Strongest Guard

C173 Endless Coldness

C173 Endless Coldness

0Everyone had a sixth sense, and this feeling was especially important to the secret service.    


Yue Zitong had been trained by the system in this area ever since she became a secret service agent. Although she hadn't reached the level of an expert and could detect that a mosquito was flying a few meters behind her, the murderous aura exuded by the masked man who had quietly appeared had triggered her crisis warning system, forcing her to turn around abruptly.    


Yue Zitong, who had fought three hundred rounds with two masked experts, had never felt any fear, even though she was close to a hundred. It was as if she was playing a game with death itself.    


"You, who are you people?"    


Yue Zitong, who was lying on her back on the ground, had completely lost any chance to jump up and run away. She could only use her elbows to slowly move up the slope.    


"Kill you."    


The female killer coldly spat out two words. She did not waste any more words, and with a light shout, she slashed down with her blade.    


In many movies, after the appearance of the killer, there would always be a lot of bullshit. Chat with the target, who sent me here, why did they want to kill you? Girl, now you must regret it, it's too late, I'm sorry, I'm going to make a move now, I hope you don't blame me after you go to the Underworld, although you're pretty, I'm actually reluctant to kill you, etc.    


After he finished his nonsense, just as he was about to take action, the hero who saved the beauty descended from the sky and knocked her down with a Brick.    


Beautiful women being saved, the death of a killer with hatred – these were all stupid scenes, all to increase the interest of the movie. In real life, it was already a great honor to say that they could kill you, yet you still expect her to chat with you like how it was in the movie?    


Yue Zitong did her best to roll to the side when the saber light flashed. The sharp blade grazed her back and cut off a strand of her hair.    


The Female Killer didn't even give her the chance to catch her breath, as she had already expected. She took a step forward and stepped on Yue Zitong's back before she could even raise her blade.    


The spot he stepped on was also in place. It was the seventh joint on the coccyx that made people lose their ability to resist. It made Director Yue, who thought he was powerful, turn into a salted fish on the sticky plate.    


Next, a saber light flashed again, and Yue Zitong's Female Killer raised her rib cage up high. She glared at the back of Yue Zitong's neck, which she had barely managed to lift up, and brandished her saber.    


When Yue Zitong's face was stepped on, she would instinctively raise her head. This action of hers was the best opportunity for her to have her head chopped off with a single slash.    


When Yue Zitong raised her head, she suddenly remembered that Holan Fusu had explained this to her when she was trained at the National Security Agency. The most accurate response in a situation like this was to cover your head with your hands.    


The feeling of the knife on his wrist, although not too painful, was able to take the opportunity to grasp the blade. It helped him fight back and won a sliver of hope for his comrades to rescue him.    


Even if his hands were chopped off, it was still many times better than having his head cut off.    


It was a pity that Director Yue, who was afraid that training his tendons would affect his sexy body, would never consider encountering such a situation and would never train arduously.    


To be able to suddenly remember what Jack had taught him, it was clear that Director Yue had been very diligent at that time. However, it was too late to lift his head up and cover it with his hands.    


Fu Su, see you in the next life.    


These were the words that came out of Yue Zitong's mouth as her head was about to be chopped off. Before she could finish her sentence, the girl's long sword had already fallen, and her voice was cut off by the cold wind.    


The world also stopped spinning.    


Yue Zitong's life ended there — but one could hear a painful groan, and the sound of two cats fighting in the grass, as if they were fighting against each other over the grass.    


What was going on?    


After death, would they hear such a sound?    


Yue Zitong turned her head in a daze, looking towards the direction of the sounds of fighting. She saw two figures not far away from her, rolling in the grass, like red waves in a bridal chamber.    


One of them was the female killer who chopped off her head with her blade, while the other was a man who was covered in mud.    


What was going on?    


When Yue Zitong asked this question again, the person who was fighting with the girl jumped up from the grass. He held the girl in his arms and raised her high up in the air. At the same time, he raised his right knee!    


Ka-cha — The sound of a fracture of the lumbar spine that was forcibly broken by a knee was clear, real, and terrifying.    


She was still clutching her rib cage while facing the sky. She screamed out miserably, but only half a sentence later, she stopped abruptly. Her body had been turned into a forty-five degree angle. Her eyes were protruding out of their sockets with indescribable pain.    




The mud-covered man kneeled down and killed the female killer. He raised his head and roared loudly. His voice was rough and had a hint of hoarseness to it. More importantly, it was the howl of a ferocious wolf towards the moon after it was injured.    


As if even the leaves couldn't stand the violence in his voice, a leaf fell from the branch and landed on Yue Zitong's face, jolting her out of her daze and terror. It made her realize that she was still alive.    


Just as the female killer was about to cut off Yue Zitong's head, a person covered in mud and water suddenly came from the sky like a cannonball, viciously smashing the female killer's body, knocking her into the grass. After a short seven to eight seconds of fighting, she was cut in half, screaming towards the sky.    


This was a devil.    


Yue Zitong thought to herself as she heard the mud man's violent howls. Then she saw him throw the female killer's corpse into a tree and drop it on the grass.    




The clay figurine roared once again, like a gorilla. Both of its hands pounded on its chest, the ruthless aura grew stronger and stronger, causing Yue Zitong to instinctively turn over and kneel, wanting to escape.    


He didn't dare to flee again.    


The mud demon, the howling stopped and looked down at her — what kind of eyes were those?    


For a long time after that, Yue Zitong could not forget those eyes, and she became the protagonist of her nightmares, like the magic eyes of the magic movie Lord of the Rings.    


Under the gaze of those demonic eyes, Yue Zitong no longer dared to move or even breathe. She could only stare at him with her mouth half open, passively walking towards him.    


The clay figurine walked very slowly, each step so heavy that it seemed to be carrying a heavy burden. The low growls that came from its throat did not sound like that of a human, but rather like the growls of a Evil Dragon that was hidden within his body. Its entire body was trembling, like the leaves on a autumn tree.    


Don't be too clear-headed, Yue Zitong could also feel what he wanted to do from the mud-man's demonic eyes and the violent Evil Qi's breaths all over his body — he might not kill her, but he would abduct her and use an unimaginable evil and ferocity to attack her.    


She wanted to beg for mercy, wanted to cry, wanted to shout at him not to come over, but her tears were already pouring out. The muscles all over her body refused to obey her commands, and she could only helplessly watch as he walked over step by step.    




Just when Yue Zitong felt that she was about to be scared to death, Holan Fusu's shout came and pulled her soul out from those demonic eyes. She turned around.    


Holan Fusu rushed over from the embankment as fast as he could.    


The female assassin was cut in half at the waist as she screamed miserably. The scream affected her companions as they turned around to look in their direction.    



When Dong Jun and the others drove their cars over, they did not cause any damage to the Killer, but it was not completely useless. At the very least, Dong Jun threw out a wrench from the window.    


Holan Fusu reached out his hand to catch the wrench. Originally, using a rib cage to gain the upper hand, he was at a disadvantage. Just as he was about to turn around and run away, the scream of "Female Killer" came.    


After this obvious flaw appeared, if Holan Fusu was unable to grasp it properly, then he was no longer fit to be an instructor. The 1 kg heavy iron wrench ruthlessly smashed onto the spirit cap of the job advancement test.    


Ten thousand peach blossoms bloomed.    


Holan Fusu was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. He shouted out Yue Zitong's name and ran with all his might. Within a short distance of dozens of meters, he actually tripped and fell twice.    


From this, it could be seen how worried he was for Yue Zitong.    


After he rushed over, the clay figure stopped and raised its head to look over.    


Holan Fusu was the last to leap. He rolled on the ground and jumped in front of Yue Zitong. The wrench in his right hand aimed at the clay figure. His face was covered in blood as he breathed heavily.    


He had experienced so many storms, yet he had never seen such a pair of eyes. They were so evil that it made him afraid. He slowly stood up from the ground and backed off slowly while hugging Yue Zitong.    


The clay figure stared at Holan Fusu and clenched its fists tightly. The roar that came out of its throat became even weirder and more ruthless. When its gaze fell on Yue Zitong's face, it took a step forward.    


"Who, who are you?"    


Sensing that the clay figurine was charging towards Yue Zitong, Holan Fusu clenched his teeth and pushed her behind him. He took a step forward and whispered, "Go, let's go."    


Yue Zitong wouldn't leave. She never thought that she would abandon him and flee alone while fighting side by side with Holan Fusu against an unbeatable evil.    


She also took a step forward and stood beside Holan Fusu. Even though her whole body was trembling, she still bravely raised her head and looked into the man in mud's eyes.    


Her eyes met the mud-man's again, and she saw — she saw pain in those terrifying demonic eyes.    


Di, Di, Di!    


An ear-piercing horn sound came from the top of the dike. It was Dong Jun and the others driving over.    


As if the clay figurine was afraid of a steel monster like the car, it raised its head to look at the car, then turned and walked quickly towards the river.    


He left just like that?    


Yue Zitong was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, she realized that the mud man's back looked familiar. It looked like a person, Lee Nanfang.    


How could it be Lee Nanfang!    


Don't even mention that scum had already left the Qingshan City. Even if he was here, how could he be so terrifying? But the mud man's back was indeed very similar to Lee Nanfang's. Yue Zitong could not help but shout out, "Stop!"    


The clay figure turned its head, staring at her with eyes devoid of pain and only filled with an inexhaustible coldness.    


"You, you are Li …"    


Yue Zitong did not dare to meet her eyes. She subconsciously took a step back, lowered her head, and said those words. Then, she shut her mouth again.    


Even if Holan Fusu wasn't around anymore, she wouldn't say Lee Nanfang's name. Guain's action of making the clay figure stand still was just an impulse. Even if she was beaten to death, she wouldn't believe that it was Lee Nanfang.    


"You … know who he is?"    


Holan Fusu's voice came from beside her ears. Yue Zitong raised her head and realized that the mud man had already run to the water's edge. With a leap, he disappeared into the water without leaving much of a splash.    


The eastern current of the muddy river flowed very fast.    


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