Magic Little Rural Doctor

C142 If You Want to be a Proper Wife You Have to be a Proper Wife

C142 If You Want to be a Proper Wife You Have to be a Proper Wife

0Not in need of money?    


Liu Zhenshan glanced at Chen Long. His clothes only added up to a hundred yuan. Was he really short on money? Young people always have a strong sense of self-esteem, really!    


Liu Zhenshan thought he had figured it out, so he put on a straight face and said: "Take it, or else you'll be looking down on me!"    


Hearing Liu Zhenshan's words, Chen Long helplessly said, "Then I'll take it. We'll consider it as the cost of the soup."    


"Mm, that's more like it!" Seeing that Chen Long had accepted the money, Liu Zhenshan said happily, "Your sister-in-law should have already prepared some food. Let's go out for a drink!"    


After he finished speaking, he pulled Chen Long out of the room and sat at the dining table, saying, "Come, come, brother, drink with me!"    


"Bro, I really have something to do this afternoon. Can I drink less?" Chen Long said.    


At this time, Han Xue also said, "You see, don't keep drinking. Besides, I still have things to do, so I'll just drink a cup!"    


When Liu Zhenshan saw that his wife had also let him go, he smiled and said, "Alright, let's have a drink then. Come on!"    


After the two of them clinked cups, they started to eat. Chen Long was also hungry, and ate the most at the table.    


After having their fill, Liu Jingjing went out to answer a call. When she came back, she said, "Xiaolong, Zhou Lingling's family is ready. They are waiting for you at the Linglong Residence!"    


"Then let's go now?"    


"Let's go!"    


Liu Jingjing nodded and walked out with Chen Long. However, Liu Xiaoxi suddenly became interested and shouted that they would follow as well. Liu Zhenshan was looking forward to seeing them out, so he said: "You two siblings, accompany your elder brother for a walk!"    


Liu Jingjing had no choice but to agree, and could only bring Liu Xiaoxi and Chen Long out the door.    


As soon as the three left, Liu Zhenshan impatiently hugged Han Xue and said, "Wife, the children are all gone, let's begin!"    


"You old fart, I knew that you had ill intentions!" Han Xue pouted coquettishly. However, she hadn't done that thing with Liu Zhenshan for quite a while, so she started to actively cooperate with him …    


Chen Long followed Liu Jingjing into the car. However, this time it was Liu Jingjing who drove the car, because Chen Long didn't know the road from the start.    


Once in the car, Liu Jingjing asked curiously, "Xiaolong, what are you discussing with my dad?"    


"Dad must have sold you to Brother Long to be his concubine!" Liu Xiaoxi laughed.    


"You stinking girl, if you dare spout nonsense again, I'll throw you out of the car!" Liu Jingjing threatened, but her face still turned red from her sister's bashful words. She casually said, "What concubine? If you want to be one, you have to be one!"    


"Haha …"    


Chen Long revealed a smile and said, "Why do you insist on being my legal wife? Many people want to become my legal wife. Since that's the case, you can all become my legal wives! "    


Hearing Chen Long's words, Liu Jingjing gave him a big supercilious look and said, "Beautiful! Tell me, who wants to be your legal wife?"    


"Me! I just want to be the legal wife for Brother Chen Long! "    


Liu Xiaoxi was the first to raise her hand. She was never tired of dismantling her sister.    


Chen Long chuckled. "Take a look and see. This is a very clear example. As for the others, if you want to know, you have to agree to become my legal wife!"    


"Go to hell!" I'm not talking to you two anymore! "    


Liu Jingjing was discouraged. While she was sulking, Liu Xiaoxi pulled Chen Long and asked him all sorts of questions, just like a curious baby.    


Along the way, the two of them chatted and laughed as they arrived at their destination — the Linglong Residence!    


The three of them got out of the car and were led in by Liu Jingjing. As soon as they entered, a middle-aged man walked over and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mister Chen Long?"    




Chen Long was stunned for a moment before he nodded and said, "Yes, it's me!"    


When the middle-aged man heard this, his face revealed a trace of pleasant surprise. He explained, "Mr. Chen Long, hello. I'm Ren Yi, the manager of Linglong Residence. Mr. Zhou is upstairs waiting for you. Follow me!"    


"Okay, thanks!"    


Chen Long nodded and followed Ren Yi up the stairs to the private room on the third floor. Chen Long often went in and out of Sun Jiayu's hotel. The interior decoration was exactly the same as Linglong's, so he was calm.    


"Wow, she's so beautiful!"    


Liu Xiaoxi was still young and did not go out often. He kept looking around with interest.    


When they arrived at the entrance of a private room, there was a sign that said "Flat Cloud Stepping". Ren Yi said, "Mr. Zhou is inside. Mr. Chen, please enter!"    


"Thank you, Manager Ren!"    


The man was tall and thin, capable and calm, and the woman was also beautiful and virtuous. There were some similarities between her appearance and Zhou Lingling's. Chen Long thought to himself that these were Zhou Lingling's parents!    


As expected, when Chen Long and the other two entered, Zhou Guoping and Sun Fang stood up at the same time, and looked at the only male amongst the three, which was Chen Long. Zhou Guoping said, "Presumably, this is the kind person who avenged Lingling! "Hello, I'm Lingling's father, Zhou Guoping!"    


Then he pointed to the beautiful woman beside him and said, "This is my lover Sun Fang, who is also Ling Ling's mother."    


"Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, hello. I'm Chen Long. You can call me Xiaolong!" Chen Long introduced himself.    


As soon as Sun Fang saw the rims of Chen Long's eyes, she immediately thought of her unfortunate daughter and choked with sobs, "Xiaolong, thank you so much!" Thank you for avenging my daughter! "    


"Mrs. Zhou, you have my condolences. I think Lingling doesn't want to see you guys looking so sad!" Chen Long comforted her.    


"My poor daughter has always loved to play around since she was young. I never thought that she would encounter such a situation. I didn't even have the chance to see her for the last time …"    


"Alright, alright, don't be sad!"    


Zhou Guoping quickly stroked her back, comforting her in a low voice. Although his eyes were also red, and his voice was choked with sobs, as a man, he had to hold on to his family's pillar, otherwise, his family would be finished.    


At this moment, Zhou Lingling had also quietly appeared in Chen Long's shadow, staring blankly at her parents. Her beautiful eyes were red, and she was constantly tearing up. Other than Chen Long, no one else could see or hear her.    


"I want —"    



Chen Long said, "I might be able to let you meet Lingling again …"    


"What did you say?"    


Zhou Guoping and Sun Fang raised their heads at the same time to look at Chen Long with faces full of disbelief. Even Zhou Lingling stopped crying, her eyes wide open.    


"I said I should let you family meet again!"    


"Is that true?"    


However, Zhou Guoping rubbed his eyes, sighed and said, "Xiaolong, don't comfort us. How could this happen?"    


Chen Long knew that you guys would have this kind of expression. "What I said was true. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!"    


Hearing Chen Long's words, the look in Sun Fang's eyes became resolute. She wiped away her tears and said, "Xiaolong, no matter what, you will always be a friend of our Zhou family!"    


"You're welcome!"    


Chen Long did not take it to heart. He just took it as an insignificant courtesy and said, "This could be considered as helping Lingling with a wish!"    


Zhou Lingling abruptly raised her head and looked at Chen Long with a face full of emotions. If she was still human, she would probably want to repay him with her own body.    


"I'll go prepare something now!"    


Seeing that his wife was so concerned about this matter, Zhou Guiping wanted to go out.    


Puzzled, Chen Long asked, "Prepare what?"    




On the other hand, Zhou Guoping didn't understand and said, "Don't we need incense money or something?"    


When Chen Long heard this, he laughed and said, "No need, those are all lies on TV. Just close the curtains!"    


"It's that simple?" Zhou Guiping asked curiously.    




Chen Long nodded his head and said, "Jingjing, Lil 'Xin, you two can go out for a while. You can't have the presence of an outsider in this matter!"    


"Alright, then we'll be leaving first. Come look for us next door after we're done!" After hearing Chen Long's words, Liu Jingjing pulled the reluctant Liu Xiaoxi and walked out.    


"Is it okay now?"    


"Alright!" "You two sit in the chair and close your eyes. When I open your eyes, it will be fine!"    


Zhou Guoping and Sun Fang closed their eyes in accordance to Chen Long's instructions. Then, a ball of misty spiritual energy appeared in Chen Long's hand and scattered it towards Zhou Lingling.    


"Yin and Yang coalesce, the Heaven and Earth reverse, appear!"    


Chen Long shouted, and the ball of spiritual energy enveloped Zhou Lingling, causing her to burst out with a burst of white light. When the light faded away, Zhou Lingling's body miraculously appeared in the air.    


"You can open your eyes now!"    


After hearing Chen Long's words, Zhou Guoping and Sun Fang opened their eyes. What they saw was the figure of their own daughter, Zhou Lingling. They were stunned for a moment, tears falling from their eyes.    


Zhou Lingling was also in tears. She took a step forward and knelt in front of her parents, crying out loudly, "Your daughter is unfilial. In the future, you can't serve your parents anymore …"    


Sun Fang touched her daughter's face with a trembling hand. The moment she touched it, she couldn't help but hug Zhou Lingling and cry.    


"Lingling, mom misses you so much!"    


"Mom, I missed you too!"    


Zhou Guoping couldn't hold it in either, hugging his mother and daughter, he began to cry. The family of three started to cry together.    


As Chen Long looked at this family, he felt mixed emotions. In this life, the bonds of kinship were the most difficult to part with. He didn't know how many people he knew were still alive when his cultivation was successful …    


After crying for a while, the three of them finally stopped. Zhou Guiping wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, took out a bank card, placed it in front of Chen Long, and said, "Xiaolong, thank you. Here is a million. Please accept this!"    


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