Tranxending Vision

C24 Foreign languages are actually very simple

C24 Foreign languages are actually very simple

0He busied himself from the afternoon until the sky turned dark.    


Since Ma Xiaoan could not help much by staying, and he still had to come back to open the shop tomorrow morning, Xia Lei let him go back. Xia Lei continued to work on the new parts with the lathe. In the afternoon, he had already welded all the broken parts of the compass. Now, all he needed to do was to process the remaining parts, and the business would be complete.    


She was slightly interested in these two specialized books. Then, she picked up a? Modern University German? book and asked in a surprised tone, "Master Ley, are you still learning German on your own?"    


Xia Lei casually replied, "Yes, learning more is always good."    


"Sir, Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" Quiet suddenly spoke in German.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched slightly, and the relevant German words suddenly popped up in his mind. Strangely, this was the first time he had heard someone speak German, but he understood what Serenity meant. What Serenity said was ? Sir, do you speak German?    


"Sir, Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" Quiet And Steadfast repeated these words, his tone tinged with provocation and doubt. Obviously, she didn't believe a welder's master could understand German.    


Xia Lei thought of something, he did not have a book in front of him, but German words flashed past his left eye, then related words and grammar appeared in his mind, following that, these words combined together to form a sentence. This was a very complicated and miraculous process, but it only took a few seconds.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth curled up into a smile. "Miss, IchkannDeutsch, aberichsprechenichtsehrut."    


What he said was ? Miss, I speak German, but my spoken language is not very good.    


She looked at Xia Lei in shock. After a long while, she said, "Look at you, you really know German. Why did you think of learning German? German is a small language. If you want to learn a foreign language, you should also learn English. It's much more practical. "    


A few seconds later, Xia Lei said, "Mademoiselle, jevaisunpedeudefran ?ais."    


"You ?" She stood up, and looked at Xia Lei with a dumbstruck expression. Her small mouth opened wide, and she said, "You just ? In French? "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Yes, I said I also know a little French."    


"My God, you are so secretive. I know English and German, but I don't know French. You are even better than I am!" The way she looked at Xia Lei was also different.    


Xia Lei said: "How could I be as good as you? I was just bored and learned blindly. I only knew a few simple words. You got your Ph.D. at such a young age, you're the real deal. I really admire you. "    


Quiet And Steadfast continued, "No, no, I should admire you. You have such great skills at such a young age, and you even taught yourself German and French. This shows that you are a very smart and advanced person. Your positive attitude towards life is already worth my while. "    


"Hehe ?" Are we going to go on like this? " Xia Lei laughed, and then shifted his attention back to the task at hand.    


When she saw him, she thought to herself, "What a joke. When I first saw him, I didn't believe him at all, and I even looked down on him a little. "Not to mention that they taught themselves German and French. Other than having an extra diploma, how could I be better than them?"    


In her heart, besides admiration, there was also a trace of shame.    


However, what she didn't know was that what she admired was only the beginning. No one could estimate how Xia Lei would develop in the future!    


"Alright, it's finally settled." Xia Lei turned off the machine tool, took off one of the gears, and checked under the light.    


She went over to Xia Lei's side and also looked at the gear, "Is this the last part?"    


"Yes, last one." Xia Lei said.    


Quiet And Steadfast said, "I didn't expect you to finish it so quickly. I thought we'd have to wait all night." She pursed her lips into a smile. "I was going to ask you where I'm going to sleep tonight."    


"You don't want to spend the night here, do you?"    


"You don't even have a bed here. Even if I wanted to, I have no place to sleep."    


Just as Xia Lei was about to say that there was a steel bed, he suddenly felt that this topic would cause people to misunderstand. He changed his words and said, "Sister Ning, let me send you back, are you going home or to the archaeology department?"    


She looked at Xia Lei with a serene smile. "Do you want to take me home, and then I'll drive you home?"    


It was only then that Xia Lei remembered that he was someone who didn't have a car.    


She calmly said, "Accompany me to the Archaeology Bureau. I need your help."    


Xia Lei said: "Do you want to assemble it and move it tonight?"    


"It's a miracle. I can't wait to unravel its secret."    


Xia Lei didn't think too much and said: "Alright then, I'll accompany you to the archaeology office." He also wanted to know the origin of this compass and what secrets it contained.    


Half an hour later, Xia Lei once again followed Serenity to the Archaeological Bureau. This time, he did not go to the showroom. Instead, Serenity brought him to an archaeological studio.    


The studio was very large, but it was filled to the brim with porcelain, stone sculptures, and other cultural relics waiting to be handled. She then carefully placed the compass, the parts that Xia Lei had repaired, and the parts that were processed using the lathe on the workbench.    


Xia Lei said: "Sister Ning, why don't you give Professor Huang a call?"    


Serenity thought for a moment and said, "It's okay if it's this late, but he'll be coming over tomorrow morning anyway." Master Lei, I don't really know how to work machinery. Can you help me put this compass in? "    


"Of course not." Xia Lei agreed readily.    


"Then I'll make you a cup of tea." Quiet said.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Sister Ning, there's no need to be so polite."    


"I'll make you a cup of tea to help you get out of your predicament. You go ahead and busy yourself, I'll be back very soon." Quiet and quiet, Ye Zichen walked out.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze from her beautiful back and started to assemble the compass.    


This was probably the first time he had done something like that, and he had no experience with it. However, he had his advantages. Through his left eye, he could recall the correct position of all the components. Through his left eye, he could also easily see where no one else could see and place the parts correctly. Therefore, although this was his first time doing such a thing, he appeared to be extremely proficient and adept at it.    


When he returned to the workshop quietly while carrying a cup of Pu'er tea, Xia Lei had already put the last part on the compass.    


It was very strange. Once the compass was installed, the golden needle on the surface of the watch began to rotate before pointing in the direction directly north.    


Xia Lei clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Done."    


Quiet And Steadfast walked over and stared at the compass on the workbench. He said in surprise, "Why are you so fast?"    


Xia Lei laughed, and did not say much. In fact, in order to be safe, he had purposely slowed down the pace of the assembling of the compass. If he had wanted to be quick, he would have finished assembling the compass while Serenity was still boiling water.    


"It's moving. You used a repaired part, right?" She quietly adjusted the glasses on her nose, but was still unable to figure out what type of component Xia Lei had chosen to complete the assembling.    


Xia Lei said: "I used repaired parts. I feel like I'll try installing the original parts first, then the parts that I process, then you can decide which parts are the best."    



"You're so attentive. Aiyo, I forgot to give you tea." Only now did Serenity think of the Pu'er tea in her hands. She placed the teacup into Xia Lei's hands, then impatiently went to study the assembled compass.    


Xia Lei was actually not thirsty either. After drinking a mouthful of tea, he placed the teacup to the side, and then moved closer to her peaceful side as he watched her fiddle with the compass.    


The peaceful body was fragrant, the fragrance was very good. She did not notice Xia Lei beside her, nor did she notice that when she leaned forward, a deep snow-white crack was revealed beneath his V-shaped collar.    


The bright lights, the young and beautiful female doctor, the enchanting fragrance, and the alluring beauty had all been mixed together with a mysterious compass. Xia Lei had a very strange feeling in his heart, as if something was stirring up inside his body, and it was hard to describe it.    


"Master Ley, please help me change the parts you have worked on onto the wall. There might be a different result." She spoke calmly.    


"No problem." Xia Lei then changed into the parts that he had processed earlier, his speed this time was even faster than last time.    


However, the compass remained motionless after the newly processed parts had been installed.    


After observing quietly for a while, she said, "That's strange, how could it be like this? Master Lei, can I trouble you to change the original parts again? "    


Xia Lei also felt that it was strange, but he did not ask anything and directly started to change into the original parts. This time, the compass began to operate once again. The golden needle pointed towards the north.    


Quiet And Steadfast praised, "I think that the compass is made of iron but there must be some special material inside. It is too magical."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Then I will need you guys to study it. My work is finally complete."    


Just then, the door was pushed open, a familiar face appeared in front of Xia Lei and Serenity.    


The one who came was Long Bing. He was expressionless and his entire body was ice-cold. She glanced at Xia Lei and Serenity, then shifted her gaze towards the compass.    


"Why are you here?" Xia Lei broke the eerie silence.    


"Since you're finished, of course I'll come." Long Bing walked to the front of the workbench, reached out to pick up the compass, and then turned around and walked out.    


Calm was alarmed, he hurriedly went to block Long Bing, "Miss Long, what are you doing? You can't take this compass with you! "    


Long Bing said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you said it yourself, or if your Chief Officer said it. Get out of my way, don't hinder my work."    


"No no, you can't take it away, you have to explain yourself!" Tranquility would not allow him to do so.    


Long Bing suddenly struck Serenity's neck with a palm. After a quiet grunt, she raised her head and collapsed onto the ground.    


Xia Lei hurried forward to hug Serenity, this was why he did not let her fall to the ground. He said in surprise, "How can you do that? She is not a threat to you at all! "    


Long Bing said indifferently: "She will wake up in fifteen minutes. Take care of her for now and this collaboration will end here. I'll contact you again next time when I need you to do something."    


Xia Lei said gloomily: "Why don't you ask me if I agree? "Also, if you let me fix this compass and I fix it, can you tell me what it's used for?"    


"Don't ask what you don't know. Goodbye." Long Bing turned around and walked out, not leaving a single word behind.    


Xia Lei hugged the tranquility that caused him to faint, and looked at the empty door, yet he did not move an inch for a good while.    


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