Tranxending Vision

C51 female thief

C51 female thief

0Xia Lei placed the pajamas Liu Ying gave him on the bedside. He did not want to wear the clothes her husband left him. He lay on the bed for a while with his clothes folded, but he couldn't sleep.    


"I have won a large order from the Yue-dong Sport for long-term cooperation. However, if the sales of the automatic surfboard for the Yue-dong Sport is explosive after it goes on the market, with the current abilities of the Lei Ma Workshop, there is no way that it can satisfy the needs of the Yue-dong Sport. If I outsource part of the order, there is no guarantee of quality. It looks like I need to add more equipment. "I'm working with a company. The studio is obviously not good enough. I have to register a company and find a bigger space ?" Xia Lei's mind was filled with these questions, which made him excited and worried.    


Ka, a light sound suddenly reached Xia Lei's ears. Instinctively, he glanced up at the window of his room, which was ajar. There were stars in the sky outside the window, and the dark blue sky seemed far away. There was no wind outside the window either, and the curtains hung down vertically. It was very quiet. However, that sound had indeed reached his ears from outside the window. It was as if something had moved the window. There was no wind outside, so why would the window move?    


Xia Lei crawled up from the bed, his left eye slightly jumped for a moment, and the wall blocking his sight immediately disappeared from his sight. There was nothing outside the window. There were no naughty cats or mice. He then moved his gaze to the next room. The wall disappeared, and a scene entered his sight.    


In the next room, Liu Ying was lying on her bed sleeping.    


Xia Lei's gaze shifted away from Liu Ying, quickly sweeping across the entire room. Then, he suddenly turned around and stopped at the bedside.    


There was actually a person lying beside the bed!    


The black tight clothes blended in with the darkness of the room. If it wasn't for the minute changes in light that Xia Lei's eyes could detect, he probably wouldn't have been able to discover that person!    


The black-clothed person quietly laid on the carpet by the bed. The characteristics of his body indicated that he was a female thief.    


There was no doubt that the slight noise was caused by the female thief in black tights. She forced open the window of Liu Ying's room and then snuck in. She was sprawled underneath the bed, and it was very likely that Liu Ying turning her body over just now, or perhaps speaking in her sleep, had shocked her.    


Liu Ying didn't show any signs of waking up, the female thief carefully climbed up. Her face was covered by a black veil, but it was simply unable to obstruct Xia Lei's line of sight. She was very young, with a oval face and large eyes and small mouth. She looked very beautiful. But her chest was flat, and that seemed to be the only flaw in her.    


The female thief tiptoed over to the large wardrobe in the corner.    


Seeing this, Xia Lei immediately understood what the female thief wanted to steal. He got up from the bed and, not bothering to put on his shoes, ran out of the room barefoot.    


Xia Lei arrived in front of Liu Ying's room in the blink of an eye. He grabbed the door handle and wanted to open the door, but the door was locked from the inside. He banged his shoulder hard, but the door remained firmly in front of him.    


In the room, Liu Ying was woken up by the loud noise. She suddenly got up from the bed and looked at the door nervously, "Who is it?"    


"It's me!" Xia Lei! "    


"You want to do it... What is it? " Liu Ying subconsciously grabbed the clothes on the bedside table and covered his chest, as if he could break into Xia Lei's place at any time.    


"There's a thief in your room!" Xia Lei roared anxiously.    


"What are you playing at ?" Before Liu Ying could finish his sentence, a sharp dagger had circled around her shoulder and pressed against her neck. Her voice suddenly stopped, and her body tensed up, not daring to move.    


"Tell him the thief has run away." The female thief whispered into Liu Ying's ear.    


Liu Ying's cold sweat dripped down her forehead as she said with a trembling voice, "You ? What do you want? "    


"Tell me quickly, or I'll cut your throat!" The female thief's voice was a little hoarse and a little demonic. It was a very strange voice.    


Xia Lei's voice came from outside the door, "Don't be afraid, I'll come and save you right now!"    


"Speak!" The female thief's hand had a bit of strength, the sharp blade cut open Liu Ying's skin, and a bit of blood immediately flowed out from the edge of the blade.    


Liu Ying's brain was no longer able to think. She said with a trembling voice, "Thief, thief ? The thief has already run away! "    


If it was anyone else, they would probably run downstairs to chase her, but the thief was trying to deceive Xia Lei. She did not know what she was doing now, and it did not escape Xia Lei's eyes!    


Xia Lei took two steps back, then fiercely rushed forward and kicked the door.    


Bang! The door was still open, but Xia Lei was hit by the rebound and fell to the ground.    


Wealthy people always have good doors. Xia Lei was so depressed that he wanted to run into a wall.    


The female thief in the room pulled Liu Ying out of bed, pulled her by the hair and dragged her in front of the wardrobe, then said fiercely: "Open the safe, hurry up, otherwise I'll kill you!"    


"You ? What do you want? " Liu Ying was extremely afraid, but she did not have the intention to do it. She knew better than anyone how important the things inside the safe were, not to mention that it was the hard work of her husband!    


"Think of your son. Do you want him to be an orphan?" The female thief placed the small blade on Liu Ying's neck.    


"You ? Who exactly is it? "    


The female thief suddenly cut a small wound on Liu Ying's neck, and viciously said: "Hurry! I will only give you one chance! "    


With blood and pain, coupled with his worry for his son, Liu Ying's mental defenses collapsed in an instant. She trembled as she twisted the handle of the closet, and the closet moved aside, revealing the door to the safe.    


Outside the door, Xia Lei once again charged forward fiercely, knocking the door hard with his shoulder. This time, both the door frame and the door frame violently shook, almost to the point of being smashed open by him.    


"Hurry up!" The female thief panicked a little.    


Liu Ying extended her hand to the keyboard to enter the password, and the door of the safe was opened.    


The female thief pushed Liu Ying down to the ground and grabbed the briefcase that was placed in the safe.    


Bang! The door was suddenly flung open, and Xia Lei fell through the door frame onto the ground.    


The female thief turned and ran to the window, and with a whoosh jumped through it.    


Xia Lei didn't think much of it and crawled up to chase after him. By the time he reached the window, he had jumped over the open window and onto the flowerbed below. The soil and plants in the flower bed acted as a shock absorber, but the inertia and gravity still caused him to fall down.    


The female thief got up from the ground and ran towards the fence wall.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the flowerbed and chased after his crazily.    


As a result, Liu Ying stuck her head out of the window of the second floor. She just so happened to see the female thief running in front of them and Xia Lei chasing after her barefooted. Her tears immediately gushed out and she cried: "Catch her! "Seize her!"    


The female thief ran to the fence wall of the residential complex in the blink of an eye. Her speed didn't slow down at all; instead, she used her speed to jump and grab the top of the fence.    


Xia Lei wasn't as nimble as her, but the fence wall was only two metres tall, and he grabbed onto the top of the wall with all his might, then used his hands and feet to quickly climb over the fence wall.    


"The heck!" The female thief swore and started to run again.    


"Halt!" Xia Lei roared, and continued to chase. His foot had been punctured by a branch when he jumped onto the flowerbed. Fresh blood oozed out from the wound on his foot, leaving a series of dark red footprints on the ground. Every step he took brought with it a piercing pain, but he clenched his teeth and persevered.    


There was also sympathy for Liu Ying, who inherited her husband's dying wish and hard work, but she also had her own considerations. If this thief sold the automatic surfboard design to Yue-dong Sport's competitors, then wouldn't the large order he painstakingly signed be a failure? No matter what, she had to chase them back!    


The street in the early morning was empty and devoid of people. One of them ran in front while the other chased behind.    



The female thief had a very flexible body, but she did not have any advantages in terms of speed. She was still unable to get rid of Xia Lei. After six or seven minutes, her stamina had also taken a turn for the worse, and her speed had clearly slowed down by quite a bit. Actually, what she didn't know was that Xia Lei was also supporting himself with just a surge of willpower, that he could fall to the ground at any moment.    


"Damn it!" The female thief cursed as she turned around and ran into an alley. She wanted to use the dark environment of the alleyway to get rid of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei also turned and chased into the alley. There were no streetlights in the alleyway. The walls on both sides were very tall and very dark. However, he could still clearly see everything in the alleyway, including the female thief who was running in front of him.    


After running two hundred meters, a three-storey building blocked his way. It appeared at the end of the alleyway without any reason. One could tell at a glance that it was a illegal building.    


"F * * k!" Whose building is this? "Ahhh!" The female thief stopped in her tracks and shouted in a crazed manner.    


Xia Lei also stopped, both of his hands on his knees, panting heavily.    


The female thief turned around and looked at Xia Lei coldly. She was also panting heavily and after she had caught her breath, she pointed at Xia Lei and scolded, "You idiot. Are you sick? What does it have to do with you that I'm stealing from someone else? What are you trying to do, chasing after me like this? "    


Xia Lei also recovered his breath, he stood up straight and slowly walked towards the female thief, "Give me back this thing, and I will let you go, I will keep my word."    


"Let me go? What big words you have there! " The female thief stretched out her hand to touch the dagger, only to discover that her dagger had been lost at some point.    


Xia Lei roared: Give me the thing!    


"It seems that you plan to go through with it. You will regret it." The female thief spoke while twisting her neck, shrugging and lifting her legs, as if doing warm-up exercises.    


Xia Lei stared at the female thief warily, in case she suddenly slipped away from his side, and also in case she sneak attacked him. However, his gaze suddenly landed on the female thief's adam's apple. She actually had an adam's apple sticking out of her throat!    


A Adam's apple was a rule only men had. It was impossible for a woman to have it.    


Xia Lei's gaze then moved to the female thief's chest. In that instant, he suddenly felt disgusted, and after playing around for a long time, this guy was actually a man!    


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