Tranxending Vision

C146 After old and new grudges come new power

C146 After old and new grudges come new power

0Under Lu Sheng's lead, Xia Lei entered a luxurious private room. This private room was 50 square meters wide and was decorated extravagantly. Walking in, Xia Lei felt as if he had entered a palace that was full of illusions. On the wall, however, hung a large, artistic copy of Last Supper.    


There were four men in the box, a group of women.    


It was the first time the two of them had seen each other, so they didn't know each other. The other two were Zhang Sen and Xu Lang. Seeing Xu Lang, Xia Lei's heart was burning with rage. Even though the matter of the capital being captured had been resolved to the best, when he thought of how Xu Lang actually had someone beat Xia Xue up, and then frame him, he could not forgive such a despicable thing.    


"Don't do anything that would let Siyao down, or I'll tell Master." Lu Sheng whispered this into Xia Lei's ear, and then left.    


When Xia Lei turned to look at Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng had already closed the door to the private box. Xia Lei smiled speechlessly, then walked towards Zhang Sen and the others.    


Zhang Sen stood up and warmly greeted Xia Lei. "Brother Xia, come over here, let me introduce you to Boss Lin Wen and Doehring Cowart." Pausing for a moment, he then continued, "The Everlasting Stone Mountain Company is a large company engaged in retail trade, and there are franchisees everywhere in the country. Brother Xia, you have to talk to Boss Lin properly. "    


This was an obvious hint.    


Xia Lei then extended his hands out, with a smile on his face, he politely said: "Hello, Boss Lin."    


The middle-aged man called Lin Wen De stood up and shook Xia Lei's hand, and also said, "Hello."    


Even though he said these polite words, Lin Wende's eyes did not have the slightest hint of politeness in them. Xia Lei could also tell that if it wasn't because of Zhang Sen, Lin Wen De probably wouldn't even know him.    


Zhang Sen then pointed to another middle-aged man who was a little younger, around thirty-five or thirty-six years old, and said, "This is Director Ding Yun Ding of Far Eastern Mining Company." At this point, he smiled, "Bro, I have to tell you, in the mine that Director Ding has, even if you were to crawl for a month, you wouldn't be able to finish."    


Xia Lei once again extended both his hands and said with a smile, "Hello, Director Ding."    


Ding Yun also stood up and shook Xia Lei's hand, then politely said, "Hello."    


Ding Yun's attitude was the same as Lin Wentai's just now. For big bosses like them, they did not even put Xia Lei, who was a little smithing, in their eyes. The reason they were able to sit here and shake hands with Xia Lei was because of him.    


Xia Lei pretended not to see such an attitude. He didn't care.    


At this time, Zhang Sen pointed at Xu Lang and said: "This is ?"    


Xu Lang interrupted Zhang Sen's words, "Brother Sen, we do not need you to introduce us anymore, we know each other."    


Zhang Sen was surprised: "You two know each other?"    


Zhang Sen's expression did not seem to be fake. It was as if he really did not know whether Xu Lang and Xia Lei knew each other or not.    


"Brother Sen, are you still talking about mysterious friends? We're old acquaintances, haha." Xu Lang said, then extended his hand out towards Xia Lei, "Boss Xia of the beautiful supermarket, hello."    


In front of Zhang Sen, Ding Yun and Lin Wen De, Xu Lang calling Xia Lei this only served as ridicule and ridicule.    


Zhang Sen's face immediately became gloomy. Just from the words that Xu Lang had said, he could tell that Xu Lang not only recognised Xia Lei, but also had deep conflicts with him! If not for some deep conflict between them, with Xu Lang's identity and his intelligence, how would Xu Lang dare to mock and ridicule Xia Lei right now in front of him!    


Zhang Sen's gaze moved towards Xia Lei. He wanted to know what Xia Lei's reaction would be, but he also had a question: What exactly are the conflicts between Xia Lei and Xia Lei?    


Ding Yun and Lin Wen De's eyes were also focused on Xia Lei, and the corners of their mouths revealed a trace of an imperceptible smile of contempt ? ? Xia Lei, what would you do if you were ridiculed by others? What can you do when you, a small owner of a small private business, face an inspector?    


However, Xia Lei's reaction was indifferent. He reached out his hand and shook Xu Lang's hand, and laughed as he said, "Civil servants are prohibited from entering KTV, this is an entertainment place. You are a criminal, are you not afraid that I will report you?"    


"Hmph!" Xu Lang coldly snorted. He had ridiculed Xia Lei as a mere supermarket boss, and now that Xia Lei had mocked him as a mere public servant, his face had turned pale at once because he did not have Xia Lei's ability to endure.    


However, Xia Lei still held onto Xu Lang's hand with a smile.    


Xu Lang was startled, he seemed to have seen something from Xia Lei's eyes, he wanted to take his hand back, but he suddenly realised that Xia Lei's hand was like an iron pincer grabbing onto his palm, no matter how hard he tried, he could not take his hand away!    


Xia Lei suddenly used his inner strength, and Xu Lang's hand instantly deformed in his palm. He had not trained in the Wing Tsun for long, and was far from being a master like Liang Zhengchun. However, even a little bit of inner strength was not something that an ordinary person like Xu Lang could endure. Furthermore, although his inner strength was small, he knew the structure of his body like the back of his hand. He had completely mastered the skill of using the Wing Tsun's inner strength, which was able to make his pitifully small inner strength show the might of an inner strength that was only second to the master level like Liang Zhengchun!    


Once Xia Lei used his inner force, Xu Lang's face immediately turned pale white. The bones of his fingers made crisp sounds as they were under great pressure, giving off the impression that they would break at any moment. The reason why he could still stand was all due to his dignity as a man!    


Ding Yun was at a loss on what to do. Just as he was about to advise Xia Lei to let go of his hand, Zhang Sen gave him a meaningful look. He then shut his mouth.    


Xia Lei still did not let go. It was as if he wanted to crush Xu Lang's palm!    


Xu Lang thought that Xia Lei would let go of his hand soon, because he was sure that Xia Lei wouldn't dare to do anything to him. However, his palm was hurting more and more, and it was so painful that he couldn't take it anymore, but Xia Lei still didn't show any signs of letting go of his hand. "What are we going to do?"    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Long time no see, I want to shake hands with you."    


"Let go of my hand!" Xu Lang was furious.    


However, Xia Lei pulled Xu Lang's hand and walked towards the washroom set up in the luxurious private room.    


"What are you doing?" Xu Lang wanted to struggle free from Xia Lei's grasp, but to no avail.    


As Xia Lei dragged Xu Lang into the bathroom, he said, "Supervisor Xu, there's a private matter I want to talk to you about. It's not good for others to overhear."    


"You bastard!" I am the inspector! " Xu Lang wanted to use his identity to pressure Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei laughed coldly, "I know you're an inspector, but are you very strong?" With that, he pushed open the bathroom door and dragged Xu Lang in.    


The bathroom door slammed.    


In the luxurious private room, Zhang Sen, Ding Yun and Lin Wen De looked at each other, shock and disbelief written all over their faces.    


"What's going on?" "Brother Zhang." Lin Wen De's expression and tone were strange, "That Xu Lang is an inspector after all, and we don't dare to easily offend him. That friend of yours ? You ate a leopard's guts? "    


Zhang Sen thought of the scene where Xia Lei threw him into the swimming pool, and his face revealed an intriguing smile, "Did he eat panther gall? No, I think he's a leopard himself, haha. "    


Ding Yun was stunned for a moment, then bitterly smiled, "Brother Zhang, I think it's better to persuade him. I can see that there is a conflict between the two of them, but if that friend of yours really injured that inspector, then this matter will be blown up."    


Zhang Sen laughed coldly, "You aren't even afraid of those who beat people up, why should we be afraid of those who want to watch the show? If Xia Lei is really going to beat Xu Lang up, I really admire him. "    


Ding Yun and Lin Wen De looked at each other. They had something to say, so they stopped talking.    


That's right, they aren't even afraid of beating someone up, so what's there to be afraid of if they're just here to watch?    


In the washroom, Xia Lei blocked the entrance, leaving him with no place to retreat. The tiny bathroom seemed to be filled with oil and gas.    


"Xia, I advise you to be more tactful and immediately apologize!" "No, apologize to me in front of all these people, or else I'll never finish this with you!" Xu Lang. He shouted.    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Xu Lang, the reason why I dragged you in is to settle the score with you. If you understand everything, are you done with me? Others might be afraid of your status as an inspector, but I think you're a scum! "    



"Get out of my way!" Xu Lang reached out his hand to push Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly kicked Xu Lang's lower abdomen. With a muffled bang, Xu Lang ruthlessly smashed into the wall and then fell down onto the ground heavily.    


"How dare you attack the police!" Xu Lang clenched his teeth, the look in his eyes could not wait to kill Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei once again kicked Xu Lang's lower abdomen, "This kick is the same kick you and Ren Wenqiang gave me last time at Eastern Heavy Industry, I'm taking it!"    


"Ah ? ?" Xu Lang let out a miserable cry.    


"You're the one who ordered my sister to be kicked, I'm taking this!" Xia Lei's foot landed on Xu Lang's body for the third time.    


Xu Lang's face was in so much pain that it had lost all color, and his forehead was also covered in cold sweat. He looked at Xia Lei in shock and fury. Even now, he still could not believe that Xia Lei had dragged him into the washroom and beat him up ? ? He was a supervisor!    


Xia Lei pulled Xu Lang up from the ground, facing his, his eyes were as fierce as a beast, "Xu Lang, I'm warning you, you can touch me if you want, but don't touch my sister, if you dare touch even a hair on her, I'll annihilate you!"    


This was the first time Xia Lei said those harsh words to someone, for his little sister Xia Xue.    


"Pfft!" Xu Lang spat out a mouthful of blood at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei tilted his head and dodged to the side.    


Xu Lang's knee struck Xia Lei's lower abdomen.    


This time, Xia Lei did not dodge, but coldly looked at Xu Lang.    


Xu Lang's face turned sinister as he said: "Xia, we won't let this matter go just like that. Let me tell you, you're dead for sure! As soon as I walk out of this bathroom, I'll call for people to arrest you. Assault police, how dare you! "    


"Hee hee ?" Xia Lei suddenly laughed. It was a very strange feeling.    


Xu Lang suddenly felt goosebumps, "What are you laughing at? If you kneel down for this daddy, maybe I can let you go! "    


Just as Xu Lang finished speaking, Xia Lei suddenly grabbed his neck, and fiercely pushed him into the toilet.    


"Gulp ?" Summer... Gulp ? "Gulp ?" The mouthful after mouthful of dirty water was forced into Xu Lang's mouth, he who was unable to breathe could only drink in desperately. It was unknown which wicked person had not washed their pants just now, but the yellow liquid in the toilet bowl had been completely drained by him!    


Xia Lei released Xu Lang.    


Xu Lang lied on the toilet and puked, "Wa ? "Wow ?"    


Xia Lei looked expressionlessly at Xu Lang who was vomiting and said lightly: "Xu Lang, if you want to capture me, come at me. But what I want to tell you is that once I go in, I won't be coming out. When that time comes, you'll have to kneel in front of me and beg me before I can leave. "Also, since I beat you up today, the debt between us is settled. If you provoke me again, a new debt will be added to the account. I will come back to settle it with you again, just like today."    


After he finished speaking, Xia Lei turned around and walked out of the washroom.    


Xu Lang continued to hold onto the toilet, "Wa ?"    


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