Super Golden Eye

C594 A Huge Amount of Disaster Relief Money

C594 A Huge Amount of Disaster Relief Money

0"Sometimes, I really want to open your brain and see what's inside!" Wang Qiang looked at Faang Yang as if he was looking at a monster.    


"It seems like he has been giving us surprises since he met you. To be honest, if I wasn't with you often, I would really suspect that you are an alien. "    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "Is there an alien as handsome as me? When we have the chance, let's gather guy and the others together. We need to properly plan how we're going to leave in the future. "    


Ji Ping clicked his tongue and said, "Tsk tsk, even if you don't do anything now, you won't be able to spend all the money you earn, right? Why are you fighting so hard? "    


Faang Yang shook his head. "You don't understand. If you only want to enjoy yourself, you can really put it down now. But in my heart, I still have the highest goal to achieve!    


In the next two days, I might be going with Chu Bingqing to explore Imperial Capital. The time is right. The business of Imperial Capital must be developed as soon as possible. "    


When it came to business, Wang Qiang asked," Why should I go to the Imperial Capital if it's fine? That place seems to be even harder to survive than the Eastern Sea, right? After spending so much effort and finally smoothing out the Eastern Sea, you gave up just like that? "    


" I didn't say I would give up the East Sea. " Faang Yang walked over to the fridge and gave each of them a beer.    


"The East Sea is our base now. With this place as a springboard, we can have better room for development. Although the Yangming Group seems to be doing well, they are still very young.    


A large part of the reason why they gave everyone the false impression of success was because the sudden emergence of the Yangming had merged the Fu Tong Corporation and the Jinfang Group. It was not a world that the Yangming could conquer by themselves.    


The job at the back was to try to make the new brand of Yangming, the Yangming, to be accepted and recognized by the public as soon as possible. It sounded simple, but it was not very difficult to do!"    


As they were talking, they heard someone knocking on the door. Faang Yang opened the door. It was Chen Mo!    


Knowing that Chen Mo was more introverted, Faang Yang brought her to the study room and let Chen Mo in. He asked in surprise, "Why did you come here to find me?"    


"If I didn't come to find you quickly, I'm afraid you wouldn't know where you would have flown to." Chen Mo was dressed in a white professional suit and looked very energetic. The shadow from before did not seem to affect her that much.    


Regarding the absurd matter between the two of them, regardless of the cause, Faang Yang was a little embarrassed. "Ahem, it's not as exaggerated as what you said. Is there something wrong?"    


Chen Mo took out a document from her bag and handed it over. "Take a look."    


Faang Yang took it over and looked. It was all about the temperature and reports. After looking for a long time, he did not see anything. "What kind of table is this? It seems to be from the weather station."    


"That's right. These numbers were indeed transferred from the weather bureau." Chen Mo knew that Faang Yang did not understand, so she stood up and explained in detail.    


"Starting from the end of March this year, South Hua entered the flood season, which was nearly 16 days earlier than usual. According to the news from China's Weather Bureau, since the flood, there have been 17 strong floods in the south.    


Surveillance shows that the rainfall in the south is more obvious than in previous years. The entire southern region's rainfall is generally around 25% to 100%, and even some regions have reached 100% to 200%.    


The so-called flood season in South China was the beginning of April at the end of March until the end of June, when the rainfall clearly increased. It usually marked the beginning of the summer rainy season in China's seasonal region.    


During this period, the cold and warm air interfaces. Other than the rainstorm and weather, there are also frequent strong weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, wind, and hailstorms. "    


Faang Yang felt his head swell a little." Wait a minute, what the hell is this flood season before? Isn't it normal for wind and rain to come?"    


Chen Mo continued with an expressionless face, "In the pre-flood period in South China, the deputy chief's North World is located in the coastal area of South China. The deputy chief and the southwest rapid current in the South Branch West Wind Groove send warm and moist air to the sky above South China.    


Before the cold air went down south, warm and moist air accumulated in South China, causing the humidity to gradually increase. The air gradually reached saturation, forming dew on the ground and walls. This was the South Return to South China Region's" Returning to South Heaven. "    


The intersection of cold and warm air masses was called" Edge, "and when 'Edge' lingered and moved less, it was called" Quasi-Static. When the cold air in the North kept going down south, it clashed fiercely with the warm and humid air currents. It formed a Quasi Static Edge, known as' South China Quasi Static Edge '.    


Because the deputy chief was unable to immediately go north due to the obstruction of the cold air, and stopped in South China, there would be a continuous process of rainfall in South China. This was the pre-flood season of South China.    


During the preflood period in South China, due to frequent cold air activities, the water vapor could not completely head north. The rainfall in North China was often less frequent, and there would often be high-temperature drought weather. This was the spring drought in North China, and during this period of time, there would often be drought in the south and north.    


After this, South China would be re-controlled by the tropical system that followed the Deputy Gao north. Another wave of rainfall would occur in the middle period, which was known as the post-flood flood period in South China.    


During this period, North and South China entered the flood period, while the Yangtze River was located within the deputy chief, entering the drought period. The rainfall situation in the country would easily become a "waterlogging" pattern."    


"Stop!! I have no intention of becoming a weather reporter. Just tell me directly what you need me for. "    


Chen Mo took out a watch from below. "Take a look. Due to the strong impact of the current climate, so far, nine provinces have been affected.    


The rainstorm and flood caused a total of more than ten million people to be affected. More than a hundred people died because of the disaster and the emergency relocation of millions of people.    


The area of the crop disaster was close to five hundred thousand hectares, and the absolute harvest area was close to one hundred thousand hectares. Nearly one hundred thousand houses had collapsed, and more than a hundred thousand houses had been damaged.    


Based on incomplete statistics, the direct economic loss was close to 4 billion yuan, and the direct economic loss of agriculture was more than 3 billion yuan.    


Right now, I am in charge of Yangming Foundation. With such a huge disaster happening, as an enterprise that is supported by the Starfire Plan, should we express our stance?"    


" You mean to donate money for disaster relief? Since you are in charge of this area, then you have full authority to make the decision! " Faang Yang finally understood why Chen Mo wanted to find him.    


"Please, I have already said that you will be in charge of the foundation. You have to show your determination and confidence. If I have to decide everything, then I don't have time to do other things every day. "    


" I'll decide? I want to decide! " Chen Mo took out another report and placed it in front of Faang Yang. "Take a look yourself. If you still say I can make a decision, then I will not come to you again in the future!"    


"Oh? What is this?" Faang Yang reached out and took it.    


Chen Mo said, "It is the basic budget for our charity donation."    


Faang Yang did not take a closer look. He only took a quick glance at the tents, blankets, instant noodles, bread and mineral water.    


"It's all these, Xiaodong. How much money can we have? Why don't you just give the watch to Miao Yu and let her sign it? "    


Chen Mo said helplessly, "Please, can you be a little more patient? The things are not big, but they can't withstand the large quantity.    


Although the disaster notification said that there were about a million victims, the actual number would only increase by a lot. Based on a million, if a disaster relief tent can accommodate four to five people, it would need at least two hundred thousand!"    


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