Tranxending Vision

C67 Perspective and kung fu

C67 Perspective and kung fu

0For Xia Lei to be able to master a foreign language in just a few short days, his ability to learn could not be described as overpowered. Who is more difficult to learn foreign languages and kung fu? It was obviously the former. Therefore, it was not difficult for Xia Lei to learn a set of skills. He could quickly memorize teaching materials, as well as the coach's every movement. His body was also very strong. All he lacked was experience and some tricks.    


How much stronger would he become once he grasped this?    


This question was one that even Liang Zhengchun, who had been immersed in Wing Tsun his entire life, did not know the answer to.    


But in the end, Liang Siyao won, and Xia Lei lost. However, only Xia Lei himself knew the reason for his defeat.    


"Are you okay?" Liang Siyao asked with concern as she reached out her hand towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei did not reject her good intentions and climbed up while holding her hand. He patted the dust off of his body and laughed: "It's fine, I already said that I couldn't beat you, now do you believe me?"    


"Do you really only have a few days to learn the Wing of the Wing?" Liang Siyao's eyes were full of probing intent.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "It's really only been a few days, why would I lie to you?"    


Lying required a motive, but he had no motive for it.    


As if she believed Xia Lei's words, she walked to Liang Zhengchun's side, went close to her father's ear and said: "Father, you seem to have picked up a treasure. Or else, accept him as your last disciple, and let him bring honor to our Yongchun Department."    


Liang Zhengchun did not say anything, neither did he say anything wrong. He only looked at Xia Lei, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.    


When Lu Sheng heard Liang Siyao's words, his expression immediately darkened. He had been learning fist arts here for more than three years. His goal here was to take Liang Zhengchun as his master, but Liang Zhengchun had never nodded his head in response. Liang Siyao knew about this matter, but she had never spoken a good word for him. Right now, a Xia Lei who came out of nowhere, actually spoke up for Xia Lei and told him to take Xia Lei as his disciple. How could he be balanced in his heart!    


"Humph!" Lu Sheng snorted coldly, and walked with large strides towards Xia Lei.    


"Monk." Liang Siyao pulled Lu Sheng back, and laughed: "It's been a long time since I've sparred with you, how about you accompany me to train?"    


Lu Sheng turned his head to look at Liang Siyao, but didn't say a word.    


Liang Siyao shook Lu Sheng's arm, and said sweetly: "Brother Sheng, please train with me."    


Lu Sheng forced out a smile: "Alright, I will accompany you in your training." In his opinion, there were a lot of opportunities to take care of Xia Lei, but this was a rare opportunity to spar with Liang Siyao.    


Just then, more and more students walked in. Liang Zhengchun went to greet the students and instruct them on their training. A few students who came to watch the commotion also dispersed and continued with their duels.    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief. When Lu Sheng walked towards him earlier, his eyes were very terrifying. He knew what that meant. He also clearly understood that with his current strength, he wasn't Lu Sheng's match in the first place. If he were to fight with Lu Sheng, the outcome would definitely be miserable for sure.    


Lu Sheng had already started sparring with Liang Siyao. His hands and feet were poking out, and occasionally fought with his fists and elbows. Although his movements were slow, he looked very professional.    


Xia Lei's heart moved, and he said quietly: "I wanted to see the condition of Liang Siyao's muscles and bones exerting strength, but that was in actual combat, so she simply would not give me a chance to look at her. Right now, I'm free, so I can take a look at the situation of her muscles and bones exerting strength. Now that I have grasped the trick to this, my power should have increased. "    


As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, his left eye slightly throbbed. Like a scorching flame, his left eye instantly burned away the clothes on Liang Siyao's body, and then her skin. In his left eye, Liang Siyao was no longer a normal and complete human. She was just like a half dissected puppet in biology class.    


However, in Xia Lei's right eyes, Liang Siyao was another long-legged beauty, and every movement of hers was pleasing to the eyes. In this world, only Xia Lei could enjoy such a wondrous sight.    


Perspective in the left eye and it was normal in the right eye. This just happened to give Xia Lei a condition for comparison and analysis. A very simple example, Liang Siyao did a fist strike. What Xia Lei saw in his left eye were muscles and ligaments, as well as the movement of his bones. They gathered energy, and then released energy. And in Xia Lei's right eye, he saw a change of palm into a fist, instantly attacking. As a result, the combination of the left and right eye, as well as the secret of how the Wing Tsun could be used, were presented in front of him without reservation!    


"So that's how it is ?" So that's how it is ? "Hahaha!" Xia Lei's mouth revealed a smile, he could not help but imitate Liang Siyao's movements when he watched Liang Siyao and Lu Sheng spar.    


This time around, he was not only imitating the action, but he was also imitating the contents within!    


"What is that kid doing?" A student saw Xia Lei imitating Liang Siyao's movements and was extremely curious.    


The student training with him also stopped, he curiously looked at Xia Lei, and said after a long while: "Is that fool playing with imitation? "Whatever Siyao does, he does."    


Very quickly, even more students noticed Xia Lei's strange actions. Discussions had started as well. Some were mocking him, while others were curious.    


Liang Zhengchun's line of sight also landed on Xia Lei's body. He observed for a while and suddenly gaped, unable to close his mouth from the shock. Xia Lei was like a fool who imitated others, but in the eyes of an expert, what he saw was actually his way of doing things!    


Just earlier, when Xia Lei was striking the wooden stake, many people said that Xia Lei had learnt Wing Tsun for at least a year, but in the eyes of an expert, Xia Lei was a beginner who had nowhere to hide, because Xia Lei had only learnt a few movements, and did not use any strength. If one didn't know how to use strength, no matter how beautiful one's punches were, they would be useless. Therefore, he felt that Xia Lei was just a clever imitator, a person who was eager for quick results. When Liang Siyao asked him to accept Xia Lei as his last disciple, he actually wasn't willing in his heart. Those who practiced martial arts didn't like people who were in a hurry to gain benefits, and he was no exception. But, looking at Xia Lei who was imitating Liang Siyao's movements, he was shocked, and moved!    


Liang Zhengchun walked towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei saw Liang Zhengchun walking towards him, and ended his probing of Liang Siyao right after, and stopped imitating as well. There was a slight hallucination in front of his eyes, but it soon disappeared.    


Liang Zhengchun stared straight at Xia Lei, praising: "Lei Zi, you learned very quickly."    


Xia Lei laughed, and said politely: "Master Liang, it's just that my memory is a little good."    


"Watch me fight, imitate me fight." Liang Zhengchun said.    


Xia Lei was startled for a moment, and then nodded his head, "Alright."    


During the past few days when he came to the fighting arena, Liang Zhengchun had only taught him a few basic things. He didn't know why Liang Zhengchun had suddenly changed his mind, but this was a chance to learn true qi, and he definitely wouldn't miss it.    


Actually, there was a reason why he chose to look through Liang Siyao and not Lu Sheng. In his opinion, Liang Zhengchun, the direct descendant of Yan Yongchun must have something that he would not pass on to outsiders. But Liang Siyao was not an outsider. She was Liang Zhengchun's daughter, so Liang Zhengchun would definitely give some confidential information to Liang Siyao without reservation. Therefore, he chose to look through Liang Siyao and study her Wing Tsun, not Lu Sheng.    


Now, when Liang Zhengchun took action, his perspective would definitely be better than's, and could also learn something of a higher level!    


Liang Zhengchun took a stance and asked: Are you ready?    


Xia Lei also imitated Liang Zhengchun's actions and made a stance, "Master Liang, I'm ready."    


He had prepared his eyes.    


Liang Zhengchun bellowed, took a step back and pressed on his elbow, then started to attack with Wing Tsun.    


Xia Lei's left eye once again entered the projection mode, firmly locking onto Liang Zhengchun. Just a moment ago, how did he study Liang Siyao? Right now, he was studying how to learn Liang Zhengchun.    


Liang Zhengchun was indeed powerful, his movements were more precise, the quick one was like a bolt of lightning, the slow one was like a willow breeze. When he attacked, it was like the impact of a torrent. When he attacked, it was like the receding tide of the ocean. The transformation was also fast. It was practically to the point of perfection.    


Everyone stopped, including Liang Siyao and Lu Sheng, who stopped their training and moved to Liang Zhengchun's and Xia Lei's side to watch.    


"What is Master Liang doing? Is he teaching that guy Wing Tsun? " Someone said.    


"Is there even a need to ask?" Someone said.    


"This kid has only been here for a few days, and Master Liang has already personally taught him. I really don't know what's so good about him." Someone said.    


"Good imitation." Someone said.    



"Hehehe ?" Someone laughed.    


After the discussions, almost everyone still thought that Xia Lei was only strong at imitating and wasn't that amazing.    


Lu Sheng's expression also became more and more gloomy, and his heart was also becoming more and more unhappy. When Liang Siyao had asked Xia Lei to accept him as her last disciple, Liang Zhengchun had not agreed, but in less than ten minutes, Liang Zhengchun had actually personally taught Xia Lei how to perform Chun Wu. Furthermore, he realized that this was the first time Liang Zhengchun had seen some of the moves that he had taught Xia Lei!    


"Humph!" The more Lu Sheng saw, the angrier he got.    


Liang Siyao, however, did not notice the change in Lu Sheng's emotions. She looked at Xia Lei who was following his father, Liang Zhengchun, during the Spring Festival, and her eyes were filled with joy and curiosity.    


A few minutes later, Liang Zhengchun stopped his punching and kicking. His gaze moved to Xia Lei's face and looked straight into Xia Lei's eyes.    


Xia Lei sat on the floor limply as he panted heavily. His forehead and neck were drenched with sweat and half of his clothes were also wet.    


He continued to use the clairvoyance in his left eye. His body had consumed too much energy, and he was already exhausted after persisting till this point.    


As he sank to the ground, the hallucinations began. The gym became a kindergarten and the walls were covered with cartoons, sunflowers, red suns, and bears. The onlookers became adorable children. They looked at him with curiosity, and the little red dot on their forehead was exceptionally eye-catching. Then, he saw Liang Siyao. She was actually wearing open crotch pants, exposing her little butt completely. The most ridiculous thing was that Liang Zhengchun had become a kindergarten aunt with a black braid ?    


"Lei, are you alright?" Liang Zhengchun walked to Xia Lei's side. Xia Lei's appearance seemed to indicate that he was sick, which made him a little nervous.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, and the illusion in front of his eyes finally disappeared. He propped himself up and said, "It's okay, it's okay ? I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine after a rest. "    


"Are you really alright?"    


"It's really alright, Master Liang. You don't need to worry about me." Xia Lei smiled, "Thank you for teaching me the Wing Tsun, I have learnt a lot."    


Liang Zhengchun probed: "Then tell me, how much did you learn?"    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "I don't know, a little, or maybe a little."    


Liang Zhengchun did not seem to be satisfied with such a vague answer.    


"Humph!" Lu Sheng coldly snorted, "You probably want to say that you've learnt a lot of things? Let's fight. Let me see how much you've learned. "    


This time, Liang Zhengchun and Liang Siyao did not stop him.    


Xia Lei grinned, "Alright, but give me half an hour to rest, I'll fight you in half an hour."    


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