Tranxending Vision

C352 How dare you be arrogant in China!

C352 How dare you be arrogant in China!

0You dare to be arrogant in Grand China!?    


When he entered the front hall, no one stopped him, but when Xia Lei was about to enter the elevator room, he was stopped by the building's security guards, who asked for Xia Lei's relevant work permit or invitation card.    


Xia Lei did not say much to the security guards, he took out his phone and prepared to call Shentu Tianyin. At this moment, a group of people walked over. One of them even greeted him from afar.    


"Isn't this Mr. Xia?" An Xiuxian brought a group of bodyguards and walked over with a smile.    


He wore a white suit, shiny leather shoes, and a combed hair that was not messy at all. Paired with his handsome face, it had to be said that An Xiuxian was a person who was at ease with the situation. The black suits of his bodyguards served as a foil for him, giving him an even greater sense of dignity.    


Xia Lei only glanced at him once and ignored him.    


Being directly ignored, An Xiuxian was too lazy to continue smiling and ridiculed: "Mr. Xia, did you sell all the antiques that you stole from my house? Congratulations, you've earned another fortune. "    


Xia Lei asked coldly: "What did you say?"    


"Humph!" An Xiuxian coldly snorted, "I said you sold all the things you stole from my home. I think you must have sold them all, so you impatiently came here to tell Shentu Tianyin that you made another profit, didn't you? You want Shentu Tianyin to praise you for knowing how to do business, don't you? "    


"Hahaha ?" An Xiuxian's group of bodyguards laughed out loud.    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a smile, "You probably think this is Korea? In Korea, you are still considered a big shot, but in Grand China, who are you? An Xiuxian, don't provoke me, this is the last time I'll warn you. "    


"What did you say?" the clown of Grand China! " A bodyguard shouted to Xia Lei in Korean, "Do you know who you are talking to?"    


The other bodyguard waved his hand, "Idiot, be careful that I don't beat you up!"    


Another bodyguard said arrogantly: "We Koreans do not need to be courteous in Grand China? "Bastard!"    


"Alright, alright." An Xiuxian waved his hand, "Don't bother with a thief. This is the Grand China, he thinks he's the number one person here, so let's give him some face."    


"Bah!" A bodyguard spat in front of Xia Lei.    


The saliva that was smeared with some yellow phlegm landed precisely on Xia Lei's shoes.    


"Hahaha." The Korean bodyguard laughed, he did not place Xia Lei in his eyes at all.    


Many people in the front hall had already turned to look in his direction and were discussing him in low voices.    


"Let's go, let this fool climb the stairs." An Xiuxian was extremely happy, he never thought that Xia Lei would be so easily bullied, even until now he did not say anything.    


Just as An Xiuxian was about to bring a group of bodyguards into the elevator, Xia Lei reached out his hand and blocked his way.    


An Xiuxian immediately frowned, "You want to fight?"    


Without waiting for An Xiuxian's orders, his bodyguards rushed forward and immediately surrounded Xia Lei. That aura, could smash Xia Lei's chaotic fists to the ground at any time!    


However, Xia Lei did not even look at the bodyguards and said: "An Xiuxian, I'll give you two choices right now. One, make your bodyguard kneel down and wipe my shoes clean with his tongue. Two, kneel down and lick my shoes clean with your tongue. "    


"What did you say?" "Bastard!" An Xiuxian was furious.    


Xia Lei said: "An Xiuxian, do you think that your father is a political figure in Korea? It is also possible for him to become the President of Korea. Or do you think I won't dare to touch you when you're worth tens of billions? "    


An Xiuxian raised his brows, "Try me."    


Right after he finished speaking, Xia Lei slapped him across the face and slapped him on the right side of his face. His speed was very fast, so fast that An Xiuxian didn't even have time to think of dodging, let alone dodging or blocking.    


"You ?"    


Pow! Xia Lei slapped An Xiuxian on the left side of his face again. He was merciless when he attacked, causing An Xiuxian's handsome face to swell up.    


Two slaps on the face. From beginning to end, less than two seconds had passed. An Xiuxian's group of bodyguards only regained their senses after Xia Lei finished his strike, and threw out a messy punch towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei then used the recoil from An Xiuxian's body to send him flying. Then, he flipped upside down and leaped high into the air, landing a kick on the head of a bodyguard who had sneakily attacked him from behind. Boom! * A dull thud was heard, and the bodyguard was thrown to the ground by the whip.    


When Xia Lei landed, he was immediately surrounded by An Xiuxian's bodyguards.    


"Beat, beat him to death!" An Xiuxian held his burning cheeks, he was so angry he was going crazy.    


Since when did the top young master of Korea have to be beaten up like this!    


Xia Lei was surrounded and beaten up by the crowd, but that was just an illusion. In the blink of an eye, An Xiuxian and his bodyguards were beaten up by the crowd, some of them getting swollen while others falling to the ground.    


"What are you doing!?" "Stop!" An administrator brought a group of security guards and rushed forward, blocking between Xia Lei and An Xiuxian's group.    


An Xiuxian roared: "A bunch of trash, attack!"    


A bodyguard whose eyes had been beaten into panda eyes quietly took out a small hunting knife. With his hands behind his back, he took the chance when the security guards were blocking Xia Lei's attacks to silently lean on Xia Lei's back.    


"What do you think this place is?" The administrator angrily said, "If you have any problems, go out and settle them. Otherwise, I'll call the police."    


An Xiuxian said angrily: "You don't know who I am? Look carefully! "Bastard!" He pointed at Xia Lei and roared: "He must kneel down and apologize to me!"    


"Mr. An ? Mr. An ? I'm sorry." It was only then that the administrator recognized An Xiuxian, and his attitude changed. It was no wonder he didn't recognise An Xiuxian, because he was much "fatter" than usual.    


"Then why aren't you getting out of the way!" An Xiuxian roared.    


Just then, the bodyguard with a hidden blade in his hand suddenly stabbed towards Xia Lei's waist.    


As if he had eyes at the back of his head, Xia Lei took a step back to avoid the hunting knife. At the same time, his right elbow fiercely smashed backwards, striking the bodyguard's chest.    


Ding! The hunting knife in the bodyguard's hand fell to the ground, he clutched his chest and squatted down.    


But before he could squat down, Xia Lei's right elbow rammed into the bridge of his nose ruthlessly. Instantly, blood gushed out of his nose like a fountain.    


The back of Xia Lei's head definitely did not have eyes, nor did he have the ability to hear or argue. It was just that his eyes could see the reflection on a gold-plated pillar twenty meters away. From the moment that bodyguard sneakily approached him, he had been paying attention to the situation, so how could he be ambushed!    


After knocking down the bodyguard who had ambushed him, Xia Lei rushed forward and kicked An Xiuxian's chest.    


An Xiuxian screamed and fell to the ground heavily.    


Although An Xiuxian was the champion of Korea's amateur swordsmanship competition, how could such a young master compare to Xia Lei who had experienced hundreds of battles? Moreover, to Xia Lei, this so-called sword technique was just like a child's play.    



Xia Lei stepped onto An Xiuxian's chest, and looked down at him from above.    


"You ? you will regret it!" An Xiuxian was both shocked and angry at the same time. In his heart, there was also a kind of fear that he didn't even want to admit it!    


"Regret?" The corner of Xia Lei's mouth revealed a disdainful smile, "I'm stepping on you right now, yet you're biting me?"    


"You ?" An Xiuxian was so angry that he couldn't say a word. In Korea, not to mention someone stepping on him, even if someone accidentally stepped on him, they would quickly apologize. But in Grand China, he actually suffered such humiliation!    


"AHH!" A bodyguard who was still standing suddenly screamed and pounced towards Xia Lei, in his hand was the hunting knife that was dropped on the ground a moment ago.    


Xia Lei dodged to the side and punched the bodyguard's ribs.    


With his ribs broken, the bodyguard screamed and fell to the ground, wailing in pain. His wailing caused the onlookers to frown.    


An Xiuxian wanted to climb up, but in the next second, Xia Lei's foot stepped on his chest, and then on his back.    


"Bastard!" "How dare you treat me like that!" An Xiuxian was about to go crazy from anger.    


Xia Lei sneered: "I made it clear earlier, either make your bodyguard kneel down and lick my shoes clean, or you kneel down and lick my shoes clean. If you do not choose, I will silently agree to the second option. "    


An Xiuxian gritted his teeth. Even if he died, he would not kneel down and lick Xia Lei's shoes. Licking Xia Lei's shoes was a huge insult to someone like him. It was unacceptable!    


"It seems that you are the second choice." Xia Lei extended the still sticky shoes towards An Xiuxian's face.    


"Damn it! I will kill you! " An Xiuxian lost control.    


"Sir, calm down." The manager rushed forward and hugged Xia Lei's feet.    


An Xiuxian took the opportunity to roll away from Xia Lei's feet, and quickly escaped to an even further place. A group of injured bodyguards also gathered towards An Xiuxian, blocking in front of him.    


Xia Lei still wanted to go over, but the manager suddenly whispered to Xia Lei: "Mr. Xia, just now, our Chairman told me to invite you up. Don't make things difficult for us, I'm begging you, please, on account of us security guards still need food and food, forget it."    


Only then did Xia Lei calm down, and he nodded his head.    


The administrator then used a tissue to wipe off the stains on Xia Lei's shoes.    


"Thank you." Xia Lei turned and walked towards the elevator.    


The security guard who was blocking the way had already fled far away, afraid that Xia Lei would recognize him.    


"Xia Lei! This matter is not over! " An Xiuxian roared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei stepped out of the elevator, but before he could take the second step, An Xiuxian turned and ran out of the building. A few of the bodyguards who were injured shuddered, and some of the timid ones fell to the ground in panic.    


Xia Lei laughed, "An Xiuxian, don't embarrass yourself here, scram back to Korea." After pausing for a moment, he added, "I'll give you another sentence. Don't mess with me in Grand China, or else I'll beat you up every time I see you!"    


There was complete silence in the hall.    


After the elevator door closed, Xia Lei disappeared from everyone's field of vision.    


Actually, the reason why he did not tolerate it at all this time, and had even attacked so heavily, was because he had accepted An Xiuxian's grudge in Korea. When he thought about how An Xiuxian had led the Korean police and An family bodyguards to surround him in the coffee shop, he could not hold back his anger!    


This was the Grand China, so An Xiuxian didn't know if he should go to Grand China or not.    


Just as the spectators dispersed one by one, Gu Kewen walked out from the corridor to the side of the front hall. Looking at An Xiuxian who left in a sorry state, the corners of her mouth curled into a thought-provoking smile, "Wu, truly iron-blooded. I'm really looking forward to it. "    


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