Tranxending Vision

C190 Hard-hearted Grandpa

C190 Hard-hearted Grandpa

0The small island was only a few square kilometers. The Heavenly Gift Hospital was located in the center of the island. It was surrounded by mountains and valleys, surrounded by dense, primitive forests. The scenery here was picturesque, and the four seasons were pleasing to the eye. It was indeed a good place to recuperate and heal. However, ordinary people could not come here to treat their illness or to recuperate. If they were to stay here for a few days, it could easily cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Normal people simply could not afford it.    


Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei were led by a nurse to a ward at the Heavenly Gift Hospital.    


"You go in, I'm not going in." Xia Lei said: "He doesn't want to see me. If I enter, he will definitely be angry."    


In fact, he had used his left eye to observe the situation in the ward, and only said that when he was sure there was no danger.    


"Okay, then wait for me outside." Shentu Tianyin followed the nurse into the ward.    


Although Xia Lei did not go in, he was not idle either. He continued to observe the situation in the ward with his left eye. The luxury of this ward was not inferior to that of the presidential suite at a five-star hotel.    


In the sickroom, Shen-tu laid on the sickbed. Shentu Tianyin's second aunt, Wang Fang, was sitting on a chair beside the sickbed. When Shentu Tianyin walked in, she was peeling an apple for Shen-tu with a fruit knife. She only glanced at Shentu Tianyin, and then, she lowered her head to peel the apple.    


"What are you doing here?" Seeing Shentu Tianyin, Shen-tu bellowed.    


"Grandfather, you're sick. Of course I came to see you." Shentu Tianyin spoke in a neither humble nor haughty manner, and then she took the initiative to greet Wang Fang: "Second Aunt, it's been hard on you. You're still taking care of Grandfather so late at night."    


Wang Fang said in a neutral tone, "What are you working so hard for? We're all family, it's only right for us to respect the elderly and take care of the elderly. " After a pause, she continued, "Oh right, why isn't your fianc? here? Why hasn't he come to see the old tutor about this sort of thing? "    


Shentu Tianyin subconsciously turned her head to look at the closed door.    


Shen-tu looked at the door as she frowned, "What? Did he really have the face to come? Outside the door? "    


Not knowing why, Shentu Tianyin nodded once.    


Wang Fang smashed the apple in her hand onto the plate. She stood up and glared at the door, "You're here, but you're not coming in. What do you mean by that?" The old man was sick because of his anger, why didn't he come in and apologize? "Tianyin, it's not that I'm talking to you, but why do you insist on being with such an unreliable man?"    


She did not know that when she was looking at the door, Xia Lei was also looking at her.    


Xia Lei secretly thought: "Wang Fang is also here, she obviously knows what her husband and son are thinking about, so she has also joined in. Then, has Shen-tu also participated in this great undertaking? "    


Thinking to this point, Xia Lei's line of sight suddenly shifted to Shentu Tianyin's face. Even though it was only a profile, he could still see the water droplets that had surfaced in Shentu Tianyin's vast eyes. At that instant, his heart also ached slightly.    


From the looks of Shen-tu, and the loud and clear voice when he spoke, even if he was sick, it would not be very serious. If it was a common ailment or an old ailment, the hospital in the city would have been able to solve it. There was no need for him to travel so far to this luxurious private hospital. Therefore, all the signs that Shen-tu had a great goal would also mean that she knew what Shen-tu Yi and Tian Feng were up to.    


This was the reason why Shentu Tianyin felt sorrowful. Her biological grandfather also wished for her death.    


In the ward, Shentu Tianyin wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.    


"What are you crying for? I'm not dead yet! " Shen-tu did not appreciate her kindness, and her words were crude.    


Shentu Tianyin laughed bitterly, "Grandfather, what are you saying? You will not die. You will live a long time. Brother Tianfeng and sister-in-law will definitely give birth to a boy, which is your great-grandson. You have to watch your great-grandson grow up, go to college, get married and have children, and have five generations of friends. "    


Hearing "We are of the same generation", Shen-tu's expression softened a bit. He said: "You let that kid in. Since she's here, what's wrong with hiding outside?"    


Shentu Tianyin turned around and opened the door, then said to Xia Lei: "My grandfather lets you in."    


Xia Lei nodded his head and entered the sickroom. He smiled: "Old Master, are you feeling better?"    


"Humph!" Shen-tu only snorted coldly, looking at Xia Lei with eyes filled with disgust and hatred.    


"Hello, Auntie." Xia Lei smiled and greeted Wang Fang.    


"Stop being so hypocritical. If you have something to say, quickly say it. Once you're done, get out of here." Wang Fang was even less polite.    


"Second Aunt." Shentu Tianyin was unhappy.    


Wang Fang waved her hand, "Okay, okay, I know you have to protect this kid again, so I won't say anything, okay? In your eyes, my second aunt is inferior to an outsider. "    


Xia Lei did not take Shen-tu Great Being and Wang Fang's sarcasm and ridicule to heart. His left eye slightly jumped, and the condition of Shen-tu Great Being's body completely entered his left eye's line of sight. Shen-tu's body did not have the slightest injury. His blood flow rate was normal, and there was no problem with his heart and lungs. His other organs were not marked by inflammation or any other pathological features, so they were normal. With a single glance, he also came to a conclusion ? Shen-tu's great goal was indeed to pretend to be sick.    


"Xia Lei, you only have one sentence, do you have nothing else to say to me?" Only then did Shen-tu Wei Ye speak with a dissatisfied look.    


Xia Lei shifted his body away from Shen-tu's Greatest Being, and casually swept through everything in his normal vision. He did not manage to complete the X-ray vision of her left eye.    


"Speak!" Shen-tu was enraged.    


Xia Lei's gaze stopped at a flower basket placed on the bedside table. He saw a mini camera hidden inside the basket. It was a very advanced camera with a sound capture signal hole on it. Obviously, everything in this room was monitored by this miniature camera. Even the voices of everyone who spoke were caught and transmitted to the terminal.    


"Mhmm ?" Xia Lei cleared his throat, but there was still a smile on his face, "Old Gramps, I know you hate me, but I am not a bad person. I was wrong to make you angry and sick. Can I apologize to you? Your Lordship has a lot, so forgive me. "    


Shentu Tianyin also added: "Grandfather, just forgive him."    


"Alright, for Tian Yin's sake, I'll forgive you this time." Shen-tu seemed very unwilling to do such a thing.    


Xia Lei followed: "Thank you, Old Master. I will definitely fix the problem in my body."    


"Humph!" Shen-tu snorted, she did not want to talk to Xia Lei anymore.    


Wang Fang said, "Well, it's getting late, there's a hotel in the hospital. You can stay for the time being and come see the old man tomorrow. He's a patient and needs to rest early."    


"Alright, Lei, let's go. We'll come back tomorrow to visit grandpa." Shentu Tianyin said.    


However, Xia Lei said, "Wait for me, I need to go to the washroom."    


Wang Fang showed a look of disgust, "You have a lot to do."    


Xia Lei did not bicker, holding his stomach, he quickly walked into the washroom. In the bathroom, he closed the door behind him and turned on the tap in the sink. He turned the water down so that it gave the impression that he was shushing it. After finishing all this, he took out a small box from the inside pocket of his suit.    


Inside the box were two miniature bugs.    


Xia Lei placed a mini bug on the lintel of the bathroom's atomized glass door. In this position, unless one climbed up, one would not be able to see it even if they stood below.    


After putting away the bug, Xia Lei turned off the tap and flushed the toilet. When he walked out of the bathroom, Xia Lei went straight to the side of the sickbed, leaned close to Shen-tu and whispered into his ear, "Old man, good night, take care of yourself."    


As he spoke, he stuck the other bug under the bed.    


Shen-tu stared at Xia Lei, "If you want to leave, then leave, what are you pretending to be? You wish for me to die, right? "    


Xia Lei laughed and left.    



These two bugs were prepared by Jin Dahu and were very advanced. They could capture any sound coming from within a ten-meter radius. Within this range, as long as anyone spoke, the receiver would be able to receive them. The two bugs covered the entire luxurious ward.    


"Let's go, don't make grandpa angry." Shentu Tianyin held Xia Lei's arm, and left the ward.    


The hallway was completely silent. Xia Lei did not say a single word until he walked out of the Inpatient Department. Only then did he say softly, "That flower basket has a surveillance camera, and ?"    


Shentu Tianyin interrupted him and said with a sad expression: "I know, my grandfather is not sick, I understand him."    


Xia Lei sighed, "Ah, this person, how should I put it, your grandfather is really befuddled. Don't be too sad, it will all be over. "    


Shentu Tianyin laughed bitterly, "I'm not sad, I'm without a grandfather, but my father is back."    


Although she said that she was not sad, Xia Lei could see the faint mist in her eyes. How could she not be sad when her biological grandfather wanted her to die?    


The two of them walked towards the hotel on the island. It was a group of villas built on a mountainside. The European style villas were situated in the middle of the forest. They were quiet and beautiful, like a natural oil painting, like an ancient town in a fairy tale.    


But in the eyes of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin, it was a place filled with killing intent.    


Shentu Tianyin tightly held onto Xia Lei's hand. Xia Lei could also feel her nervousness.    


Xia Lei comforted her: "Don't be afraid, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you. Furthermore, Jin Dahu and Jin Zhenhuan are here too. They will protect you and return the favor. "    


"I'm not afraid. I'm just a bit nervous." Shentu Tianyin said: "Lei, after this is over, we ?"    


"We ?" Xia Lei originally wanted to say "Of course we're good friends", but when the words came to his mouth, he felt that it was unnecessary. After experiencing this string of events, Shentu Tianyin and him were not just simply "good friends". But if he wasn't just a "good friend," then what was his relationship with her?    


Then, both of them fell into a strange silence.    


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