Tranxending Vision

C346 balance

C346 balance

0Two chests of gold coins and valuable items were brought back to the tribe. The entire tribe entered a state of celebration, killing pigs and sheep, singing and dancing. Although there was no concept of a "God of Fortune" here, in the eyes of everyone in the tribe, Xia Lei was already a "God of Fortune". His arrival made this poor tribe of more than ten thousand people a place of fat and oil as soon as it was out of poverty. Two million dollars, a huge amount of gold coins, jade artifacts, porcelain, and antique artifacts. This was something they had never dreamed of before, living off goats.    


Everyone was celebrating, but the person who should be the happiest was crying.    


"You're leaving?" In the room, Syrani looked at Xia Lei with tears in his eyes, "Why?"    


Xia Lei held her shoulders and said gently: "I have no choice but to leave, if the Americans knew I was here, they would come to capture me."    


"If they dare to come, I'll kill them!" Syrani said excitedly: "Didn't you give us a batch of advanced weapons? We have the ability to protect you! "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and shook his head, "How do you defend against the attacks of the Americans? Their planes flew across the sky, a few bombs fell, and this place of yours became a sea of fire. "    


"But I can't bear to part with you!" Syrani hugged Xia Lei's waist tightly, afraid that he would suddenly leave.    


"Idiot, it's not like I'm not coming back." Xia Lei scratched her nose, "I will come back after I finish my business. Didn't I say before that I would invest in a breeding farm here?"    


"You lied to me." Syrani did not believe it, "It will be difficult for you to come here, but the Americans still want to catch you. What if you are caught by the Americans for the sake of coming to see me? "    


Xia Lei was speechless. He said he was coming back, and it was hard to keep that promise. Afghanistan was, after all, an American territory, and it was too dangerous for him to come here. However, other than this promise, he really could not find anything else to comfort Syrani.    


The period of time he had with Syrani was filled with happiness, and his waist was sore and his legs felt weak. It was already difficult to part from his intimate relationship with her. From his point of view, his heart was actually quite sad and very uncomfortable.    


"I don't want you to leave. As soon as you leave, I will never see you again." Syrani felt more and more that Xia Lei would not come back, so she hugged Xia Lei even more tightly.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of an idea, and a smile appeared on his face, "How about this, when you miss me, you can come to Grand China to find me. If you don't mind, we can meet in Pakistan. I can buy a house in Islamabad, and we can meet there. "    


It would be much easier to fly to Pakistan than to Afghanistan. He could go there at any time. Bai Shawa seemed to be closer, but with the Information Station of the 101st match there, he did not want the people of the 101st match to see him and Syrani meeting there.    


"Sounds good. You bought a house in Islamabad, so I can sell my goats there." Syrani seemed to be imagining the scene of a store selling goats in his mind, and a smile appeared on her face.    


Syrani was a very easy-going woman, and this was also one of Xia Lei's favorite aspects.    


"Well, let's get down to business." Syrani peeled away Xia Lei's skin and chuckled, "All night tonight."    


"Ah?" Xia Lei's chin was about to fall to the ground, his waist had a strong sour look, he felt that his two kidneys had turned into two old sour radishes.    


Syrani pushed him down, as she buried her childish face in the ground.    


She had her own boundless mana, and once she chanted the spell, the earthworm would turn into a fierce snake as well.    


The night was dark, but the chief's room was filled with the colors of spring, the sun was warm and the snow was white ?    


There was nothing better than an all-night farewell ceremony and all sorts of farewell poses. Only, on the second day, Xia Lei was helped up the horse, and even fell down from the horse's back.    


Early the next morning, at the military base in Peshawar.    


Shi Boren, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Tang Bochuan were already waiting on the helipad. Behind the few of them, a group of 101 Special Forces agents stood there with guns in their hands. Their expressions were stern and cold. In addition to the 101st Bureau, Pakistan also has a large number of soldiers on guard and guard duty. At the airport, a dozen or so warplanes from Grand China were on standby. Even the pilots were sitting in the cockpit, ready to take flight at any time.    


This kind of lineup, was because the thing Xia Lei wanted to bring back was too important, so there was no room for any mistakes.    


"How much longer?" Tang Yuyan asked worriedly, "Will we encounter any danger on the way?"    


Shi Boren frowned, "Our satellites have already locked onto that area, the moment a target approaches the plane that Xia Lei is on, our warplanes will strike and intercept it. We've already done it to this extent, what are you still worried about? "    


Tang Yuyan smirked, "I'm just worried about the thing that Xia Lei wants to bring back."    


Tang Bochuan leaned on Tang Yuyan and teased: "Little sister, you aren't worried about that brat, right?"    


Tang Yuyan glared at Tang Bochuan, "Is there anyone that can become a big brother like you? Be careful that I don't go back and complain to Grandpa! "    


"Haha." Tang Bochuan laughed and said: "Speaking of Grandfather, only now did I remember that Grandfather said that as long as I could save you, he would accept Xia Lei as his last disciple."    


"Huh?" Tang Yuyan had a strange expression, "If Grandpa took Xia Lei as his last disciple, wouldn't he become our Junior Master then? This generation... "No, I don't agree."    


Tang Bochuan shrugged his shoulders, "I also feel that it's strange to call Xia Lei Junior Master, but no one can stop my grandfather's decision."    


Long Bing interrupted, "I think it's pretty good. The two of you can call me Junior Master Xia Lei in the future.    


The moment he said that, Long Bing suddenly realized his words were wrong and immediately shut his mouth.    


Sure enough, Tang Bochuan taunted his right after: "Really? When are you going to drink your wedding wine? "Martial Aunt Long."    


Long Bing's face immediately flushed red, she glared at Tang Bochuan fiercely, "I didn't mean it that way!"    


"Old Long, what do you mean?" Tang Yuyan's tone was weird.    


"I ?" Long Bing's worst specialty was bickering.    


Shi Boren coughed, "All of you be serious, what nonsense are you all talking about? If you're bored, you can run ten laps around the airport. "    


The three young men immediately shut their mouths.    


A helicopter gunship appeared in the sky and quickly flew over.    


"He's back!" Tang Yuyan said excitedly.    


Long Bing glanced at Tang Yuyan from the corner of her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.    


A few minutes later, the helicopter landed on the helipad. Xia Lei jumped down from the helicopter and walked towards Shi Boren and the others.    


"Where are the items?" Shi Boren went up to welcome him, and said impatiently.    


Xia Lei took off his backpack and opened it, then took out a cloth bag. He passed the cloth bag to Shi Boren. There was also a larger cloth bag in the backpack, which was almost half full.    


"What's in that bag?" Shi Boren asked curiously.    


Xia Lei opened up the big cloth bag. Inside the bag were dried lamb, dried beef and some other things that he couldn't even call out. He said, "This is a specialty gift from White Huns Tribe's Chief Syrani. Do you want one?"    


"Keep it for yourself." How could Shi Boren be interested in dried lamb and beef? After looking at the contents of the cloth bag, he opened up the small cloth bag and checked what was inside.    


The big cloth bag was filled with jewelry and jade artifacts that were taken from the jade coffins of the Princess Young-mei, and were also the most valuable burial items in the entire tomb. Xia Lei had spent several million dollars on this mission, and even went through danger multiple times, simply putting his life on the line to execute this mission.    



In fact, he wasn't afraid that Shi Boren or Long Bing would find out that he was hiding these things. However, it would be best if he could keep it a secret, as it would save him a lot of trouble.    


Tang Yuyan, Tang Bochuan and Long Bing also came over to look at what was in Shi Boren's hands. There were a compass, a pointer, a green ancient alloy, a few gold coins and a small jade artifact, as well as the ancient book that was borrowed from Syrani.    


"That's it?" Shi Boren looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Of course it's not only that, that was the grave of the Princess of Ming Dynasty. I managed to dig up two boxes of gold coins, a large amount of porcelain and jade artifacts and antiques." He smiled, "But you can't expect me to bring those things out from White Huns Tribe, right? I only brought the most important things, the rest are all from White Huns Tribe. In fact, it's not easy for me to bring these back. After all, that place is their holy land. "    


"You did well." Shi Boren revealed a rare smile, "These things are basically just money. We don't need them, it's enough that you can bring back the most important thing. You have done so much for our country. Later on, I will ask for instructions from the higher ups to give you a reward. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I'll have to thank Boss Shi."    


Tang Bochuan patted Xia Lei's shoulders, "Come back with me to the Shu area, I'll bring you to see my grandfather."    


"Alright, I also want to pay a visit to Old Master Tang." Xia Lei was very straightforward. Of course he wouldn't miss the chance to learn the Tang Sect's ultimate technique.    


"Where's my gun?" Tang Yuyan walked over, but she did not see the sniper rifle that Xia Lei had brought back to modify for her.    


Xia Lei said: "I've already given the spear to Syrani as a gift."    


Tang Yuyan curled her lips, "You treat her so well."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "I relied entirely on her help to complete the mission. You should know about the previous Chief Ootsuki, she did not have any good feelings towards us. She even planned to sell me to the Americans ? Forget it, let's not talk about the past anymore. Isn't it just a sniper rifle?    


"Two." Tang Bochuan stared at Xia Lei passionately, "Don't forget about me."    


Xia Lei smiled and nodded, "No problem."    


Long Bing walked in front of Xia Lei and only said one sentence, "It's good that you're back."    


Xia Lei looked at her and nodded while smiling. Sometimes there was no need for words between him and her.    


Shi Boren packed all the items and said, "Alright, let's go to Islamabad and take the plane back."    


Going to Islamabad, Xia Lei would buy a house to make it easier for him to meet Syrani. After that, it was also a pleasure to fly in a few times a year and take a vacation. Of course, he would definitely not tell anyone about this.    


However, for some reason, when he thought of his childish face, Xia Lei's waist and eyes felt sore, and his legs also felt weak.    


Is this Syrani Syndrome?    


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