Perfect Super Natural Power

C33 You must Die

C33 You must Die

0"Boss Lin, from a certain point of view, we are currently like grasshoppers on a rope." Chen Jiefu lightly said.    


"It's good that you know. If anything happens to me, I'm afraid you won't be well off either."    


"But, this is only for now. Boss Lin, have you thought about it carefully, that this person is only dealing with you, and I, perhaps they only dragged me in to protect my safety, so …" Chen Jiefu smiled and said: "That's why, strictly speaking, I will not pose any threat to them."    


"What do you mean? After going back and forth, didn't you want to sacrifice me? "    


Chen Jiefu shook his head and said, "So we have to think of a way to achieve the best of both worlds."    


"You have a trick up your sleeve?" Lin Yongsheng couldn't help but ask.    


"Nope." Chen Jiefu shook his head helplessly.    


"Isn't that nonsense?"    


Chen Jiefu snorted lightly and said: "Boss Lin, you have to be clear, even if I can't make it, I can still escape safely. I already said, the one they are dealing with is not me. You're different, if they beat you to death, they can do it without me. " Chen Jiefu spread his hands and continued, "Worse comes to worse, I won't be the editor. Other than that, what else could be worse? It just made me look like this! "    


"Chen Jiefu, are you going to add insult to injury?"    


"Boss Lin, don't get too worked up, my words are a bit ugly, but this is the logic."    


"Then what do you want me to do?"    


Chen Jiefu thought for a moment, then lightly said: "Leaving Zhengyuan Group, this is just a test, if they achieve their goal, then they won't make things difficult for you, and you won't be exposed in the media. Compared to fame and fortune, I think your reputation is more important, and I think that since Qing Shan is so outstanding, then there's no need to worry about it.    


I've worked hard in the Zhengyuan Group for so many years, and after finally getting this position, I gave up so easily. Wouldn't that make me regret for the rest of my life? This year, when I was promoted to Deputy Director of Personnel, I will be able to join the corporation at the end of the year. Lin Yongsheng said angrily.    


"So what? When your reputation becomes bad, will you still have the face to remain in the Zhengyuan? At that point, do you think you still have a good future in Zhengyuan? "    


Lin Yongsheng sneered: "Editor-in-Chief Chen, your analysis is very reasonable! If I leave the Zhengyuan, you can keep your position, right? "    


"I am only talking about matters as they are. Actually, I know that you are just a middleman, but this matter... "It's hard to say." Chen Jiefu sighed and said, "I've already made the best plan for the worst. I'm almost 50 years old, so I came down as soon as I came down. It's not that heavy anymore."    


"You … Your attitude is clearly one where you leave everything behind. You must know, if it wasn't for your negligence, how could such a thing have happened? " Lin Yongsheng said angrily.    


Chen Jiefu sneered: "Boss Lin, if it wasn't for you looking for me back then, how would it have happened today? If only he knew earlier, why would he have done so back then? Would he have said that there was a medicine for regret in this world? "No, then you can only face the reality."    


"Chen Jiefu, you are too heartless!" "I wasn't like you when I paid you." Lin Yongsheng mocked.    


"Money?" Take your money! If I had known that such a thing would happen, I would not have done it even if you had given me a million dollars. "    


"You scholars, you fucking like to pretend." Lin Yongsheng gritted his teeth and said, "Do you believe that if I don't get a good ending, you will still suffer."    


Chen Jiefu smiled and said, "Since Boss Lin has said so much, I still have to say it. At worst, I won't sit in the editor's seat." He took a sip of his coffee and said, "I have an old classmate who has a newspaper in the South and has asked me to come and help him. At least, I have a way out. Boss Lin, if you leave the Zhengyuan, you might have to face a situation where you start all over again! " After Chen Jiefu said this, he stood up and said, "I hope Boss Lin will behave." He walked a few steps, then turned around and advised, "You shouldn't be thinking about this right now. You should think about your future path."    


"Old Wang's egg." Lin Yongsheng scolded ruthlessly, feeling extremely displeased in his heart. Cui Zhengpu had benefited, and called the wind and rain into Zhengyuan Group; Chen Jiefu had benefited, and was even able to escape unscathed; however, he himself had ended up with such an outcome.    


He definitely wasn't willing to accept this, but so what if he wasn't? The enemy was in the dark while he was exposed in broad daylight. No matter where he went, he would be the target of others. But, who was the person who was going to deal with him? Liang Hua was as competitive as him? However, although this woman had strength, she did not have any schemes. Every day, she would just go home from work to take care of her children and cook for her husband. How could such a virtuous woman use such a move? It was a little impossible.    


Then, is it Cui Zhengpu who wants to kill a donkey and destroy a bridge after crossing a river? At the very least, it was within his Zhengyuan. It seemed that there was no way he would be able to help him. Or maybe he thought I knew too much and chased me away to save the day.    


Lin Yongsheng thought of many people. Sometimes, he felt that everyone would harm him, but when he thought about it again, they all became people that would not harm him.    


What should he do? Could it be that he could only walk the road of leaving Zhengyuan? If he were to leave, he would have to find Cui Zhengpu and explain this matter to him. After all, he was forced to leave the Zhengyuan because of him, so no matter what, he had to give him some compensation.    


Unfortunately, as for Lee Ruoshui, he had painstakingly planned for so long yet was forced to give up and leave the Zhengyuan.    


He remembered that he and Lee Ruoshui entered the company in one day. Lee Ruoshui was in the Finance Department and he entered the Personnel Department.    


Ever since the day he saw Lee Ruoshui, Lee Ruoshui's fairy-like appearance and his elegant and pure temperament had moved him, causing his heart to palpitate.    


In the following days, the two of them had a relationship that seemed like they were friends, but they felt like they were going further and further away.    


Lee Ruoshui quickly became the chief financial officer due to the rapid rise in Zhengyuan. Lin Yongsheng knew that a man could only talk about other things as if he was on equal footing with a woman. However, facing Lee Ruoshui's well-trained work style and good education from abroad, he was not as good as him.    


If Lee Ruoshui became the general manager of the corporation, then it would be like throwing him away without a trace. Therefore, he worked despicably with Cui Zhengpu, pulled Lee Ruoshui down, and then followed the opportunity to climb up a step, which would allow him to be on equal footing with Lee Ruoshui. Although the result was not satisfactory, at least he had shortened the gap between him and Lee Ruoshui. As long as he could get close to Cui Zhengpu, he wouldn't be able to help.    


To Lin Yongsheng, this was a terrible loss.    


Good! I will find the person who harmed me behind my back and make him pay an even more painful price than I do. Lin Yongsheng secretly made up his mind, but this heroic spirit couldn't hide his endless disappointment and depression.    


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