Super Upstart System

C25 It's None of My Business

C25 It's None of My Business

0"To tell you the truth, I have a boyfriend!"    


Wai Yuan was stunned. How was this possible? Who beat him to it?    


"Which bastard dares to steal my woman?"    


Wai Yuan felt that there was a green hat on his head, and he felt uncomfortable all over.    


"Guan Fei."    


Zhang Xiaoli shrugged indifferently.    


Wai Yuan frowned. Why was this name so familiar?    


"Brother Yuan, it's the guy who robbed Liu Yan's car and beat up Niu Ben."    


The subordinate beside him clapped his hands. He finally knew who this familiar name was.    


The others also nodded their heads bitterly. Recently, Guan Fei's reputation was too great. He could be heard anywhere.    


Wai Yuan twitched his mouth. He had thought that Guan Fei was some big shot. It turned out that he was just a country bumpkin who came out of nowhere. If he had some money, he wouldn't be able to find the north.    


"I thought that you have a pretty good eyesight. To think that it would be that kind of trash to find a boyfriend."    


Wai Yuan was a bit disdainful. He even thought that your horizons were not bad. It was just that kind of thing.    


Zhang Xiaoli saw that he did not seem to have that kind of thought about her and could not help but sigh in relief.    


"You only know how to dilly-dally behind my back. If you have the ability, you can say it to him face to face. Do you dare?"    


Wai Yuan was such a delicate person, so he shouldn't be a pretentious person. He could not bear to be belittled by others.    


As expected.    


"Sneaky, call him over. I'd like to see what kind of trash he is."    


Zhang Xiaoli heard this and grinned. She quickly dialed a number.    




Guan Fei was currently immersed in his excitement.    


Ding! Host's mission completed. Reward: 5000 points, 20 attribute points. Completed mission beyond the limit. Additional reward: 10 attribute points. Distribution?    


Just as he reached home, he heard the system prompt.    


Guan Fei did not hesitate to click confirm. He distributed the attribute points to health and checked his stats.    


Appearance: 50    


Strength: 30    


Health: 100    


Sex ability : 10    


Cultivation Technique: None    


Skills: None    


Points: 5000    


Rich Sundry Goods Store Insufficient balance in his account, temporarily unavailable.    


Guan Fei felt comfortable all over his body. His health was finally full, and he no longer had to worry about catching a cold or having a fever in the future.    


He really wished he could open the Sundry Goods Store early!    


He also wanted to know what good things were in the Sundry Goods Store!    


"Issue a squandering mission: Host needs to spend 100 million within half a year. Mission reward: 10,000 points, 50 attribute points. Mission failed. 100 attribute points will be deducted randomly."    


Guan Fei was already used to this kind of system. However, spending 100 million within half a year was still a bit difficult.    


The company could invest some points. Should they equip the company's computers with apples?    


Just as he was thinking, he was suddenly interrupted by a phone ringtone.    


"Miss, what's the matter?"    


Guan Fei frowned. Zhang Xiaoli usually wanted him to stay away from her. Why did she suddenly call him?    


"I was bullied by someone behind the school parking lot. Are you coming or not?"    


Zhang Xiaoli explained the matter more vaguely and also wanted to see what kind of performance he would have.    


"What? My woman also dares to move. She will come right away and wait."    


After saying that, Guan Fei hung up the phone.    


The students in Zhang Xiaoli's school basically all knew that no one would be stupid enough to offend her unless she was a person from the society.    


Guan Fei sent a message to Geh Wei and the others and drove straight to the school.    


"She died so quickly? Was he scared when he heard my name?"    


Wai Yuan, who was standing next to them, saw that the two of them had only been talking for less than a minute. The nervousness in his heart immediately disappeared.    


Everyone had a sense of vigilance towards an unknown upstart, but he had never thought that the other party would be so cowardly.    


But just as he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed quite a number of footsteps coming from behind.    


Turning around, he saw that there were actually ten people!    


Of course, it was Geh Wei and the others. After receiving Guan Fei's message, they rushed over without stopping.    


"Xiaoli, what's going on?"    


Geh Wei stared at Wai Yuan aggressively. This kid was covered in branded goods. One look and one could tell that he was the child of a rich family. It was not appropriate for him to make the first move.    


"Kid, there are some people that you can't afford to offend."    


Initially, Wei Lai felt a little guilty. But when he saw that they were all a bunch of poor students, his attitude immediately changed.    


As the future successor of the Satellite TV Group, How could this small battle scare him?    


"He is Wai Xiangyang's son."    


Zhang Xiaoli softly introduced Wai Yuan's identity.    


Geh Wei and the others surrounded Zhang Xiaoli. This was the boss's future wife. They could not let her get hurt.    


"Now you know who I am. Get out of here."    


Wai Yuan saw that they didn't dare to make a move, so he immediately took a step forward and waved his hand.    


But he was interrupted by a disharmonious voice.    


"Who is the one who can't control his crotch and gave birth to a bastard like you?"    


Wai Yuan and the others turned their heads and saw a handsome boy coming towards them. However, his body was a little thin. No matter how they looked at him, it did not match what he had just said.    


"Who are you? How dare you speak to me like that?"    


Wai Yuan frowned. There was actually someone who was even more arrogant than him.    


This Qingyang High School was really full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Should he come to the school more often in the future?    


"I, Guan Fei, didn't you want to see me?"    


Guan Fei sized up Zhang Xiaoli. He saw that her clothes were intact and she did not look like she was being bullied. Indeed, she was tricked by this guy.    


Zhang Xiaoli's eyes lit up and she felt a little proud in her heart. This guy still had her in his heart.    


"You are Guan Fei. You are not that good!"    


Wai Yuan sized up Guan Fei and found that this kid's appearance was not as good as his. In terms of background, he could be compared to him by eight streets. Was this kind of person worthy of being his opponent?    


Guan Fei spat out a mouthful of saliva in disdain and turned around to stare at Zhang Xiaoli.    


"Did she bully you?"    


"He wants me to marry him!"    


Zhang Xiaoli looked wronged and wanted to see Guan Fei's reaction.    


"This show-off?"    


Guan Fei turned his head and looked at Wai Yuan with disdain. He was handsome, but at first glance he could tell that he was a gigolo.    


"This is too much!"    


Wai Yuan couldn't hold it any longer. This kid hadn't looked at him since he came in.    


He raised his right hand and swung it at Guan Fei's right cheek!    




A miserable scream rang out!    


Wai Yuan's body crashed into the iron pillar like a parabola, and he collapsed to the ground.    


His subordinate was a bit confused. Why did his boss fly out?!    


The one who did it was obviously not anyone else. It was Geh Wei. As a lackey, how could he watch others touch his master?    


Without waiting for Wai Yuan to approach, he sent him flying with a kick.    


In any case, the one who offended him was Guan Fei. With his background, he could handle such a small matter in a matter of minutes.    


Zhang Xiaoli clapped excitedly beside him. It was too satisfying.    


It was Wai Yuan's fault for being so annoying. This time, with regards to flying around, he would not dare to look for trouble in the future.    


"F * ck... Go on..."    


Wai Yuan laid on the ground and started to pant. He struggled to stand up, but he did not move. His stomach was burning with pain.    


The subordinates who followed him wanted to take revenge for him, but when they saw the ten people staring at them with cold smiles on their faces, they awkwardly took a step back.    


"Who the f * ck are you guys following?"    


Wai Yuan was extremely angry. This group of trash actually gave in at this time.    


A few of his subordinates looked at each other awkwardly, then they helplessly moved to the side, as if this had nothing to do with them.    


Wai Yuan knew that it was impossible to count on them anymore. As expected, he was the one who could be relied on.    


"I am Wai Xiangyang's son, do you know that?"    


"I know."    



Guan Fei nodded indifferently. The Satellite TV Group was very famous in Jiangbei City. All the locals knew Wai Xiangyang's name.    


"Then you still dare to attack me?"    


Wai Yuan sneered, as if he was an idiot.    


"It has nothing to do with me."    


Guan Fei waved his hand impatiently.    


The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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