Tranxending Vision

C3 luring useless

C3 luring useless

0The evening sea breeze brought a touch of cool air to Hai Zhu City.    


"What?" Xia Lei is released from the hospital? " At the nurse's station in the hospital, Ma Xiaoan, who came to visit Xia Lei, was so shocked that he could not even close his mouth.    


"His eyes were fine. Our hospital bed was tight, so we let him leave the hospital." the nurse said.    


"He ? Are his eyes okay? " Ma Xiaoan was already extremely shocked.    


"I say, what's the matter with you?" The nurse was unhappy and said impatiently, "If you have any questions, you can ask him directly. I have something to attend to here. Don't delay my work."    


"I'm sorry." Ma Xiaoan turned and left. He took out his phone and called Xia Lei, but Xia Lei's phone was still turned off.    


Ma Xiaoan stopped at the elevator door and asked curiously: "What is this brat doing?"    


The elevator door suddenly opened, and Chen Chuanhu and a few youths walked out from the elevator.    


Seeing Chen Chuanhu, Ma Xiaoan immediately became nervous. He turned around and wanted to leave, but the few youths Chen Chuanhu brought with him quickly followed and surrounded him.    


"You, what do you want to do?" Ma Xiaoan's voice trembled a little.    


"What for?" Chen Chuanhu laughed coldly: "Fuck, you and that brat Xia Lei tricked me out of cheating money onto my head. I just called the doctor and he told me that Xia Lei's eyes are fine and he has been discharged from the hospital. Not only did he burn down a welding machine and transformer, he also blackmailed me for ten thousand medical fees. What do you think I want to do? "    


"It's ? it's a misunderstanding." Ma Xiaoan braced himself and said.    


"Misunderstand your mom!" Chen Chuanhu said angrily: "First beat this brat up, then bring him to find that brat Xia Lei. I don't believe that he can hide in the sky!"    


A few young men rushed forward and started to punch and kick Ma Xiaoan. These young men were vicious and merciless, knocking Ma Xiaoan down in a few moves. However, they did not intend to stop. They surrounded Ma Xiaoan and kicked him hard.    


Ma Xiaoan held his head, and curled up his body. There was a voice in his heart, "Lei Zi, quickly run, don't stay at home ?"    


Xia Lei could not see what was happening. Just as Ma Xiaoan was wailing in grief, he walked into the main hall of the gambling house.    


The city of Hai Zhu was separated from Macau by a single stream, thus it was very convenient for them to travel from Zhuhai to Macau. Without a pass, it would cost two hundred dollars to travel on a black ship. This time, Xia Lei took the black ship and came over. He did not want anyone to know that he came to Macao, so he closed his phone before he left.    


Coming to the casino in Macau was the fastest way to cash in the clairvoyance.    


Xia Lei exchanged over eight thousand yuan worth of chips from the front desk before he went to a table that was betting on twenty-one points.    


There was a woman in a black evening dress playing cards at the table. Her hips and waist were perfectly curved. She had a cold and elegant temperament, sexy and beautiful, but it was also hard for people to get close to her. Xia Lei did not dare to look more. He was afraid that he would not be able to resist from looking through them and wasting his chance to earn money.    


The woman in black dress looked at Xia Lei as well, but after a simple glance, she shifted her gaze away. Xia Lei's looks were not bad, but his clothes were too ordinary, so much so that she didn't even have the interest to look at him once.    


When Xia Lei walked over, she and the dealer had just finished their bet. The dealer's card count was 19 points while hers was 17 points. This time, the dealer won.    


"How unlucky, I haven't even won a single round. I don't want to play anymore." The woman in the black evening dress mumbled, frowning slightly. She looked very unhappy.    


Xia Lei sat down at the game table and carefully placed his eight thousand chips on the table.    


"Sir, do you want to play cards?" The female dealer said with a smile.    


Xia Lei nodded.    


"Please place your bet." The dealer kept her smile.    


Xia Lei did not rush to place his bet, but stared straight at the card box in front of the female dealer. In that instant, his left eye focused on the first card in the card dispenser. The back of the card instantly became thin and transparent, and the numbers and colors of the card came into view. It was a Spade A.    


"Sir?" The female dealer urged, "Please place your bet."    


Xia Lei laughed, "I'm thinking about how many chips I should put in."    


The female dealer looked at the pitiful chips in front of Xia Lei, and a disdainful expression surfaced on her face. In her opinion, Xia Lei was most likely a worker who had come from the mainland to bet with their wages. People like them would usually have to consider this for a long time before placing their bets, because their wager was all their hard money, hence they would lose.    


Just when the female dealer was looking down on Xia Lei, Xia Lei had already used his own ability to see through the four cards in the dealer's hand. The first was the A of Spades, the second was the 9 of Hearts, the third was the K of Spades, and the fourth was the A of Hearts. According to the rules of the deal, this meant that he would receive "Black Jack", and his odds would double!    


Withdrawing his gaze from the card dispenser, Xia Lei pushed all of the chips out, "Eight thousand, I'll be playing all of them."    


The scornful smile on the dealer's face grew wider. She gave Xia Lei the card, but in her heart, she was thinking of how he would leave with his head hung low.    


Although he knew what the trump card was, Xia Lei still pretended to be a gambler and used his famous card to suppress the hidden card. He then slowly moved his famous card away and muttered, "Spade A, Spade A ?"    


The woman in black dress also shifted her gaze towards Xia Lei, looking at him with a trace of underestimation in her eyes.    


"Haha!" "Black Jack!" Xia Lei flipped open his hidden card, looking very excited.    


The dealer looked at her cards and saw that she looked like she had eaten a fly when her card was 20.    


Now that the eight thousand chips was twenty-four thousand, the money came very easily. But if he did not have the ability to see the card he was going to take, Xia Lei would definitely not dare to bet everything he had on it.    


"Sir, please place your bet." The dealer said.    


Xia Lei once again shifted his gaze to the card dispenser. He looked through the few cards on the card dispenser one by one, and realized that this time, he could only get one square six and seven from the Plum Blossom, while Officer He could only get a Red Peach nine and a square Q, adding up to 19 points. And if he wanted the card, the first one would be the Nine of Spades.    


This was a card that he knew he would lose.    


Xia Lei placed five hundred chips in the betting area, this was the lowest bet.    


"Teacher, why are we betting so little this time?" The female dealer said, "I think your luck is pretty good. You just got Black Jack. Are you sure you only bet 500 on him?"    


"Only bet 500, hand out the cards." Xia Lei was not moved.    


The dealer leaned forward with both hands on the gambling table, revealing a deep groove beneath her open collar. With an alluring smile on her face, she said, "Sir, please believe me, your luck is just right. You need to put up additional stakes in order to win more, don't waste your good skills."    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth also revealed a trace of a smile. His eyes swept slightly, and he saw that the female dealer's entire chest had entered his line of sight without any concealment. Her breasts were propped up with a cushion, but they were actually much smaller. It was funny that she had even used her career line to entice him to add to the bet.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "A fake, too small."    


The female dealer was stunned for a moment. "What did you say?"    


"It's nothing. 500, please hand out the cards." Xia Lei said.    


"Monkey Spirit!" The female dealer cursed in her heart and gave Xia Lei her card.    



Xia Lei intentionally dropped this card, losing 500.    


The female dealer frowned and took away Xia Lei's 500 chips. Although she had beaten Xia Lei, she was not happy at all.    


With the third move, Xia Lei suddenly pushed all of his chips into the betting area.    


This time, Xia Lei got 20 points, the female dealer got 19 points, and the wager of 275,000 points suddenly doubled.    


The lady in black evening dress did not leave, she looked at Xia Lei with a strange expression.    


Just like this, in just ten short minutes, Xia Lei placed a total of eleven bets, he lost six times, won five times, and the number of chips in front of him had already become two hundred and ten thousand.    


When he lost, he bet 500, while when he won, he bet all of his chips.    


Seeing the pile of chips in front of Xia Lei, the female dealer's forehead was drenched in sweat. This was not because she was scared by the over 200k of chips, but because the young man in front of his was too strange. When she won against him, she could only win 500, but when he won, it was all tens of thousands of dollars.    


Just as the female dealer was about to ring the bell and invite the casino's expert out, Xia Lei stood up from the table, "My luck isn't good today, forget it, I won't bet anymore."    


The female dealer glared at Xia Lei.    


It was not because Xia Lei did not want to win more money, but because after more than ten minutes of time, he was too tired to use his clairvoyance. Another reason was that he knew that although this money was easy to come by, he could not be too greedy. If he won two hundred thousand dollars, the casino would not care. If he won several million or even ten million, someone would definitely pay attention to him.    


Two hundred thousand was enough to pay Xia Xue's tuition. Xia Lei was very happy when she thought of this.    


After exchanging the chips, Xia Lei immediately deposited the money into two cards, one for 180,000 gold and one for 30,000 gold.    


As he walked out of the casino, the chilly sea breeze blew across his face, clearing his mind. Just now, when he was playing the last game with the female dealer, he had an illusion. The female dealer was obviously playing cards for him, but what he saw was a bounce, and it was a pink bounce.    


Fortunately, this illusion did not appear for long and quickly disappeared.    


Xia Lei walked down the stairs. He planned to call a car to go to the port and then take a boat to return to Hai Zhu City. A woman walked down the steps and stood by the side of the road as if she was waiting for a car. She was tall and wore high heels that made her almost as tall as he was. Her height was not that thin, and her figure was curvy and beautiful.    


Xia Lei looked at her carefully, and suddenly realized that this woman was the one who had been watching him and the dealer gambling at the side of the table.    


"Did she see that I won two hundred thousand gold coins and had some ideas about me?" Such a thought suddenly popped out in Xia Lei's mind, but when he saw the LV bag on the woman's shoulder, he immediately dispelled this ridiculous idea. This woman was worth tens of thousands per bag, would anyone take fancy to his two hundred thousand?    


The lady did not say anything, and did not even look at Xia Lei.    


"She's so cold and proud. I really don't know what kind of man can stand her." Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


Just at this moment, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to the top of a large building across the street. His gaze froze, unable to shift away.    


At the edge of the rooftop of the building was a man wearing a baseball cap. In front of him was a sniper rifle, and he aimed at the woman dressed in black beside Xia Lei.    


"Be careful!" Xia Lei grabbed his waist and rolled onto the ground together with her.    


Just as the two of them fell to the ground, a bullet hit the spot where the woman had just been standing, causing sparks to fly everywhere.    


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