Super Golden Eye

C305 An Old Friend Has Arrived

C305 An Old Friend Has Arrived

0"What's that got to do with the Internet?" Wang Qiang and Ji Ping did not understand, especially when they saw Faang Yang's confident smile.    


Where did this bastard's confidence come from?    


Faang Yang didn't know whether to cry or laugh at Wang Qiang and Ji Ping's groundless and worrying attitude. Wasn't this just trying to boost the morale of others and dampen his own prestige?    


"Sigh..." Faang Yang sighed and said, "Use your brains and think about it. Today, in the domestic market, other than the real estate tycoons who have long been able to earn enough money, they are the richest. Which circle is the one with the most resources? "    


Wang Qiang and Ji Ping looked at each other, then said in unison, "The Internet!"    


Faang Yang clapped his hands and said, "Isn't that enough? What else do you not understand?"    


Wang Qiang and Ji Ping widened their eyes and still looked at Faang Yang with confusion. What did being rich on the Internet have to do with Zhou Dongyu?    


Faang Yang knew that if he did not explain it clearly, these two pig heads would not understand.    


Immediately, Faang Yang explained, "In recent years, the internet has been very popular. Those big shots have been suppressing the traditional industry. What do you think the proportion of the traditional industry and the new industry is in Zhou Dongyu's Alliance Association?"    


Hearing what Faang Yang said, Wang Qiang and Ji Ping seemed to have woken up from a dream.    


The big shots of the Internet used investments to invest, purchasing, and other capital means to control almost all the industries that were derived from the Internet. Regarding this aspect, Zhou Dongyu's Alliance Association was practically blank.    


Thinking of this, Wang Qiang was the first to react and said, "No wonder Zhou Dongyu took the first step out of East Sea City to buy the search engine that is on the verge of bankruptcy. There was also the antivirus software company that was squeezed by free antivirus companies until there was no room for survival a few years ago."    


Since then, Wang Qiang and Ji Ping finally understood why Faang Yang was so certain.    


Speaking of which, these two people were also shocked by the first batch of nine hundred billion. Moreover, Number One Club was not an ordinary Ancient Martial faction. Even these two young masters from the Imperial Capital were deeply afraid of it.    


However, it was also true. The market was so large. How could Zhou Dongyu swallow it as she wished?    


Faang Yang had comforted Wang Qiang and Ji Ping. However, Faang Yang's heart was far from being as confident as he appeared on the surface.    


On the contrary, Faang Yang was afraid of Zhou Dongyu because Zhou Dongyu's actions after the ceasefire became deeper and deeper.    


Buying a small search engine, charging anti-virus software, and other seemingly ordinary commercial actions were hidden by Zhou Dongyu's frequent contact with foreign internet giants.    


From these signs, Faang Yang smelled a conspiracy and had a faint guess in his heart.    


And this guess, as long as he thought of it, it made Faang Yang's scalp tingle.    


If it was really as Faang Yang had guessed, then this Zhou Dongyu's ambition was a little too big.    


The game with Zhou Dongyu could be considered to have come to an end temporarily. As Zhou Dongyu's plan unfolded, the center of attention slowly shifted away from East Sea City. Most of the Alliance Association members... They followed behind Zhou Dongyu and shouted blindly.    


However, there were still many people who refused to let go of Faang Yang. Even if they joined the Alliance Association, they only wanted to make Faang Yang unhappy.    


There were a lot of them, such as Tang Xiaoyu from the Jinfang Group, Fang Yihan from the Heavenly Rainbow Technology, and Qi Mofeng from the Ancient Martial Family, which was the same as Faang Yang's grudge.    


Before Zhou Dongyu came, they had already been taught a lesson by Faang Yang. When they had attached themselves to Zhou Dongyu, they had not been able to do anything to Faang Yang. Now that Zhou Dongyu had shifted her focus, even if these people wanted to jump around, it didn't pose much of a threat to Faang Yang.    


The only thing that could be considered a threat was the Intelligent Robot project of the Jinfang Group, which would have a slight impact on the Yangming Group.    


Lu Wei had been very unhappy recently. Her life was not smooth, and her work was not smooth either.    


"Lu Wei, what happened to you recently? You're listless. If it wasn't for Little Six just now, do you know how dangerous it would have been?" Liu Jun's expression was serious, and his voice was stern.    


They were in a dead end alley. In addition to Liu Jun and the other members of the criminal investigation team, there were two bandits who had been subdued on the ground.    


Just now, when Liu Jun was leading Lu Wei and the others to capture the bandits, Lu Wei was completely out of shape. She almost became a hostage of the bandits!    


Although Liu Jun was blaming Lu Wei at the moment, he was more worried.    


Everyone had seen Lu Wei's recent condition. Her absent-minded look made many people guess whether she had broken up or not.    


Seeing Liu Jun's serious expression, Lu Wei's face turned pale. Thinking of what happened just now, her heart was still beating. When she reacted, she softly explained, "I, I did not do it on purpose..."    


As she spoke, Lu Wei's lowered head was about to fall to the ground.    


Facing Lu Wei like this, even if Liu Jun had a stomach full of anger, he would not be able to vent it out. He could only helplessly shake his head and call his team members to withdraw.    


Lu Wei followed behind everyone and walked towards the on-duty car.    


Just as Lu Wei was about to get into the car, the phone in her pocket vibrated. Lu Wei took out the name of the caller ID and it made Lu Wei's eyes widen. She covered her small mouth with a face full of shock.    


Faang Yang was very confused. He was originally enjoying afternoon tea in the company. He chatted with the beautiful employees in the company and occasionally bickered with Cao Miaoyu and Meng Xin. After that, he got angry at Wang Chong. When it was so harmonious and harmonious, it was broken by a phone call from Lu Wei.    


"Get to the airport immediately. I have something to do with you!"    


This was Lu Wei's opening statement. It made Faang Yang want to pick up his shoes and find Lu Wei to cover it up.    


Of course, this was just a thought.    


No matter how Faang Yang asked about Lu Wei, Lu Wei did not say anything. In the end, she even hung up the phone, which made Faang Yang very depressed.    


"Sigh, I really owe you in my previous life." Faang Yang shook his head and could only helplessly end the happy afternoon tea time.    


When Faang Yang was about to leave, Cao Miaoyu suddenly stood up and stopped him. She stretched out her white palm and said, "Give it to me."    


"Take what?" Faang Yang was puzzled.    


Meng Xin also walked up, crossed her arms, and said with a smile, "This month's afternoon tea is all on credit. As the boss, you can't eat for free, right?"    


The corner of Faang Yang's mouth twitched. Facing so many people watching, Faang Yang could only let Cao Miaoyu and Meng Xin take all the money in his wallet. Not a single coin was left.    


It still took an hour to drive from Yangming Group to the airport. Fortunately, it was not the peak of the traffic.    


When Faang Yang arrived at the airport and parked the car in the parking lot, he gave Lu Wei a call. Lu Wei told Faang Yang the number of people to pick up and hung up the phone. Faang Yang could only helplessly wait at the designated location.    


While waiting, Faang Yang could not help but wonder if Uncle Han had come. This enthusiastic old man had helped me a lot back then. If he had really come, Faang Yang would have treated him well.    


After all, if it wasn't for Uncle Han, how could Faang Yang live together with Han Xueqing and Lee Anqi, these two beauties?    



Thinking of Han Xueqing and Lee Anqi, Faang Yang really missed them in his heart.    


"Faang Yang, long time no see."    


A familiar sweet voice pulled Faang Yang back from his trance. Looking at the person in front of him, Faang Yang gave himself a slap and murmured, "Am I dreaming?"    


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