Tranxending Vision

C368 X-Secret Gold Project

C368 X-Secret Gold Project

0"Grandfather, what's that? "So many birds ?"    


Who should he call a grandfather?    


In the treatment room, Wang Lei, Long Bing and Xia Lei were watching as Chen Ke learned.    


Chen Kezhi was also staring at the three of them, but he took them to be just a lump of air. He continued, "Hubby, we will be together soon. I miss home."    


Wang Lei shook his head, "I'm crazy, I'm really crazy. "It's a pity, it's a pity. Doctor Chen Ke is a very important member of our team. With his current state, he will affect our research."    


"Why is he crazy?" Long Bing asked: "Has there been such a symptom before?"    


"No, absolutely not." Wang Lei said: "We know each other, he has never had a mental illness, his family members also do not have similar diseases, and there is no possibility of him having an inherited disease."    


Long Bing and Wang Lei were discussing, but Xia Lei maintained his silence, observing Chen Ke back then.    


Chen Ke was crazy, and from the symptoms he showed, he was crazy. However, if one were to carefully analyze a few lines of Chen Ke's theory, they would gain a different view.    


"In a moment he spoke in a warrior's voice, and mentioned the Princess. After a while he spoke in a childish tone and mentioned the bird. After a while, he spoke in a feminine tone, referring to Qin Liang... "Qin Liang is the middle capital of the Ming Dynasty, and Her Royal Highness might be the Princess Young-mei. As for the little bird that the child mentioned, could it be the bat I met in the tomb?" Xia Lei secretly analyzed and imagined it.    


Wang Lei said: "Mr. Xia, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei replied: "I don't dare to speak carelessly."    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, and then nudged her arm to Xia Lei again, "Just tell me what you want."    


Wang Lei also said: "Yes, Mr. Xia, what thoughts do you have?"    


On one hand, he was forbidden from inquiring and had to be excluded from this research project. On the other hand, he was required to work, write reports and provide opinions. There was no reason for them to give up all the benefits without giving anyone the slightest bit of benefit, right?    


Xia Lei laughed, "I do have some thoughts, and it might be the real reason behind Doctor Chen's madness."    


Wang Lei asked anxiously: "What's the reason?"    


However, Xia Lei said, "My thoughts are a little messy, so I need to organize them. Give me some time, then I'll tell you. "    


Wang Lei frowned, he felt that he had been tricked by Xia Lei.    


Long Bing said, "Xia Lei, Fellow Wang only needs a report that you can write. You can stay here tonight and write out the report. While you're writing your report, try to sort out your thoughts. Tomorrow morning, you will hand over the report and your thoughts to Fellow Wang.    


"Alright, I'll follow the arrangements." Xia Lei readily agreed.    


"Fellow Wang, what do you think?" Long Bing asked for Wang Lei's opinion.    


Wang Lei was a little unhappy in his heart, but he still nodded, "Then let's do it like this, I'll get someone to arrange a place for you to stay. However, I have to remind you all that you are not allowed to walk around casually and ask about anything. "    


"No problem." Long Bing glanced at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei also replied, "No problem."    


Chen Ke once again muttered some words in a very low voice, making it hard for people to hear them clearly. Xia Lei, on the other hand, had been paying attention to what Chen Ke said. His words had no clues, and his identity was also changing nonstop. During the time that he and Wang Lei had been chatting, Chen Ke had changed his identity several times.    


Xia Lei suddenly had a preliminary judgment, this Chen Ke student was not crazy! However, it was difficult to determine the reason for this symptom.    


Wang Lei brought Xia Lei and Long Bing out of the infirmary, and got someone to arrange a place for them to stay. He even specifically gave Xia Lei a laptop to write on. The person who sent the computer over specifically warned Xia Lei to finish his report as soon as possible. Xia Lei agreed to it immediately, but after entering the room, he threw the laptop to the side and laid on the bed to rest.    


He had no intention of submitting such a report, let alone staying up late to write it. He knew clearly that the more difficulties this group of experts had, the more opportunity he would have to come into contact with a research project on ancient alloy and obtain the information he wanted. If he was a good boy, he would do whatever people said, and he would be a fool to be taken advantage of.    


After lying on the bed for a while, Xia Lei woke up the ability of his left eye and looked through the room on the left.    


The room on the left was a storeroom where experimental materials were stored. Inside the storeroom were a lot of experimental materials and some spare scientific research equipment. Xia Lei observed for a while but did not find anything. Following that, he increased the power of his X-ray vision and pierced through the second wall, allowing his left eye to enter the second room on the left.    


This would consume a lot of energy, but he had no other choice in order to obtain more information.    


The second room on the left was an office with a computer and a nameplate on the desk that had Wang Lei's name on it.    


"Wang Lei's office?" Xia Lei immediately became excited, "Wang Lei is the person in charge of this project, this team of experts has researched for a long time, there should most probably be some records about it, I hope it's paper. If it's stored in the computer, then there's nothing I can do about it ?"    


Although it was separated by a single room and two walls, Xia Lei's left eye was like a thief that was searching through Wang Lei's office for valuable information.    


A few minutes later, with his left eye, he "pried" a locked drawer in his desk and found a paper file inside.    


On the cover of the file was written the words "X-Secret Gold Project Memorandum", as well as the signature of the person in charge, Wang Lei.    


"X-Secret Gold Project? "This name is so strange." Xia Lei was curious, but he continued to look down with his left eye.    


Until today, when Xia Lei's clairvoyance could no longer be compared to how it was in the past. Right now, he did not even need to use his hands to flip through the pages of the book. His left eye could also, under the control of his will, "flip through the book" page by page.    


This seems to be related to an increase in brain power, but there is no way to prove it.    


On the first page of the dossier, it read: After acquiring the X Secret Gold, I have undergone thousands of scanning and analysis, sampling and testing. However, the composition of this metal has remained a mystery up to now. Members of the Group occasionally heard strange sounds that were difficult to explain. I've had similar experiences. Sometimes it was a woman's voice, sometimes a man's voice. It felt weird. As the research progressed, some of the members showed unfavorable body reactions, some had itchy skin, some had nausea and vomiting, but they could still recover after treatment. It was unknown if it was because of contact with the X Secret Gold ?    


After reading the handwritten content of the memo, Xia Lei was completely confused.    


"I also heard a strange sound. In Afghanistan, there was a woman who said she remembered my face, and now it doesn't seem like I was hallucinating. The sound was real, or the members of the Group wouldn't have heard it. Were these sounds produced by the two metals? How is that possible? " Xia Lei couldn't understand no matter how he thought about it.    


The vision in his left eye suddenly blurred. It was difficult for him to maintain a high intensity perspective for a long period of time, even for the current him.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze and felt a bit dizzy, but he did not see the kind of outrageous illusion that he had when he first appeared. He rested for a while and quickly recovered. Then, he shifted his gaze to the right side of the wall.    


The right room was Long Bing's room.    


What would Long Bing do in this kind of environment?    


With this thought, Xia Lei once again awakened the power of his left eye, and the wall on the right side also disappeared.    


In the right room, Long Bing was doing push-ups.    


"They really are going all out." Xia Lei laughed, but just as he was about to look away, Long Bing crawled up from the ground and picked up the phone on the bedside.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat as he continued to maintain his perspective. His left eye was also locked on to Long Bing's lips.    



His and Long Bing's phone were both taken away when they entered this base. The phone in the room was obviously an internal call. At this time, could it be Wang Lei?    


However, this conjecture was quickly rejected by him because after lip language's explanation, the first thing Long Bing said was "Boss Shi".    


It wouldn't be troublesome for Shi Boren to call them, he should have more authority.    


"Mn, yes, Xia Lei and I will spend the night at the base." Long Bing's words, "Mn, mn ? I've asked him to write a full report, hoping to help the group solve the problem... Xia Lei's reaction? En, it was very normal. She did not say much, nor did she inquire about anything ? I'll keep watching. "Alright, goodbye."    


Continue observing? Xia Lei's heart immediately sank.    


Long Bing put down her cell phone, but didn't continue exercising. She undid the buttons on her bra and took off the last bit of fabric, then walked towards the bathroom.    


A scene that would cause blood to spurt out came into view, but Xia Lei's mind was still thinking about Long Bing's last sentence, "Continue to observe? Isn't that just staring at me? The 101 Bureau is suspicious of me? What do I have to make them suspect? "    


The deeper he thought about it, the worse Xia Lei felt.    


"I risked my life in Afghanistan, paid for my own clan's troops, and even sacrificed myself to be friendly with Syrani. I finally managed to bring back the thing from Afghanistan with great difficulty, and I'm not allowed to participate in this project. A tool that can be reused? Looks like it's time to cut 101 rounds. " The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.    


Long Bing entered the bathroom, her snow-white figure disappeared into the frosted glass door.    


Xia Lei also retracted his gaze. Although he was the target of Long Bing's surveillance, he didn't blame her at all. Because he understood her, she would meticulously carry out all the missions given to her by the 101 department. She had to do it, too.    


Dong dong dong. The sound of knocking on the door suddenly rang out.    


Xia Lei got up to open the door, but discovered that it was Wang Lei. He greeted him, "President Wang, what's the matter?"    


"Another person has gone crazy! Quickly go to the laboratory and have a look! " Wang Lei then ran towards Long Bing's room, "I'll go get Division Chief Long."    


How could this be?    


Xia Lei ran in the direction of the laboratory.    


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