Strongest Guard

C140 Lonely and Empty

C140 Lonely and Empty

0Just now, when Lee Nanfang sent over Chiang Morann's picture, he once asked Yue Zitong if her wife was good-looking.    


Her is better than your wife's.    


Lee Nanfang told her to send one, and he also sent a red packet. However, after Yue Zitong received the red packet, there was no further news. It made him a little disappointed, but more than that, it made him feel gratified.    


Especially after the video call with Min Rou, Lee Nanfang really felt like his happiness had exploded. Just as he was about to sleep comfortably, Yue Zitong suddenly sent him a picture.    


It was a pair of thin, red leather shoes with high heels, which were placed on the desk.    


She, she actually gave me a photo!    


Lee Nanfang looked at the photo that he gradually enlarged. His eyes were cold and he had an unreal feeling. The Yue Zitong in his memory was not like this.    


His breathing quickened, and he woke up the demon in his body. The demon started rolling up and down as he laughed madly and asked, "Is this the aunt that you have to bear the shame to protect?" Just a slut!    


I've sent you my photo. Give me a red packet.    


Yue Zitong sent a message over.    


Give her a red packet for a dollar and she won't delete me after she gets angry and send me pictures of her legs with black silk for 29 yuan?    


Hehe, Yue Zitong, you're really good. I didn't expect the other side of you to be so unrestrained and worthless!    


While Lee Nanfang was sneering silently, he also knew clearly in his heart that Yue Zitong didn't care about the dozens of red packets, she just wanted this kind of excitement.    


Are you asleep?    


Yue Zitong waited there for a while. Before Lee Nanfang replied, she typed in a message saying that she wasn't here just now because she went to change her shoes. Otherwise, how could she send a picture to him?    


Lee Nanfang immediately sent a red packet over, then typed, "If I don't send the picture now, I'm going to fall asleep."    


After Yue Zitong clicked open the red packet, she sent him a message telling him to delete the photo as soon as possible after she saw it, lest his wife found out and caused unnecessary trouble.    


Lee Nanfang said it was fine and sent another 20 + red packets. Then he asked her if she could send him a bigger photo.    


Yue Zitong bluntly refused him, saying that she couldn't.    


Lee Nanfang asked why. He thought Yue Zitong would say something like she had a bottom line principle, but he didn't expect her to reply like this. She said she can't keep looking at me, so you have to let me see.    


A red packet flew over — in the end, it was a trillion little rich ladies, the top 200.    


Lee Nanfang answered, "Yes, where do you want to see me?"    


Where can you show it?    


Lee Nanfang's face was sullen as he typed, "Look at my gun."    


Yue Zitong did not back down and immediately replied that she had the guts to do so.    


I'll send it, you send it.    


What did I send?    


If you have the guts, then pat your lower body!    


You go first!    


If you agree, I'll send it again.    


You go first!    


Don't be afraid!    


Lee Nanfang suddenly lifted the blanket, snapped a photo, and sent it over.    


Lee Nanfang, who felt humiliated, was furious. At the same time, his red eyes were filled with a scary evilness. In this state, a part of his body was like a ferocious dragon that bared its fangs and brandished its claws.    


Another 200 red packet flew over with a 'whoosh'. There was also a thumbs up expression on it. Although it was not bad, it was a bit disgusting.    


"Women like to see disgusting things the most." Lee Nanfang replied and then asked, "What about you? Show me."    


Red packet, I want two hundred.    


Yue Zitong's answer was straightforward.    


After receiving the two hundred red packets from Yue Zitong, it was already in the WeChat red packet. Even if Lee Nanfang sent more than 30 yuan, Min Rou would not receive any messages from the bank.    


Thus, he did not have to worry about anything and directly sent a red packet of 200 yuan.    


The picture came over.    


The scale is very large.    




Lee Nanfang was so angry that he didn't notice the faint watermark on the photo. It was something he had found on the internet at the Beauty Tieba.    


He was only incomparably angry as he fiercely edited the two words and sent it over.    


Yue Zitong's reply was much faster than his. Fuck, how could you be better than me!    


I'll kill you!    


Get over here, I'll wait for you. Tell me who you are and where you live!    


I'll kill you!    


After sending it again, Lee Nanfang threw the phone to the side in annoyance, then reached for the cigarette on the bedside table.    


Yue Zitong's online debauchery had made him furious and disappointed. He really wanted to rush to her house as soon as possible and kill her.    



When he took out the cigarette, Chiang Morann's eyelashes, which were covered by her eyes, trembled slightly.    


She had woken up because she had felt the sudden eruption of a Evil Qi from the man's body while she was still in deep sleep. She felt as if she was being entangled by countless poisonous snakes, causing her to wake up in fear.    


She didn't know how Lee Nanfang suddenly became like this, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.    


Lee Nanfang didn't notice her reaction. When he went to get a cigarette, he grabbed an ashtray and slammed it onto the ground.    


With a bang, the glass ashtray was ruthlessly smashed into the ground, shattering into pieces.    


Yue Zitong, who was wearing a white robe and slippers, kicked the table and cursed, "Bastard, don't let me know who you are or I'll castrate you!"    


Her gaze fell onto the screen of her phone and slid down a few times. When she saw the picture that the man sent her, her face turned pale due to anger.    


Slowly, she covered her face with her hands and sat down on the sofa. She hid herself in a corner as much as she could, kicked off her shoes and curled up as much as she could.    


It was then that she suddenly realized that she had changed. She was no longer Yue Zitong, but a bad woman.    


Even though all the photos she sent were online.    


But in a sense, those pictures were hers.    


It wasn't her.    


The real Yue Zitong looked down on the whole world and never cared for the so-called online friendship.    


But now?    


She was already deeply infatuated with the internet chat, just like the opium, unable to extricate herself.    


Why did this happen?    


Was it because she was too lonely and empty?    


Definitely not.    


In the past, she was always alone. Every night she watched TV, drank a glass of red wine, smoked a cigarette, showered before returning to her bedroom to rest. Her sleep quality was excellent.    


Then, how did she transform to this point?    


Because of Loong Zaikong's appearance, she clearly realised that she was no longer the arrogant young miss of the Yue Clan. With the departure of her mother, she no longer had any ties with the Yue Clan.    


Don't even mention Loong Zaikong, who could be considered a popinjay in China, even Young Master Feng from the Cloud World. If he wanted to use force to chase her, she wouldn't be able to do anything else other than solve the problem at the mall.    


Unless she didn't want to take good care of her Kaihuang Group and didn't want to think about the good living environment her mother would have for the rest of her life.    


Only now did she know that all she wanted was a peaceful and safe environment to arrange her mother for the rest of her life.    


However, Loong Zaikong's sudden appearance, Holan Fusu's bystander, and the Lee Nanfang who had left without a trace despite her gentle urging on him. These three men, three different attacks, soon made her fall apart.    


It made her realize that she wasn't strong at all. She could only maintain her cold and arrogant demeanor in front of her subordinates.    


Anyone who suffered a blow would also experience changes. Wu Zixu could spend the night turning pale, and Yue Zitong could, of course, quickly give up and try to vent her frustration with reality through the virtual network.    


The Northerner had seized the opportunity to sneak in and filled Yue Zitong's blank space just in time, allowing her to witness the charm of the internet chat.    


Every word that Northerner said was able to reach her heart, causing her to feel a strong resonance with him. This caused her to unconsciously think of him as a spiritual Legacy, and she even felt that he was more important than Holan Fusu.    


The Northerner was like a bottle of wine filled with poison. Unknowingly, Yue Zitong slipped into an abyss that she had never thought of before, sinking into the abyss that she could not extricate herself from.    


Tonight, just like before, Yue Zitong waited for Northerner after dinner. After waiting for a long time, he did not come. She sent him countless of messages, but she did not reply.    


She felt that the world was so big, and she was so small.    


It was under these circumstances that she came home in the evening and sent her a message through the request that I, who was a fool, had sent her.    


Immediately, I was an idiot to fill up the gap in Northerner's absence, allowing the originally lonely and empty Yue Zitong to once again fill up.    


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