Tranxending Vision

C294 Tang Monk and the Country of Girls

C294 Tang Monk and the Country of Girls

0As night fell, the caravan moved through a dark valley. The headlights dispelled the darkness, but that was only part of it. The two mountain peaks on both sides of the mountain road were like giants standing tall. They were extremely strange and gave off an incomparably ancient and majestic feeling. They were like warriors guarding some secret, and at any moment, they could crush a tiny human with a single stomp.    


The path in the canyon became more and more dilapidated and narrow, until at last there was only a narrow path. The convoy was forced to stop.    


"Mr. Brad, did you take the wrong way?" Tang Yuyan got out of the car and questioned Brad.    


Brad shook his head. "I am familiar with every inch of the land in Afghanistan, and the place you want to go is the Bamiyan Grand Canyon, which is also this place. We're in the deepest part of the canyon now, and my work is done. Can you give me the rest of the money? "    


Tang Yuyan frowned, "Our deal is to pay the remaining half a million dollars after we safely return to the White Stone Tribe, and not the final payment right now."    


"Half of my men are dead. Shouldn't I have gotten the money in advance?" Brad's face became gloomy and cold.    


Some of the members of the White Stone Tribe raised their guns, and two of them even turned on the safety, ready to fire at any time.    


Behind Tang Yuyan, the five surviving agents from the one hundred and first round also scattered to the side, the rifles in their hands slightly raised up as well.    


The atmosphere immediately became tense.    


Just then, Xia Lei pushed open the door and walked out. In his hand was the modified sniper rifle and a handgun suitable for close combat. He slowly walked to Tang Yuyan's side. He just stood there, doing nothing.    


When Xia Lei appeared, the few armed men of the White Stone Tribe and Brad immediately tensed up. They might not be afraid of Tang Yuyan and the secret personnel from the 101st Precinct, but along the way here, Xia Lei was like a god of war in their eyes. With him here, who would dare be rash!    


Tang Yuyan's face no longer had a friendly expression, and her voice had become cold, "Mr. Brad, I consider you my friend, and we have the best reputation within this land. Do you think I would owe you $500,000? Why did you do this? "    


Brad turned around, and slapped one of his subordinates who was raising the muzzle of his gun high up in the air, and scolded angrily: "Bastard! Are you sick in the head? Put away your guns! "    


Several members of the White Stone Tribe put away their guns.    


Brad laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Mistress Yang. My people are ignorant. We are not enemies, we are friends. "    


Tang Yuyan's expression softened a little, "That's good." She unfurled the map in her hands and gave it to Brad, "If you want to collect money in advance, you can also bring us to the place marked out on the map."    


Brad looked at it seriously and his expression became serious, "Why didn't you find a place to tell me where you are going?"    


"I know there's a very old tribe there. Bring us there, then you can get the money in advance." Tang Yuyan said.    


"No." Brad shook his head quickly, "That is a tribe of the White Huns, I won't go there, I also advise you not to."    


Xia Lei looked at the two of them talking. He had been in contact with Pashtu for two days already, and could understand some of their words now. However, from the map in Tang Yuyan's hands, he could guess that Tang Yuyan wanted to bring her to the place marked on the map.    


Xia Lei secretly thought: "The place marked on the map is probably the tribe of White Huns that father told me about, right? Seeing Brad's reaction, he seems to be really afraid of that place. "    


At this time, Tang Yuyan said, "Bring us there, and in addition to the five hundred thousand dollars, I will give you another five hundred thousand dollars."    


Brad's face was filled with hesitation. One million dollars was a huge sum of money for the entire White Stone Tribe. If they could get the money, the White Stone Tribe could arm more people. More importantly, if he could get this money, his position in the tribe would also be greatly improved!    


But when he thought of that ancient tribe and its legends, he could not help but feel a surge of fear. He could not make up his mind.    


Tang Yuyan said: "With my husband here, what are you afraid of? Did you see the weapons we brought? As long as we leave that tribe alive, I will give them to you as a gift. "    


The corner of Brad's mouth twitched, "Also that shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile?"    


Tang Yuyan nodded his head, "Of course, I will give you all the missiles, not just the launchers."    


"Deal." The chips were increased again and again, and Brad was finally tempted.    


People die for money while birds die for food. These words were very accurate.    


Ten minutes later, the team set off again. Brad left two of his men to watch over the vehicles, while he himself led the group forward along the small mountain path.    


The road became narrower and narrower. It wound through the mountains and eventually became a dangerous road embedded in the cliffs.    


Brad walked in the front, with Tang Yuyan following right behind him. Behind him were another five members of the 101 unit, as well as four members of the White Stone Tribe. Twelve people were groping their way through the cliffs with shallow steps. Stones were constantly falling from their feet onto the cliff, making creepy sounds as they hit.    


From time to time, Xia Lei would glance up at the pitch-black night sky. He could not help but think, could it be that there was a satellite that was currently locking onto this region and spying on everything here?    


"Mistress Yang, can you tell me what are you guys doing at White Huns's tribe?" In a single moment, Brad spoke a sentence.    


"Several of our specialists are trapped in that area. We have to bring them back home." Tang Yuyan said: "This is only a normal mission."    


"How much do you know about it?"    


"Not at all." Tang Yuyan said: "I am a soldier, it is my duty to carry out missions."    


Brad laughed bitterly, "You really should understand that place. If you knew enough about it, you wouldn't have gone to the White Huns's tribe so bravely."    


Xia Lei understood some of what Tang Yuyan was saying. He quietly touched Tang Yuyan's waist, then went close to Tang Yuyan's ear and whispered: "Ask him. We need more information about the White Huns Tribe."    


"You don't need to remind me to know." Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Xia Lei. His ears itched to hear Xia Lei talk to her like this.    


Xia Lei shrugged and did not speak further. In fact, Brad and Tang Yuyan's Pashtun language conversation was a help to him in learning this language. The more they talked, the faster he learned.    


AE Capsules gave him magical powers in his left eye. He had always thought that AE capsules only changed his left eye, but as he learned and mastered more and more skills, he began to face a new problem, and that was ? AE capsules could change his brain and make him smarter than most people could imagine.    


It was as if there was still his body. Before the awakening of his left eye, his body simply did not have this kind of super strong coordination ability and sharp reaction speed. However, it was very difficult to prove this was unlike the ability in his left eye, which could be sensed and utilized at any time.    


Just as Xia Lei's mind was wandering, Tang Yuyan once again shifted the topic to the White Huns Tribe, "Mr. Brad, you said that you're familiar with every inch of land in Afghanistan, so you must know a lot about the White Huns Tribe, please tell me."    


Brad nodded his head, "White Huns is an ancient nomadic people. They had once invaded Persia and India and established a nation. The tribe we're going to is also called the Flame Worship Tribe. It has at least a thousand years of history, and is extremely mysterious ?    


Tang Yuyan then translated Brad's words to Xia Lei quietly, at the same time, it did not affect Brad's description.    


Brad continued, "That tribe is located in a large mountain that is cut off from the rest of the world. In that tribe, women dominated everything. A woman would usually marry a few men, and men had no status at all. The warriors guarding that tribe are all female warriors as well. "    


After Tang Yuyan translated these words to Xia Lei, Xia Lei could not help but say, "The legendary female nation is that tribe? There is a description in Journey to the West that Tang Monk has been to the country of women. "    


Tang Yuyan translated Xia Lei's words to Brad, who chuckled and said: "I have heard of your [Journey to the West], that is an outstanding mythical novel. "I've never read that book, so I don't know what Tang Monk is, but if there really was a Tang Monk who went to a girl's country, it would most likely be there."    


"Huh?" With this, Tang Yuyan didn't even have time to translate.    


An image inexplicably appeared in Xia Lei's mind. It was the Tang Monk riding a white steed, a group of enchanting bewitching evil spirits. They surrounded Tang Monk and danced around him. The problem that he wanted to figure out was, what was Serenity and the Grand China's elite experts doing at that place?    



"Hur hur, I don't want to talk about some mythical story." Brad became serious, "What I want to tell you is, do not underestimate the women of that tribe. Their fighting capabilities are extremely shocking, every female warrior is fearless, once they see them as intruders, it will be very difficult for them to escape this land alive."    


Tang Yuyan frowned slightly, "What weapon do they use? "How many are there?"    


"Maybe it's a spear, or maybe it's a cold weapon like a bow or a blade." Brad said: "As for how many, I do not know."    


Tang Yuyan said: It's just a few clan female warriors, what's there to be afraid of?    


Brad smiled bitterly, "Do you know why I am so afraid of going to the White Huns's tribe? During the Soviet invasion, a battalion of Soviet soldiers went to the White Huns's tribe, but only one person came back. That man was my brother. He went crazy not long after he escaped, and then he died too. "    


Tang Yuyan translated what Brad said to Xia Lei and his heart was moved, "Mr. Brad, did your brother tell you why those Soviet soldiers went to the White Huns's tribes?"    


After Tang Yuyan translated, Brad shook his head, "They forced my brother to lead the way with guns. Do you think those Soviet soldiers will tell my brother any important secrets?"    


Tang Yuyan translated what Brad said to Xia Lei and then looked at him.    


Just like Tang Yuyan, Xia Lei's expression became heavy.    


This was a mystery, but one thing was certain, something had attracted the attention of those Soviet soldiers, and perhaps, the experts of Tranquility and the Grand China as well ?    


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