Tranxending Vision

C371 She is lying

C371 She is lying

0Xia Lei thought that the examination would be conducted in the experimental area's medical ward, but he didn't expect Wang Lei to bring him to another area. This area seems to be a biological research facility with more advanced inspection equipment than a hospital.    


At first, Serenity wanted to follow her, but Wang Lei chased her back to the laboratory area before she could leave.    


Wang Lei brought Xia Lei to a room where there were already a few medical personnel wearing anti-bacterial uniforms and masks waiting for him.    


A few medical personnel looked at Xia Lei. Although they used masks to cover their face, Xia Lei could still see the serious expressions on the medical personnel's faces. The strange feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he probed: "Fellow Wang, didn't you say that we have to check everything? Why is it just me? "    


Wang Lei said: "I've already explained it very clearly, you are the first one. After you check, the doctors and nurses will examine the others."    


"Aren't the experts from the group the most dangerous?" Xia Lei said: "Two people are already dead, we should check them first."    


Wang Lei was displeased, "I say, why is it so troublesome? It's for your own good to have your body checked out. Do you have any objections? On a larger level, early identification of the causes of death at Russell and Chenk can also help the group of experts to solve the problem. "    


Xia Lei did not want to argue with him. An old man like Wang Lei was best at talking big. He could argue with him for a whole day, but did not want to waste his time on a verbal battle. He walked over to the paramedics.    


"Is this Mr. Xia?" A doctor greeted Xia Lei, "Please follow me."    


Xia Lei followed the doctors and nurses as they left, secretly thinking in his heart, "The ones who died were experts from the Group of Experts, if there was a virus, then the ones who received the inspection and treatment the first would definitely be members of the Group, and they were the first ones to check on me ? It doesn't make sense. "    


A medical personnel brought Xia Lei to a room, where there was a large nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus installed. The medical personnel asked Xia Lei to lie on top of the apparatus, and Xia Lei did as he was told. He took off his shoes and laid on the apparatus to await inspection. The paramedics left the room and entered the radiation control room next door.    


Before the equipment was activated, Xia Lei's left eye twitched and the wall of the operation room disappeared from his line of sight.    


Inside the operation room, several medical personnel were preparing. Wang Lei talked with a leading doctor.    


"There are instructions on it. Scan it from head to toe." Wang Lei said.    


The leading doctor nodded. "No problem."    


Wang Lei then continued, "Also, you must check the blood and DNA as well. You must be very careful with each examination and keep the results. In addition, after the examination is over, tell him to wait for the results and not to tell him anything. "    


"Fellow Wang, don't worry. I know what to do." the leading doctor said.    


Then a paramedic started the machine.    


Xia Lei also retracted his gaze, and at that moment, his heart was already in turmoil.    


From Wang Lei's conversation with the doctor, he had already caught a piece of information, that someone was suspicious of him and had made use of this matter to arrange the examination.    


"Who's suspecting me? Could it be that someone in the upper echelons already knew of the AE's existence? You're going to do what the CIA wants to do to me? If they get what they want, what will they do to me? " With these questions suddenly asked, Xia Lei's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and unavoidably tensed up.    


He could not avoid this because even though he had the ability to see through the organs in his chest and abdomen, he could not see through the organs in his brain and eyes. In other words, until now, he did not know what had happened to his left eye and brain!    


Dang Dang Dang ?    


The NMR equipment released an uncomfortable sound. Xia Lei felt that he was like a naked woman on a beach, everyone was staring at his body, and their gazes were filled with desire.    


Several times he tried to get up and interrupt the examination. However, every time this thought popped up, he would hesitate. He was sure that he had been targeted, and that the other party had suspicions. That was why he had arranged this inspection. If he forcefully interrupted, wouldn't that mean that he had a problem?    


Xia Lei was extremely conflicted in his heart. He could not leave but he was also unable to leave.    


Suddenly, for some unknown reason, his head began to heat up again. It was the same feeling he had had when fighting the anesthetic in the basement of the Jiangnan Hotel.    


That time, his life had been threatened, and his brain had developed that strange symptom. Then he had been immunized against the anesthetic gas.    


This time, he was lying on an MRI machine, undergoing a deep scan of his brain, which had mysteriously returned to his brain. Then, what was the result this time?    


When this thought came out, Xia Lei reacted almost instinctively to look at the operation room opposite of the apparatus. The wall disappeared from his sight, and he saw the medical personnel as well as Wang Lei. After that, he used his lip language to decipher the conversation.    


"Strange ?" One of the medical staff who was operating the apparatus said, "The apparatus seemed to have malfunctioned just now."    


"How is this possible?" The leading doctor went up to the monitor and looked at it.    


The medical staff said, "I've recovered. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me."    


The leading doctor said seriously, "Be more serious. This matter is extremely important. You can't be careless in the slightest."    


Wang Lei asked: "Any special discoveries?"    


"No, it looks normal." The leading doctor said.    


Inside the magnetic resonance instrument, Xia Lei was finally relieved. He thought to himself, "It seems that this strange phenomenon didn't happen by chance, as this is the self-protection ability of my body. A toxic gas that can be triggered by scanning the instrument... So, AE not only changed my left eye, it's also changing my brain. "    


Then, Xia Lei thought about the AE capsule that he had hidden in the necklace. It was also the first time that he had an urge to eat it immediately.    


The AE capsule inside the locket was taken away when they entered the base, but Xia Lei was not worried that anyone would discover the secret inside the locket. This was because he had made the pendant himself, and it was done very well. If he did not cut it open, he would not be able to find the pills inside.    


A few minutes later, the inspection was over.    


After that, Xia Lei went through blood extraction, skin sampling, and a few other tests. He wasn't worried about this after what he had just experienced. Moreover, he had already tested his blood in the hospital, so there was no problem at all.    


Only after approximately an hour did the inspection of more than a dozen projects come to an end. Then, Wang Lei brought Xia Lei back to the experimental area. It was only then that the experts of the Group went to receive their inspection, including Long Bing and Serenity.    


Xia Lei returned to his room and organized his thoughts.    


Not long after, Long Bing returned to the experimental area, and she found Xia Lei.    


"Ray, can I talk to you?" Long Bing went straight to the point.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: Why are you being so polite with me? It's over already, what did you check? "    


Long Bing casually said: "Blood tests, scanning the head, and mental tests, there are a few."    


Xia Lei checked more than 20 items, Long Bing only had a few items, and the answer was obvious even though there was no one who had specially arranged the previous tests.    


"Well, what do you want to talk to me about?" Xia Lei did not ask any further.    


Long Bing said, "The main thing is about the report. The report Fellow Wang needs is something only you can write. I know that you dislike Fellow Wang a little, but for my sake, write out the report. "I'm in charge of this. If you don't write, I won't miss anything."    


Xia Lei remained silent.    



Actually, only he himself knew that he had a purpose in opposing Fellow Wang.    


He was very clear that only he knew what happened to the ancient alloy, and only he knew what he saw and heard. Fellow Wang needed this information, and he had it. His plan was to use this method to force Fellow Wang to change his position, allow him to join the group of experts, and give him the chance to study the ancient alloy.    


This plan was good, but until now, he had not seen any hope of success, because of Wang Lei's stubbornness.    


"How is it?" Long Bing nudged Xia Lei with his shoulder, his tone sounding weird, "I have never asked you for anything before, it's just this one time, don't tell me you want to cruelly reject me?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Is this the first time? Who modified your sniper rifle? "    


"Stingy." Long Bing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "Must you calculate it so clearly with me? Your driver's license ? "    


Xia Lei raised his hand and surrendered, "Alright, alright, can't I write it?"    


Long Bing then revealed a smile, "Write it, I will make you some tea, thump on your shoulder, I will serve you Old Master Xia."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Long Bing actually had women she liked sometimes, but this kind of situation rarely happened, to the point that when she displayed a woman's charm, he felt that she had become a completely different person.    


Xia Lei tapped on the report using the laptop that Wang Lei provided. He had written everything that he could, and he did not write anything that he could not.    


After finishing the report, Xia Lei handed the notebook over to Long Bing for her to look at.    


Long Bing looked at it and was very surprised, "A few hundred meters deep underground tunnel? There were also hidden mechanisms and weapons... Jade coffin? You found that metal in the jade coffin? "    


Xia Lei answered her question, but did not mention the voice he heard, because it seemed too strange. Besides, now that he was certain that someone was following him, he would write everything down one by one. Wasn't he asking for trouble? In addition, there was no need for him to make other people's wedding clothes!    


This report did not have much value, it could not help the group of experts in their research on ancient alloy, nor could it explain the reason behind the expert's bizarre death. As for what Wang Lei can do with it, let it be!    


"Long Bing, can I ask you a question?" Xia Lei looked at Long Bing's chest.    


"What do you want to ask?" Long Bing noticed where Xia Lei was looking at and subconsciously, she pulled at his clothes.    


However, she did not know that what Xia Lei was looking at was not her characteristic as a woman, but his heart.    


Other people wanted to know whether a person was lying or not. They usually looked at the eyes, but Xia Lei looked at the heart.    


"If, I mean if ?" Xia Lei said: "If there comes a day when a leader asks you to capture me or even kill me, will you carry out your orders?"    


Long Bing was stunned, "Are you crazy? Why did you suddenly ask me such a strange question? You didn't break the law and you didn't betray the country, so why should I capture you? "    


"You only need to answer whether I am or not."    


Long Bing thought for a moment, "Yes. So you'd better not do anything illegal, much less sell out the country. "    


Xia Lei laughed, because when Long Bing said those words, her heartbeat was obviously abnormal.    


She was lying.    


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