."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I will remember it, Master."    


Liang Zhengchun patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, "Enter my door, and you will be my servant. If you use what I've taught you to do evil and harm people, I won't forgive you. "    


Xia Lei nodded again, thinking, "Master is usually not so long-winded, how come he has become so long-winded today?"    


Liang Zhengchun moved closer to Xia Lei's ear and lowered his voice, "Siyao said that she worked at your company, is that true?"    


Xia Lei continued to nod, "Mn, it's true."    


Liang Zhengchun was silent for two seconds, then said: "Take good care of her, if any strange man comes close to her, to have ideas on her, go and beat him up for me."    


Xia Lei slightly nodded his head.    


Most of the men who raised their daughters were like this, afraid that their daughters would be tricked by the bad guys. It was not strange for Liang Zhengchun to have such thoughts.    


Liang Siyao walked over after sending the red packets, "What are you guys talking about?"    


Liang Zhengchun whispered: "Don't tell her."    


Xia Lei was also smart, and said: "Master is teaching me martial arts."    


Liang Siyao laughed, "You guys really are. There's going to be a lot more days in the future. Let's wash the hotpot tonight, what do you say? "    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to speak, Lu Sheng said loudly: "Alright, today is Junior Brother Xia Lei's good day, can we let Junior Brother Xia Lei treat us?"    


"Alright!" The students followed suit and jeered.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Alright, I will treat you then. Everyone do not be polite, you must eat and drink happily."    


Laughter filled the stadium.    


After finishing the hotpot meal, Xia Lei drank a lot of wine and was unable to drive. Liang Siyao drove him to the small district.    


"What floor do you live on?" Liang Siyao helped Xia Lei off the car and they walked towards a small residential area with many buildings on it.    


Xia Lei pointed to the stairway opposite of the front of the train, and said with a bit of confusion: "Six ? "Inside."    


He was really drunk. He didn't even know what floor he lived in.    


"I'll help you go home." Liang Siyao supported Xia Lei up the stairs.    


When he approached the staircase, Liu Ying saw a woman on the first floor balcony who was chewing a watermelon staring at her and Xia Lei. He had a strange look in his eyes, and thought to himself: "This woman is so strange, doesn't she know it's rude to look at people like that?"    


Just as she was thinking about this, the woman who was eating the watermelon suddenly threw it away and entered the house.    


Just as Liang Siyao walked into the stairwell, the woman who was eating a watermelon suddenly opened the door and walked out, looking at and her with a smile. She stood in the middle of the stairs, not showing the slightest sign of giving way.    


"Miss, please step aside." Liang Siyao said politely. She didn't know that the woman's name was Jiang Ruyi, and even more so didn't know the unfathomable relationship between this woman and Xia Lei.    


"Aiyo, isn't this our Thunder Son?" Jiang Ruyi started to speak, pretending to be meeting on the stairs.    


"Your family's Thunder Child?" Liang Siyao asked curiously: "Who are you?"    


"Didn't he tell you about me?"    


"Nope." Liang Siyao said.    


Jiang Ruyi walked up and lightly slapped Xia Lei on the head, "You only know how to drink rotten wine, and you didn't even tell me if you became a new friend."    


"Who ?" Hit me? " Xia Lei mumbled to himself before closing his eyes again.    


Liang Siyao thought, "Could it be that this woman is Lei Zi's girlfriend?"    


Jiang Ruyi said again: "I'm sorry, our Thunder Son has troubled you. Leave him to me, I'll take care of him."    


Although she suspected that this woman was Xia Lei's girlfriend, but it was still a guess, and she was not at ease handing Xia Lei over to an unfamiliar woman.    


However, Jiang Ruyi directly grabbed onto Xia Lei's other arm, and muttered under her breath, "You don't know, when my family's Lei Zi is drunk, he will cause trouble, vomit people, and even take off all his clothes to roll around on the ground. How scary."    


"This ?" Liang Siyao obviously did not expect this situation to happen, she simply could not imagine Xia Lei rolling on the carpet naked, but she did not let go.    


Jiang Ruyi tugged, and realized that Liang Siyao did not have any intention to let go at all. She suddenly took out her ID, opened it and handed it over to Liang Siyao, "Look, I'm a police officer, you should believe me now, right?"    


It was only then that Liang Siyao realised that Jiang Ruyi was actually a police officer, and a Chief of the Regional Police. The worry in her heart was immediately dispelled, and she finally let go of Jiang Ruyi, "Fine, I will give him to you to take care of. Tell him I took his car and I'll pick him up in the morning. "    


Jiang Ruyi extended her hand out, "Give me the car keys, take a taxi back."    


Liang Siyao was startled for a moment, but in the end, she still handed the car key to Jiang Ruyi and left gloomily. Who asked him to be the chief of police?    



Jiang Ruyi did not help Xia Lei up to the second floor, but went straight into her house. Just like that, she kidnapped Xia Lei.    


Jiang Ruyi placed Xia Lei on the living room's sofa, then lightly slapped Xia Lei's face, "Who is that woman?"    


"Stop being noisy ?" "Sleep ?" Xia Lei didn't even want to open his eyes.    


"Humph!" Jiang Ruyi reached out and pinched Xia Lei's waist, "You playboy, you have a good woman who looks like you have childhood friends, but you are still wasting time outside. What's so good about that long-legged woman?"    


"Slurp ?" "Gulp ?" Xia Lei began to snore.    


"You have a good night's sleep, you heartless bastard." She leaned on Xia Lei's shoulder and mumbled to herself: "You're too bad, breaking into my house while drunk, what are you trying to do?"    


"Slurp ?" "Gulp ?" Xia Lei continued to snore.    


Jiang Ruyi's hands moved around Xia Lei's body, her face also becoming redder and redder, "You little rascal, when you were young, you were so skinny, with not even a little bit of flesh on your bottom, yet now you have such a strong body, why are you looking so strong? Are you trying to seduce me? I'm not fooled. "    


Xia Lei simply could not feel the hand moving around on his body, and he was truly asleep.    


Jiang Ruyi also stood up after playing for a while, "Forget it, I'll help you put in a bath first, then I'll help you bathe." Before she left, she reached out and pinched Xia Lei's thigh, "You're living a life of luxury outside, and I'm still so nice to you. Do I owe you anything from my past life?"    


Xia Lei muttered something in his mouth, but even he himself could not hear it clearly.    


Jiang Ruyi chuckled, then turned and went to the bathroom.    


The sound of running water came from the bathroom, as well as the singing of the woman, Director Jiang, singing 'Little Apple'.    


Right at this moment, her door was suddenly opened, a woman wearing a windbreaker walked in, and pulled Xia Lei who was lying on the sofa, then squatted down, pulled, and carried Xia Lei on her shoulders and left.    


The door closed again, silently, in less than fifteen seconds.    


"You're my little apple ?" Jiang Ruyi walked out from the bathroom, her gaze landing on the sofa, she was suddenly stunned, "Human ? "And?"    


After being stunned for a moment, she rushed out of the door, up to the second floor, and knocked on Xia Lei's door.    


In the room, the woman in the windbreaker sprayed a spray at Xia Lei's nose twice.    


"Achoo!" Xia Lei fiercely sneezed, then opened his eyes.    


"Lei Zi, Lei Zi!" Jiang Ruyi's voice came from outside the door.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, then saw the Long Bing who was standing in front of him.    


"Thunder?" "Are you home?" Jiang Ruyi's voice was very anxious.    


Xia Lei seemed to have thought of something, and followed suit: "I'm at home, what's the matter?"    


"I... I want to cut all ties with you! " Jiang Ruyi's voice sounded and then, she heard the sound of someone descending the stairs.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. From a young age, Jiang Ruyi had cut off all connections with him no less than a hundred times, but none of them were real. He knew her as well as she knew his own palm.    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei asked, "What are you doing here?"    


"Carry out the mission." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Carry out a mission? Something to do with me? "    


Long Bing nodded her head, "I also feel very surprised, my target this time is you."    


Xia Lei said: "What exactly happened?"    


Long Bing sat down and looked straight at Xia Lei, "Originally, I couldn't tell you, but I didn't. I don't think it matters if I tell you. It's like this. Shenzhou Industrial Group has submitted a report, and the report mentions you. You have processed some very important parts for the Shenzhou Industrial Group. They also think that you can upgrade your normal machine tools to the advanced level of Europe and America. This matter is highly valued by the authorities. Let me investigate everything about you. "    


Long Bing was surprised that Long Bing suddenly appeared in front of him, but he was not surprised after hearing the reason for her appearance. On the surface, his cooperation was between the two companies, but it was actually a personal cooperation between him and the Shenzhou Industrial Group. He was also very clear that in this kind of environment where technology was sealed, he was extremely important to the Shenzhou Industrial Group. This was also the reason why he dared to order the Shenzhou Industrial Group to take the land for him.    


However, there were pros and cons to everything. He could use his ability to obtain benefits from the Shenzhou Industrial Group, and at the same time, his ability had also attracted some people's attention. Then, it wouldn't be strange for Long Bing to investigate him here.    


Xia Lei shrugged, "I'm right in front of you, how do you want to investigate me? "Where do we start?"    


"Good night." Long Bing said, then stood up and walked towards the door.    


"Hello?" Xia Lei stood up, "You're leaving just like that?"    


Long Bing opened the door and closed it.    


Xia Lei looked at the tightly shut door, and did not move for a few minutes.    


Why was she always so mysterious? It was hard to fathom.    


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