Strongest Guard

C182 Fertile Water Does Not Flow to Foreign Lands

C182 Fertile Water Does Not Flow to Foreign Lands

0Yue Zitong was stunned for a long time before she slowly said, "Meng Changxin wanted Min Rou to be his mistress, but Dong Jun still threatened her for that, didn't he?"    


"Motherf * cker, the reason you called me was for such a small matter?"    


Helan Xiaoxin had a pained expression on her face. She raised her hand to her forehead and let out a heavy groan, as if she had reached a climax.    


"That's right. This is a small matter to you, Sister Xin. But to us, it is a calamity even bigger than the heavens." Heh heh, Sister Xin, what other stupid thing have you done to hide it from me? "If you can say it, say it. If you can't say it, then forget it."    


Looking at Holan Fusu's embarrassed face, Yue Zitong seemed to understand why Lee Nanfang was looking at her with that kind of expression tonight. Guain was extremely disgusted with the tyranny of Helan Family, and he disliked the sight of Holan Fusu and her together.    


If she was a man and liked Min Rou, she would have the same reaction.    


What made Yue Zitong's heart even colder was that from Holan Fusu's awkwardness, it could be seen that he was very clear about what happened this afternoon, but he didn't tell her.    


Helan Xiaoxin, who blurted out the truth by mistake, obviously wouldn't say what kind of mission Dong Jun was on. She continuously laughed dryly and said that she never did anything else.    


"Call yourself. Tell Dong Jun and the others to scram. I don't want to see them again tomorrow."    


Without waiting for Helan Xiaoxin to say anything, Yue Zitong hung up the phone and raised her head to look out of the window with an indifferent expression.    


"Zitong, I'm sorry. My sister did it for my own good. I hope you can forgive her." If you want to be angry, then do it to me. "    


Holan Fusu sat up from the bed and said in a low voice, "But those two hitmen that appeared afterwards were really not sent by my sister. Someone had already set them up against you. "This person should be hiding by your side, well aware of your movements …"    


"Fu Su, don't say anymore. Rest early. I want to be alone."    


Yue Zitong interrupted Holan Fusu with a forced smile. She turned around and walked out of the suite and closed the door. Then she sat down heavily on the sofa in the living room. She really wanted to drink.    


It was best to get drunk so that he could forget his worries and get a good night's sleep.    


No matter how high the grade was in the intensive care unit, there wouldn't be a liquor cabinet. But it didn't matter. When Yue Zitong went to the convenience store to buy instant noodles, there were some cabinets.    


Hearing the sound of footsteps disappearing outside the corridor, Holan Fusu got off the ground and took out a dress from the wardrobe. This was bought for him by Yue Zitong on the way to the hospital.    


"Zitong, I'm leaving. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive my sister. If you want to blame someone, blame me.    


After writing this line on the raft on the bedside table, Holan Fusu sighed and quickly walked out of the room.    


He knew that Yue Zitong was upset and had gone to the front yard to relax. Since she was going to leave secretly, he might as well go from the back. He hoped that she would forgive his sister for all her years of friendship with Helan Xiaoxin.    


In reality, Yue Zitong didn't really care about this matter, because she knew very well what kind of person that woman was. She was currently very angry, but she would be able to explain it soon.    


The reason why she felt depressed and frustrated was because of Lee Nanfang's attitude and Min Rou's grievance.    


He bought a bottle of white wine and a box of Chinese cigarettes from the convenience store. Under the boss's surprised gaze, Director Yue twisted the lid off, raised his chin and blew on it.    


"Tsk, if I'm leaving, I'll leave. If I resign, I'll resign. It's not a big deal."    


Yue Zitong drank as she walked. When she arrived at the entrance of the hospital, she had drank more than half of the alcohol, and staggered a little. She was a lot more open-minded, especially when she saw Min Rou walking towards her. "Like I said, you've been following me for so long, how can you just leave like that?"    


Seeing Director Yue drink with a bit of alcohol, Min Rou hesitated for a moment, but after avoiding her gaze, she handed her something and said softly, "Director Yue, this is Lee Nanfang's cellphone. You'd better take a look at Weiwei."    


"What's so good about his phone?"    


Yue Zitong curled her lips in disdain. Just as she was about to refuse, Min Rou put her phone into her hand and quickly turned away. "Director Yue, I've already decided. I'll resign tonight."    


If she didn't see the message on Lee Nanfang's WeChat, Min Rou might have stopped quitting her job after waking up tomorrow. After all, it would be difficult to find a boss like Director Yue who would wholeheartedly nurture her.    


But when she saw, in a moment of curiosity, that I was talking to a fool and an unwitting person, and those videos that made her blush and feel like her heart was beating, she knew she had to resign.    


She had never dreamed that Director Yue, who was always cold and arrogant in her heart, would be like that on the internet, destroying all three views. Luckily, Lee Nanfang was the male partner, so the fat water didn't flow into the foreign lands …    


In fact, Min Rou could pretend that she didn't see any of this, but she couldn't bear to see it. In her eyes, Director Yue was like a goddess, and he would continue to degenerate on the internet in the future. That's why she gritted her teeth and became ruthless.    


Yue Zitong didn't understand Min Rou's painstaking efforts. She looked at Lee Nanfang's phone and was still puzzled. After she opened it, she muttered to herself, "What, what's there to look at? That scum's phone, what's there to look at?"    


Lee Nanfang's phone did not have much to look at. It was not even loaded with games, and the e-book was blank. The music player only had a few ringtones on it. The only thing that could be seen was his WeChat.    


With a "pa" sound, the wine bottle in Yue Zitong's hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. The fragrance of the wine wafted everywhere, yet she acted as if she didn't know what had happened as she stared at the name of the WeChat account with a ghastly expression.    


On my WeChat, there are only three people. One is the mysterious Master Dao, one is Min Rou, and the other is Yue Zitong.    


She didn't know how she sat on the flowerbed, nor did she know how to open WeChat and browse those chat records that she was actually very familiar with. She just finally understood why Lee Nanfang treated her like that.    


Yes, Lee Nanfang had also broadcasted the video of him fooling around with a woman on the spot, but Yue Zitong felt that he had been provoked by her fooling around with a woman.    


Perhaps, he had already known about the trouble between her and the Northerner.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned her silky black legs when he sent the invitation to her office, and even said that he was going to take the photo.    


"No wonder the day Fu Su came to find me, he silently called me a bad woman." "He didn't call me wrong, I'm just a bad woman who became a bitch and still wants to play the chastity board."    


After sitting for who knows how long, Yue Zitong giggled and deleted the WeChat message and raised her head.    


The sky in the east was already starting to brighten up. She had been sitting here for the better part of the night.    


If there was a scoundrel or something like that who walked up to her and asked her if she wanted to find a place to play, she would definitely say yes, it wouldn't be fun if you could order a few more men.    


No one came. They just sat there until the sun rose. No man came to provoke her.    


The appearance of a certain woman sitting on a flowerbed in a daze wasn't too strange in the hospital. Perhaps she had just lost her husband, so she didn't see the two phones in her hands. She was recalling her previous blissful life with her husband.    


"Director Yue, let's go back. I'll send you off."    


Min Rou, who had already completed the discharge procedures, walked over and sat down next to her. She hesitated for a moment before taking her hand.    


As if she had been electrocuted, Yue Zitong abruptly retracted her hand. She had not seen him for most of the night, but her eye sockets had already sunk deeply as she said in a hoarse voice, "Don't, don't touch me. Dirty, I'm very dirty! "    


"Director Yue."    


After listening to her words, Min Rou's eyes turned red. She began to regret showing her these things, and comforted her, "This, this is nothing much. He's Lee Nanfang, at most, it's just the joy of a woman's room. Others don't know …"    



"But I know, I know, I know."    


Yue Zitong muttered as she stood up, staggering towards the door as if she had lost her soul.    


Min Rou told her mother who was waiting at the door to catch up with her. She stopped a car in front of the door and helped her up. She then got into the car and said to her brother, "Let's go to the Garden Villa."    


Min Rou was really worried about Director Yue's state. She could only send her home herself, help her to bed, and serve her as a pillow. Her phone rang, it was Uncle Min, saying that he had already picked Aunt Min up and brought her home. She also heard that Director Yue seemed to have something on his mind, so she told her daughter to accompany her more.    


Lao Min's call made Min Rou feel at home. She felt more and more that Director Yue was actually very pitiful. He was working alone at Qingshan City and never mentioned her family to anyone, just like an abandoned child.    


"Xiao Rou, don't resign. Don't leave me. Everyone has left. No one wants me anymore. I'm very lonely, very lonely …"    


Yue Zitong suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed Min Rou. She muttered a few sentences, then closed her eyes again, no longer making a sound.    


Min Rou was so frightened that she hurriedly put her fingers on her mouth. Only after she felt her breath on her lips did she realize that she had fallen asleep.    


He had spent most of the night sitting on the bed. His spirit and body were both exhausted. Yue Zitong had begged Min Rou not to go to sleep after resting her head against the pillow. This was mental strength.    


"Director Yue, don't worry. I won't resign. I will stay behind to help you. We'll talk after you recover."    


Min Rou softly said a few words, then helped her with the blanket before quickly walking out of the bedroom.    


She called Deputy Director Qi at the company and said that Director Yue was sick and needed to recuperate at home for a few days. If there was anything that Director Yue needed to do personally, she would postpone it for a few days until Director Yue went to work.    


Deputy Director Qi, who didn't know what was going on, got sick after eating all sorts of grains. He didn't think too much about it and just agreed. Then he asked which hospital Director Yue lived in and where they could visit after work.    


Min Rou found an excuse that she didn't need, and gave it to Zhang Xuan half-heartedly.    


After taking care of the company's affairs, Min Rou returned to her bedroom and sat on the bed while staring at Director Yue who was sleeping soundly. After a while, she picked up her phone.    


At this time, Director Yue was undoubtedly in need of family warmth the most. Min Rou wanted to give her family a call on her behalf.    


After opening the phone, Min Rou's gaze swept across the Weixin icon. Her heart skipped a beat. "I'm very curious, just curious …"    


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