Tranxending Vision

C19 White-eyed Kid

C19 White-eyed Kid

0Half an hour later, Jiang Ruyi arrived at a Western restaurant by the seaside. There weren't many people eating Western food at noon, and there were only a dozen or so guests in the restaurant.    


Jiang Ruyi and Xia Lei sat at a table near to a window. Through the window, they could see a clean beach and a blue ocean;    


It was his first time eating Western food, so Xia Lei was a little clumsy, but he quickly adapted to it.    


"Lei Zi, I really have to thank you this time." Jiang Ruyi raised his red wine cup, "Let me toast you."    


Xia Lei laughed: "If you really want to thank me, then I'll add another lobster."    


Jiang Ruyi suddenly took off her high heels and kicked between Xia Lei's thighs.    


Caught off guard, Xia Lei hurriedly tried to avoid it. Tightening his legs, he asked anxiously, "What are you doing? This is the restaurant. "    


Jiang Ruyi pulled back the leg she used to kick her, but Xia Lei was worried that she would continue to be so mischievous and not dare to let go. The two of them, one in each other's throats, were not clear on the other's intentions. They were both extremely embarrassed and nervous to the point that they were about to die from embarrassment. After a few rounds of confrontation, Xia Lei suddenly let go of his legs, but Jiang Ruyi's foot still hit Xia Lei's thing ruthlessly due to inertia.    


There were no sparks or sounds of explosion from the collision of their feet, but it was like a violent chemical reaction. Their bodies froze in that instant.    


"You ?" Xia Lei's mouth opened, completely speechless. The foot that kicked into his body did not give him the slightest discomfort. Instead, it was too comfortable, too stimulating, to the point where he was unable to speak.    


Jiang Ruyi's face was no longer as red as before, and after being stunned for a moment, she hurriedly retracted her leg, not daring to look at Xia Lei in the eyes. She lowered her head, but in her heart, she secretly recalled the strange feeling of that instant of contact, as if she had been electrocuted and numbed. Some fruit and vegetables, like bananas or cucumbers, had somehow surfaced in her beautiful brain.    


Just as they were feeling extremely awkward, a young man in a suit and leather shoes walked over to the dining table where the two of them were dining.    


The handsome and refined young man had an extraordinary temperament, and a charming smile. Even his voice had a magnetic charm to it. "Ru Yi, it really is you. You've become so beautiful, I didn't dare to recognize you just now."    


"You are ?" Jiang Ruyi looked at the youth's handsome face and suddenly thought of something. He shouted in joy, "Xu Lang! It's really you, where were you assigned to? "    


"After graduation, I was assigned to a department in the capital. This time, I've been transferred back." Xu Lang maintained a charming smile, "When I came back this time, I heard that you solved a big case and became the bureau chief of the North Arch Division. Amazing, how come I didn't see you doing this when we were at the Police Academy?"    


Xia Lei could tell from the conversation between the two that this youth called Xu Lang was a student from Jiang Ruyi University. When other students met, it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to be beside them. He glanced at Jiang Ruyi, and was just about to find an excuse to leave, when Xu Lang stretched out his hand towards him.    


"Are you Ru Yi's boyfriend?" Xu Lang spoke in a very elegant manner: "Hello, my name is Xu Lang, may I know Mister's surname?"    


Xu Lang was standing, so it wasn't good for him to sit. Out of courtesy, he stood up as well, extended his hand out to shake Xu Lang's hand, and said: "No need, my surname is Xia, and I'm Xia Lei." Then he smiled and said, "But I'm not Ru Yi's boyfriend. We're childhood friends who grew up together."    


"So that's how it is. It's a pleasure to meet you." Xu Lang released his hand, and spoke some polite words, but his gaze moved to Xia Lei's palm.    


Xia Lei was not some young master, his job was not to simply sit in the office, his hands were covered with thick calluses. Careful people can easily guess the nature of his work from this point, and can also guess his social level, his income and so on.    


As if he had guessed all of this, Xu Lang frowned his eyebrows slightly.    


The change in his expression was extremely secretive, but Xia Lei's current eyesight couldn't be compared to an ordinary person's. He saw Xu Lang glance at his palm, then frown.    


In the years he had worked in society, how could he not have seen the supercilious look in his eyes? Xu Lang was very polite in the beginning, but when he noticed the calluses on Yun Che's hands, he frowned. Wasn't this looking down on a blue-collar worker like him? However, he didn't care. He had the bearing of a man who could tolerate others.    


"Let's sit down and chat." Jiang Ruyi invited Xu Lang to take a seat, "You haven't eaten yet, right? "Why don't we go together? I'll treat you."    


Xu Lang laughed and said: "If you want to treat, then it's me who should treat you. "But I'm not alone. I'm waiting for my uncle."    


"Your uncle?" Jiang Ruyi thought for a while, "I remember now, isn't your uncle the same as Hall Master Xu? He's coming too? Where is he? "    


Just at this time, Xu Zheng walked in from the restaurant's door, Xu Lang waved his hand, he saw it, and walked over.    


"Good morning, Xu Wan'er." Jiang Ruyi stood up and took the initiative to greet Xu Zhengyi.    


Xu Zhengyi waved his hand and said in a low voice, "If you don't address me as your position in a workplace, it won't affect you."    


Jiang Ruyi laughed awkwardly and moved a dining chair away for Xu Righteous.    


Xu Lang also said: "Uncle, I did not expect to meet Ru Yi here. We were classmates when we were studying at the police academy, so we might as well sit together."    


Xu Righteous nodded and sat down. He looked at Xia Lei, but did not greet him.    


Xia Lei had wanted to greet him initially, but he could imagine that he had only met Xu Zheng once, and didn't even have an official greeting before. Deep down in his heart, he was also a proud man. Even if Xu Righteous was the Head of Department, even if he was the Governor, he would still not deliberately curry favor with him.    


Xu Lang waved his hands, and a servant walked over with a menu in his hands.    


"Sir, may I ask what you need?" The waiter was very polite.    


Xu Lang said: "Give me three servings of Lobsters and a bottle of red wine with five servings.    


"Alright, I've noted it down." the waiter said.    


Xu Lang looked at Xia Lei again, and said: "Mr. Xia, this is the first time meeting you, I don't know what you like to eat, or what you like to eat? I'll help you order some. "    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Thank you, I just ate it, there's no need."    


Xu Lang was straightforward as he said to the servant: "Then let's do it this way."    


"Yes sir, I'll have the kitchen ready." The waiter said.    


Jiang Ruyi called for the waiter who was about to leave, "Wait, let's get rid of the lobster. I'm actually almost done eating, I don't want to eat anymore." She added with a smile, "If I eat any more, I'm afraid I'll get fatter."    


Actually, if Xu Lang directly ordered four servings of lobster, and Xia Lei did not reject, she would not refuse. Although he was polite on the surface, she was not a stupid woman with slow thinking. She had long seen that Xu Lang looked down on Xia Lei. This made her a little unhappy.    


Xu Lang said somewhat embarrassedly: "Ru Yi, we haven't met in two years. I've been transferred back from the capital and in the future, I'll be a colleague. Eat some more, and we'll have some wine. "    


"I ?" Jiang Ruyi glanced at Xia Lei.    


However, Xia Lei didn't notice that he was still thinking of an excuse to leave.    


At this time, Xu Zhengyi spoke up: "That's right, Ru Yi, Xu Lang will be transferred back to the technical department to work. In the future, you can be considered as colleagues.    


Xu Zhengyi spoke, but Jiang Ruyi did not dare not give him face, so she nodded.    


Xia Lei also thought of an excuse to leave, and said: "I still have some matters to attend to in my shop, if the three of you take your time with it, I will excuse myself."    


"Lei Zi ?" Jiang Ruyi wanted to say something but hesitated. She did not want Xia Lei to leave.    


Xu Lang laughed and said: "Then I won't send you off. I'll accompany you next time."    



Xu Zhengzhi only glanced at Xia Lei, and did not say a single word to him from start to finish.    


At this moment, a woman walked into the corridor. She wore a long black skirt, black low-heeled shoes, black sunglasses, and a handbag. Her height and length made her look like a female assassin from a movie. Her entire body exuded a cold arrogance and a dangerous aura. From the moment she appeared, her gaze had already locked onto Xia Lei's body. It was as if she had excluded everyone in the restaurant, and didn't even spare a glance for Xia Lei's figure.    


Although the sunglasses covered her eyes and a part of her face, Xia Lei still recognized her at a glance.    


"Why is she here?" Xia Lei was very curious in his heart and had forgotten to leave.    


However, Xu Lang did not notice it. He glanced at Xia Lei and said unhappily: "Mr. Xia, didn't you say you were going to leave?"    


This time, Xia Lei regained his senses and was about to speak, but Long Bing had already walked over to the dining table. Long Bing stared straight at her, blocking her words that he was about to say.    


It was only then that Xu Lang, Xu Zheng and Jiang Ruyi realised Long Bing.    


Jiang Ruyi's expression instantly became complicated, because she had seen Long Bing before and knew how mysterious and powerful this woman was. She wanted to greet Long Bing, but she realised that from the start to the end, she was only looking at Xia Lei, not even looking at her!    


"Miss, may I ask who you are?" Xu Lang looked at Long Bing in shock, and his eyes flashed with a breathtaking light.    


At this moment, Xu Zhengyi suddenly stood up. His expression was somewhat nervous. "Dragon ?" Miss Long, why, why are you here? "    


Long Bing then looked at Xu Zhiqiang, and her voice was ice-cold, "Mn, Hall Master Xu, I have something to discuss with Xia Lei."    


"Uncle, do you know each other?" Xu Lang laughed: "Why don't you introduce us?" He then stood up and extended his hand out to Long Bing, looking very graceful, "My name is Xu Lang, I am glad to meet you, young miss, what is your surname?"    


Long Bing didn't even extend her hand, and instead pulled the dining chair away from Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was puzzled: "What are you doing?"    


Long Bing said: "I haven't treated anyone to a meal in three years. I want to treat you to a meal today, please take a seat."    


Xia Lei was startled for a moment. He couldn't sit, nor could he sit.    


Xu Lang's face immediately flushed red, his face also had an additional trace of anger, as though he was about to flare up. Suddenly, justice Xu, who was standing beside him, kicked him under the table and gave him a nervous glare.    


Xu Lang was not an idiot and immediately understood what was going on. A woman that could make his uncle so nervous, hinting at him, no matter what her identity was, was not a woman he could offend! However, what he did not understand was why such a mysterious and influential woman would be so respectful to a kid with calluses on his hands. He could not understand!    


"Excuse me, can I ask you to change tables? I want to talk to Xia Lei alone. " Long Bing said.    


"Haha ?" Xu Zhengyi's old face was long gone, but he could still put on a smile at this moment. He smiled and said, "Alright then. You guys take your time to talk. We won't disturb you any longer. Let's change tables."    


Long Bing looked at Xia Lei quietly, "Please have a seat."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and forced himself to sit down. He guessed why Long Bing was looking for him this time, but he could not figure it out.    


In the hallway, Xu Lang asked in a low voice: "Uncle, what is the background of this woman surnamed Long?"    


Xu Yu lowered her voice, "I'm not sure, but she could make the Anti-Corruption Bureau send Li Qinghua out of school in twenty minutes with a single phone call, and even point a gun at the Chief of Police's head in the police station. What do you think of her background?" After pausing for a moment, he moved closer to Xu Lang's ear and whispered even more softly, "Also, for Jiang Ruyi to be able to be the bureau chief, what I heard was her meaning. Be careful not to provoke her. "    


Xu Lang's back suddenly felt a chill.    


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