Super Golden Eye

C291 Program

C291 Program

0Early the next morning, the news of Huang Gaang, the person in charge of the Intelligent Robot project in Jinfang Group, committing suicide spread throughout East Sea City.    


The media had a special report on how Huang Gaang committed a commercial crime. Combined with the investigation results of the police, they had determined that Huang Gaang's death was a suicide.    


However, Faang Yang, who was far away in the CEO's office of Yangming Group, knew that it was Tang Xiaoyu who killed Huang Gaang.    


As for why Faang Yang knew about it, was there even a need to explain? It was Faang Yang's intention to frame Huang Gaang.    


The death of someone like Huang Gaang shouldn't have caused too much of a disturbance in the East Sea City. However, Tang Xiaoyu was also a capable person. She had combined Huang Gaang's death with the Jinfang Group's project. She had used this opportunity to hype up the reputation of the Intelligent Robot.    


According to the industry briefing, Tang Xiaoyu used Huang Gaang's death to hype up the Intelligent Robot, increasing the number of orders by at least 20%.    


When Faang Yang heard this news, he couldn't help but stand in front of the window and look in the direction of the Jinfang Group. He sighed faintly and said, "Tang Xiaoyu, this woman, will definitely be a disaster in the future."    


Tang Xiaoyu was a disaster that Faang Yang had already identified, but there was one person who was more of a disaster than Tang Xiaoyu.    


This person was the boss of Number One Club, Zhou Dongyu.    


Number One Club was like a giant crocodile entrenched in East Sea City. Now that Zhou Dongyu came back with this giant crocodile, she began to sweep the East Sea City.    


Among them, there was an ancient Ancient Martial Family Liu family in East Sea City. There had always been a legal dispute between the Number One Club and the ___ because of an unfinished project. Zhou Dongyu was still fine when she didn't come back. In any case, she could just go to court. If she could drag it out, she would drag it out for a day. But now that Zhou Dongyu came, she directly brought two Profound Rank Late Period bodyguards to fight in front of the door. All of the Profound Rank experts were beaten up by Zhou Dongyu's bodyguards.    


As for this Liu family's Earth Rank Expert, did it dare to come out? It was too late to avoid Zhou Dongyu.    


The Liu family was just a good start. Next, Zhou Dongyu was like the sky was overturned in East Sea City. After beating up this and beating up that, it was totally not something that she should do at her age. This woman who seemed to be quite stylish became a big sister the moment the ball ended. She specialized in dealing with disobedience, which was an eye-opener for Fang Yang.    


Zhou Dongyu used a day to sweep across the East Sea City. On the same day, it allowed the Number One Club and Jinfang Group to form a strategic alliance. She also ordered 500 million worth of new AI products from the Jinfang Group. It was a sign of sincerity.    


At the same time, many companies in East Sea City expressed that they wanted to cooperate with Number One Club. Zhou Dongyu was like she was practicing what she said at the ball. She wanted to consolidate all the resources in East Sea City.    


Of course, with Faang Yang's solar energy, it would be impossible for Zhou Dongyu to surpass Faang Yang.    


On the second day after the ball ended, Faang Yang had just avoided a sneak attack from Mr. Shiwu. Before he sat down in the office, his assistant knocked on the door and walked in. He said, "Director Faang, Director Zhou from Number One Club has come with a group of people. Do you want to see her or not?"    


Hearing this bad news, Faang Yang slapped his forehead and sighed, "Sigh, what should have come, is finally coming."    


Since the moment Zhou Dongyu started making a fuss in East Sea City, Faang Yang knew that she would find him one day. Just based on her ambition, the Jinfang Group that was fighting against him had already cooperated with her. If he didn't express anything, would Zhou Dongyu let him go so easily?    


Faang Yang asked his assistant to arrange Zhou Dongyu's group in the meeting room. After Faang Yang took a short break, he met Zhou Dongyu with Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu.    


Good heavens, Zhou Dongyu clearly came with bad intentions today. First of all, she did not come alone. Including the two bodyguards, there were a total of eight people.    


Secondly, Zhou Dongyu was dressed in black today. Her bodyguards and subordinates were also dressed in black. That posture was comparable to the underworld.    


Combined with her recent achievements, this Big Sister's temperament was really the same as the one at the ball that day. It did not match at all.    


When he shook hands with Zhou Dongyu, Faang Yang could not help but smile bitterly. He shook his head and said, "Director Zhou seems to have come with ill intentions today!"    


Hearing this, Zhou Dongyu made a movement that did not fit her age. She tilted her head playfully and winked at Faang Yang. She smiled and said, "That will depend on whether Director Faang is willing to cooperate with Number One Club."    


Zhou Dongyu went straight to the point and one sentence almost froze the atmosphere. Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu's faces sank even more.    


Faang Yang had already told Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu what Zhou Dongyu came for. These two were both smart people. They naturally saw through Zhou Dongyu's unconcealed ambition.    


Wasn't it obvious that the previous person planted the tree, and the later generations didn't do anything but to take advantage of the cold?    


Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu were not ordinary people. How could they accept this anger?    


Of course, besides Faang Yang not being able to accept this anger, Faang Yang had always remembered the gray-clothed man's instructions in his heart.    


Seeing the awkward situation, Faang Yang shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Director Zhou, you didn't really bring the plan this time, did you?"    


Zhou Dongyu had a natural expression on her face. She slightly leaned her head towards Faang Yang and said, "Director Faang, you said it."    


Zhou Dongyu snapped her fingers at her subordinates behind her and a document was placed in her hands.    


Zhou Dongyu handed the document to Faang Yang and said, "This is the proposal for the alliance. Director Faang, take a good look at it. I never cheat people when I do business. Let's work together and win."    


Faang Yang took the proposal with a strange expression. After flipping through two pages casually, he threw the proposal to Wang Chong. Wang Chong took it and started to read it with Cao Miaoyu.    


Zhou Dongyu saw that Faang Yang did not read the proposal personally and a trace of doubt flashed across her face. She said lightly, "Director Faang, you really trust your subordinate. Such a big project, why don't you take care of it yourself?"    


Faang Yang said with a faint smile, "When the family business is big, you can't make all the decisions by yourself. After all, you can't guarantee that you won't make any mistakes. It's better to have a few more people look at it and give more suggestions."    


Zhou Dongyu nodded and said with a smile, "Director Faang is really a sensible person."    


After some fake greetings, Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu finally finished reading the plan.    


Wang Chong and Cao Miaoyu looked at each other with serious expressions. Wang Chong said in a deep voice, "Director Faang, our company cannot participate in this plan."    


As soon as Wang Chong finished speaking, the corner of Zhou Dongyu's mouth curled into a cold smile and gradually became deeper.    


Cao Miaoyu naturally felt the change in Zhou Dongyu, but she saw that Faang Yang's clothes were fine. Not only can we not participate, if this alliance is formed, it will be against the East Sea City. Even all the companies in the country are doomed!"    


The atmosphere in the scene became complicated for a moment.    


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