Tranxending Vision

C119 An unruly female Mechanist

C119 An unruly female Mechanist

0Early the next morning, Xia Lei went to the manufacturing plant at the outskirts of Essen owned by Krupp Mark Machinery Company. It was 7: 40 PM. The German usually works at eight in the morning. He also wants to make a good impression on the first day of work 20 minutes in advance.    


After asking for directions, Xia Lei found the HR Department's office. There was no one in the office, so he waited by the door. At this point, people with clean clothes entered the office building and entered the different offices in preparation for the day's work.    


At around 7: 56, a middle-aged man came to the door of the HR Department. Although it was their first time meeting, Xia Lei recognized him as Crewe right away.    


"Hello, Mr. Crewe." Xia Lei greeted his in German.    


Crewe looked at Xia Lei and probed, "lucas?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Yes, I am lucas. Please take care of me."    


Clu said, "Come in. I need to talk to you about work."    


Xia Lei followed him into the office. The layout of the office was simple: a common office space, a few desks, and a water dispenser.    


Ku Lu sat on his office chair and spun half a circle before looking at Xia Lei. "Have you ever had experience in mechanical processing before?"    


Xia Lei had originally heard it very clearly, but he still pretended to hear it very strenuously, and paused for a few seconds before saying: "Hmm, I have this kind of working experience. "Mr. Crewe, here is my resume. Please take a look." With that, he handed Crewe the resume he had prepared earlier.    


But Crewe didn't even look at it, "No need to look. You just do the odd jobs for the Mechanics, and get familiar with the basic operations. But which mechanic should I assign you to? "What a headache ?"    


Just then a woman in a blue overalls came in. She was very young, almost 1.8 meters tall, and her figure was curvy and provocative. She was tall and had a tall stature. What was even more rare was that her facial features were also very exquisite. Her pair of azure eyes looked especially clear, as if they were blue gems within an ocean, and were very attractive. Her lips, too, were of a very plump type, delicate and moist. Such lips will make imaginative men unable to resist the fantasy of kissing her feeling, even worse fantasy...    


She had a work card pinned to her chest, with her professional description. She was a senior mechanic. Her name is Anina.    


Women mechanics were not rare in Germany, but it was rare to see such a pretty, sexy, young woman, and her rank was much higher than the average mechanic.    


"Anina, what are you doing here?" Clu's face broke into a smile, but his smile gave off a vulgar feeling. As he spoke, his gaze was fixated on Anina's especially spectacular chest. With just this action, it wasn't difficult to see what kind of vulgar thing he was thinking in his heart.    


Anina frowned slightly, then said: "I am here to get someone, my assistant has already resigned for half a month and the company has not assigned me any assistants yet. I am now working alone on two people's jobs, if you do not assign me one today, I will go on strike."    


Ku Lu stood up, pointed at Xia Lei and said: "I have never forgotten about you, this is my assistant."    


He had to admit that this fellow's reaction was fast.    


Xia Lei then extended his hand out with a friendly smile on his face, "Hello, my name is lucas."    


Anina did not extend her hand to shake hands with Xia Lei, but used a questioning gaze to look at him, "You?"    


Xia Lei awkwardly retracted his hand.    


Anina then said, "Mr. Crewe, you know that I am in charge of the maintenance of precision machines. My former assistant was a Mechanic with six years of experience, and now you are giving me such a young person, and an Asian one at that, what kind of joke is this?"    


Clu said, "How can there be such a suitable assistant? This is it, if you want it then just do it, if you don't want it then forget it, I'll give it to someone else. "    


"When will my assistant arrive?"    


"That's hard to say. If you don't want it, you'll have to wait half a year no matter how fast you are." Clu said.    


"You ?" Anina seemed very angry, she then looked at Xia Lei, "Do you have relevant experience with work?"    


Xia Lei replied: "A little."    


"I'll give you three days of probation. If you can't do it then leave, you must have the ability to be my assistant. If you don't have the ability, I'd rather not have an assistant." Anina was not courteous at all.    


Xia Lei was not the least bit angry, "If you are not satisfied, I will leave on my own accord."    


"Follow me." Anina reluctantly left the HR Department's office.    


Xia Lei nodded in thanks to Crewe and followed Anina out.    


Anina brought Xia Lei to a workshop, where many workers dressed in work clothes were working, some cutting just now, some using lathe to process parts, some assembling machinery, it was a busy scene.    


Xia Lei thought that this workshop was his place of work, but Anina brought him through this workshop and came to a separate workshop at the back of the workshop.    


was shocked when he entered the workshop, because he saw a destroyed Leopard 2 tank, and one by one, the engine of the tank was destroyed to pieces.    


In Anina's workshop, there was also an extremely sophisticated CNC machine tool, cutting and welding equipment, etc. It was very well-prepared. Seeing these equipment, Xia Lei's heart was suddenly moved, "There's only her and me here, if I want to steal some secrets, there's a lot of risk. This time, we really got lucky. "    


"This is where I work." Anina said: "You saw it too, I am mainly responsible for maintenance work, do you have any experience in this area?"    


Xia Lei originally wanted to say no, but after thinking for a while, he said, "I have a little experience, I can lighten the burden on you."    


Anina sized up Xia Lei again, "Your German is not bad, but just speaking the good part isn't enough. Can you read some of the specialized instructions?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I can roughly understand that coming to Germany is my dream. For this, I taught myself German for three years."    


Anina casually picked up a manual in German from her workbench and threw it to Xia Lei, "I don't really trust you, please read it out for me."    


Xia Lei looked at the manual and slowly read it out loud, "This product is suitable for use in open pit mines. This product is manufactured by Krupp Mark Corporation, and this company has all the patent rights for the modified product ? "Attention..."    


Xia Lei could have read the instruction manual smoothly, but he deliberately slowed down his pace and even misread a few words. This was something that Long Bing had warned him about, and he had not forgotten about it.    


After listening to Xia Lei finish reciting, Anina's expression finally eased up a little, "Not bad, your German is already quite good. Show me what you can do. If you can gain my approval in three days, you can keep your job. "    


Xia Lei said: "I'm already prepared. What is my job today?"    


Anina looked around, then pointed to a locomotive parked in the workshop and said: "You said that you have experience repairing machines, that motorcycle is mine, it can barely ride, but the speed is very slow, and there are sounds coming from the engine, can you fix it?"    


Xia Lei took a look, it was a Harley Breaker engine, the price for this engine in Grand China was close to three hundred thousand, it could be said to be the Rolls-Royce of motorcycles. But the value of the car was not the main point, the main point was that Anina did not believe him.    


Anina's eyes flashed with a bit of contempt as she said: "What, don't you know how to fix it? In Germany, even if you are not a professional mechanic, you can still repair locomotives, but are you Grand China Mechanics unable to do this? "    


Xia Lei could tell that this Anina seemed to have some racist tendencies, she looked down on Asian people.    


Xia Lei had never repaired locomotives before, but Anina's words had aroused his temper. He looked straight at Anina and a disdainful smile appeared on his face, "Isn't it just a locomotive? What's so difficult about that? Give me an hour and I'll get rid of all its problems. "    


"An hour?" Anina looked at Xia Lei in shock, then she laughed, "lucas, right? Are you kidding? "    


Xia Lei replied: "I'm not joking with you."    



Anina snorted, "lucas, did you know? This locomotive is my transport, I rode it to work, I don't even know what's wrong with it. Even if it was me, I would need to remove the engine and examine it carefully before I could find a way to fix it. What I want to tell you is, even if it was me, I would need at least five hours. You said that you cured all of its problems in an hour, do you mean that you are more outstanding than me? "    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "I didn't mean to offend you, but with this engine, I really don't need five hours."    


Anina slightly raised her golden eyebrows. "Fine, I will give you a time. If you can repair my engine in an hour, I will take you for a ride and buy you a real German beer."    


"It's a deal." Xia Lei said.    


"Wait." Anina said: "If you can't do it, or more than an hour, or even if you can't fix my locomotive, you will disappear from my sight. I don't like an arrogant and ignorant guy to work with me."    


"You can start the timer." Xia Lei was too lazy to explain to her. He held onto a toolbox that was specially made for Mechanics and walked towards the Breaker Harley Locomotive.    


Anina looked at the watch on her hand, and thought to herself: "Arrogant fellow, do you think it's a locomotive produced by your Grand China? Without professional testing equipment, do you want to use your hands and eyes to repair my breakers? "In an hour, you will have to scram from my sight!"    


Xia Lei walked to the front of the broke through engine, and quietly observed its body for a while before locking his eyes onto the engine of the engine. Then, as if in a trance, he did not move for two minutes.    


"Ha!" Anina laughed contemptuously: "What, you don't have a clue, right? Don't try to show off! "    


But just then, Xia Lei seemed to have realised something and started to remove the engine of the locomotive.    


"Hey!" Anina said: "My locomotive is worth 20,000 euros, if you damage it, I will seek compensation!"    


Xia Lei turned around and glanced at her, "Can you shut your mouth?"    


Anina was stunned on the spot.    


Was this the attitude an assistant should have?    


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