Perfect Super Natural Power

C419 Parataxis

C419 Parataxis

0When I got back to the apartment, Jenny was asleep, lying on the desk on top of the book, and I thought maybe she was waiting for me.    


I didn't want to disturb her sleep, so I went to the side closet, intending to put on a warm leather jacket for her, but when I opened the closet and turned it over, I felt a twinge of pain in my hand. Instead, I accidentally touched the needle-like button of a maverick suit in my turn.    


I don't know what kind of material this damn button was made from, but it caused my hand to bleed profusely.    


I panicked, because at this rate, all the blood in my body would flow. I didn't have time to think about it, so I quickly grabbed a piece of clothing from the closet and wrapped it around my hands.    


I was beginning to feel a little weak, and without thinking about it, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the butter-paper bag.    


You know, I live in a slum and I've heard that this kind of yellow paper is easy to stop bleeding.    


Thankfully, the yellow paper worked, but before I could even breathe a sigh of relief, the butter paper suddenly released a faint bloody glow, which immediately attracted my attention.    


This wisp of blood was very faint and was slightly demonic. After which, I felt as if something was flowing into my finger, and then my entire body fainted on the spot.    


When I woke up again, I was in a warm, comfortable bed. At the side, Jenny looked at me worriedly. After she saw me wake up, she became excited. "You're awake! You're finally awake!"    


She was very emotional. Looking at this, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart. Back in the slums, didn't I always hope to have a beautiful lady love me like this … To himself? In the three years I've been enjoying myself, women have only been playthings, and no one has ever cared for me as much as Jenny does now.    


At this moment, I fell silent.    


At the beginning, I was only honest with her because I wanted to face Bryan as well as a trace of guilt towards her. It was only now that I realized that life is not only about pleasure, it's also about revenge!    


Hadn't I always wished I could have a warm family in those poor days in the ghetto?    


"What's wrong with you? It looks weird. " Jenny said while I was deep in my thoughts, her expression puzzled.    


I smiled. "I didn't. I was moved by your concern."    


"Is that so?" Jenny was slightly embarrassed.    


I suddenly remembered what happened before I fainted. My heart couldn't help but tighten as I asked, "Jenny, what happened after I fainted?"    


Jenny understood what I meant and smiled, "Don't worry, no one knows about your situation. After you fainted, I carried you to bed, I wanted to look for Bryan, but at that time, you grabbed my hand, making me unable to escape. Luckily, Bryan didn't come to class with you either."    


After saying that, she stretched out her right hand for me to see. I could clearly see the shadow of claws that had sunk into her flesh on her wrist.    


"It must have hurt you." I wondered how this could have happened. After I fainted, I didn't have any consciousness, and I had no impression of the situation.    


Jenny smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you're fine."    


This fellow, didn't he say such words on purpose to move me? I looked at Jenny and sighed inwardly. "Did anything happen after I fainted?" Also, how long have I been unconscious? "    


"No, it's just that your body is very hot. Other than that, I don't know how long you've been unconscious. It's been two to three hours since I woke up and found you on the ground." Jenny answered honestly and asked curiously, "Oh right, Guddin, what happened to you? After you fainted, I saw many bloodstains on the ground, as well as that beautiful butter paper bag on your hand."    


In view of her previous performance, I didn't hide anything and told her the whole story. After hearing it, she couldn't help but look to the side before bringing a bowl from the back of the room.    


"Why don't you open the paper packet and take a look?" Jenny suggested to me.    


If it hadn't happened before, I don't think I would have gone to see it. But now, I have to see it. As I was thinking, I nodded and sat up. Then, I stretched out my hand layer by layer to take off the yellow paper.    


There was a black metal board inside the paper and strange symbols were engraved on it. Although I had been trying to read for the past few days, I didn't know much, so I couldn't help but look towards Jenny.    


Jenny understood my expression and shook her head. "I have never seen such a rune."    


"Is that so?" I lowered my head and looked at the black metal board in my hands. I couldn't help but start to study it. However, I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary after flipping through it.    


Also, this is a black metal board. Why is it emitting blood light? Is it because I'm dripping blood?    


As I thought this, I raised my left hand and bit my finger.    


"What are you doing?" Jenny cried out. While she was speaking, I had already reached out and dripped some blood on the metal plate, but unfortunately, at the price of a little blood, the black metal plate didn't react. I wrapped it up in butter paper and tried again, but it still didn't, which made me feel a little strange.    


Jenny understood that I was studying the black metal board, so she reproached, "Even if you wanted to try, you let me do it. You lost so much blood."    


Hearing Jenny's words, I laughed and said half-truthfully, "Jenny, I'm not willing to let you bleed for me!"    


In the afternoon, Bryan came to visit me again. Normally, he would come in the morning, because even if it's an average noble family, not to mention a hundred-year-old family like ours, they would only wake up in the morning when they were sleeping on their butts in the sun.    


I don't know if he delayed class because of Styrofoam, but what I do know is that what I'm worried about hasn't happened yet.    


This didn't rule out the possibility that she had been captured and hadn't revealed the situation where I was helping her.    


To tell the truth, I really hate the feeling of having nothing to do but to wait, even though I am clearly worried.    


This is actually due to my identity restriction. After all, I was only brought in by Bryan, so I can't do anything as I please. Otherwise, I would have already confirmed the beautiful matter.    


My mind couldn't help but recall the situation when I met Zack and his sister when I went to look for my grandmother. In an instant, I calmed down from my wild thoughts. Because I realized that it wasn't that there was no other way, I just didn't think of it. Just like before, when I faced Zack, if I had accepted my fate, then I might have died at that time.    


It was because I didn't want to die like that that I saved myself!    


It made me think of something I'd heard the elders say before: Think twice before you do anything.    


"What's the matter with you?" Bryan said while I was calming down. It was obvious that he noticed something was wrong with me.    


His eyes looked at me as if they were going to pierce through my heart, making me feel as if I couldn't say what I wanted to say.    


This was the terrifying aspect of the old fox. A single glance and a single word could affect a person's mind!    


To prevent him from being suspicious, I hastily replied, "No, it's just that it's a little uncomfortable."    


While he was speaking, he was thinking that no matter what he wanted to do in the future, he would have to think about it more. Only by doing this could I truly be able to take charge of myself in the future.    


"If that's the case, then you should go and rest. There's no need to rush to get into class." Bryan got up and remembered something as he said, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you one thing. Your grandmother left, so you should show yourself now."    


"Show your face?" Actually, I know what he meant, that it was time for me to meet my friends and then go out with them.    


"It's simple, we're just going to play. Dragic has already booked a room at the Elegant Moulin Rouge." Bryan said lightly.    


He had specially taught me about these matters in the previous classes. I nodded and said, "Alright, I will go and find them when the time comes."    



"Mm. Actually, you don't have to worry too much about dealing with them. You just have to play with them freely. They're all young masters with meat and wine, so it's easy to deal with them." Bryan comforted me, obviously afraid that I would get nervous. Honestly speaking, I was nervous in the past, but now, it's not a problem for me.    


When I returned to my room, Jenny, who was reading a book, looked surprised. Then, she seemed to have thought of something, and worriedly asked, "Guding, did something happen?"    


"No, he wasn't in the mood to teach today, so he ended early." I explained, and went to the wardrobe. Following my memory of the morning, I found the coat that had made me bleed.    


I looked at the pin button on it. Damn, I just accidentally touched it in the morning and almost bled to death.    


Jenny noticed the blood on the pin button while I was thinking, and asked, "Guding, did you bleed and fainted this morning because of this pin button?"    


I replied with a sigh and sighed emotionally, "I don't know what this button is made of. It's so powerful. It was originally used to wear clothes. Could it be that it was specially used to harm people?"    


Jenny kindly suggested, "Then you can bring this to the pawn shop. I think they might be able to find some clues …"    


I shook my head. "It's not ready yet. We'll talk about it when the time comes."    


Judging from Jenny's expression, I think she should have realized that there's nothing wrong with it. Right now, it's not the time for me to do whatever I want, but after meeting Dragic and the rest tonight, it should be enough.    


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