Tranxending Vision

C61 threat marker

C61 threat marker

0"Snowy, I'm back." When he opened the door, Xia Lei said subconsciously.    


No one answered. It was quiet.    


Only now did Xia Lei remember that Xia Xue had already gone to school in the capital, and was not at home. He shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was not the first time he had made such a mistake. When Xia Xue was at home, he did not feel anything, but it was a feeling that he was used to. However, after Xia Xue left, he realized how much he missed her. After all, he was his sister, his only family in this world.    


Closing the door, he entered the living room. Xia Lei's expression suddenly became serious.    


The room looked fine, but he knew that someone had entered before, because some of the items had been placed in a completely different way. Although it was just a slight change, it couldn't escape his left eye. He could recall the environment his left eye had seen, even the rubbish in the trash can, let alone the change!    


The burglar who had infiltrated the house had turned over many things and then tried to restore the things he had turned over as much as he could, but he could not bring himself to the point of complete recovery. For example, in the television cabinet's drawer, Xia Lei remembered that the gap between the drawers was only a centimeter wide. Through the gap, he could see a screwdriver, but now that the gap had become two centimeters wide, what he could see through the gap was not a screwdriver, but a board that had never been used before.    


"Could it be that sissy?" Xia Lei suddenly thought of that flying thief with the beautiful face that even women admired, "If it's him, then it means that Gu Kewen has already taken action against me, but ? What did she send a thief to my house for? The patent has already been applied for, even if she were to steal the design material, it would be useless, not to mention that the patent design isn't with me at all. "So, if she didn't come for the patent design, what did she want from me?"    


After thinking about it, he couldn't think of what Gu Kewen sent that sissy thief to find at his house.    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei walked in front of the TV cabinet, and removed the family photo frame that was placed on top of it. The glass bottle was still there, as was the pill inside it. It lay quietly at the bottom. It was ordinary, but it gave people a sense of having a story.    


Xia Lei placed the photo frame back to its original position and then moved to the window. His left eye twitched slightly, and a faint footprint entered his line of sight. This footprint was very small, and looked like a woman's footprint. He then scanned the room. The floor was littered with those faint footprints. Even a police expert would have to apply some sort of fluorescent powder to see such footprints. However, he could only take a good look at it.    


This was the left eye's microscopical ability. He could see very minute things, but ordinary people needed a magnifying glass in order to see.    


The footprints extended from the living room all the way to the entrance of the room. There was in his room, and there was in Xia Xue's room as well.    


Xia Lei followed the footprints and entered his room. His bedroom was littered with the footprints of thieves, the drawers of his bedside table, and the drawers under his closet.    


Xia Lei casually opened a bedside table, and saw that the underwear was all over the place, he frowned: "Pervert!"    


After a thorough inspection, Xia Lei discovered that although that thief had searched through his things, he had not stolen anything. There were ten thousand pieces of emergency cash in the drawer of the closet, but the thief didn't take them.    


A thief who didn't steal money could only have other motives.    


Xia Lei then went to his sister Xia Xue's room. The situation was similar, the thief had gone through all the drawers but did not steal anything.    


After inspecting the room, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly landed on a writing desk beneath the window. It was Xia Xue's desk, and on it was a large stack of information on his studies before the entrance exams. There was also a picture frame, and inside the frame was a picture of Xia Xue's graduation. However, what he saw was not the smiling Xia Lei in the photo, but an "X" symbol drawn on the picture frame with a red marker.    


The "X" symbol was very small, it only occupied an area of one square centimeter, but Xia Lei could still see it. In his left eye, something that was one square centimeter was as eye-catching as a house. This "X" symbol was painted on the picture frame, and below it was Xia Xue's forehead. It was not difficult to understand what it meant ? it was a threatening signal!    


Xia Lei's face turned ashen, he clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and said after a long while: "Gu Kewen, I don't care who you are, but if you dare hurt my sister, even if it's just a strand of hair, I want your life!"    


After his father had mysteriously disappeared, Xia Lei no longer only played the role of elder brother in this family, but also the role of father. If someone wanted to hurt Xia Xue, he would fight to the death with that person, even if it was the Gu family's second young miss!    


In the end, the thief had left through Xia Xue's window, because the footprints on the window sill were on the tip of her feet.    


Xia Lei's heart stirred. He followed his out the door, went downstairs and chased after the footprints left behind by the thief.    


The footprints grew fainter and fainter. Some of them were even covered with the footprints of others. He chased them to an alley behind the residential complex. The footprints had disappeared and there was a motorcycle tire mark on the ground. He then headed to the other end of the alley.    


The thief left on a motorcycle.    


Xia Lei changed to chasing after the tire marks on the motorcycle and continued to follow.    


At the end of the alley was a street with the tracks of a motorcycle running down it. Some parts were obvious, some parts were invisible. Xia Lei gave up after walking around 20 to 30 metres on the street. The streets were filled with tire marks, there were cars, motorcycles, and even electric cars. Furthermore, with his ability to continuously use his left eye, he had a very uncomfortable reaction. He felt dizzy and his limbs felt weak.    


If it had been a simple environment, he might have been able to keep track of it, but in the midst of the traffic, it was impossible to continue on.    


After resting for a few minutes, Xia Lei returned to the small district. He did not go home, but instead knocked on Jiang Ruyi's door.    


Jiang Ruyi had just finished exercising and was still wearing the Adidas brand sports shorts and a tight vest. The soft, elastic cotton cloth was stuck to her skin tightly, just like her second layer of skin. Exercise had made her sweat, sparkling sweat was everywhere on her tender white skin. The sweat had also wet her sports shorts and tank top, making them look hazy and transparent. In this way, some areas were clearly outlined by the wet fabric. They could not speak, but it was as if they were saying witty, coquettish, and seductive words in provocative language.    


Xia Lei didn't know where to put his eyes.    


Jiang Ruyi was naturally generous, she used a towel to wipe her forehead and then her chest, saying: "You knocked on my door in the middle of the night, what would the neighbors think when they see it?"    


Xia Lei coughed awkwardly, and said: "We have been like this for so many years, they are already used to it. I'll get the car and give me the keys. I'll go out and do something. "    


"What are you going to do?" Jiang Ruyi's tone carried a tinge of suspicion.    


Xia Lei replied: "Don't worry about it, just give it to me."    


"Are you trying to find a woman? If you get caught by a group, don't say that you know me. " Jiang Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Wait a moment, I'll go get the key for you." Jiang Ruyi turned around to get his keys.    


Xia Lei looked at her back, his small waist and buttocks were raised, his long legs were plump and beautiful, and he was unspeakably young and beautiful. In that instant, the shorts and singlet on Jiang Ruyi's body flew away.    


Xia Lei closed his eyes and lowered his head as well, thinking to himself: "With her here, how come I can't control my own eyes?"    


In terms of beauty, Shentu Tianyin was far more beautiful than Jiang Ruyi, but he had never tried to see through Shentu Tianyin's thoughts and desires. This seemed to be an unsolvable matter.    


Jiang Ruyi quickly brought out a car key, but it wasn't from the Great Wall H6, but from her crappy Volkswagen POLO.    


Xia Lei held the car keys, and only after a long while did he speak, "This is your car keys, I want mine."    


"If you want it, then do it. Don't pull it down." Jiang Ruyi said snappily: "Everyone in the Bureau is saying that I changed to a new car, and I've already accepted it. You can't possibly let me drive that car to work again, right? "I'm the bureau chief, the bureau chief has to show some dignity. Can I borrow your car for a few years?"    


"Open..." "How many years?" Xia Lei didn't even know how he should speak to her.    


"It's a deal then. Let's go back to work. I won't tell you too much about being alone." Jiang Ruyi said, and then, without waiting for Xia Lei to say anything, she slammed the door shut.    


However, Xia Lei was still standing in front of Director Jiang's door, muttering to himself: "A lone man and a single woman? A man and a woman alone, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you drive my car. "    


A new car that cost more than a hundred thousand, Xia Lei had driven less than fifteen kilometers. Now that the car was taken over by Bureau Chief Jiang, after calculating, it should be more than eleven thousand kilometers ? ? Even Bugatti Wyron would not be so expensive!    


After a while, Xia Lei drove Jiang Ruyi's tattered POLO and left the district. They followed the road he had followed and slowly drove down.    


Without a clear direction and without a trace on the ground, he stubbornly wanted to try his luck. The chances of finding the thief were no different from finding a needle in a haystack, but even with such insignificant hopes, he did not want to give up. To dare to threaten him with Xia Xue, no matter who the thief was, he had already provoked him!    


It wasn't actually late at all. There were a lot of cars on the streets and a lot of people strolling along the sidewalks. Xia Lei carefully drove his POLO car forward aimlessly at a speed of 30 yards. His gaze was constantly scanning the streets, as well as the people who passed by. Although he did not see the thief's appearance, he still had a target of suspicion. It was the sissy that he saw in Liu Ying's house that night. Therefore, once he discovered that someone had a similar trait to that sissy, he would carefully observe it and eliminate it before leaving.    



The path that Xia Lei chose was in a straight line and there was no turning. If he turned a corner, the range would be too large. There was no way to track him. He had a hope that the other party would also walk in a straight line and then stop the motorcycle at the side of the road. That way, he would have a better chance of finding the guy. Of course, this was just a hope. The chances of such a thing happening were minuscule.    


Scintillating neon lights, shops on the streets, and people of all kinds travelled back and forth in Xia Lei's field of vision. Two hours had passed just like that, and the straight road had reached its end. In front of him was a T-shaped intersection. To the left was a road, and to the right was also another road. Xia Lei didn't know whether to drive to the left or right, but he stopped his car.    


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