Strongest Guard

C223 Catch the Thief First and Capture the King First

C223 Catch the Thief First and Capture the King First

0Zorro hated the Chinese to the bones, and swore to capture them alive and torture them. He did not hesitate to mobilize hundreds of his men, and within two days, he lost dozens of his men.    


In the fight to the death, the ferociousness displayed by Second Fool's group was terrifying, but Zorro could see that they were at the end of their tether. As long as they could withstand this wave of attacks, they could be drowned by the crowd.    


At this critical moment, Lee Nanfang arrived.    


He was only one person, but he had the effect of a Elite Armament. He took the lead and rushed straight towards Zorro after killing him.    


Capture the thief first and then capture the king.    


Lee Nanfang was more clear than anyone else that the legendary fierce warriors treasured their lives more than anyone else. As long as they could catch Zorro off guard, they could instantly change the outcome of the battle.    


He was right, but Zorro was a formidable person of his generation, so his reaction was fast. When Zorro jumped in front of him, Zorro grabbed one of his men and pushed him towards Lee Nanfang.    




The subordinate screamed and waved his hands. Before he could understand what was going on, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his throat and a black thorn protruded out from the back of his neck.    


Lee Nanfang threw the body away.    


Although he was quick to assassinate the scapegoat, the speed of his pounce on Zorro was slightly slowed down. In that split-second, Zorro had already rolled away, not even caring about his daughter.    


A real formidable character, as long as he could protect himself in times of crisis, could pay any price, including his daughter. Just like how Zorro kicked Daphne's knee when he rolled to the side.    


Daphne's reaction wasn't slow either. Just as she was about to block the enemy on behalf of the dead ghost, she turned around and ran away. Her knees gave out a pain as she screamed and fell towards Lee Nanfang.    


Lee Nanfang only had Zorro in his eyes. He didn't even look at who was coming at him and just stomped on the ground.    


Daphne screamed like a scarecrow from far away. Before she landed on the ground, she had already opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


On behalf of the dead ghost and Daphne, they pounced on Lee Nanfang. Although they didn't have the effect of killing the enemy, they effectively blocked his pouncing speed, giving Zorro the opportunity to escape.    


Without his order, several Blue Flag members pounced towards Lee Nanfang while roaring.    


"Kill, kill him!"    


Zorro took the opportunity to leap up and pull his gun as he shouted. He then pulled the trigger on Lee Nanfang.    


Since he could already use his subordinates as a shield, there was no need for Lee Nanfang to be polite. After stabbing through the chest of a brave man, Lee Nanfang pulled another man in front of him.    


With more and more Blue Flag members charging at him, Lee Nanfang had completely lost the opportunity to hold Zorro hostage. Without any regrets, he no longer hesitated, opened his mouth and let out a long hiss before he turned around and pounced towards the cave like a fierce tiger.    


"Don't stop him! Let him pass! Let him pass!"    


As soon as he saw that Lee Nanfang was going to meet up with his trapped compatriots, Wu immediately gave a clear order.    


He had already recovered from the shock of being attacked. There was only one enemy, and they were quite fierce, but that was nothing. No matter how strong you were, so what?    


In fact, there was no need for Zorro to give the order, two of the Blue Flag members who tried to stop Lee Nanfang were instantly killed. Everyone understood that only a fool would try to stop him.    


"You're finally here!"    


The spurs also cut a path of blood and arrived in front of Lee Nanfang. Their eyes were filled with worship.    


"Let's go!"    


There was no time to reminisce about the past. Lee Nanfang raised his hand and punched him on the shoulder, then turned around and ran towards the cave.    


The men that were besieging the cave all retreated, leaving behind dozens of corpses.    


"Fuck, why did you just arrive!?" I'm starving, did you bring anything to eat? "    


Just as Lee Nanfang ran over, Ye Xiaodao saw the leopard meat on Lee Nanfang's back. His eyes lit up and with a flash of his sabre, he cut the cloth that bound the leopard meat.    


Lee Nanfang ignored him and first counted the number of people. Only after seeing Second Fool's group stand there did he feel relieved. Although they had all died, survival was the most important thing.    


He was the one who brought them out, so he had to bring them back intact.    


He raised his hand and lightly bumped his fist with the other three. Lee Nanfang looked at Holan Fusu.    


Holan Fusu stood at the entrance of the cave with his left arm around Yue Zitong's small waist. When the battle was still going on, Yue Zitong had also joined the battle, but she had played a very ordinary role. After all, she hadn't eaten for several days.    


Luckily, Lee Nanfang had arrived in time. If he had arrived a moment later, Aunt Yue would have been the first person to be captured alive.    


Lee Nanfang didn't expect it to be here. He sneered in his heart when he saw Holan Fusu holding her in his arms. He took out the satellite phone and threw it over.    


Holan Fusu raised his hand to catch it: "What is this?"    


"As a secret service instructor, you haven't even seen a military satellite phone, have you?"    


Lee Nanfang's voice was cold and harsh.    


Of course Holan Fusu could recognize that it was a cellphone, but it was in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountain Range. Without a signal, what could he do with it?    


"Military satellite phone?"    


Holan Fusu was stunned.    


"Do you want me to tell you how to use the phone and contact your people?"    


"Ah--no, no!"    


Only then did Holan Fusu wake up. He immediately let go of Yue Zitong and quickly dialed an encrypted number.    


No one present knew that Hua Xia had already dispatched troops to the Caribbean Sea. Three Xiao Loong fighter jets had already reached the airspace of the Mexico, flying towards the Hundred Thousand Mountain Range area.    


Holan Fusu could only hope that he could use this military satellite phone to contact Ambassador Chang of China's Mexico and ask him to lock down their location.    


After the number was dialed, a beep sounded. Ambassador Chang's urgent voice came from the other side, "I am Chang Shan, who are you?"    


When Holan Fusu was in a rush to make the call, he let go of Yue Zitong. Her knees went weak and she almost fell to the ground.    



The more she looked at Lee Nanfang, the more he looked familiar. He looked just like her nephew – however, how could he possibly be that scumbag?    


Slow down, he would never appear in Mexico, even if he could, would he be that powerful?    


Lee Nanfang appeared like a ghost, killing many people in a few breaths of time. Yue Zitong saw it with her own eyes, which made her heart drop. She looked at him with the same worshipful gaze that she used to look at him with.    


It definitely couldn't be Lee Nanfang.    


This was the 'him' that Aardwolf and the others were talking about. Just based on his figure alone, why did he look so familiar?    


Just as Yue Zitong stared at him in a daze, Lee Nanfang looked at her again.    


The instant their eyes met, Yue Zitong completely denied that he was Lee Nanfang.    


If he was Lee Nanfang, then the way he looked at her was definitely not this indifferent. There was even a hint of disgust that made her heart palpitate. She couldn't help but shiver.    


She really wanted to ask this person, why are you looking at me like that? It's not like I've offended you, but before she could open her mouth, she heard Holan Fusu yell in ecstasy, "Really?" That's great! "    


Holan Fusu's shout attracted everyone's attention and they all looked at him.    


After he hung up the phone, Holan Fusu's eyes lit up. He waved his right hand and shouted: "Our fighter jet is reaching the sky! It's our own fighter jet, our own! "    


A fighter jet?    


What fighter jet is ours?    


Everyone present looked at him blankly, not understanding what he meant.    


Taking a deep breath, Holan Fusu calmed his excitement. He turned around and looked at his compatriots in the Gate of Wonderland and said, "Hua Xia, send troops to the Caribbean Sea. Three Xiao Loong fighter jets have arrived above us!"    


China sent troops to the Caribbean Sea?    


Three Xiao Loong fighter jets have arrived above us?    


How, how is this possible!?    


People who had already completely lost all hope stared at Holan Fusu in shock, not daring to believe their own ears.    


"Fu Su, really, really?"    


Yue Zitong was the first to react and asked hoarsely, "Hua … motherland, did the motherland send soldiers to rescue us?"    


"Yes sir!"    


Holan Fusu nodded heavily and suddenly shouted with all of his strength, "The motherland has sent troops to save us! We are going to be saved! We are going to be saved!"    


Holan Fusu's shout woke up the dazed hostages. It was like a heavy rain pouring onto a dying crop, causing them to instantly revive and burst out with a strong life force as they cheered.    


It was unknown who started singing the national anthem, "Get up, those who don't want to be slaves, cast our blood and sweat into our new Great Wall!"    


While the Western countries were promoting the theory of Chinese threats with all their might, militarily and economically, their motherland, in order to save them, who were thousands of miles away, not only sent a small team at the first possible moment, but also brazenly dispatched troops to the Caribbean Sea at the most desperate moment!    


For this, even a fool would be able to understand how many risks China has to take, how many difficulties it has to overcome, and how much sacrifice it has to make.    


At this moment, everyone was in tears. Only by singing the national anthem and singing the praises of the great motherland could they express their crazy love for it.    


Just when Holan Fusu wanted to kneel on the ground and shout something towards the sky, he suddenly heard Lee Nanfang's stern shout: "Enter the cave. Everyone enter the cave immediately!"    


Although he was shouting loudly, the crowd of excited hostages didn't notice him. They were still singing their songs to their heart's content. Yue Zitong, whose blood was boiling, even started dancing …    


"What a fool!"    


Jack cursed, and before he could explain, he had her in his arms.    




Aunt Yue was in the midst of her ecstasy when she was suddenly lifted up by someone. She was stunned and instinctively struggled. Lee Nanfang raised his hand and threw her like a scarecrow at the people at the entrance of the cave.    


Just like bowling, Yue Zitong, who was sent flying by the hostages at the cave entrance, was smashed all over the place. Shouts of shock and pain replaced the national anthem.    


Holan Fusu was the first to react and immediately realized that he made a fatal mistake. He shouldn't have announced this good news too early.    


Zorro wasn't a fool, of course he could deduce something from the cheers of the Chinese people. Then, he would take action -- For example, he would shoot and kill everyone before the Chinese fighter jet reached the sky.    


Just as he was thinking of this, he heard the sound of a gun being fired dozens of meters away. Da, da da!    


"Get down, get down!"    


Like a hungry ghost, Ye Xiaodao, who was tearing up leopard meat, roared and pounced towards the spurs. The moment the two of them fell to the ground, bullets shot out from above.    


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