Perfect Super Natural Power

C243 Confluence

C243 Confluence

0When he entered the room, he saw Chiang Huayue lying there in her silk pajamas. Because of the angle, he could see the line of work in front of Chiang Huayue's chest, and that pajamas even revealed her graceful figure. If Lu Yonghao normally saw this scene, he would have nosebleed, but now, he only said hi to Chiang Huayue and went straight back to his room.    


However, when Lu Yonghao dragged his tired body back to his room, she couldn't help but dispel the corresponding thought, because she could tell that Lu Yonghao was very tired. Lu Yonghao had been busy all day at the company and had come home so late at night, so he definitely wanted to rest. Even if she wanted to seduce Lu Yonghao, she had to find another opportunity.    


To be honest, although she was prepared to seduce Lu Yonghao, her heart tensed up the moment Lu Yonghao returned. After all, she was a girl from a good family. Although she had been intimate with Lu Yonghao a few times, she still felt a bit …    


Lu Yonghao didn't know what Chiang Huayue was thinking. He picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath.    


After a bath, the originally tired Lu Yonghao regained some of his energy. After returning to his room, he didn't really want to sleep anymore. He turned on his computer and started browsing the internet for some topics, wanting to see the comments of the netizens about their company's new reading software online.    


While strolling around, he saw a story on the forum.    


The content of the story was like this. Once upon a time, there was a Yuanyin Temple, and it was burning with incense. There was a spider on the beam in front of the Yuanyin Temple, which had been nurtured by incense and devout worship over the years, and had gradually become Buddhist. After more than a thousand years of cultivation, the buddhist nature of spiders had increased by quite a bit.    


One day, the Buddha came to the temple. He raised his head and saw the spider on the beam. He stopped and asked the spider, "You and I have a chance to meet. Let me ask you a question. I want to see what you have learned from your thousands of years of cultivation."    


Spider was very happy and quickly agreed. Lord Buddha asked, "What is the most precious thing in the world?" Spider thought about it and replied, "The most precious things in the world are 'not getting' and 'lost'."    


Lord Buddha nodded, then left.    


A thousand years later, the spiders were still cultivating on the beams of the Yuanyin Temple, their Buddhist nature had greatly increased. One day, Lord Buddha arrived in front of the temple and said to Spider, "How are you? Do you have any deeper understanding of the question from a thousand years ago? " "I think the most precious things in the world are 'not getting' and 'lost,'" said Spider.    


Lord Buddha said, "Think about it carefully. I'll come find you again."    


One day, a thousand years later, a strong wind blew a drop of dewdrop onto the spider web. The spider stared at the sweet dew, and when it saw that it was crystal clear and beautiful, a sense of joy arose in its heart. Spider was happy to watch the dew every day, and thought it was the happiest day in three thousand years.    


However, the good times were rare, and just when the spider was happy to have the dewdrop as a companion, a strong wind suddenly blew the dewdrop away. The spider suddenly lost the manna, the heart feels all the loss and melancholy, day and night longing for it is difficult to forget. At this moment, Lord Buddha came back and asked the spider, "In the past thousand years, have you thought carefully about what is the most precious thing in the world?"    


The spider thought of Manlu and said to Buddha, "I already deeply understand that the most precious things in this world are 'not getting' and 'lost'!" Buddha said, "Alright, since you have such an insight, I'll let you walk around the mortal world once!"    


Just like that, Spider was reborn into an official family, becoming a wealthy family. Her parents had given her a name called Spider. In the blink of an eye, the spider was already sixteen years old. It had grown up to become a graceful and beautiful young lady. She was naturally and gracefully, and was very alluring.    


On this day, the new top scholar, Yuan Lang Lu, the emperor decided to hold a celebratory feast for him in the back garden. Many young ladies were invited to the banquet, including Spider and the Emperor's little princess, Princess Changfeng. Other than his handsome appearance and tall posture, his speech was filled with vigor. As for him, he had performed a great talent at the banquet, giving out poems and songs, causing all the young girls present to be captivated by him. However, the spider was neither jealous nor nervous, because she knew that this was a marriage bestowed upon her by the Buddha.    


A few days later, it just so happened that Spider accompanied his mother to the Yuanyin Temple to worship Buddha, just as Gan Lu also accompanied his mother. The two elders began to talk after they had finished their pilgrimage to Buddha. Spider and Buck went out into the corridor to chat. Spider was happy to finally be with someone he liked, but he didn't show any sign of liking Spider.    


So Spider asked Gan Lu, "Don't you remember what happened at Yuanyin Temple sixteen years ago?" "Miss Spider, you are beautiful and very likeable, but your imagination is rather rich, isn't it?" After speaking, he left with his mother.    


When Spider'er returned home, he thought to himself, Since Buddha arranged for this marriage, why didn't I let him remember it? Why didn't I feel anything for Gan Lu?    


A few days later, the emperor was summoned to grant the new Kobayashi to Princess Changfeng; the spider to Prince Chihuahua to marry. To Spider, this news was like a thunderclap in a clear sky. She had never imagined that Lord Buddha would treat her like this. In the past few days, she didn't eat nor drink, so she was in a hurry to think. Her soul was about to come out of its shell, and her life was at stake.    


"That day, among the girls in the backyard, I fell in love with you at first sight. I begged my royal father, and he agreed to betroth you to me. If you die, then I won't be able to live either. " As he spoke, he picked up his sword and prepared to commit suicide.    


Just then, Buddha came and said to Spider, who was about to come out of his shell, "Spider, have you ever thought about who brought Manlu to you? It was brought by the wind (Princess Changfeng), and finally carried away by the wind. The deer belongs to Princess Changfeng. He is but an interlude in your life. The crown prince's sesame seed is a small blade of grass in front of the Yuanyin Temple. He has looked at you for three thousand years and admired you for three thousand years, but you have never lowered your head to look at it. "    


Spider, let me ask you again: "What is the most precious thing in the world?" After the spider heard the truth, it was immediately enlightened. She said to Buddha, "I understand, the most precious thing in this world is not to be unable to obtain and have lost, but to be able to grasp the happiness of the moment."    


Originally, this was a simple story. If it was normal, Lu Yonghao would have seen it. Even if he had seen it, he wouldn't have thought too much about it.    


But it was different now, these two days he had been obsessed with practicing Buddhism. This was a buddhist story, it revealed the corresponding buddhist principles, after Lu Yonghao saw this story, he remembered the recent buddhist content.    


He thought of the saying in Buddhism that the heart is not moved, nor is it moved by the silence of the soul. The saying in Buddhism is not moved, just like the saying in Taoism. Doing nothing is not doing nothing, but the whole thing is doing nothing and nothing. The unmoved nature of the Buddhist saying was also the same. Not moving is not a dead silence, but the whole of the use of the move should have no unique use.    


There is a lazy Zen Master, he has a gimmick, well said. He said: It is precisely when the heart is not in the use of the mind. The song and the name worked together, but there was no heavy burden to be had. Innocence is precisely what it is used for, and it is often precisely what it is not used for. Today, there was no difference between having one's heart and having one's heart.    


The trick of laziness in the Zen Master, that is to say, is that when we are using our hearts, we are not using them in the least. If we can't entangle ourselves in the matter, then it is a futile and self-pitying affair. Such delusional and self-tormenting life is not the great wisdom of 'the hollow answer, the hollow answer', nor the great intelligence of 'the wind brings the bamboo face, the geese pass the sky'.    


When we let go of all our persistence, we will not be obsessed with lust, nor will we be obsessed with willpower. In fact, we will not be stubborn about it either. At this moment, our realm is the 'unobstructed' and 'honest' great wisdom realm.    


However, the people who have no wisdom are always obsessed with matters and are often delusional in their desire to part ways with others. That was to say, for a cultivated person, they would have no worries to worry about. They would have no worries to worry about. 'Congee, porridge, food, everything was fine.    


In that moment, all sorts of Buddhist theories appeared in Lu Yonghao's mind, and his hard work in the past few days had finally started to clear up. He could not help but take out the Special Ability Pen, opened up the cultivation system of the Xiaolv, and then flipped to the content of the training.    


Lu Yonghao couldn't remember every single one of these words, but now that he looked at it again, he gradually began to understand the contents of the training.    


Even so, he was not able to comprehend it in a single attempt. Instead, he was thinking while looking at it.    


Time passed by bit by bit and Lu Yonghao spent about two hours. Finally, he had the corresponding cultivation system in his mind. This made him excited because he knew he could cultivate now.    


Instead, he once again summed up the corresponding training content in his mind. This was because he knew that he would not be able to stop and think about these content while he was cultivating, so he had to deeply imprint these contents into his heart.    


If you want to be a good worker, you must first take advantage of the situation! That was what he was doing now.    


After spending another hour of time, Lu Yonghao memorized the corresponding content. After that, he put away the Special Ability Pen and prepared to officially cultivate!    


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