Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0In but a few moments, the experimental body was directly hit to the ground by Number One. Following that, a pair of extremely powerful hands firmly grabbed onto its thick neck. The face of the experimental body instantly flushed red, as if it would suffocate at any time.    


The corner of the eyes of the remaining three experimental subjects twitched slightly when they saw this. Although Number 1 had not displayed anything special, they had clearly seen his overwhelming strength.    


If they were in the hands of Number Four, their fate would likely not be good. When they thought of the few people present, they were naturally filled with fear for Number One.    


"Do you still want to fight with me for a position and act alone?"    


Number One looked at Number Four who was lying on the ground, his eyes flashing with ruthlessness. Emotions welled up in his heart, wanting to break the neck of the man in his hands, but in the end, he did not move.    


Although he knew that this was a bad thing, Number One still enjoyed this kind of feeling. However, if his willpower was not weak, he would barely be able to control this kind of emotion, and would not be caught up in it.    


Number 4 was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly. At this moment, he could feel an extremely strong sense of death. How could he dare to talk back to Number 1?    


His strength was strong, and his body's strength was high. But at this moment, Number 1 only needed to make a casual move to break his neck. How could he not be afraid?    


Number 1 looked at Number 4. At this moment, he was indeed afraid. He coldly snorted and let go of Number 4. If it were not for the fact that there were too many warriors outside and too many powerful weapons, he might have just killed this Number 4.    


However, with the current situation, it was better to have one more. It would be much easier to split the firepower and rush out together. For his own safety, he had spared Number Four.    


"I want to say, everyone work together and rush out together. Do you all have any objections?"    


"As long as we can break out of the outer encirclement, we will be safe. As one of the sharpest warriors in the past, as long as we can break out of this encirclement, we will be safe."    


When the time came, with his extremely powerful anti-detection ability, coupled with the fact that his strength had been strengthened, not to mention the police officers, even the elite soldiers would not be able to track him down.    


When the time came, he just needed to follow the route and go straight to the border. He would then occupy the land in the Bedlam Lands as the king. With his current strength, it would only take a few minutes to gather a large group of people.    


At that time, he would be able to live freely. As for the fools around him, if they were able to survive, or if they were willing to listen to his orders, they could bring them along with them.    


If they didn't agree, then these four people would die sooner or later, and the rest of the four people had excellent abilities, but they were not stupid enough to think that they could fight against the warriors here just because they were stronger.    


He was too naive. Perhaps, these people's minds were currently filled with brutality. Therefore, some of their rationality had been suppressed. Hence, they had a feeling that they were invincible.    


Number One shook his head slightly, dispelling all these thoughts from his mind. Without mentioning anything else, he had to resolve the issue in front of him now.    


At this moment, the three experimental monsters looked at Number One and shook their heads. They already knew how powerful Number One was and they would not bring trouble upon themselves.    


Moreover, they also felt that it was better to rush out together. At the very least, it was much better than rushing out alone.    


After seeing that the three of them agreed, Number One's expression relaxed a little, and he said, "All of you, bring some metal gates that can defend against attacks from the side. Those were all ordinary things just now, but now, when you go out, you will have the attacks of those large weapons.    


He was extremely familiar with some of the more powerful heavy weapons. They would definitely be injured if they were to be hit by a sniper rifle. Therefore, he needed to make some preparations.    


"In addition, find a thick object. There are four attack vehicles outside. After we get out, we will directly kill off those attack vehicles. As long as we can destroy their cannon, that will be enough."    


Having just passed the radio, he had heard the news of four assault vehicles outside, so he had to take precautions. He did not want to go out, so he directly ate a few of the assault vehicles.    


Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads and went to look for something. This thing was relatively easy to find in the base. As long as they dismantled some of the gates, it would be fine.    


With the astonishing arm strength that they currently had, they were able to remove the entire door with just a slight movement. A moment later, the few of them carried a door and walked directly to Number One. Although the metal door was especially heavy, they did not feel anything.    


When Number One saw this, he immediately nodded his head slightly. After which, he looked at the crowd and passed the items in his hands to them. All of them were given only a few metal pieces.    


"With your arm strength, as long as you throw it accurately and hit the barrel, you can directly destroy the barrel. As long as you destroy the barrel, the attack vehicle will be destroyed. Do you understand?"    


Number One looked at the four men in front of him, took a small breath, and spoke in a deep voice.    


When the few of them heard this, they looked at each other and nodded their heads. As they listened to the tank outside and thought about the might displayed by the attack vehicle, they felt a little afraid in their hearts.    


"Good, remember this. When you listen to my orders, quickly charge out and then spread out. Those attack vehicles won't aim at us all at once. Just take advantage of this gap and waste that attack vehicle."    


Number One looked at the few of them, and after admonishing them one after another, he looked outside the door. He then said with a deep voice, "Charge!"    


Following that shout, Number One took the lead to charge forward. Then, his figure flashed and he rushed to both sides of the vehicle. The attack vehicle directly aimed the cannon at the exit, so he would not stand there foolishly.    


Moreover, the reason why he was the first to run out was because he was afraid that the person who ran out would be hit by the tank car. Furthermore, the reason why he was the first to run out was because he was afraid that the person who ran out would be hit by the tank car.    


However, when he thought of that, the four people behind also thought of that. When he quickly ran out, the four people behind also quickly followed and rushed out.    


The driver in the car only felt the people in front of him flash a little and left their range of attack. He was immediately shocked and quickly moved towards the exit to aim at the five people.    


When the other soldiers saw this, their hands did not slow down at all and directly shot a bullet towards the five men. However, the five men were equipped with a large shield, and when the attack landed on it, all the metal warheads were bounced to the side with a 'ding dang dang' sound.    


Even if that heavy weapon were to hit the shield, it would only cause the shield to slightly tremble, and it would have no other effect.    


"Damn it!" The shields in their hands are all our base's defensive gates! "    


A soldier holding a heavy weapon with Ley in his hand slammed the metal warhead onto the shield. A small crater appeared on the shield, and when the soldier looked at the shield, his face turned extremely ugly.    


As soldiers of this base, they naturally knew how powerful the defenses of those doors were. It could be said that they were made from the most advanced materials.    


But now, this door had become the enemy's weapon and was used as a defense. It was impossible for them to penetrate this kind of shield!    


"Get ready, aim at the thing that's exposed, suggest hitting their feet!"    


The observer hand at the side, after looking at the other party, narrowed his eyes before speaking. The other party was carrying such a heavy object, yet he was still walking like the wind. Wanting to hit the other party's foot would be extremely difficult.    


The problem was, if they did not attack this place, the other places would all be hidden behind the scenes. Thus, they were powerless to do anything about it.    


When the sniper heard this, he took a deep breath and aimed at their feet. The spot they revealed was not bad, and it was also the best spot to attack.    


When the bullets from the soldiers struck its surface, it did not have any effect. Commander Wu, who was watching at the side, had a very gloomy expression, this damned fellow had actually destroyed all the doors in the base, it was truly troublesome.    


"Get the soldiers to prepare the rockets, blast them into the sky and those powerful weapons. If they aim at them, shoot them straight at them!"    


Commander Wu, ah, at this time and place, he did not care about anything anymore, he just shouted out fiercely, he had killed so many of his warriors, if he did not spare these few people, how could he wash away his shame!    


Moreover, this kind of guy would never let them get out of here. One of them had been a warrior for many years, so once he went out, it would definitely cause a huge disturbance!    


When the soldiers beside heard this, some of them immediately picked up the rocket and prepared to fire at the five people. Something like a metal warhead could be used to resist, but what about this rocket?    



This was something that could explode with a single touch. Even though it had blocked off the shattered fragments, the force generated by the explosion as well as the shock wave did not believe that it had no effect on them!    


While the soldiers were making a series of preparations, the five men who had dispersed felt a little angry against the metallic warheads that swept over like a storm. However, they were also extremely glad that they had listened to Number One's words.    


Some of these metal warheads did not cause any damage to them, but the problem was that the force that came with extreme speed did not change at all. With so many metal warheads on their shoulders, it could only be said to be okay, but that was under the situation where they were split into five.    


If all the soldiers here were to attack one person, it would be difficult for that person to even take a single step against such a powerful force.    


Although they were rejoicing in their hearts, they did not forget what had just happened. Number One looked at the others, who had happened to turn and look at Number One. After nodding their heads at each other, their gazes turned ruthless as they looked towards the assault vehicles.    


Previously, when they had swelled up in strength, they looked down on the assault vehicles. However, now that they saw such a huge steel beast, they felt a tiny bit of insignificance in their hearts.    


Even for them, at this moment, they felt as if they were about to die. This let them know that they absolutely could not let the attack vehicle hit them, or else, they would really die here!    


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