Tranxending Vision

C21 Ning Jing's Little Stomach

C21 Ning Jing's Little Stomach

0Emperor Yongle referred to the ancestor of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di. He was a very famous historical figure. The Ming dynasty under his rule was also the most prosperous period, so it was also known as the "Endless Delight."    


However, with the knowledge he obtained from history books, Xia Lei was simply unable to guess the relationship between this compass and Emperor Yongle, and even more so unable to guess the use of this compass.    


"Master Ley, can you repair this compass?" Huang Wei Guo's voice broke Xia Lei's train of thoughts.    


"It's a little troublesome." Xia Lei said: "But I can give it a try."    


"This compass is very important and its value is hard to estimate," Huang said. I don't want a casual answer. I want an exact answer. Master Lei, are you confident? "    


Xia Lei originally did not have much pressure, but after he said this, he actually felt a lot of pressure. He thought to himself, "There's no need to talk about the importance of this compass. I'm afraid that's the only thing in the entire world. If I make any mistakes, wouldn't I be bringing a disaster upon myself?" Should I refuse or agree? "    


At this time, a calm voice sounded out, "Master Lei, you must think this through. Miss Long recommended you, so don't bring her any trouble. "As long as it's okay, if it's not possible, then it's fine. We want a 100% guarantee on this matter. Not even 99% guarantee will work."    


At this moment, Xia Lei also understood that the reason he was able to come here was all because of Long Bing. Long Bing had recommended him to Huang Wei Guo who was in charge of this matter, and perhaps, the two of them had some sort of promise agreement. If he messed up this matter, Long Bing would very likely take responsibility for it.    


Xia Lei couldn't help but look at Long Bing. He wanted to know why Long Bing recommended this to him.    


Long Bing's face didn't have the slightest expression; she was always so cold and detached.    


"How about this, Master Lei, we will give you half a day. You think it over carefully, think it over for a moment, and then give us our answer." She spoke calmly. She seemed to not want to believe that someone as young as Xia Lei had any good skills, and even more so did not believe that he would be able to fix this compass.    


This female doctor was really unfriendly!    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to Serenity. Perhaps thinking that it was because of her unfriendliness, his left eye slightly jumped, and the clothes on Serenity evaporated like mist. This female doctor looked gentle and refined. He was thin and clean, but his body was extremely well-made. Especially her chest and buttocks, they had a unique tight fleshy feeling. They were of a moderate size and were very attractive. There was a maple leaf shaped pattern on her perky buttocks. The color and shape were very lifelike, but it was not a tattoo. It was a natural birthmark. This birthmark gives a very deep impression.    


"So she's actually a woman with hidden depths. I really can't tell." Who else but me can see this interesting birthmark? " The corner of Xia Lei's mouth rose into a smile. He had the thought of punishing Serenity. After punishing her, his mood improved a little.    


"What are you laughing at?" Quiet And Steadfast asked in a somewhat strange tone.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "It's nothing, I don't think you trust me, I understand your worries. How about this, you guys can find some similar parts for me to try out. If you think I can do it, then I'll take the job. If you think I can't do it, then find someone else. "    


Huang Wei Guo and Jing Jing looked at each other as if they were communicating using their eyes.    


Xia Lei saw everything, and did not make a sound. At this moment, he already had a very thorough understanding of this matter. He reckoned that before Long Bing recommended him, Huang Wei Guo and Serenity had probably asked for the highest level of welding engineers, and the other side didn't dare to take the job. Long Bing recommended him because he welded that key together. She had a bit of confidence in this matter. However, upon seeing how young he was, Serenity and Huang Wei Guo did not believe that he had the ability to force him to retreat.    


Xia Lei also had his own thoughts in his heart. Although this matter was very thorny, it was also an extremely good opportunity. Repairing the compass meant that he had made a name for himself. Naturally, he would have business coming to him in the future. If he rejected, not only would he lose such a good opportunity, he would also fail to live up to Long Bing's good intentions. Therefore, he had already decided to take over this business.    


Huang Wei Guo and Jing Jing seemed to have already exchanged their opinions. Huang Wei Guo said, "Master Lei, let's do as you say. I'll go find the welding machine and some small parts for you to try. After that, we can decide whether or not to give you the compass to repair."    


Xia Lei nodded, "No problem."    


Huang Wei Guo left the showroom, and Long Bing walked to Xia Lei's side: "There shouldn't be any problems, right?"    


Xia Lei replied: "No problem, you can rest assured."    


Long Bing nodded her head, "Then that's good, wait a bit, I'll go out and make a call."    


"Alright." Xia Lei watched as Long Bing left the display room. Her back was beautiful, but he was always in awe of her, never using her left eye to see through her desires.    


Quiet And Steadfast walked to the side of his heart with a faint smile on his face, "Master Ley, how old are you this year?"    


Xia Lei looked at her, "I was almost twenty-four, what about you?" He was only a little over twenty-three, and he wondered why Serenity wanted to say a little older when she asked him about his age.    


"You're only twenty-four. I'm two years older than you." She said with a calm smile.    


She was already a doctor of archaeology at the age of twenty-six. She was indeed a very powerful woman, but her youth was probably spent on studying and working. It wasn't hard to tell that she was a very simple woman based on how young she was when she blew herself up. This was because normally, women would say that she was very young.    


Xia Lei was not interested in talking about age with her. He changed the topic and probed: "Doctor Ning, what is the purpose of this compass?"    


Quiet And Steadfast said, "To tell you the truth, we don't know either. After all, we just discovered it yesterday. Its discovery subverts our understanding of the manufacturing ability of the Ming Dynasty, but what is its use? We will have to wait for your little master to repair it before we can find the answer. " Saying this, she stared at Xia Lei, "Master Lei, tell me the truth, can you fix it?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "If I were a 50-60 year old old old man and carry a stack of professional certificates over, would you believe that I would be able to fix this compass?"    


Calmly, he said, "Master Lei, I have no other intentions. I just ? Forget it, if you can repair this compass, I'll give you a silk banner. "    


She was indeed a lady from the academy who did not have much experience in society. Other people would usually say 'treat me to a meal' or 'send me a beautiful gift' under such circumstances. However, she thought of gifting a silk banner instead. Her way of thinking was indeed different from most women. Xia Lei suddenly thought of the maple leaf shaped birthmark on her butt. He couldn't help but think, that should be her most special place, right?    


"I'm serious." Seeing Xia Lei not saying a word, she calmly added.    


Xia Lei laughed: "Thank you. If you give me a flag, I will definitely hang it on the wall of my studio. As long as someone goes in, they will be able to see it immediately."    


Serenity seemed to be imagining her pennant hanging on the wall, and then the corner of her mouth curved into a pleasant smile.    


"That's right, Dr. Ning." Xia Lei probed: "Do you know what Miss Long does?"    


"I don't know. I asked you that question just now." Quiet said.    


Xia Lei secretly sighed in his heart, full of a feeling of disappointment. Long Bing's identity and occupation had already become a source of concern for him. If he did not find the answer to this question, he would never be able to cure it.    


At this moment, her serene eyebrows suddenly furrowed, and she clutched her stomach, squatting down on the ground.    


Xia Lei immediately grabbed her arm, preventing her from falling onto the ground. He asked nervously, "Doctor Ning, what's wrong?"    


"I... I... My stomach hurts ? Ouch ? "Ouch ?" In the blink of an eye, her face was completely pale, without the slightest hint of blood.    


"Dr. Ning, are you sick? I'll call the ambulance right away. Just hold on, don't be afraid. " Xia Lei was shocked by her. He then took out his phone and prepared to call an ambulance.    


Quiet And Steadfast grabbed his hand, "Don't..." "I've been sick for a long time and I haven't slept for a long time."    


Xia Lei was concerned: "You're already like this and you still say you're fine? You'd better go to the hospital and let me call. "    


"No need, I'm really fine ?" Professor Huang is coming back soon. I still want to see your skills. " Although she said that she was fine, when she spoke, she was frowning and lightly bit her lips, as if she was enduring the pain.    


"Is it more important for the body or work?" Xia Lei still wanted to persuade her to go to the hospital.    


"It's all, it's all important." She grabbed onto Xia Lei's arm and slowly stood up, but just as she was halfway there, she squatted down again, her forehead also covered in dense beads of sweat. She laughed bitterly, "Help me out, help me lie down on the sofa for a bit."    


Xia Lei reached out and wrapped his arm around her small waist, and with his other hand, he simply reached into the crook of her leg. He lifted her up in an instant, then walked towards a group of sofas at the corner of the showroom. Serenity looked thin, but when he hugged her it was heavy, from one hundred to one hundred and ten catties. This weight proved once again that she was the kind of woman who hid 'brilliant content' under his clothes.    


She laid in the crook of Xia Lei's arm. The strong muscles of her chest and arms pressed against's soft and tender skin, as well as the aura of a man on his body, all these made her feel very nervous. Her pain seemed less obvious, and her pale face was flushed.    



Xia Lei placed his tranquility down on the sofa and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better?"    


Quietly avoiding Xia Lei's eyes, "I ? I feel better, I've gotten old, it's okay, I'll be fine after I lie down for a while. "    


Xia Lei said with concern: "What old ailment? Did you go to the hospital? "    


"Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand a thing about women." Quiet And Steadfast appeared somewhat embarrassed.    


Since she said it was a woman's fault, Xia Lei felt too embarrassed to continue asking, and said: "I still think you should go and check at the hospital. If it wasn't for some old ailment, delaying the illness would be a very bad thing. "    


A smile appeared on his serene lips. "You're a careful and caring person. Do you treat girls so well?"    


Xia Lei smiled awkwardly, "I have a little sister. It's usually me who takes care of her, maybe because of this reason."    


"I am not your sister... "Ouch ?" She curled up on the sofa, her hands awkwardly rubbing her belly in a way that was even more painful than before. "If, if only my mother was here, she would have stopped rubbing my stomach every time she gave it a massage ?"    


Xia Lei was startled, he forced himself to extend his hand.    


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