Perfect Super Natural Power

C129 There Was Another World

C129 There Was Another World

0A small river flowed down from the mountain. Although the flow of water was not large, it still passed through the winding mountain road and flowed into a small village at the foot of the mountain. The distance from here to the Yangtze River was not too far. The water system was rather developed, so the climate was very suitable. At the very least, it could be said to be warm in winter and cool in summer. It was very suitable for living.    


"If it was me who was able to live in seclusion in such a small village, it would be a wonderful thing!" Lu Yonghao stood by the stream outside the village and looked at the shadow of the river as it flowed further and further away. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the sight of the people living close to the river and the people scattered on both sides of the river.    


Unfortunately, their goal wasn't to live in seclusion. On the contrary, it was to disturb the people living in seclusion here. Walking out of the cave, he had just circled around the mountain when he saw a small river flowing down. Along the river, it wasn't hard to find a village hidden in the mountains.    


Although that Miss Lee was still missing, although Lu Yonghao was pretty sure that she was the woman in black who had been staring at him all this time. Although she was very likely the one who found the wolves last night, she did bring Lu Yonghao and the others to the side of the village.    


Perhaps it was because Yishan had been living by the river for too long, the villagers were a bit suspicious and wary of Lu Yonghao and the other three. A few children saw them from a distance and ran away in fright.    


Lu Yonghao didn't care too much about it. He already felt that this place was a little sealed off, so the outsiders had become a little resistant to it. Fortunately, in these days, no matter how much they sealed off the area, they were more or less connected to the outside world. Thus, although the villagers were curious and wary, they didn't pay much attention to it.    


"Old Uncle, can I ask you something?" Lu Yonghao saw an old man leaning on the wall of his house, holding a pipe that seemed to be a little old, smoking and looking at them with a pair of cloudy eyes. Lu Yonghao's heart skipped a beat and he walked over with a smile.    


The old man only glanced at Lu Yonghao for a second, then retracted his gaze. He tapped his pipe on a rock, slowly took out a few tobacco from his pocket, put it into his pipe, lit it up, and then took a deep breath and blew out a few smoke rings.    


"What do you want to ask?" After doing all of this slowly, the elder looked at Lu Yonghao again and said with a slightly hoarse voice.    


"Uh, are we going to ask if you live here with the professor?" Lu Yonghao smiled and was very polite.    


"No!" The old man answered very straightforwardly without any hesitation. Then he ignored Lu Yonghao, who was stunned, as he lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet and continued smoking his cigarette.    


Lu Yonghao didn't mind. He thanked him and turned around to walk back. However, there was no disappointment on his face from the setback. Instead, he wore a trace of an inexplicable smile.    


"What are you laughing at? It looks very treacherous! " Lee Qiang frowned, his stomach full of doubts as he looked at Lu Yonghao who kept looking into the village. [Since last night, why does it feel like I'm getting more and more of a burden?] Could he have suffered some sort of provocation?    


"Damn!" Kids don't understand, don't spout nonsense. How pure my laughter is! " Lu Yonghao shook his head, and pretended to be unfathomable, and said with a smile, "Looks like we have reached our destination! "This Professor Xiang, he is most likely living in this village!    


Looking at his triumphant appearance, Lee Qiang gave his middle finger as a disdain for his wind. However, seeing Lu Yonghao's confidence, he hesitated. Could it be that this guy found something? But his question just now was very ordinary. There was nothing wrong with it!    


"You must be very confused. You must be very curious. You must want to know why I said that, right?" Lu Yonghao sighed and patted Lee Qiang's shoulder, shook his head and sighed, "Don't worry, I'm very generous. He had always been known for helping others! I am willing to answer your questions! "    


Lee Qiang angrily slapped away Lu Yonghao's claw on his shoulder, "F * * k! Did you eat it, brat? In the past, you were shameless with your thick skin, but today, you are shameless with your shamelessness! "    


Lu Yonghao chuckled and shrugged, "I just asked that old man if Professor Xiang lived here, and he answered me directly! So I'm pretty sure the professor lives in this village! "    


What do you mean? He looked at Lee Ruoshui in confusion. Director Lee was a smart girl, but when she thought of the reason after rolling her eyes, she couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.    


The Lu Yonghao in front of him was no longer the young lad who had just entered the company. The events of the past few days had not only allowed him to become a core member of the company, but had also allowed him to grow rapidly.    


Humans had to grow one step at a time.    


"But Brother Lu, even if he's hiding here, where exactly is he?" Ann Chengyuv looked at Lu Yonghao and a light flashed across his eyes. His voice interrupted Lu Yonghao's excitement.    


"Uh, well, I still don't know!" Lu Yonghao sighed and spread out his hands as if he was asking who.    


"Tch!" Lee Qiang quickly stepped forward and added insult to injury. It had always been done by friends, so he was quite aware of this.    


"Alright!" "Knowing that you're living here makes things much easier!" Lee Ruoshui said softly, "No matter what, we have to find him! Let's go in and take a look! "    


Indeed, she was the Director. Her words had always been convincing to someone who had been in a position of power for a long time! Wu stealthily gave her a thumbs-up. Lee Ruoshui glared at him and walked into the village.    


Seeing that Lu Yonghao and the others didn't turn around to leave because of his words, and instead walked towards the village, the elder sitting by the wall moved his lips and sighed deeply, "They're here again, are they that unwilling to give up?"    


Perhaps it was because of the morning, but there were still many people in the village. Some villagers just directly stood in front of their houses and curiously looked at Lu Yonghao and the others. A few children were very naughty. Under the gaze of their parents, they picked up a few small stones and threw them onto Lu Yonghao and the others. Fortunately, a few of them were young and had quick reactions, so they didn't get shot.    


Lee Qiang was going to scold the child, but was stopped by Ann Chengyuv. It's no use talking to naughty kids. If they're up to no good, just ignore them.    


Lee Ruoshui looked at Lu Yonghao. He nodded and came to a side of a village. A man and a woman stood in the doorway and watched in amazement as Lu Yonghao approached them.    


"Uncle, Auntie, let me ask you, which house does the professor live in?" Lu Yonghao asked amiably with a smile that he thought was the most handsome.    


One had to say, he was rather handsome. In addition to his smile, he gave off a rather good feeling. The villager and his wife hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lu Yonghao with caution, "Who are you? Why are you looking for the professor?"    


Lu Yonghao smiled, and indeed, Professor Xiang lived in this village, "Oh, we are his students. It was like this. Previously, when he heard that his teacher's condition wasn't too good, he was worried. Teacher Xiang is a good teacher. He has taught us many things, so we respect him a lot. This time, we came together because we wanted to properly visit him. But he only told us that he lived here, and he didn't say which house, so we're disturbing you! "    


His voice was neither fast nor slow, and from beginning to end, there was a smile on his face. He looked extremely sincere. The man and his wife looked at each other, and the wariness in their eyes gradually disappeared.    


"His health has never been very good. During this period of time, there have been people who have come to look for him. It seems like he's very angry, so you all have to take good care of him! " The man nodded at Lu Yonghao, and when he talked about Professor, a very admiring expression emerged on his face. It could be seen that in his heart, Professor Xiang was a person of great respect.    


On the other hand, Lu Yonghao frowned. Someone had been looking for him? It seemed like those people were really quick! No wonder when the old man at the village entrance heard that he had come to look for the professor, he immediately denied it.    


However, this actually showed that Professor Xiang had yet to be taken down by them. Lu Yonghao's heart flashed with anticipation. This was the first plan that he had planned himself, and to Elder Xu, it was extremely important. Now that this opportunity was right in front of him, no matter what, he wouldn't give it up.    


"Don't worry, Uncle and Auntie!" After teaching us so much, we should take good care of him! " Lu Yonghao said in a sincere tone, "As for those people, don't worry, I definitely won't let them disturb our teacher!"    


Perhaps he had a good impression of Lu Yonghao, or maybe it was because he looked really kind and sincere, but these two simple and honest villagers were touched. They took Lu Yonghao and the others to the village for a while, then pointed at a very ordinary stone house in the distance, "Professor Xiang lives there!"    


The matter was resolved surprisingly smoothly, making Lu Yonghao in a very good mood. When Lee Qiang and the others found out that this fellow was trying to get the professor's residence and lied to the villagers that he was trying to get the professor's students, they were immediately shocked.    


Lu Yonghao, on the other hand, read it openly, "We came to find the professor because we want the piece of information in his hands. Naturally, we have to take good care of him. "This is just a white lie, I have always been a kind person, everyone knows that!"    


F * ck! Everyone answered him with a middle finger!    


Lu Yonghao laughed, but he didn't care. He came to the house where the professor lived. This was a very ordinary stone house. From the outside, it did not look any different from the other houses in the village. On the other hand, there was a couplet at the door reading "Faint and quiet to the point of tranquility". It seemed to be different from the various couplets that were pasted on the doors of other houses.    


"What a weirdo!" Lu Yonghao muttered and knocked on the door.    


Not long after, the door opened a crack, revealing a young and tender little head. "Who are you looking for?"    


"We are looking for teacher's students, looking for teacher!"    


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